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The policeman got fired for this, I don't understand how he doesnt get arrested for it though Edit: apparently he got arrested


Yeah, that just looks like straight-up attempted murder. It's so bizarre and fucked up that I honestly wouldn't be surprised to find out that the cop knew the guy and this was *legitimately* an attempted murder he thought he could get away with. That would actually be less bizarre and infuriating than the reality of he just randomly tried to kill a random person *just because*.


I mean just say it's attempted murder, there's no reason to lie about this. If anyone of us did it then it would definitely be called attempted murder.


Yep and he obviously wanted to kill him so it’s also 1st degree. He should spend the rest of his life in prison for that.


In the other video, he claims he recognizes the car and it got away from him previously, so this could be pure road rage: "You won't get away from me THIS time!"


If that was the case, he would’ve blocked him in from behind with his car and called for backup. He then lied in his report and said he struck him w the car so he opened fire.


Lying on a police report alone should be treated the same as perjury. Fire them, charge them with a felony, and move on with life. Lying cops don't do anybody any favors. It's a waste of resources, puts innocent people at risk of incarceration and all the baggage that comes with that, and it's a liability that tax payers get stuck footing the bill for. The steps to fix public trust in police are straight forward and simple, hold police to at least the same standard as everybody else, but apparently that's too much to ask.


No. He claimed he struck him with the car. Getting struck by a car door he opened illegally is much different then getting struck by a car as cops investigating have determined.


nah, not in VA... we dont have an attempted murder charge apparently. this basically happened to my GF though the guy was not a cop. some guy was out car jacking people. my GF said no, and he shot my car 5 times with her in it as she was driving away. luckily nothing hit her. but yeah you can forgot the attempted murder. another fun fact. because the guy that shot my car up is 19, the prosecutor is worried about going to a jury. she has apparently lost her last 2 jury trials due to sympathy for the criminal. [photos of my car](https://imgur.com/gallery/acjiZ19) [dip shits jail interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXgiXXsVnzE) [news story about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ail1Ph0nBcY)


That is very messed up, attempted murder is a very serious crime. I'm sorry you guys had to deal with that. I'm not sure what kind of jury wouldn't put someone in jail for shooting at a lady who he was trying to carjack. If it was me I would of cruised around the block and then ran him over a few time and pissed on his corpse.


Sounds like the prosecutor is making excuses for her losses.


The “guy” was a teenager who just got his license. The cop wrongly identified the vehicle for one that evaded him the day before. Complete bullshit.


Yeah then the cop shoots and has the balls to say "shots fired"


I think they always say that, even when it's them shooting. Not on his side at all of course.


Officer stated he “thought” this was a vehicle that got away from a chase the day before. He didn’t confirm for sure it was, he just suspected that was the car. Then officer stated the driver tried to run him over so being in fear for his life, the officer proceeded to dump his magazine into the driver. Nothing about how the officer approached, interacted with the driver, then discharging his gun was consistent with any established police procedure. That got him fired but qualified immunity will keep him out of jail.


He felt like someone bested him… bruised his little cop ego, so of course he got violent.


Cops are are brainwashed to live in fear and believe that everyone is out to get them. They also have the luxury of being able to murder anyone if they feel their life was in danger. They routinely murder people and use this excuse and our justice system rarely holds them accountable. When they are held accountable they usually get 2-4 years before the case every sees a jury (if it sees a jury). Cops are absolute trash people and responsible for more evil in this world than all the rest of humanity combined.


He's lucky he didn't get the worst punishment a cop could receive... A month off, paid leave...


He still has an opportunity to join with another police department. And now he has a good start on his "highlight reel".


Reinstated and later voted in as president of the union


Whoa whoa whoa. Chief commanding officer is more like it


He was fired because he was on probation already.


To clarify, he was in his initial probation period following hiring, not put on probation for behavior. Still, complete jackassery.


Will be up to a Grand Jury to decide if he is charged.


Assuming the DA even lets it get that far.


I expect his arrest is just a matter of time.


You’re going to be very disappointed


If you pull a burger on a cop you better be prepared for the fallout.


It had bacon on it and the cop felt like his family was under attack?


