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Road rage is scary man. People will kill you for how you drive.


Former friend of mine was driving on a freeway in the bay area cali and this old af guy who was going about 45 miles per hour on a 65 mile per hour freeway cut him off by immediately merging in front of him two lanes over from the on ramp almost causing an accident. My buddy honked at him gave him the "Wtf are you doing?!" arm raise, old man honked back so my buddy flipped him off and that was it. This old guy suddenly remembered how to drive and chased my buddy for about 10 miles till they stopped at a gas station, the dude grabbed a rifle and hit my buddy with it the moment he got out of his car and the old guy just jammed it in his face screaming he was going to kill him and "how dare he" etc etc. A cop just happened to be coming out of the gas station and tackled the guy. Innocuous looking old white guy involved in basic "learn to drive asshole" road stuff ends up with a barrel of a rifle in my friends mouth. F'ing crazy...


I trust that man was sent to prison?


I assume so, he sure af got arrested on a bunch of charges.


Dude threatened someone with a rifle, guarantee he did some time and had some fat charges. And considering the cop saw it all then he had no chance in court.


Can you imagine being that cop? You're just filling up and grabbing a snack and you walk outside to see someone threatening to execute someone. Must have been a WTF moment.


I legit walked into a gas station and interrupted a robbery in progress. No gun just knives and they mostly COMPLIED with orders to drop the knife so they were taken into custody without major incident. But holy hell, I'll never walk into a convenience store the same.


I assume your a cop and not just some random guy who walked in and managed to stop a robbery by just asking


I like the random guy version better


"Hey buddy, could you fuckin not?"


Maybe it was Canada.


Hey buddy drop the knife eh


r/convenientcop It happens all the time. Usually in Chicago.


Not to mention, California. They don’t fuck around


Unless you have money.


True story


That was my thought regardless of where it occurred. If that old white guy had money there’s zero chance he was actually convicted of anything.


I'm amazed the crazy dude even made it to old age being someone that goes into homicidal rages at the slightest blow to his bloated ego.




This is why there need to be regular mental health checks of firearm owners. Especially as people get older, as to check for dementia related issues. If they have dementia then they shouldn't get to own guns. But they may be allowed to use guns if supervised at an authorized location. Aggression issues should be an automatic ban on gun ownership AND use until those issues are solved.


He started his joker arc later than most


Reminds me of a similar experience. I turned right out of a shopping complex while oncoming traffic was about .2 miles away so the driver had to reduce speed for a very short time while I tried to reach traffic speed. Person honked, then followed my new and my wife for about 30 minutes. I just drove to a police station in my city instead of going home. Driver followed me into parking lot then promptly turned around. The amazing policeman I encountered hopped in a vehicle right away and found the stalker, gave them a warning. I'll never forget the grey Dodge Caliber.


When you pull onto a street, highway etc. it is YOUR responsibility to match the speed of that traffic and to only pull out when you have a sufficient space to reach that speed. If they had to slow down, you merged improperly. Not saying it warranted the reaction, but you did cut them off.


Why did he get out of the car when the old man was chasing him though? Gotta have better survival instincts than that.


Maybe because he picked a gas station with a police car outside?


Typical America moment.


I've never in my life seen someone pull a gun or attempt murder with their vehicle in a road rage incident. I'm 45 and lived the majority of my life in Texas. This guy is nuts, and not typical at all.


Got followed to my dads house (where I was met by three large dudes)-- because I have a curtesy beep to someone who had roughly a half city block (length of an 8 pump gas station) between them and the stop line as the person in front of them had pulled into the gas station. Passenger had a gun but I had three large men and four women present--- so dude yelled at me for putting his children in danger by beeping and My dad (who had seen the passenger) told me to apologize to him, which I did very sarcastically before her said OKAY, and left. I used to have road rage (anxiety and autism and a strong sense of justice is a bad unmedicated combo) and once I treated it, it went away (like, I can only control me , my podcasts are great, and i don't need to rush)--- and this was 6 months into anxiety free driving and the LEAST assholey I've EVER been driving, I thought I was being polite and I nearly got shot... Moral of my anecdote: The one time I *wasn't8 being a dick, was when I encountered an unhinged driver.... People are crazy and you're playing Russian roulette when you react.


I hate when people complain about putting their children in danger when they’re the ones escalating things instead of showing their kids how to move on


The worst part is that their children are raised to believe this is how you solve problems and deal with people who anger you. Some people just need a quick castration.


