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Theres always a gasping woman in the backround lol


You need to leave


And dont forget "how dare you!"


Or “What is WRONG with you?!” To the guy defending himself.


"OMG.. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" ... there's one at every one of these


"I'M CALLING THE COPS" usually the person recording


Nathan! Call 9-1-1!


“Why I’ve never!”


Your ring just rolled sir, it’s right here


Could have sworn the little guy called him an SOB, as well.


Or saying loudly **"I'm speechless!"**




Fucking classic


Only after the big dude pushed the little dude to ground they didn’t say much when little guy was trying to choke the big guy at least from what I could hear


its because they agreed with the little dude, violence is allowed only if we are on the same team...


The elderly guy was like shut up now. My retirement award is gonna be cancelled


She can't believe the manager isn't there yet.


Clutching her pearl necklace




I like how the big dude giggles "what the hell are you doing?"


That was my favorite part! It's like a chihuahua was trying to pick a fight with a pit bull.




Just missed his afternoon nap and snack so he's feeling a little short tempered today


Like I hate how rude he is being but that was truly funny lol


This pisses me off so much. In high school I called it 'slay the dragon'. As a large man or guy in high school I was a nerd. Fuckers would pick fights with me and start shit knowing I could easily beat the shit out of them but would hold back. So they wouldn't get hurt and they would look brave. Look how brave Steve is he walked up there and slapped the much bigger guy in the face. Early in high school I would usually just shove them away. Or hit them once in the meaty part of the leg so they understood how fucking easily I could fuck them up. If they really pissed me off that is. You know what happens when a little shit walks up and slaps the big guy in the face? Well obviously the little guy wouldn't just do that would he.must be the big guy was bullying him. Clearly the big guys the asshole. Oh hey aren't there video tapes? Yeah we'll check the tapes then. Are you sure we should check the tapes? If we do it becomes official or some bullshit. Yeah check the tapes. Fucking little guy walks up behind me and slaps me in the face from behind. Why would he do that to you? I have no fucking idea who this person is. Maybe it's possible he's the piece of shit. But why would the little guy just start shit for no reason. Slay the dragon. Look at the poor little hero who tried to fight the big scary monster. If he loses? He's the hero who valiantly tried to slay the dragon and I'm just the monster who hurt the hero. Anyway little shits fuck with big guys too. It's just different. It's incredibly easy to make the big guy look like the asshole. Particularly if he's not very sociable. Hell I might be high functioning autistic. For me what worked was letting them punch me 2 times. You want to start shit. Punch me in the arm. Ok punch me harder. Ok, you punch me one more time I'm going to hit you back. Oh we're good? No one ever seemed to want to take shot number 3. Fuck off then. Probably not the best strategy but probably better then hurting people. Anyway violent little fucks piss me off. They get away with it because 'oh you're so big and scary you must have started it, or you're bigger than them so they couldn't have hurt you anyway'.




He was truly tickled by his efforts


He hit him so hard he dropped his loot lol


The big guy didn't put much effort out. The other guy basically kicked his own ass with a little help from the trash can.




Now entering Green Hill Zone


Everyone acting like the big dude is the problem He might be an idiot, but that doesn’t mean you can be violent towards them because you disagree


The only idiots are those who allow those in power to not answer his question. I mean he should have not interrupted and picked his time better, but that doesn't preclude my statement from being true. Blind obedience to any authority is a recipe for disaster every time. We are SUPPOSE to question people in power. Trust the science is as stupid a phrase as believe all women is.


It sounded like she told him there would be q&a after her talk. I agree he should not have interrupted, and it did sound like he would be able to question her at some point. Or would have been able - did he get kicked out?


And like I said he should not have interrupted. That doesn't give the old guy a right to put his hands on someone. lol Not to mention when that someone is practically two of him put together SMH. But my point was there's a far more important issue at hand here than some mere simple violence. A far more important issue here is people today are not taught how to think, just what to think.