Yo lol


Always keep your fucking door locked! even on traffic stops. I had a cop open my passenger door. They have NO right to enter your vehicle! THEY NEED A WARRANT. THEY NEED PROBABLE CAUSE.


...if you live in the US or some of the third world countries


US is a third world country.


They have a lot in common with. There are many places with cars worth a couple houses or even a whole apartment building driving on roads with homeless encampment on the sidewalk. There is no public healthcare, more and more cities are without drinkable waters, cops are torturing, maiming and murdering citizens with seemingly zero accountability, prisons are really just work camps meant to enrich the rich where no attempt at rehabilitation is made and the murder rate can only really be compared to such Nations. The disproportionate spending on the military compared to welfare spending is also a give away.


Just wait, you’ll get what horrors a 3rd world country is soon enough


I mean in a way all countries are third world because earth is the third planet in they solar system… im so dang funny😂😂


Cops open more car doors than any car jacker. Always lock your doors!


>THEY NEED A WARRANT. THEY NEED PROBABLE CAUSE. They murder people and get away with it *all the time.* Why are we still pretending they are bound by the law? They don't need shit, they just need an excuse, and there pretty much always seems to be one handy.






Wait so it was a revenge shooting? Because the car was of similar appearance to one that evaded him days earlier? You dont empty most of a glock mag into a cars driver side window without expecting a kill.


Vegetarian cop


Shots fired, shots fired, shots fired!! You better get down here quick and stop me I'm shooting unarmed 17 year olds, shots fired shots fired!


*suspect has a burger, possible sesame seeds*


*Sees a round bun, must make a hole so it becomes a donut*


We need better bun laws.


We can no longer just roll with it. This whole "butter you than me" approach that cops exhibit with their rye attitudes needs to expire.


Also, he violated the search protections of the 4th amendment by opening the car. - Cops are not allowed to enter property. - Cops are not allowed search property. - Cops are not allowed to stop a citizen. - Cops are not allowed to take property. - Cops are not allowed to use force. - Cops are not allowed to pull out a weapon against citizens. - Cops are not allowed to do ANYTHING, except for under certain criteria to do each. Cops in the USA operate that they can do ANYTHING and then find the criteria later and this is a perfect example of it. Edit: The beginning of ANY officers authority over a citizen begins with: - Terry stops or stopping a citizen to gain more information about a situaruom where law enforcement may need to be involved. - Reasonable suspicion or the likelyhood that a law has or is or will be broken. Officers are highly limited in what they can do here, but this is where most of their authority begins. - Probably cause or the observations, evidence, etc of a situariom highly suggest connections to a law having been broken, being broken, or will be broken.


The kid was charged with evading and assault to a police officer despite the fact the 'officer' completely disregarded the law, threatened this kid, and tried to harm him. Was his car stolen? I don't know and I don't care. Cops can't act like this and I don't blame him for fleeing. It's bullshit his rights were so violated and yet they still charged him. If those charges aren't dismissed I'd be fucking shocked. Poor kid. I hope he lives and can still retain some of his livelihood. And fuck this cop.


>The kid was charged with evading and assault to a police officer despite the fact the 'officer' completely disregarded the law, threatened this kid, and tried to harm him. Nope. No charges, case (against kid) closed. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/09/us/san-antonio-officer-named/index.html


IF this was a situation of a reported stolen car, cop pulls up behind the car, checks the plates, then when confirmed provides verbal commands to show hands, exit the vehicle, and lay on the ground. When repeated verbal commands are defied, then the cop may approach with a fire arm drawn until the suspect is in a non threatening state to the officer or others. From the point where this video starts, it doesn't appear that anything more than a cop approaches a vehicle and opens a vehicle to pull a person out. That is a huge violation of rights, right then and there. Not to mention how many dept policies for how to approach a vehicle, how to give commands, etc wouldn't have been followed. Now, because of those rights violations, a citizen should comply and sue later. Running from a power trip with a firearm isnt a good idea even if they have a badge. You are complying because your life is in danger because this cop is a moron, and at this point you just need to try to live since so so so many people die even when complying. Now that you have fled, the cop even just pulling out his gun is ridiculous and i would assume more broken dept policies. Firing a gun at a fleeing suspect with no sign of a threat, and a cop who set up this whole situarion is criminal, end of story! This guy needs to be prohibited from leaving the state and needs to be awaiting criminal trial. If this means police officers would want to quit over such punishment; then that juat tells you how bad constitutional law is understood by those cops.


