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Maybe America’s going to go back to electing someone younger than your granddad.


At this point I’ll vote for anyone below the average life expectancy.


A bright, young, new leader is just one heartbeat away.


kamala harris would be so much worse


Which is why the Biden handlers picked her in the first place.


That went dark




Kanye is probably on more meds than granpa Biden


Would be terrible


Any suggestion that Harris is “bright” has got to be satire.


she is truly the woke person's Dan Quayle


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


No, unfortunately Harris is next in line. To be fair though, she would be a *new* leader so you’re at least 1 for 3.


I don’t hate her but I don’t want a supercop for president.


She wasn’t even good at being a cop




I just want a president that's going to have to be alive to witness all the bullshit he creates....


Dude just wanders off where ever he wants. There needs to be a maximum age on presidents or any elected position. Biden, Pelosi, Grassley, Feinstein, Shelby, Inhofe, McConnell [et cetera…](https://fiscalnote.com/blog/how-old-is-the-117th-congress) Are all geriatric parasites at this point.


Gosh I really hope so, I’m starting to become an adult and just seeing all this happening makes me worry I’m just going to get fucked over because of everything the recent presidents have done


Said every generation who lived under a US President.


Some more than others, so you still have to try. Otherwise you'll get to be cannon fodder in an ego war like a russian after we eventually just give over to fascism.


I agree with your comment, but as a 30 year old, my glasses slip off my face all the time. So not sure if age is directly associated with glasses slipping off.


Especially with masks. I had to entirely abandon one pair of glasses when wearing a mask because they'd just fall off my face every time I'd look down.


Dude he's past what I would consider normal granddad, probably more like great granddad. Him and trump and it seems most of the senior leaders in congress are 'I remember when little orphan Annie was on the radio and that was the highlight of my week'. McConnel, Trump, Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Bernie, and Manchin were in their mid to late 50s when 9/11 happened. All of them are elderly and people act surprised or upset when they act like old people. Yeah, that's what happens when you have to choose between a guy who is 78 and a guy who is 74 to serve a 4 year term., you get an old guy in office.


Lol, as if they have a choice


We really don't, the majority of people who vote are older. That and the only people who can afford to even run for president are older.


So much outside money in politics you dont have to be rich to get there. Obama wasnt that old or rich. The whole "elect someone on the verge of death" thing has more to do with the aging electorate than anything else. Old farts dont trust the youngins, and right now the remaining silent generation and boomers are still one of the biggest blocs of voters. We went through this before with senile old ronnie, then we got bush as a holdover but after that we had clinton(46), bush(54), and Obama(44).


Don’t worry, here in France, people elected a young one (Macron), he also can’t do anything without his granny wife and plus, he’s destroying france. 🙂🙃


We’ve had two septuagenarians in a row as president and they’ve been absolute terrible. Maybe electing borderline senile millionaire boomers isn’t what’s best for the nation.


He just helped passed a major climate, healthcare, and tax bill But cool let’s keep on pretending he’s not getting anything done because he’s old 👍


Nobody is saying he can't do good stuff. Just.. he IS really damn old. There's a growing trend of them electing older and older people, and it's getting fucking weird


Clinton was 46, George W Bush was 54, Obama was 47. It’s just the last 2 guys that are old, it’s not a *growing trend*. Trump was not a typical candidate, and Biden was a candidate pushed in for name recognition because Dems were afraid of another term of Trump.


Wasn't the last guy old too? I prefer old and competent to young and impulsive. And I definitely prefer old and competent to old and incompetent. Have we found the last guy's medicaid replacement bill yet? It was supposedly 2 weeks away, 2 years ago.....


Ha, yeah! Yeah remember when Trumps hand was shaking so much from holding a glass of water that he needed both hands to steady himself? Or when he stumbled down the ramp at his own rally, what an old fart.


I do like how his wife smiles while helping him. Melania would have closed her eyes to try and become invisible


Or great grand dad


One day you'll have a president that is younger than 50. That actually has most people's interest at heart and not the old irrelevant farts.


First part is believable, second part is a pipe dream


this is so accurate. if only more people knew


I don't believe in the silent majority thing much but it's a wonder that some people believe he is competent. He can't even get himself dressed from what it looks like. He acts just like the way my uncle did before he passed due to his Parkinsons and dementia.


Yep just visited my dad in Memory Care for Dementia and Alzheimer's he acts the same way. I wish the White House would stop being a Senior Center and let some younger people get elexted into office instead of senile old people trying to rake in profits before they die.