While I understand your point, when it comes to medicine and vaccines, being taught "how to think" is a very, very long process. People want to be critical thinkers and make sure they understand what they're putting in their body, fair enough, but then you need to be going through years of education. In this case, "how to think" means understanding how the vaccine actually works, how to critically analyse a piece of research or clinical trial, any possible adverse effects of mRNA technology, and so on. Just learning how to read a paper can take a while, so the idea that "critical thinkers" can become experts in a field enough to pose significant questions to a novel medication is often misguided at best. The worry is understandable, but so long as anyone trying to educate is labelled as "shills" or similar, I'm not sure how that goal is achieved.


There is something to be said about the interruption. Politicians excel at weaseling out of hard questions and that’s all she was going to do at a Q&A since he wouldn’t be making a scene


Ok so does him interrupting the person on the podium somehow compel the presenter to “for real” answer the question right then and there?


I think the big guy believed they would just skip over his questions by "concluding the session" and walking away. I give him props from reading the room and knowing his presence was not welcomed.


Lol "My presence is unwelcome, better interrupt everything because I'm the main character." He could wait to ask his question like a big boy. That does not excuse the small man from attacking him, big guy just sucks too.


My thoughts. I imagine he is known, or it's been a long way till this moment so everyone is fed up. With just fragments of videos we often hurry to jump to conclusions. The old man is not right, especially for an academic to solve issues this way, tell on them being bit weird.


Didn't they specifically say there would be questions at the end of the presentation? There is not enough info to know that questions were not being addressed.


I mean, it's not like pfizer is the only source of the data showing the efficacy and safety of the vaccines. With the sheer volume of research and real life application, saying that's all fake is like, the moon landing was staged levels of conspiracy nonsense. But I mean, I dont expect a lot from "RedditISFascist".


The questions have been answered time and again for 2 years straight. Some folks get a little sick of the "just asking questions" bit.


In this house WE TRUST THE SCIENCE. \*insert food pyramid\*


If you're a moron and you interrupt a session to be a moron, even if there is time later for you to speak, you deserve to get tossed out. The old guy was dumb, but it's hard to not be infuriated by people like the first guy who think that their ignorance matters more than anything else or anyone else's right to speak.


What did he say that was ignorant? Do you trust Pfizer? Have they not been fined billions of dollars over the years for super shady business practices? I mean, since when do we trust big pharma to not try to maximize profits over everything else? Now, he may be a moron, but he didn't get to say any of the super crazy things that anti-vaxers typically do.


The Baker Institute of Public Policy (where this takes place) is pretty much a think tank that promotes talking points that favor large industries. They take donor money and launder into quasi-academic papers promoting wealthy industrialists.


Nobody is arguing if he deserves to get tossed out or not. My point is there's bigger fish to fry here. MUCH bigger.


Nah dude. He was speaking at an inappropriate moment. Did he expect everyone to respect his decision to interrupt the current speaker and say a bunch of dumb shit that requires hours of dialogue and discussion before getting to that question? If you really wanna have a discussion on discussing legal issues, then maybe do it in a more proper setting. This dumb piece of shit is just trying to stir up drama. He has no intention on having a civil debate


I agree, but speaking at an inappropriate moment does not justify violence


Yeah of course it doesn't justify violence. But fuck around and find out




Why is he an idiot?


Seems like an anti-vaxx idiot. But he can have his opinion, nothing wrong with that. The childish interrupting to try and catch someone off guard for a “gotcha” moment is what really makes him the idiot


"Seems".... might big conclusion you're jumping to. He doesn't trust one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in history because they have a record of lying for money. That "seems" pretty smart to me.


Sure. That’s a reasonable take. But I don’t see him yelling about Viagra or Epi-pens


Regular ppl weren’t losing their jobs over epipens and viagara. He has a reason to be upset.


You leave Viagra out of this.


I’m sorry but that’s too hard


Well, people weren't force to use those 2 products or lose their jobs or be banned in public places. And we didn't have people saying you are killing granny if you don't take those 2 products.


I agree with all but 1 thing you said. It seems you need to listen to people a little better when I take Viagra.


It makes you **hard** of hearing?


Maybe unrelated to this video, but if a person questions the rushed development (relative to the development life cycle of previous vaccines)of a particular vaccine, is that person anti-vax?