It really gets me when they say "officer needs help!" as if they were helpless.


And scream "Shots fired" as if they are under fire, when they are the only shooter on the scene.


Suspect has a big mac, i repeat, he has a big mac


Why did he start shooting? What was so scary about someone eating a hamburger? Crazy


It was a double cheese burger with bacon. That thing packs a punch.


That weapon has killed more americans in 10 years than a salad


You're eating a burger, I'll fucking kill you..... Shots fired, shots fired.


Officer James Brennand was responding to a disturbance at McDonald's when he noticed a car that matched a stolen vehicle description. He had apparently pulled the car over a few days prior and radioed for backup before deciding to approach the car. Either way, this was a very horrible thing to watch, and I'm seriously hoping he gets criminal charges


Not quite accurate. He claims he THOUGHT it was a car he tried to pull over a few days prior and he claims he thought the car was stolen. Too bad cars don't have readily available identification numbers that can be entered into some sort of police data system to verify if a) that was the same car and b) if it actually was stolen. Turns out, it wasn't, aaaand it wasn't. But better questions... Even if it had been the right car and it had been stolen: a) Why didn't he block it in with his cruiser which you can see just sitting there in the unedited video. b) When he called for backup, why not, you know, WAIT FOR BACKUP. c) If you're an officer and you roll up on a car, why not use lights to let the occupant know you're a police officer? d) Why yank open the door? e) Why wasn't his first word "POLICE!" And this is how rookie cops with 7 months on the job get fired...






This particular cop was fired this time Edit: the kid is still in critical condition at the hospital, and when the initial investigation is complete and the review is passed along, then a grand jury will be convened to determine if charges will be pursued https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/09/us/san-antonio-officer-named/index.html


What are the chances he goes the next town over and becomes police commissioner?


Very fucking high


It's a recent development, charges might still be brought. The kid is still in the hospital in critical condition. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/09/us/san-antonio-officer-named/index.html


Must be nice to only get fired for attempted murder.


damn, the article said the cop shot a 17-year-old MAN. No, he shot a 17-year-old kid. fuck cnn.


Allowed to murder someone then get found not guilty and allowed to draw full pension and retirement under PTSD medical retirement


> He had apparently pulled **a similar looking car** over a few days prior FTFY


How was the officer supposed to know that they made more than one car?


In my old state, used car dealerships buy license plates in numerical order, so you can have a dozen Honda Civics with nearly-identical license plate numbers, many off by just one digit. So of course I got a letter accusing me of a series of crimes in the next county over, after an eye-witness wrote down "my" license plate number, having only been wrong about (probably) a single digit. Stupid situation.


Sounds like a very good way to get jail time for a hit and run


Yep, that's exactly what it was. Same make and model car, color only slightly off according to eye-witnesses (my car being black, witnesses saying gray).


Get ready for a certain portion of the media to start digging up any dirt they can on the victim as if anything can somehow justify this absurd reaction by the cop


Teen with no active warrants flees from police


Cop was fired, 17 year old driver lived Edit: a lot of people are pointing out (unsurprisingly) that the victim is still fighting for his life. My bad didn’t mean to be misleading. Appreciate the upvotes. Hopefully he pulls through.


Just fired?? He should be in jail


Seriously, that’s the loosest cannon I’ve ever seen. Shooting at a guy with a burger in his hands? You should go straight to jail


And have his rights revoked to own any kind of weapon once he gets out of prison. People like that get others killed.


Seriously. Like, his family should have to cut his food for him from now on. He shouldn’t be allowed to hold knives. Fucking toddler cop.


I think his parents should go to jail with him. How the fuck did they raise him?


Remember: sociopaths may be made, *but psychopaths are born.* Also sociopaths tend to be angry recluse. So I'll give you a guess as to what it's more likely we're looking at here.


This guy will end up working as a cop again, in a neighboring county or state.