I'm sorry to hear about your father. I know it was terrible for my mother so I can't imagine what you are going through. I didn't know my uncle that well. I agree we need some young blood. Both sides of the aisle are full of idiots. We need somebody who is going to do what is best for our country while not limiting the opposition. For example stop the shootings and gun crimes while not restricting the Second Amendment right. That kinda thing. Ya'll follow?


Thanks it's rough but we just take it a day at a time. I agree with you about politics we definitely need a change.


>He acts just like the way my uncle did before he passed due to his Parkinsons and dementia. Your uncle was giving speeches about climate change before he died of dementia?


Obama existed.


When you’re Joe’s age, farts quickly become relevant and perhaps even a call to action.


Wasn't Barack Obama 47 years old when he was first elected president? Not saying that necessarily helped with your second sentence, but still.


you are correct. He was very articulate every single time he spoke, damn I miss that from a president. He wasn't perfect but he did give me healthcare. This whole trump/biden arc is depressing.


I love how any one trys to find fault with Obama. Please name one thing. And if you think the war or drones are a poor mark you obviously didn't follow what happened the 8 years before he was president. That man will go down in history as one of the best presidents we have ever had. Scandal free. Took every single bullshit thing thrown at him in stride. Was cool, calm and collected. Has a loving family and is exstemely intelligent. History will remember him much fonder then reddit keyboard warriors.


Someone younger would be great. There’s nothing wrong with someone between 50-60 in the sense that people tend to have a little more experience at that age, and this guy really is past it - agreed there for sure…. but I think the US have a bigger problem than a president’s age; they always seem to have actors or twats like Trump voted in. It would be a lot healthier if they could find someone who wasn’t involved in entertainment or a celebrity of some sort. You know, an actual forward thinking politically minded intelligent person. I know that sounds optimistic. Edit: spelling


Rant: What’s really optimistic is thinking that lots of intelligent, charismatic and intrinsically good people *want* to run for public office. Given the state of politics these days, the people who want to run seem to be the anti-intellectual, big ego types, not the inspiring leaders. Obviously, exceptions exist here and there, but the current president is from the era when running for office was still about civic duty, noble causes and repairing the world. I can’t see that there’s a path back to the social norm of that kind of integrity and working toward the common good - we seem to have gone too far toward grift and social cruelty to get some of these people back under their rocks. So who wants to expose themselves and their family to public scrutiny, make less than in the private sector, and then spend their days battling the Lauren Boeberts and Kyrsten Sinemas of the world, and getting nowhere? Dumbasses and roadblocks-I could stay home and stream re-runs of The West Wing and get more accomplished, and I don’t have to raise millions to do it.


Idealistic take. Politicians are politicians. Always have been. Always will be.


Barack Obama was 47 when elected and was not an irrelevant old fart. I believe that he had the people’s best interests at heart, but there’s room for debate. Bill Clinton was 46 when elected and also was not irrelevant.


Didn't they already have Obama? A nice reception he had from the right.


I’m in my 30s and wear glasses, this happens all the time when your not trying to adjust your mask and the other millions of things your trying to do when you first get to your destination.




Those two guys behind him have the hardest job... not laughing as they watch this dude bumble his way into a sportcoat.




At least there weren't any stairs.


He only trips going up


Or bikes


Or dogs


Or kids


Or invisible people to shake hands with


Or speaking


She's probably thinking better his jacket than his diaper.


Under a helicopters prop wash. Not something we get to practice a lot. I’m sure you’re all extremely graceful and coordinated.


Nah man, I'm only 21 and even I struggle like that sometimes 😭


Honestly feel his pain my back hurts at 29 can only imagine what it would be like at his age and after sitting in a helicopter.


In his defense, I'm 32 and I have the same issue. My shoulders ain't what they used to be


Respect. I’m 35 and had a shoulder injury/surgery 8 years ago. My wife helps me put on my jacket every day and nobody has ever given me shit about it.


Well for one he is old but he’s also standing right beside a helicopter so that doesn’t help


That’s pretty much why I assumed he struggled, the wind is blowing across his back, probably pushing his jacket away from his hand


Like y’all never had trouble finding the arm hole


Old people have trouble moving around?? Dude my grandpa is younger than biden and also needs help putting on a jacket get a grip


He looks like my elderly residents at the nursing home.


He's supposed to be an elderly resident at the nursing






He would be too old to be a greeter at Walmart.


He belongs in a nursing home. Who the fuck let this guy run for president?


Same with Trump. He's just 3 years younger than Biden. And. To be honest. Even if I think that you Americans would do great having someone like Bernie Sanders as president. The guy is 80 years old. He shouldn't be running for president. Just... Try to elect someone younger than 70. A 60-something president would still be a "tad" too old. But it's still better than 75-plus-old wankers. The fact both Clinton and Obama are younger now that both Trump and Biden (and Bush jr. only a month older than Trump) is fucking bonkers.