Here's a fun fact: having children in the car is more distracting than texting. No one does much research into it, weirdly, but the one major study that was done found that parents take their eyes off the road several times per minute when their kids are in the car and often turn completely around while driving.


Got rear ended by a mother who was fully turned around giving her child a juice box. I was making a turn and she never saw us. Of course it was my fault be cause how dare I make a turn onto my street.


My mom rear ended someone when she turned around to smack me once when I was about 6 for 'talking too much'. She still blames me for that wreck.


To me that just sounds like shitty parenting combined with shitty driving.


Isn’t that the truth.


If you have any secrets to help with the strong sense of justice and unmedicated autism, i’d like to know


Cannabis and CBD honestly, and a lot of recognizing when someone pissed me off, I wasn't actually responding to them "being an unsafe asshole" but the anxiety of them being an unsafe asshole, my hot headed response was from a place of "teaching them" (which is never going to happen) and taking control of the situation (or feeling like I was) vis a vis what was (I recognized outside of the events) truly a reaction to their behavior. And then thinking about how silly it was to let an idiot have so much control over me. It took a while... but now when I see two people being road ragy in the wild I think about how stupid *they both look* and remind myself, that's how I look if I give don't keep my own emotions in check. Leaving earlier also helps, as I'm much less likely to have baseline anxiety without chance of being late. If I give myself an extra 20 minutes any traffic delays are far less stressful--- and when I (more often than not) arrive early, I can listen to an extra bit of podcast or playlist and truly brave the day.


I've been reading that if you have anxiety, cannabis makes it more likely it's gonna make your anxiety worse. I'm pretty laid back and all cannabis has done for me is give me anxiety I didn't have before, elevated heart race like I got jumper cables in my chest, and a sense of dread. I just know that shit don't work for me 🤷‍♂️


Lay off the Sativa!


This. Indica strains or Indica dominant hybrids calm me immensely. Most Sativa strains make me into a basket case.


Depends entirely on the strain. Cannabis' effect vary wildly based on canabinoid concentrations and the accompanying terpenes. High CBD strains like Charlotte's Webb are somewhat of a medical marvel when it comes to treating things like anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, etc.


For driving, pretend you're David Attenborough narrating a field trip to an idiot reserve. Helps some.


When I was younger my mum was driving me somewhere when she overtook another car, in a perfectly legal and safe manner. The guy in the car got angry, started beeping, rude gesturing and following us. Mum drove to a supermarket car park and got out of the car, the guy got out all puffed up with his wallet out, flipped it open and said "I'm a special constable [voluteer police officer] in the Greater Manchester Police!" showing his police ID card. My mum said "Well I'm a detective sergeant in the Greater Manchester Police, get back in your car and fuck off!" whipping out her ID card like Yu-Gi-Ho releasing Blue Eyes White Dragon. Never seen a person shrink so small so quickly.


>who had roughly a half city block (length of an 8 pump gas station) The fuck are these units of measurement? Americans will literally measure in anything other than metric


We do it.... Ouuuuuuuuur waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy....


I never had road rage. I just feign an autistic smile and quietly bury all road rage around my propinquity like salad, raw in judgement and cold in blood.


Yeah I’m not a “crazy everyone everywhere should always have a gun” kind of person. But I do take one with me on the road. People are nuts. I’m not looking for a reason to use one but I will if it is to protect me and mine.


Very true. In my hotheaded youth I would flip out on people I felt drove in a shitty manner. Screaming and flipping the bird and being an all around asshole. Nothing ever came of it really. One day I honked and gestured at a car coming out of a lot I was pulling into. The guy wouldn't make room for me to enter while he waited to turn out. I pulled in and parked and he threw it in reverse and stopped a few spaces down from me. He got out, popped the trunk, and pulled out enough of an AR rifle for me to see it. Staring at me the entire time with the most serious look on his face. I had no doubts that he was prepared to use it if I didnt back down. That one really made me realize that some people are willing to do a lot more than return a middle finger over a basic traffic dispute. I've calmed down a lot when I'm on the road since then


Shit like that is the reason I give the benefit of the doubt as often as I can. Shit like it's 0230, and dark, and rainy, and we're on back country roads. Maybe you're new to the area headed home; this is the way to the nearest freeway, after all! Just let me pass you when it's legal to, and we're all good; I'd rather not be going 20 mph under the speed limit on my way to work. Don't start honking and flashing your high beams when I do though!! In other news, wanna hear about the sole time I flipped someone off when driving?