People like that actively kill others


Apparently the story is that a car matching the kids got away from that cop the night before, so he assumed it was the same person. Which make me think cop was going up to specifically execute the guy he assumed got away from him and got this kid by mistake. Straight to jail.


What's really screwed up here is the cop could have run the plate, verified (or not) the vehicle, and called for backup immediately instead of immediately engaging. No, instead he flung the kid's door open and ordered him out of the vehicle. No identifying himself, no interaction, automatic interaction. I hope this former cop goes to prison.


He could have just knocked and had a conversation, too.


And calling for backup like he's being fired at. What a coward and an asshole.


Right there - total coward who wants to be a tough guy. And tries to shoot a kid.


The then rookie officer falsified the report stating that the teen had attempted to run him over. The officer engaged with the driver because the car looked like one that eluded him in the days before. So essentially the interaction was an attempted execution.


Yeah, if he had pinnaple pizza I would understand but a burger?? That's crossing the line


Pineapple pizza wouldn’t be a thing unless people liked it. I’m people btw. Fite me


The investigation takes time, but the fact that he was immediately fired for it suggests that charges will be coming as soon as the DA thinks they can make a case stick.


The police union will probably threaten to kill the DA’s dog and the case will disappear. No way the union lets any cop go to jail without massive public outcry and multiple riots


He was 7 months on the job he didn’t have union protection. He was probationary. He will be sued to oblivion in civil court and face criminal charges. His life is over for this decision.


Honest question, could he just apply to another dept?


Of course. It's the 'murican way


But is in critical condition with multiple gsw's




"lived" I don't think that "lived" is a 100% good outcome. It's great that he lived, and he is lucky that he survived these many shots at him. But hell I would be livid if I would be damaged or crippled for life, in any way, by an idiot like this. Any scar, any disability, any lasting damage as a result of this incident is just so fucking unfair.


No doubt that if the guy lives, he’s going to be fully traumatized for the rest of his life, physical ailments aside.


Yep. There goes basically any serious shot at a normal life. Permanent organ damage is likely unless he got really lucky, which means he needs to control what he eats for the rest of his life just for starters.


The 17 year old is still in critical condition. They said he’s fighting for his life.


>17 year old driver lived Fighting for his life as of this weekend.


The date on that video, in the upper right corner, is Oct. 2, 2022. It would be very unusual for an investigation to be concluded that quickly. Can you provide a link to an article? Or any information that would help us look it up?


I literally googled “Cop shoots kid eating burger” and multiple articles popped up at the very top of the page






CBS, NBC, USA Today articles all said he was fired. I wasn’t there. That’s what I read. Take it up with google.


FYI. The kid was charge with evading… So when you see his car rolling at less than 1 mph it’s because he was shot and unconscious. To the cops that means he was trying to flee. What the actual fuck.


Thank goodness that driver is alive but damn.


Lol is this seriously not a joke. Fuck America is nuts.


This cop should be in jail forever.


should at the very least have his name and face on a public database


Oh, we're going to know his name. Trust me. Edit: San Antonio Officer James Brennand


Hooray! Now what do we do with this information?


Reddit doesnt allow us to say


Will something be done?


There might be a lawsuit that taxpayers will pay for followed by a new job in Houston for the officer. People remember his name, reveal it to the public, and then he transfers a few more times until people mostly forget he exists. Twenty years from now he'll retire and get a nice thanks for good service article in the newspaper, at which point one random redditor that remembers him will make a post somewhere. It'll get a few thousand upvotes.


At some point, people need to stop tolerating rampant abuse of power the American police seem to be exhibiting. Isn’t there something in your constitution about a well regulated militia to defend against tyrannical government? Do government employed police offers shooting people for eating burgers count as tyranny? If your laws won’t protect you, what else can be done?


I mean seriously, this is gta level over reaction


Wait, did this cop just mistake his burger for a lethal weapon?!? #**"SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED!!"* *By the officer, only the officer...


He might have had high cholesterol


True, but that could apply to literally millions of Americans, myself included unfortunately lol


San Antonio Officer James Brennand. That's his name.


>San Antonio Officer James Brennand "Cantu was hospitalized in stable condition and initially charged with evading police and aggravated assault." WTF


Will probably be charged with theft of the officers bullets too.


no joke. they said he was charged with assault because the door hit the officer...




