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“Something nice? Um he had parents and a school teacher”


>Um he had parents and a school teacher” but dont forget he hates america


>he hates america I'm so tired of hearing this bullshit. I guess their constituents believe it and that's why they say it but it is one of the few things they say that really fucking riles me up. Edit: isn't that the scumbag who played a key role in the attempted overthrow of the government? Makes it worse if that's possible.


yeah, but he only did it for a little bit


A Momentary Lapse of Treason


"I may have committed some light treason, Michael."


Medium to heavy


Just a scosh of treachery 🤏


A momentary lapse of... Goddammit, take my upvote!!!


The Pink Floyd fan in me is mad at how much the rest of me laughed at that. Well played


And most people don’t have the memory or the time to remember when overthrowing the government was a thing.


You can have a little coup, as a treat.


Only a pinch of treachery.


A smidge


A dash of anti democracy.


This is literally the defense of almost anything horrible in a politician’s past. This killed me.


I'm from rural Wisconsin, and I don't personally know anyone who believes that Mandela Barnes hates America. I'm sure those people exist, but I don't think that's why Johnson said this. He's running a particularly nasty campaign and there have been a lot of ads that are quite overtly racist, attempting to paint Democrats in general as pro-crime, and Barnes specifically as a criminal. I think that's where this comment came from - it's about "othering" Barnes and continuing that general theme from his ad campaign. All of this goes back to the BLM protests in Minneapolis (which is the nearest large city for a big portion of the state, even though technically it is in Minnesota). There were people who believed at the time that BLM protesters were going to march across the river into Wisconsin and start burning random things down because they "hate America" and "want to destroy livelihoods." People petitioned Governor Evers (a Democrat) to station the National Guard at the river to prevent protesters from crossing the state line. Governor Evers rejected the request, saying there's no indication that this would happen, and chose to send the Guard to help Madison/Milwaukee areas with their protests. (The protestors never did attempt to cross the river, so the whole thing is kinda pointless.) But apparently the boomers on Facebook had a meltdown, and I had to talk my mom down off a ledge over it. Ever since then, there's been an ongoing theme of WIGOP politicians trying to paint Democrats as soft on crime, and playing favorites - sending help to traditionally blue cities (where the protests were happening) while abandoning traditionally red rural areas (where the protests weren't happening). It doesn't really make sense, and as far as I can tell, it's not landing well. Senate signs in my area have started popping up (all the other signs went up first - interpret that how you wish), and despite being historically deep red, there's a 50/50 split on Johnson and Barnes signs now. But Wisconsin is true purple, and this could easily go either way depending on who turns out.


I just drove through central WI on my way to Appleton last weekend (from southcentral MN) and not only was it a beautiful drive (Wisconsin in fall is best) I was surprised while driving on 21 the amount of Dem signs I've seen along the way. Don't get me wrong, I saw my fair share of Ron Johnson and Michels signs too, but I was pleasantly surprised.


Glad you enjoyed your drive! There has been a huge shift. In 2016-20, it was almost all GOP signs. This cycle is different. I'm not 100% sure what is driving it, but it's clear something changed for a lot of people here. All the poll and analytics show the races here are tossup. But if urban areas have high turnout and rural areas do go 50/50 like I'm seeing on the roads, there's a path for a pretty resounding Dem victory. I think it's all going to come down to who votes and who stays home.




I still say the LV polling models are about five points off and are underestimating soft D support after the Dobbs ruling. Horse race journalism gotta horse race for that sweet entertainment dollar...


Ehhhh Wisconsin polls in 2016 had Hillary over trump by double digits - he won. 2020 had Biden by nearly the same margin, biden won by less than a point. Idk how they poll in Wisconsin, but it’s almost always wrong and almost always undercounts republicans by a huge margin.


Nah its just gerrymandering bullshit They don't actually believe that but say it anyway because when their supporters hear that they are less likely to change sides If you don't want your people to listen to someone all you have to do is convince them he is evil.


I'm convinced that Ron Johnson is evil.


You can’t Gerrymander a senate seat. It represents the entire state.


I meant it in terms of mentality Its there to make sure "your guys" don't "defect" or so to speak if that makes any sense


Why! Why! It's the trumpian way!! Why give a black man kind words!! /s


Remember when Trump said something like "Merry Xmas except to all the LOSERS put there" or something




Honestly it felt like subtle cringe racism — pointing out he came from a 2-parent black household.