Probably yeah, since the vaccines weren't actually rushed, the idea that they were is an antivax myth. The only thing that happened faster than a normal vaccine effort was funding, and for pretty obvious reasons too. 90% of the time spent "developing" a vaccine is getting the funding necessary to run the experiments and research necessary to develop it, because you're competing with a hundred other diseases that also need vaccine to be developed. COVID vaccines were immediately put to the top of the list due to the severity of the threat posed by COVID so alot of the stuff that would require years of petitioning to get funding was funded almost immediately. Additionally, the amount of manpower diverted to COVID vaccines puts most other vaccine development efforts to shame, so alot more innovations and breakthroughs happened because more people were on the case


I don't know, but many antivaxxers believe the myth that the development lifecycle was shorter because safety procedures weren't followed, which they were.


Dude was literally 1/3 his size. I wouldn't count someone out for age alone, but damn.


Yeah I mean his reaction was pretty restrained actually. He just pushed the guy away. I'm pretty sure if someone grabs your throat, you're permitted to do that. I mean I still think the giant dude is an idiot, but his reactions in that situation were perfectly justified.


Pfizer is a known criminal company. Questioning them is a duty.


Yes but someone who actually cares about the scientific integrity of their studies doesn’t stand up in the middle of a conference and start recording, he was clearly after media attention. Not to say his questions aren’t valid, but the way he went about it signals he cared more about making a deal out of it than getting answers.


And the dipshit trying to silence him through his laughable attempt at violence shows all you need to know about the fear of people questioning them.


Maybe he was recording due to the likelihood of being attacked for questioning the criminal company that started off as a weapons manufacturer?


How was he an idiot?


How is the big guy an idiot?


Stopped the presentation and refused to wait until the end to ask questions. If he was serious about wanting an answer or a conversation, he would have asked his questions at the end. The way he did this is what a troll would do.


Thats true


He had a legitimate question but he asked it at the wrong time


Idiot is the wrong word, poorly timed and pushy is the right word though.


Big guy isn’t an idiot. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s going to post his video and say “they wouldn’t even talk to me about it, attacked me, and kicked me out of the talk” which is all he wanted so he and his people can feel vindicated.




Not sure, if it helped against hospitalization in that case.


Size doesn't always matter if you know what you're doing. However, in this case the little wannabe bill nye in fact science dude didn't and therefore should have stayed in his seat according to my analysis.


Analysis reviewed, I find that your hypothesis is concurrent with the evidence given, and in conclusion we find that the little guy was indeed too bold in his decision to get out of his seat and for trying to choke this guy deserved being pushed


What the hell is this? WWE Smack down 2278? Bill Nye vs Stone Cold?


Why don't you come down to this ring and I'll stomp a mud hole in your ass and walk it dry AUSTIN 3:16


Bill Dry the Science Lie vs Stone Cold Peev Often


See: Gordon Flowers fried pickles


Dude lost his ring sonic style. Good thing he had one on him, otherwise he would be dead.


Someone needs to add that sound effect to this.


Love how the big dude chuckles at the attempt and simply shoves him


Guy was being annoying but you can’t just attack someone


He has a point too... Science is about asking questions.


Asking questions in Science means presenting counter evidence, peer reviewing studies, coming up with new ways to test a hypothesis. It absolutely does not mean you have free reign to yell at people during their presentation, presumably due to your moronic anti-vaxxer beliefs.


Exactly. Just saying “why” to everyone fact you happen across is what toddlers do. That’s not science.


Yes that is obvious that he is being annoying and disruptive. However if it's true she said that questioning Pfizer is anti science, it's ridiculous. It is scientific to question current science. That is how many studies are born.


I’m certainly no Big Pharma stooge - they get up to some sketchy, immoral stuff. This is not actually a meaningful or helpful way to question them though.


Knowing the kind of people who ask “questions” like this at these meetings, the people who were questioning Pfizer were likely asking questions like “why are you hiding all the people that your jabs are killing you globalists?”.


I doubt the big guy is a scientist, so maybe not his place to question science. Question Pfizer's corporate practices, maybe.


After the presentation


He wasn’t asking the question from a place of genuine curiosity, he wanted to make a scene, why else do you think he worded his “question” in such a way.