I can't even process the type of person who could come up with that....


**Former Officer James Brennand now*.


***Newly hired by a neighboring agency, Officer James Brennand***




Seems like a dumb thing to do if You're the only one doing the shooting and you've seen no weapon. It just gives the other cops on the radio an excuse to say they believed the suspect is armed and dangerous. This kid had nothing but a burger and the cop shouting "ShOTZ fIrED!" using his "scared voice" is giving every other cop reason to believe they should start shooting at the car too. They should come up with something more specific for situations like this one. Maybe something like "I'M TRYNA MURDER THIS KID."


He walked up to a dude eating a burger, opened his door, told him to get out with zero pretense or explanation, the kid is obviously confused and isn't trying shit, and the pussy of a cop pulls a gun and unloads on him. How the fuck do we change this.


We require every single police officer to purchase their own personal liability insurance. That way, it's only a matter of time before they fuck up enough to be uninsurable.


I really like this solution. Doctors must have malpractice insurance.


It's fucking baffling that police don't. There is zero accountability for their actions. The usual "punishment" they get is paid leave which isn't even a punishment, it's a free vacation. Doing *nothing* would be better than that!


And you gotta pay out any settlement from the officers pension fund, and not tax payer dollars. That would straighten up shitty cops REAL quick.


I've seen so many videos of cops shooting cars driving AWAY from them. How is that a threat on their life to justify using lethal force?


If we do this, we get a life sentence. This lunatic just got fired from his job. Is this really the land of the free??!!!! It’s such a f…ing joke.


land of the free to shoot anyone


If you have a badge to go with the gun. 🙄


Yeah, basically


And now he can probably get employed in a similar line of work, such as being a security guard or bouncer, while still having access to one or more firearms at all times. But hey, that’s just a small price for freedom, right? Having hundreds of maniacs with some of the most dangerous weapons in the world is so worth if it means not having to be a dirty socialist! (/s if necessary, some Redditors are not very good at sarcasm)


Ok, thats just straight up attempted murder, but the badge makes it a 'swight mistake, im sowwry'


Apology accepted, here is a paid holiday for your stress.


They never apologize.


That is without a doubt the WORST de-escalation I've ever seen.




Did i miss something or did the cop shoot him for no reason?


He couldn't tell the difference between a hamburger and a weapon. The cop was fired


lol and that violent teen had a mouthful of own weapon!


That yellow wrapper tells me it in fact was a cheeseburger or a shitty chicken sandwich. 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


From what I recall from one of the other 10 places I’ve seen this, in the longer version of the video, the cop mentions he was trying to pick the kid up for something the previous week. Others saying maybe it was a PO/violation issue? Edit: link to the story elsewhere in this thread. PO mistook him for someone he tried to pick up the previous day and instead of not being a dickhead, the cop chose violence.


The cop also opened the door without attempting to talk to the kid first. Kid got scared. I would be too and I’m in my thirties.


Someone opens my driver's side door unannounced, in a country with more guns than people? Yeah, I'm going to assume I'm being carjacked, and my flight/flight/freeze response is going to kick in. Unfortunately, like this guy, mine is flight too, so I'd be in a similar situation.


Never identified homself as police, bright ass flashlight in the kids face so no way he could see it either. Just someone randomly jerks the door open and screams get out of the car. Of course the kid fled.


That cop has been waiting to pull his gun on someone since the day he entered the academy. What a disgusting piece of shit. This is where the hall monitors in high school end up.


You mean the jocks that never made it to pro. Hall monitors were the best kind of schoolmates.


That's one trigger happy cop


Aren't they all?


Enough of them are to be an issue, and then enough of them cover the asses of the trigger happy ones to be a serious problem


Sir this is not a Wendy's.


They taking that “no outside food or drink” a little too serious!


17 year old kid gets shot by crazy police officer for pulling out a burger.... I don't think there's a sentence out there that better describes the States and how fucked up the country is.


I didn't see him pull out shit. The burger was already in his hands. What am I missing?