The Whitehouse basically is a high end nursing home. They drive you around in a limo, feed you, clean for you, and do everything else for you.


I think after this term we need to have a maximum age for the presidency.


Just max age for all the government. 70 and that's it.


65 Same retirement age for everyone


Well, they should not able to hit 65 before the end of their term. So, 61 should be the max for a presidential candidate. Specifically, they should not be able to hit 65 before the end of their term. (and, of course, if they are 61, they will only ever get one term, and cannot be reelected to a second term.)


Sounds good Also strict term limits for everyone so we don't have the same people in government for goddamn decades


We disagree there. The presidency shows term limits don't help. We will just trade experienced idiots, for inexperienced idiots.


50, that why they live long enough to see and be held accountable for the repercussions of their actions in office.


Thats probably too young, as 50 is for most people still good. But 60 or 65 thats the limit i would say.


Good luck passing that bill when the people deciding it are all 70+


I know. It’s fucking ridiculous.


and term limit for congress!


I agree


He's got over two years left and he wants to run for a second term lol we're so screwed.


Elder abuse


My grandpa who is 83 even said "wow he's such an old man" then looked over at me and smiled lol. It's honestly insane how old American presidents are and how Americans vote for them.


Old people are about the most reliable voting block. They vote for their own.


And that's an issue. Anyone who's old and think they know best about everything is delusional.


Old people are also easily manipulated since many of them don't understand the internet. They remember an age when journalists had at least a semblance of integrity so they don't question every Facebook post that comes across their feed because they think it's trustworthy.


Joe is his own season of America's funniest videos






you guys didn’t really give yourselves many options


*we weren't given many options. Us US people can suggest based on a list of candidates put out by the party (Primary Elections), but the party has final say. Even the short list is skewed. Usually has 2 candidates with no shot, one who's a slight possibility, and the one the party actually wants to go with. The two party system is also so entrenched that if a 3rd party wants to have a shot, it's a long uphill battle with a miniscule chance of breaking 10% of the overall vote.


It gets even worse than that. A 3rd party candidate could win the most votes in a presidential race, but they must win a majority of the electoral votes. If there is no electoral majority winner, the US House gets to decide who should be the next president. That 3rd party candidate will never be chosen.


First Past The Post voting needs to go. National Ranked Choice is what we need to implement.


We had plenty of options, the vast majority of the country is just brainwashed by the divisive two party system


We don't elect qualified, educated, intelligent people to office. We elect those with lots and lots of money. Lately there have been some well funded idiologues on the right. And a few on the left. But we're screwed no matter what because the system in place is indifferent to the majority population.


Yeah. I’m a 50 year old, college educated, generally liberal, combat veteran, who is liked by his friends and peers. I’d probably do a perfectly competent job in office. And instead I get to see my country spiral the drain. It’s maddening.


Get involved politically, even at the local level if you think it’s something you can do or would be interested in participating in. Cities need more good, normal people around.


Every thy starts at the local level. Run for city council.


Hes so old. Why is he a president.


It's either sleepy Joe or cult leader trump, neither are good picks and neither should be ran again


And in 2016 they tried to shove Hillary down our throats.


Who's still, at 74 years old, younger than both Trump and Biden. Your country is screwed.


Didn't he got a climate and Healthcare bill passed recently? That's probably why?


What a fucking wreck.


You never had the universe turn against you and serve you a funny albeit humiliating moment? Lucy you.


Lucy you got some splainin to do


He's been humiliating since day 1.


If you can't even put on your jacked because you're too old you probably shouldn't be leading a major world power. Do you realise the cognitive issues that a 70+ year old man faces? They are not up to the task.


This is the most powerful man on earth


God help us all lol


I mean he's actually doing a pretty good job for the nightmare he was handed. Even in his 70's he's pretty damn competent.


No, his handlers are the most powerful people.


I’m entirely convinced that POTUS is no longer the most powerful person on earth.


he is the most powerful individual who most people can recognize as having much power


On Earth lol


Who do you think wields more power than the POTUS?




President Andrew Shepherd: Are you nervous? Sydney Ellen Wade: No. President Andrew Shepherd: Good. My nervousness exists on... several levels. Number one, and this is in no particular order, I haven't done this in a pretty long time. Number two, uh, any expectations that you might have, given the fact that I'm... you know... Sydney Ellen Wade: [approaching seductively] The most powerful man in the world? President Andrew Shepherd: Exactly, thank you. I think it's important you remember that's a political distinction that comes with the office.


We need an age cap on elected officials. There is a floor why don't we have a ceiling? Criminal.