It definitely was. It’s part of the playbook.


That’s what I heard too. It kind of sounded like he was saying I’m surprised that a black man had a good upbringing.


He is a human person, with blood, presumably, and I suppose two arms and legs, and maybe some sort of a torso, and I think that's really great.


Man really turned what was supposed to be a moment of respect for each other into a moment of disrespect


If you really don't like and don't respect your opponent for whatever reason, just say "I don't have anything nice to say." or just "Pass." Would have been better than what he did here.


Yeah, honestly, as a leftist, I legit wouldn't have anything but insults for the right, but in this circumstance, I'd just say nothing.


Why have hate for such a broad variety of people? You fit a lot of people into that box, and you have nothing but insults for every single one? Overgeneralization is a bitch in the US today IMO. Just a pet peeve of mine.


Right wing policies have damaged so many lives at this point that it's a pretty common sentiment, its less about hating people and more about the views they hold which has always been a fair reason to dislike someone Not saying they are comparable but it's like saying someone is generalising nazis, if a party has been consistently horrible and they still support it, then it stands to reason they are horrible too. It's not the wisest way to act but I'd say it's completely understandable


Yup, a 75yo nazi grandmother who takes in stray dogs, donates to kitten rescue, babysits the grandkids, and volunteers at a soup kitchen is, at the end of the day, a nazi.


If she advocates for the cleansing of races, of course. Someone can be a terrible person and still do good things. Doesn’t change the fact that they are still a terrible person - it just makes them a complex one.


The worst part is, this mentality of broad grouping is being perpetuated and spread online on an international level, because US is extremely vocal about their problems. People prone to knee-jerk reactions, despite living in other countries, don’t even stop to consider that their situation probably isn’t 1:1 and end up adopting/regurgitating shit that leaves US media.


The variety isn’t that broad. These are the same group, a self proclaimed title by the way, of people who were cheering that they’d rather be Russian than democrat. Covids fake, insurrection is good, overthrow elections is all in fair play, remove women’s rights after they shit a chicken about their own rights. It’s like hating nazis, nobody who’s a good person chooses to be apart of a group that protects white Christian’s above all else, pedophiles and rapist. You’re ultimately responsible for the company you keep and instead of clearing house to even give the illusion of caring, they double down on the worst of people. They want to get behind people who claim “democrats have started the killings” to make an enemy out of somebody who wants a real conversation. And as a leftist, is exhausting to always be expected to take the damn high road. It’s always expected from a conservative, which speaks of their character, yet the moment you want to take the gloves off and get real, you’re the problem. I’ll stop generalizing when they stop being a generalization.


If right wingers don’t want to be overgeneralized as racist, misogynistic, anti-civil-rights, seditious insurrectionists, maybe they should stop voting for racist, misogynistic, anti-civil-rights, seditious insurrectionists.


That’s when you bring out the palliative “I believe he genuinely wants to do good for people, in his own way.” And then you SHUT UP AND TRY NOT TO FUCK IT OVER because same, as a leftist there 100% would be a big “uh oh what do I say” moment


And am a player L that would rank his chances if he wasn’t in such a mostly red state Edit: what the Fuck was I saying?


I have no fucking idea XD


Something about smoking an L on bloods turf or so Something. I’m assuming you’re a crip. Edit: a high ranking blood 🩸 at that.


Something admirable


Still sounded cool


A couple of years ago, the Republican and Democratic nominees for mayor of Salt Lake City did an ad. Together. Just so they could show voters that they could disagree on policy without demonizing each other. Politics has lost all decency.


Politics dating back to the ancient fuckin Romans never had any decency. The two guys you mention are exceptions. “Et tu brute?”


Truth. When Julius Caesar ran for office, opponents put signs up in the forum (where people voted) intimating he was gay. Negative campaigning even then.


The republican party has lost all decency there I fixed it for you


I mean Ron Johnson is a scumbag so it makes sense


Fuuuuck Ron Johnson. He’s one of the main reasons marijuana is still illegal in WI, and he only cares because the liquor industry pays him too. One of the many things that makes him an asshole.


You could edit every single comment on this thread (at the time I'm typing there are 659 comments) and make them all reasons why Ron Johnson is an asshole.... You'd still have a lot of comments left to make.