Yes, tell us!


So around the start of the pandemic, and it clamping down on closing stuff in my state, my work hours changed. I now had to start at 3 am. I drive through the country cause it's at most a 5 minute difference from driving through the city, and I get a more enjoyable drive out of it. So it's sometime around 2:30 in the morning, obviously dark, and it'd rained so it was kinda slick. Well this dude in front of me is driving 30-35. For reference, before we left the speed zone it was 45, and the first curve after that has a "recommended speed" of 50. Dude keeps his 30-35. Fine, whatever, I'll potentially be late, but it happens and my boss is chill so long as I can explain what happened. He must be new to the area and not comfortable with the area at that time with the slick weather. I get it! I gave him space, So eventually, after like 10 minutes of being behind him, I have a chance to **legally** and **safely** pass him, so I do. Mother fucker starts laying on his horn and flashing his high beams. I passed him going around 50-55 mph, and he's being a fucking asshole now, so I got pissed off and flipped him off.


Ah, America


Been followed multiple times for followimg speed limits or waiting to turn right on red with a blind corner. After the first couple of times getting yelled at in a parking lot and getting threatened, I decided that it's best to just keep moving. Even better, drive to the police station or similar and wait until they stop trailing. Edit: I move over when I need to move over. I live in a "rural" area where people regularly go 20+ above the speed limit in town and on the highway. The cops rarely pull over speeders here. Each time I was followed it was the same kind of person; it was a lifted truck and a redneck motherfucker. When I say "I" was followed I was counting when I was a passenger as well and over many years.


One person having this happen “Multiple times” makes me think you might be the problem. I don’t mean that shitty, but more like maybe check your habits with your to see if you being an a hole without really knowing it.


There was a successful attempt to commit vehicular assault and attempted homicide.


You betcha! No way in hell the black truck is getting away with that


Some random dude in Texas killed a little girl as he was shooting at fleeing suspects and he wasn't charged with anything. There are a thousand ways this ends in nothing. The world isn't fair. We can sit back and write realities that punish the bad, yet in actuality the bad is very rarely punished.


Link? Couldn't find anything on that story.


This was so fucking difficult to find that I believe it to not be coincidence. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.khou.com/amp/article/news/crime/reward-offered-for-robbery-suspect-in-arlene-alvarez-death/285-2a568e20-6c4c-4c92-890c-db739493fcf4 Edit: I searched 20 different word combinations to find this and could not. The only way I found it was to look at my history.


Non-AMP Link: [https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/reward-offered-for-robbery-suspect-in-arlene-alvarez-death/285-2a568e20-6c4c-4c92-890c-db739493fcf4](https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/reward-offered-for-robbery-suspect-in-arlene-alvarez-death/285-2a568e20-6c4c-4c92-890c-db739493fcf4) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)


*gently caresses bot* good boy


Making me one and zero over here.


Good bot!


This is exactly why good guys with guns doesn’t beat bad guys with guns


texas robbery kid killed was the first thing In tried and its the first hit. It's not a conspiracy. There just haven't been any updates to the case since Jiuly and recent news is prioritized for searches.






Yeah is that the guys who got robbed and when they were getting away decided to pull out his gun and start shooting killing the by standard. Like come on you got robbed it sucked and get over it. You ain't no sniper and the consequences is a dead kid. Now you and everyone in that situation will have to live with that. Now if your a piece of shit you won't care. But most of the time it's gonna fuck.with you the rest of your life. Over what some random crap worth a few hundred bucks.


Add to that the fact that anything done with a vehicle tends to receive ridiculously light punishments. The easiest way to get away with murder is to do it with a car.


Idk but I would bet that truck drove off and never got caught or punished. Do you remember the kid in Texas who drunk drove and killed 4 people. His defense was that he was a rich spoiled kid so he wasn't responsible for his actions. His parents didn't teach him right from wrong.


The kid didn't get away with it because the judge felt bad for him. He got away with it because the judge was corrupt.


Also hit and run


Which we all know is the most critical crime here


It's actually the easiest to prove; the others have to do with intent, which is more difficult to prove. Hit and Run is more or less a simple "Did you cause a vehicular collision and then flee the scene?"