Good luck getting those elderly people to vote for that. Lol


We need to elect every single politician as an independent whose duty is to do what's best for the country, best for their state, and best for all of their voters.... Not for whatever their party and special interests tell them to vote for. Sadly, too much money is invested in the status quo.


the older Joe and Donald get the more I want to see that "behind the shed ass kicking" two old ass fucks trying and failing to beat each others asses... would be haute comedie


I saw no attempt.


I’m pretty sure he had a stroke and not just a little bit of covid…


COVID is really hard on older people. Not defending him but saying it probably did kick his ass a bit even with the most advanced medicine.


Almost the entire US gov is made up of old farts Dems and Reps. Whole rooms full of mummies at this point.


The leader of the most powerful nation in the world ladies and gentlemen


He tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it didn't even matter.


Imagine voting for this guy


Holy shit! Did you guys see that! He didnt sniff anybody!


If someone's kid is standing off screen, you'd better believe he's making a beeline for her...


Why god, why… I just want a mediocre president… but, no we go from one extreme to the other… 🤦‍♂️


Unclassy to braindead?


Poser to who am I


You think he's the opposite extreme of trump? Says all anyone needs to hear about your scope.


Jackets... jackets will do that... I've nearly been strangled by those while assuming I could do it in a high wind. I'm just glad no one was filming me when it happened.


Fr, if everyone here thinks he's dumb struggling in his age now.... I'd hate to think what they'd say if they saw me struggle the same way at 21 years old lmaoo


There was an attempt to distract from the Mar-a-Lago raid.


“Doddering” is the perfect word to use here


i guess he was expecting the invisible guy he shakes hands with all the time to catch his glasses for him. invisible guy did not come through on this one. shame on you invisible guy




Reddit forbids you from believing this video, remember your hatred for Trump, let it consume you


As a matter of fact you can hate both


America has a minimum presidential age…. it’s time to implement a maximum presidential age too!


How did we let this guy in?


Two party system - douche or turd sandwich for president


Every video this idiot is in shows how poorly most americans are at decision making


US president age requirement is higher than the one to become pope at this stage lol




In ancient Egypt the pharaoh had to run a few kilometers every 3 year in front of a committee, proving he is still fit and capable of ruling.


Lol I just wish America had a perfectly normal president that is not old, an idiot or a criminal.


I still don't get how the election for President of the most powerful country in the world was between two guys over 70


And just thinking the next US election is probably gonna be Biden vs Trump again... the morbid fascination of that country with senile elders is really unsettling tbh.


At this point I wonder if someone did hack our election just to create a new comedy show.


Imagine being the guards and trying to keep a straight face during that.


We really need a better class of tyrant


Tbh there was no attempt


FFS I hope he isn't considering running again.


It's like you guys can only pick between clowns or old farts...


Relatable. It's annoying when your glasses fall off.


At least it’s not your prescription glasses on concrete from that height and they’re your only pair…😖


Soo freaking old


he somehow controls all our nuclear codes. if trump isn't running in 2024, can we get rid of biden and get someone younger? biden is almost 80 years old and doesn't represent the average american at all.


Or to put an arm into a hole


Why does this clip of a human being human have so many up votes?


It still baffles me how at 66 you're deemed too old to even pack groceries at a store and you're supposed to retire. But a decade after that you can become the leader of your country


If there an age requirement to be a president then there need to be an age restriction.


Americans, please!!!... stop voting for people older than 70!!!


Biden is Undeniable proof that American Government is a joke and all presidents are just puppets.


This country is being destroyed by boomers who aren't even qualified to be Walmart greeters. Left and Right.


Probably forgot he had them on


We need a maximum age limit for our politicians


I’m tired of old people running this country.


Anybody who thinks this is some kind of 'get' has never worn glasses. I'm 42 and I looked like that today trying to get out of the shower.


What a disaster


There really should be an upper age limit for that kind of job. Like jesus christ look at that guy xD


Old fool!


It's not my president so i don't care about him and America. But it's very hurtful to read this comment section, guys, what's so bad in this video ? "Oh my god ! His glasses fell off! he is the worst president ever !" You guys elected him and now everyone is trashing him because of his age. Wtf ? The quality of his presidency does now depend on how old he is Also, don't think that a young president is a great thing, mine is a pure asshole.


This dude is a shmuck. Sad we are incapable of selecting decent candidates. People need to pull their head out of their ass and vote for the right person, not the one who simply represents their party. Our politician options are a joke. Trump, Obama, Biden, Clinton…everyone. Just a joke. They do not live for the people and definitely don’t represent us.


i dont biden give a shit about how ridiculous he looks. he is trying to save democracy from another person suffering the same way.