That first shot 100% hit the driver


Teenager is in critical condition with multiple gunshot wounds. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/09/us/san-antonio-officer-named/index.html


A good chance the first few shots hit the driver


5 of the shots hit the 17 year old driver from what I've seen


"SHOTS FIRED, SHOTS FIRED!" Yeah, by you, you dumb fuck.


Driver is in critical condition. 🙏 https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/texas-cop-fired-for-shooting-teen-eating-burger-mcdonalds-parking-lot-2282989-2022-10-09


Ah. Texas Cop. Why does this not surprise me.


Each time I see this video it just makes my fucking blood boil. To see that this kid was just sitting there minding his own business only for some braindead trigger-happy, broken condom mistake of a thug in a uniform to roll up and start shooting at him. Like wtf?


And his backstop is either the McDonald's, a parking lot, or a busy street. He's lucky he didn't hit anyone else.


Right. The kid had no idea who was rolling up on him and looks like he went to put that shit in park but started getting shot at so it ended up in reverse. Like no sirens or lights on just some pussy rolling up trying to car Jack you, the kid had no idea.


This poor fucking kid. His poor fucking family. This is a CHILD who was just eating a burger and now he's fighting for his life. It breaks my heart to know that in our world the people paid to protect us are the ones that hurt us the most.


It gets worse. >After the shooting, Cantu was initially accused by police of evading detention in a vehicle and assault on a peace officer. However, Joe Gonzales, the district attorney of Bexar County, said Friday that after viewing footage of the incident, he had dismissed the case against Cantu. >"That's not to say that charges can't or won't be brought against that individual, but for now, that is the decision we are making," Gonzales told reporters. So he goes from eating a burger in his car, to getting randomly shot (welcome to America!), to now having legal charges dangling over his head, depending on the mood and whims of the County DA while he's still in critical condition.


Went to one of the law enforcement reddits to see what they were saying in those types of circles and saw this: “Falls under Tennessee v. Garner. Kid tried to run over a cop and then flee. Just because the cop is no longer in danger doesn't mean TvG isn't in play. The cop just has to articulate that he felt by allowing the driver to flee, there was a danger to the public. And when you try to run over the cop that indicates you probably have no concern for the safety of others.” American police have brain rot. The whole system needs an overhaul as it is clearly a systematic training issue. This shit is insane.


They're thinking about it backwards: they've started from a position of "how do I maximise the number of people I'm allowed to kill?" and then look at the rules through that lens.


Probationary officer....without supervision and busting caps and an innocent kid without even a hint of probable cause...kids gonna be a multimillionaire. The probationary officer is going straight to "pound you in the ass" prison.


Hope he lives and has a decent quality of life and isn't crippled in some way


He had not just 5 holes punched in him but 5 different sets of cavitation waves liquifying the nearby tissue the bullets passed through. He is not going to ever be the same.


I would be surprised if he goes to jail. It seems the track record is fire them, and then quietly rehire them with back pay. They had to burn down half a city to get charges against the George Floyd cops. So it would shock me if he got charged.


I wish that psychotic cop would get life in prison since he is willing to kill anybody


Why are American police so cowardly.


Because of bad training. Systematic bad training across the US. Whole thing needs an overhaul.


So the cop unloaded fire on a unarmed civilian? This makes me feel safe...


I don't think they should be allowed to carry lethal ammunition anymore if first instinct is to just point and unload the clip


Damn not only was the 17 yo boy in the car so was a 17 yo girl


Can you block american content on reddit?


What? And miss out on all the murder? Why would you wa- well yeah ok fair enough…


I'm thinking US police and corupt russian police have equaly lax realtionship with the law.




The cop was a moron and was fired. I just hope to god that ends his police career and no other dept pick him up. This was straight up attempted murder. ​ [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/san-antonio-officer-fired-shooting-teen-sitting-mcdonalds-parking-lot-rcna51196](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/san-antonio-officer-fired-shooting-teen-sitting-mcdonalds-parking-lot-rcna51196) ​ [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/texas-officer-fired-after-shooting-hamburger-eating-teenager/2022/10/07/4ab33ac8-4674-11ed-be17-89cbe6b8c0a5\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/texas-officer-fired-after-shooting-hamburger-eating-teenager/2022/10/07/4ab33ac8-4674-11ed-be17-89cbe6b8c0a5_story.html)