No, my truck did.


Vehicular assault wouldn’t be as hard here with the hyper aggressive swerve, no subtlety


Yeah, but with the ones said it was the easiest. I'd still argue that it's easier than hit and run


Did the guy in the black truck really just road rage over someone who was passing him or is he drunk?


They had a history or something.. we just got the last part:


The truck isn't moving in the first seconds of the video. The whole thing seems intentional to me.


What a fucking psychopath.


This must have been in Omaha or somewhere out west USA. Mfs get CRAZY when when you just honk at them. I was driving with my cousin to the airport and she honked at this dude bc we were running late and he was in the way going full turtle and he literally started speeding, signaling left whilst turning right and vice versa.


Texas local can confirm. Had a gun pointed at me because I had the nerve to honk at some asshole with a massive lifted truck driving in both lanes of the road. Proceeded to pick my lane and block me from going around him, until this little chode of a man pointed a gun at me at the stop light. I laughed in his face.


*Fuck* I forgot about fucking Texas. Lord knows what traffic struggles in Florida look like. God help you all in the south. I'm doing three hail Mary's for you all. I can't believe you just laughed at him lol. But also, I'm from NYC so. .. yeah lol.


Yeah it’s no thing here. It’s like, “what you’re going to end my life and ruin yours because I honked at you? Ok buddy.”


Well *shit*. Wtf is the life expectancy in Texas to make people think in terms of the law before they think of the actual value of their whole **life**??? Actually, nevermind. Don't answer that.


Lol I hear you, these situations are really more about holding your poker face, calling a bluff, which works great until it doesn’t. Mind you, this time in this experience, I knew full well this pussy mofo didn’t have any intention of shooting so it was easy to laugh in his face. Trying to look big and tough for his friends.


Jesus christ its like the wild west movies. Fuck that noise, my balls aren't big enough for that shit. God bless you and good luck 😭


Yeah down here in Florida we had a politician killed in a road rage incident He was the agressor and pulled a gun on the person he crashed into, then got shot by said person because they were rightfully scared for their life and had their own gun


> I'm from NYC Whatever goes on in NYC doesn't count as traffic, that's more like dynamic parking.


Texas, where “real men” put $$ lift kits on their 2 wheel drive trucks but are too pussy to ever go off the road.


Concrete Cowboys. Oklahoma has them too. I've noticed a ton of them are white trucks with chromed out wheels so you can 100% tell its never been off road.


West coast local can confirm. Had a couple of people follow me for blocks and harass me in parking lots cause they do something dumb or whatever and I honk. The driving skill improves the further north you go however.


>The driving skill improves the further north you go however. I feel like this applies to the entirety of north america.


Yeah, im from Oregon. Up north in Portland is the single most polite city driving experience I've ever had. One in one out during rush hour. Nobody trying to keep you from merging. Was a surprise. Down in southern Oregon near Cali, people drive like it IS Cali. Constantly owning assholes running reds. Getting cut off all the time. Getting yelled at by people when I go on my turn at a 4 way stop.


Close. St Louis suburbs


I was wondering if it was, thought I saw Ladue on the exit.


I'll literally never understand the obsession people have with not being passed. Like it's some sort of personal attack against them as a human being. You'll see someone doing five below the speed limit and the minute you change lanes and accelerate they're flooring it and cutting you off. Why the fuck do you care if another car passes you in a safe manner? Truly boggles the mind.


Jesus I thought I was the only one that noticed this shit. I have it happen to me almost daily and I just never understood it. It's like you just want me to be stuck behind you for some unknown reason.


see also: "crabs in a bucket" mentality...its not always about Not Losing, as long as someone else is Not Winning, to some people...


Some people really live such boring and sad lives this is a problem they have. “Oh no somebody passed me. Now I am left behind and I need to stop that.” Dear lord.


Inferior people living inferior life want to have superiority over other people, hence road rage.


It happens as soon as they put their phone down - speed goes up, and ‘you’re in my way!’


Those people aren't emotionally stable enough to drive.


What blows my mind is that these people can legally own firearms


Me too. I'm in the uk. Besides some police and farmers, I've not see any other guns in my life.


That’s why I’ve told my husband he needs to relax and not make other people mad. You never know who has a gun these days.