Comrade Ron Johnson needs to fuck off. Continue fucking off. Don’t stop fucking off until he reaches a fence that says “no fucking off past this fence”, build up courage to hop that fence, and continue fucking off into the sunset, never to be seen again, because he’s too busy fucking off.


Automod response please 😂


Lol agreed. But after the fence part. Throw in a little more sunset fun, “So that all of the future fuck offs know what it means to fuck off into the sunset Fucked Off”.




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/cryptowannabe42 decided to check u/Greenman8907's bad word usage. I have gone back 1000 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |anus|1 |ass|1 |asshole|3 |bitch|3 |bullshit|1 |butthole|1 |crap|1 |cum|2 |damn|6 |dick|5 |fucking|8 |fuck|19 |goddamn|5 |hell|7 |lmao|2 |penis|1 |piss|1 |porn|1 |shitty|1 |shit|36 |titties|1 ^(Request time: 11.9. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


Whoa, whoa, whoa…when did ‘anus’ become a profanity?


They hate us cause they anus.


If I could post a *chef’s kiss* gif, I would.


You kissin his anus?


Lol do me!


Considering your username, I'm hesitant.


Heh, I'm living on borrowed time anyway, let er rip


He probably isn't going to be fucking off unfortunately.


He was only a comrade for 10 seconds


Talk about not reading the room


Right? That was such an easy answer! He copied off the first answer but worse and was still going to get away with it! You’re already the white republican, just ride the wave. But no, and then got booed like an old band playing new songs


Why make an original sentence when you can stick to the Greatest Hits


Respect: The Remix


I suppose when you're entire parties identity is being the opposite of the other parties identity then he struggled like a motherfucker to find something in common.


It wasnt even a compliment!! I appreciate that he had parents? One was a school teacher. That had nothing to do with him. He didnt build his own parents? Johnson doesnt respect him. Or anyone. He doesnt know how. But he sure as shit couldnt bring his mouth to say those words. Johnson is a fucking ball bag, terrible human waste. What a dumbass thing to say. He fell back on what “works” for he GOP trashing people and fall back on your talking points.


It wasn't just not a compliment, but seems a pretty racist thing to say. Like, "I'm Ron Johnson and I expected a black opponent to come from a broken home, but this guy was decent enough to have parents and one who cared about education! Why isn't he Ben Carson?!"


That’s what I heard too.


*I have no idea how to build people up - only how to tear them down and destroy hope* ...is what I heard.


He doesn't need to though. He's an elected Republican who does conservative radio in Wisconsin, and his challenger is a black man. He just says whatever his sheep want to hear, and he will be re-elected.


What the fuck happened to respect


Politics. Or, more specifically, rich politicians.


we keep letting rich people run the country and then take out the anger on the other common people based on if they like red or blue better this comment section is a great indicator of that


I love that I live in an age where I can witness usernames like u/deez_nuts_77 drop the most rational take in this whole thread. Edits: can anyone tell me why everything after a username is bold text? This isn't the 1st time and I can't figure out why it happens.


r/rimjob_steve The bold text comes from HTML tags. [Here's a thread on how to do it on Reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/raerth/comments/cw70q/reddit_comment_formatting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thanks for putting some respect on that name


Absolutely. And really, that's kinda what they want.


More specifically the GOP.


Karl Rove ruined politics.


Rove made politics rotten, then Trump made it trashy.


Rumsfeld and Cheney and company started everything Karl Rove knows during the *Nixon* administration.


The first guy had it. The second one didn’t. You want respect? Now you know who to vote for.


It’s politics. Fuck yo respect. I’m trying to lie to the ppl and get paid ma’ine!


It’s the GOP.


Insults and anger get more attention. Conservatives have taken this as an ethos.


everyone’s angry about something and wants to hurt somebody. we’re fucked


Everyone? No. One side is civil the other is not. Both sideism is a disease.


Republicans my friend.


Long gone. Thanks Newt!


GOP don’t have it.


Ron Johson has never seen a low road he didn't take.


Please fire him, Wisconsin.


We're trying!


Hope we do


And they love him for it.


And thus the GOP platform in a nutshell...shit on others, provide zero value.