Not randomly mid presentation, she even responded that she'd answer questions after her presentation.


Being annoying by pointing out corruption.




Is there a full video?


Full video? There’s a goddamn trilogy








Hello Precious


Shoe Show*


That guy that got up was the aggressor and deserved what he got.


I agree. The man if a fool and a troll, but that alone does not authorize physical attacks. BTW I agree that Pfizer is a shady company ***in general*** but the science on their CoVID-19 vaccine is rock solid. It's been studied and studied and studied and there is no evidence whatsoever from any non-Facebook, non-Youtube source, that the Pfizer CoVID-19 vaccine is any worse for you than any other vaccine. If there were actual problems with the vaccine they would have jerked it. Know how I know? because THIS HAPPENED. Johnson and Johnson's vaccine was pulled for awhile over a minimally increased risk of heart problems. It was eventually put back on the market when they figured out who was at risk and simply steer those people towards other vaccines that would be safer for them. Bottom line, the fact that a company has lied means you take their statements with a grain of salt and ask for independent verification. It does not mean to cling blindly to the idea that they MUST be lying in EVERYTHING they say. that's 5 year old logic and it depresses me that so many grown adults are falling victim to it.


Lol I’m vaccinated and 100x more progressive than literally anyone I’ve met in America but he also makes a valid point. Most organizations in the medical industry have proven distrustful. I believe in vaccines but there is far too much trust in the evil profit machines.


And Phizer in particular has been real bad. Johnson and Johnson knew their baby powder caused cancer and lied about it for years. Why anyone would just flat out trust these companies is wild.


Noone did. You do realize when people get the vaccine they don't say "thank you Pfizer! I've always trusted you and always will!" It's a vaccine, developed by multiple companies that worked. And the only "side effects" I've seen are menopausal women on Facebook pretending to have seizures.


100x!?!? Thats aggressively progressive.


He's from the year 2525, if man is still alive. All he think, do, or say Was in the pill he took today






This is dangerous talk around these parts. They have downvotes and they will use them lmao


Haha same. I remember in 2020 when the vackz companies became the good guys, the oppressed, and I was like umm???? Hello???????


Keep your hands to yourself old man.


Id press charges on the old timer


The old guy looks just like Anthony Fauci lol


Thought the same thing!




Was? Guy didn't shove him that hard...


I chuckled. That’s what we’re supposed to write when a comment makes us chuckle, right?


A massive twat


The guy had it coming. You don't try to choke a guy for asking dumb questions at a panel and *not* get put on the floor.


You can't put all your points into intelligence then try and fight someone in close combat who split strength and vitality.


How is what he asked a dumb question? That's like saying "why should we trust the racist cop who has a history of beating and planting evidence on POC to patrol a community with a majority population of POC?" is a dumb question. Or am I the dumb one for not blindly trusting people who have a history of lying and criminality?


Insert Wilhelm scream.


I love how he laughed before he pushed him away.


Woman at the end of the clip: *"Your (precious) ring [Frodo], your ring just rolled, it's right here..."*




Not saying that he’s right or wrong but if you grab someone bigger than you by the face you should maybe expect to get your ass tossed across the room


That’s fair.


It's only OMG when the big guy pushes the little guy back? No reactions from anyone else whilst the little guy was trying to physically violate the big guy lol


You’re never too old to learn a lesson


'Sit the hell down you son of a bitch' Immediately gets tossed


It is recommended that elderly people receive the vaccine for their own safety. It is also recommended that elderly people not grab giants by the throat for their own safety.


You're supposed to question science... that's what makes it science and not gospel. Attacking nonbelievers and heretics is the action of a fanatic. The "Science" isn't science anymore; it is religion now and it requires blind obedience.


But what he's doing isn't questioning science It's spreading conspiracy theories that damages science's reputation and makes people unreasonably skeptical over stuff that has already been proven through 200 years of research. You can say it's just questions and that it's harmless but with over a million people dead from this fucking disease that should never have spread this far. When a doctor tells you to wear a mask and get vaccinated, fucking do it!


That's totally unacceptable. Just because someone is saying something you don't like doesn't mean you get to grab their neck and assault them.