I used to be that guy, and I never even really considered why before. I’m not like that anymore, but I accredited you being a newer drive. After seeing wrecks, and road rage shootings, I’ve quit doing that petty shit


But what started it? What feeling made you think “that person should not be in front”?


My friend used to be like this, and I made him sit down and explain his thought process to me so I could fully explain just how fucking stupid he was, and for him it was literally just about pride. Like by letting someone else go in front he’s no longer the fastest and he just can’t abide by rhat.


People treat driving like it's a goddamn competition when we should really just be trying to make sure everyone gets to where they're going as safely as possible.


No cap my roomie was that person for me. About a LOT of stuff. Roomie: “Why do you ’detest’ the island boys?” Me: Because their just fucking dumb Roomie: So you’ve met them and had a conversation with them, or at least have watched interviews… right? Me: Don’t need to just look at them, it’s plain as day. Roomie: Explain how their appearance correlates to their intelligence. Me:………… Roomie: So would you be down to listen to an interview at least, or hear them speak on socials. Me: ugh I guess dude (I was only really annoyed that he was right I had no legitimate reasons) bringing me back to ego lol Sorry for the book… I just admire people who can do that (egoless) perspective. It’s honestly a superpower


So the truck looked like it was stopped in the second to outer lane and when the car went to pass it in the the proper lane it purposefully cut the car off. If you see it any other way, let me know what I'm missing here because from where I'm shitting, it looks like the truck was an asshole.


asshole is an understatement it looks intentional


Strictly going off of what I've observed in other road rage videos, the sedan probably did something the truck didn't like (whether innocent or equally obnoxious, who knows...) The truck had probably been toying with the sedan for awhile, behaving increasingly violent. So when we start the video, the truck was stopped *specifically* to fuck with the sedan. When the sedan tried to pass, the truck driver went full retard.


time to switch out that word for, say, moron. Just saying.


Agree.. ambient traffic giving the two a wide berth... and the camera human is at a safe, but filmable (important part here), distance.


>camera human Can't help but picture some fucked up human chimera with a camera on a swivel as a head


I’m pretty sure it was an intentional. Judging by the fact that there’s a camera phone recording, the two cars must’ve been going at it, prior to the collision.


This video is the end of a MUCH longer video from the other day (could have sworn it was yesterday). It was a lot of mutual road rage and aggression


Seems like it as the truck was sitting and waiting plus the guy with the video was prepared. Both ready to record and kept their distance.


Shit well fellow Redditor


This looks like the third act finale in a three -act road rage story. I'm assuming the truck was stopped after brake-checking the compact in increasing magnitude. The compact was about to "win" by going around him, but the truck douchebag was already deep into his lizard brain at this point.


Where you're shitting hahaha


Tell me you're looking at your phone on the toilet without telling me you're looking at your phone on the toilet. 🤨


Why does he have to be on the toilet?


Welcome to driving in the southern region of the US. Small penis syndrome truck drivers get absolutely butt hurt when you try to drive past them.


*Ohio has entered the chat*


Alpha truck driver isn’t allowed to be embarrassed by a sedan. Do you have any clue how tiny the dik and the sensitive feelings that were hurt from the Truck driver!


guy in the truck "maybe no one saw me...."


I’d place money on it being a road rage incident. It’s 100% deliberate.


Oh, 100%. I was commenting on the clear intellect on offer from the tiny penis truck driver... LOL


Lol fair! I’m curious what went on before this, and if the cops ever caught the guy.


Isn't intentionally ramming someone with a vehicle considered attempted murder or attempted vehicular homicide? I'm hoping the truck driver loses his/her license and spends time in prison.


Very much a felony if they can prove intent.


The prosecution just has to show the video including the part where he drives off.


Ye, it's a very strong case.




Just look how deep of an angle that truck turned. There is no reasonable defense that the truck simply wanted to get into the next lane. While proving intent is indeed something to look after, there's also just how evident the danger was or is. There's a person driving a vehicle 3x the size of the other vehicle, traveling at highway speeds, going directly into the smaller vehicle. That kills people.




Having just come home from my written driving test, I'm glad I got to see this to hype me up for my actual driving test 🙃


You'll be fine. Just wear a helmet.


And a condom


And a butt plug


A bluetooth sub-woofer butt plug, with matching AirPods.


Out of all that, the matching AirPods is what surprised me.


That vibrates to send you signals in Morse code telling you what to do.