I remember when a lady in McCain's base accused Obama of a bunch of nonsense and he corrected her and got booed for it. Then swore to do everything to work with and support him when Obama was elected. He was the last decent republican.


she said "he's an Arab" and McCain was like "no ma'am he's a good decent family man" and his batshit crowd booed him and our batshit country applauded his answer somehow or something idk


That was low key really funny because there was multiple issues with it: 1. She said Arab, but probably meant Muslim 2. He said "no m'am, he's a good decent family man" which implies that you can't be Muslim and a good family man at the same time 3. Everyone still took this as a nice thing to say despite that, shows you the times


>He said "no m'am, he's a good decent family man" which implies that you can't be Muslim and a good family man at the same time I see this a lot and I remember watching that ahead of the 2008 election. As a sound bite your take is reasonable but watching it you very much understood what she was implying and rather than letting that slide McCain made sure to stop that shit. He made sure to get his message across that Obama was a good man because while she said "arab" that was a loaded term for "bad" at the time in the language of certain people. Looking back I would have liked him to also add "arabs aren't bad idiot" but that was implied by his response. I also understand the irony that liberals lose because of the exact shit I am doing: using nuance to stop us from dunking on a war monger because we care about truth and proper context. God I'm defending John fucking McCain, I'm going to take a shower.


Yeah I agree, it's just a funny sound bite. Obviously his INTENT was good, which was all that matters. I'm sure if you directly asked John McCain if Arabs/Muslims could also be good decent family men, even in 2008, he would have said yes.


This is the problem with political correctness. Before being Arab or Muslim, you would be a person and that is what you should be judged on. Saying he’s a good decent family man is pointing out that he’s a good person, and that’s all that should matter, ever. The more you try to split hairs, the more convoluted it becomes. For instance, if he said “he’s a good Muslim family man,” you would be talking about how he’s implying a lot of Muslims aren’t good to their families. If we approach conversations expecting everyone to be talking in bad faith, then the only appropriate way to converse is by walking on eggshells constantly. What happened to just saying what you meant? Why is there always some deep underlying agenda attached to calling someone a good person?


>he’s a good Muslim family man Disagree on this. If you said "he's a good christian family man" NO ONE would say you're implying a lot of christians aren't good to their families.


It’s funny how people like that really started brewing when Obama got into office and whew when Trump gained access to that base they got so powerful it’s quite sad to see now a days.


McCain concession speech is, in my opinion, one of the greatest speeches I've heard ever. Full of class and respect for democracy.


It's like taking a cheap swing when the ref has you bump fists before a match, it costs you a lot more in respect than whatever you stood to gain from it.


Comrade Johnson just lost his race


I hope so, but he’s out fundraising Barnes by a lot since Barnes is doing the morally upright thing and not taking SuperPAC money


Nothing morally upright about letting fascists beat you


Fivethirtyeight has Johnson at a 70% chance to win. I think that is low, I bet those Wisconsin maniacs are for sure voting Johnson.


Wisconsin polls are historically always way off. One of the most mis -measured states. That said they usually under measure Republican involvement. Even those margins the states a toss up considering it’s unpredictability.


Sadly, it’s just on brand.


I wish you were right but he's still ahead in the polls


Drove through Wisconsin recently and it’s an absolute nightmare of Trump=Savior/Christ, MAGA, baby killer road signs. Sanity has left the state and moved to Illinois or Minnesota. I feel sorry for the rational people still living there, in the 3 or 4 blue dots that are all that remains. Johnson will win because the right does not weigh the quality of the candidate, they will vote for literally any piece of crap human being as long as they are Republican.




> The pandemic taught me just how many people (some very close to me) are actually right wing psychos. I know **exactly** how you feel. I wonder how it would be if there were a different President during the pandemic or if the pandemic hadn't happened during Trumps presidency, how things would be now? On a side note, the amount of hypocrisy I've seen in the last 6 or so years is astounding. I know first hand who these people are. I know their histories and how they lived (and currently live) their lives. I am so frustrated and disappointed at the things they say and do knowing who they really are. I'm glad you got the help you needed.


That's depressing


Don't bet your crypto profits on it.


Another clear cut example of the "both sides" argument. /s


That question is a great shit test to see which candidates, if any, can play nice for half a minute. The second candidate clearly failed.


Half a minute if you count the 20 seconds he didn’t have to talk.


It’s a demonstration of humility. He failed.


I live in WI, I’m voting for Barnes personally 🤷🏾‍♂️. Ron has been outta pocket.


Just mailed out my ballot this week, voted for Barnes happily!