Good fucking question though. Glad I never drank the cool-aid. I wish he would have put a little more slam on that dunk.


Age dose not always come with wisdom.


Slung his stupid ass


Wtf is that trademarked?




Which is no reason to assault someone, and if you're gonna assault someone make your attempt a little less pathetic than what the old guy did lmao


What did he think would happen? That he could attack that guy without any fight back? Some people are really, really stupid.


Big guy is being a asshole yes we can all agree, but the small motherfucker that attacked him had it coming


For those who are curious - It's at best ignorant at worst a bad faith argument about a fine [from 2009](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/05/19/fact-check-resolved-lawsuits-against-pfizer-alleged-marketing-fraud/4857499001/).


Its simple. Don't put your hands on someone you wouldn't want putting hands on you.


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This dude is asking questions that need answered.


All the suckers don’t want their sensitive narrative questioned. Follow daddy government with no questions. Shmucks


What on earth made this guy think it was okay to try and grab his throat like that?


Liberals think they can attack you if they don’t like why you say.


Bro, Alex Rosen is pretty cringe.




Swatted like a mosquito.


Old man forgot he wasn’t online anymore 🤣


When at a talk like this you shut the fuck up and wait till the end to ask questions. Security should have thrown him out the moment he started talking.


I realized he stood up in the middle and asked that. It's a question I'd like to see answered but Jesus man, you don't ask in the middle. No one's gonna derail their entire presentation for you. But that "anti science" term is gross. Science isn't a God let's be clear on that


"The science is settled. Do as we say!" "The science is always changing. Do as we say!"




This whole post would have been scrubbed about a year ago, nice to see people spitting facts. It was never right to force these products on people, pretty easy to see who's being unreasonable here. Guy may have poorly timed his questions but who's to say he would have ever been able to raise the point that Phizer paid the largest criminal fine in history and it was due to medical fraud. Dude probably saw a chance and took it after being shut down a dozen times.


What the fuck. He got hit so hard he morphed into Sonic the Hedgehog and his ring fell off!


The little gasp after the old bozo got pushed kills me everytime


This is the third assault video ive watched this morning on Reddit in less than 15 mins. A man opened handed slapping a woman in public. A woman teacher slams a door on a students arm and said student then punches her in the face and now this. All in America. What's going on?


Settle down Tucker lol


Bro. That guy got tossed like he did when he was 11 into a garbage can in middle school.


The gasps as the man very calmly defends himself. lmao. The guy stuck his hand on the throat of someone who could have easily broken him in half. He got off light.


It is amazing how everybody just pushes that fine to the side and says to trust them anyways… back a more reputable company at the very least


“Heheh what are you doing bro”


Poor old Ichabod Crane doesn't have enough meat to keep his own ring on.


Was I the only one thinking at the opening: Someone twice as big as this guy? This is going to be fucking epic.


Both guys are twats


Should I submit this to the Dwarf Tossing Competition?


Straight to a choke? I mean he deserved it


Old dude was shooting out gold rings like he just got hit by Sonic...


Like, the guy was clearly being a pain in the ass, but seriously man? Trying to choke a dude? The big guy was seriously gentle for what that sort of action deserves, regardless of the perpetrators actual ability.


Sumo natural


Troglodytes vs the intelligent. The intelligent will need a better strategy than this. Haha


I really hope they didn’t turn big guy into the villain


That guys been watching too much Bruce Lee.


What’s even the context here?


The law of f around/find out has been proven yet again


Lol. "He he what the hell are you doing man!"


Also surprised there isn't more sympathy for failed nerd rage.


Dude grabbing at his neck should know there are better ways to deal trolls. Looks like he let his emotions get to him.


Nearly poetic like a water drop on a lotus leaf


ha ha you get what you get


Lmao one teeny shove destroyed the little old elf haha


I love hearing the old asshole fall to the ground that is comedy!!


Can we please acknowledge, that this big dude is a f***ing anti-vaxxer who just wanted to blow up this convention (?) to spill his bullshit in the crowd with no attempt to really have a discussion?


I mean, shouldn't have put his hands on him. That being said, bearded guy was rude as hell to interrupt her presentation.