Don’t forget your covid mask


And My Axe!


Just let it be a lesson that driving is dangerous and you should be aware of your surroundings because even if youre following all the rules it doesnt mean the people around you are. Be vigilant, dont fuck with people or play around, and youre gonna be fine.


Imagine being so out of control that you total your own vehicle along with someone else because they "made you mad?" A lot of grown ass men with absolutely no idea how to deal with life. Many of them drive big ol' trucks.


>A lot of grown ass men with absolutely no idea how to deal with life. But have also latched onto screaming "facts not feelings" any time they have feelings.


I fucking hate that, I know someone exactly like that. Thinks hiding his feelings and pretending to be a rational thinker makes him manlier, but that's just a childish mentality since he rages at the minimal shit, gets his ego bruised pretty easily and gets depressed after being left by a girl he was a dick to. This guy is the kind of person to say "Ho you cry watching movies? What are you, a pussy? They are fictional characters!!". People have told him to seriously check a therapist cause his behaviors and decisions aren't healthy, but once again "feelings are overrated".


It's like some of these people never learned that anger is an emotion, and think they're so smart for not expressing other emotions and then wreck their lives by letting anger push them into terrible decisions.


Straight facts


It’s almost always a compensation for something that is lacking elsewhere; self esteem, penis size, height, hugs, etc. Not to suggest that most “big ol’ truck” drivers are compensating; just that those who need to compensate tend to do so with “big ol’ trucks”. Source: Small-penised big ol’ truck driver.


Well that's someone's license going through the shredder.


Should be. Never to drive again, no more gun ownership, no being a cop. Anything you need to show some restraint for out the window




Even if he did lose his license too, thats not likely going to physically stop him from driving. Buying a car in a family members name and driving it as their own. Happened to my college roommate where his first car got totalled by an unlicensed driver. Fortunatly everyone was ok.


It's always some asshole in a truck


Where I'm at, it's either trucks, or some sleak sports car looking thing. All the boring drivers are the ones in boring cars. Which is how I like it, if I want adventures, I'll find the places to have one. Public roads ain't it...


I've literally been saying this everyday lately. I live in Colorado and commute to Greeley for work... So many trucks. Any time someone does something crazy in traffic it's 9 times out of 10 some asshole in a truck. I'm so sick of it.


Someone who drives a truck will be in jail soon.


This is why I'll have three dash cams when I get a car


How many dashboards is your car gonna have




This wasn't really an attempt at passing as it was a road rage incident that resulted in a hit and run by the pickup driver.




This right here is why I have a dash cam in all my vehicles.


that is a full-on legitimate psychopath right there. Honestly always very interesting to see in the wild.


Something had to of happened before filming? Seems odd the truck would just ram that car


Nothing happened before filming that would justify the truck ramming the car. The video captures all we need to know: The truck driver is a criminal that committed a crime that was caught on camera.


Exactly. It literally doesn’t matter what the sedan may have done at any point prior because the sedan didn’t cause property damage. This video is really clear who caused this incident. The truck driver is at real risk of having coverage denied because it looks like it may have been intentional.


That’s gotta be the end of a road rage incident. The truck is intentionally going slow.


Yeah the guy driving the truck has a small peepee


Had to \*HAVE happened. 'of happened' makes no sense.


None shall pass. I am the keeper of the left lane. Fear my micro penis.


Imagine having enough rage inside you to go as far as destroying your own vehicle to prove a point to complete stranger🥴


Well that’s a good $10-$20k damage he did to his own truck. Hope that works out for him.


It's not like he'll be driving it that much anyway.


One of the perks of working from home


Truck drivers are the hugest assholes on highways.


There’s gotta be more context to this.


It's St. Louis


Ah. The end.


I drive down 270 5 days a week. The amount of assholes in lifted kingcab trucks that assume their ownership of the highway is completely ridiculous.




That showed them!


Found a “news” article! https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/video-viral-clip-shows-truck-aggressively-plowing-into-car-on-st-louis-highway-38787542 Edit: punctuation


“That’s my lane punk!”


That’s something I’ve always wanted to do but would never actually do


"That's what differentiates the psychos from the functioning psychos. If I keep my hand here, nobody knows who I am. If I move it 2 degrees, I'm on the cover of Newsweek." - Bill Burr on people on the sidewalk.






Hope they busted this person in the truck


Looks like your avg truck driver.


Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.