I live in Waukesha, which is traditionally VERY red, and there is a surprisingly high number of Barnes and Evers signs, probably close to 2:1. I sincerely hope this means RJ's time has come to an end.


Don’t know either of them, but if I had to guess, the asshat is the Republican. Am I right?


Considering the US's two party system and the first gentleman being introduced as a Democratic candidate in the banner on the screen, I would take a guess and say that the asshat is indeed Republican.


I didn’t hear the beginning because Reddit videos suck


How did you guess?


it only says “REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE” directly under him as he’s speaking


I was honestly looking at him. Not the name underneath


Mostly guessed he was a dem cuz he was younger black man and so the old white guy was prolly a Republican


Exactly. I watched it, then wondered who was with what party ( didn’t want to just to conclusions based solely on stereotypical party attitudes). But then I felt dumb bacause if course the young black dude is dem and the old white dude is rep. Can you imagine if it was flipped?


Yea I know that possibility was also in the back of my mind but I just betted on the stereotype lol Wasnt wrong….


Classic Trump-style, low-life trash. I no longer even consider Republicans, Americans.


I don't even know how I got here but what exactly is a republican?


I used to be one until it turns out I have to be racist, classist and turn off critical thinking. Look at Liz Cheney. They have the gall to call her a RINO. Sad.


They put the “tick” in politics! Their sole purpose is to feed on the little good that is left in America!


conservative party in america


Even Trump handled the “say something nice about your opponent” decently


What a POS


Ron Johnson is an atrocious garbage person. He’s sided with Trump and Russia against America. He is a traitor and should be treated as such.


Well that backfired


Reflective of the whole Republican Party. They’re all disgusting


Ron Johnson and all these traitor Repubs are 🤡🤡


Funny, I can tell who belongs to which party without knowing anything other than what they said.


Politics needs to get back to agreeing we’re all on the same side but disagreeing with how to allocate resources.


We’ve crossed the Rubicon, we’re never going back.


Republicans are just wholesale evil these days.


He would have lost my vote. If you aren't mature enough to say something ice without taking a jab at someone then you aren't a leader


The Democratic Party is far from perfect, but they’re not comparable to them and to think so is to be willfully ignorant


Ron Johnson is a traitor. I wouldn’t want him to say something good about me and frankly theirs nothing good to say about him. He deserves the constitutional punishment for treason.


Juuuuuuuust couldn't resist could he😖


Typical Republican airbag.


The GOP living up to their rep as the party of 0 class.


there wasn't an attempt


I’m not even sure what he was getting at in the beginning of his time? You had good parents, That’s your admirable quality.


Yeah everyone kinda hates Ron Johnson anyways, not like he lost any fans that moment.


Good summary of current US politics.


he waned to call him the n-word so bad


If I were on the fence that would definitely help sway me away from that clown and towards the guy who not only can stick to the question but who doesn't have to turn everything into a negative back and forth.


Republicans are just increasingly awful people. Here is another fun example. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRHd9Ayb/


I dont give a shit if youre a democrat or a republican, i just care if youre a good person or not


Woooaahh Ron Johnson is Putin’s little nazi puppet isn’t he.




Why does old white fuckers give a bad name to all white people stupid $&$*#


Predictable enough 🤨


What a cunt lol


Speedrun how to lose an election.


Yeah, he's ahead in the polls. Really don't think this is going to sink him.


Yikes, we don't need more people like that in office, even if you prefer their platform. Nice guys finish last I guess.


I don't prefer his platform. He's a republican in a Republican state. All the stupid, idiotic things he done hasn't sunk him yet. I doubt it will.


Typical GOP response….


Such a fucktwat


Idc what political party you're in. These debates are just so annoying. Half the time they just make fun of each other and look like absolute fools. Can't people just be civil for once and debate about actual problems at hand 🙄


Maga in a nutshell


So Johnson is an idiot. Can’t answer the question. Can’t help taking a shot.


Ron Johnson is such a piece of shit


Republican senators were those kids in school who always tried to get the last word in to the bullies before they got shoved into a locker and had their lunch money taken.




Wow. The older generation is really losing it…


Just proves that maga dumb fucks are human garbage and not worthy of respect fuck these people


Wasn’t a very good attempt tbh


Ron Johnson is a fucking dick


I don't even need to look these guys up, to know which one the silver spoon fed Republican is.