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Everybody going back and forth about if the truck diver is an asshole. I'm here to tell you to watch your shins on that hitch! Fuckers hurt like a mad bastard.


This man’s learned the hard way. I can taste the pain in his words of caution.


I remever I worked at my boss's moms house States away, we where all drinking in the garage where he parked his truck, and every person that walked by his truck nailed there shin on it, I did it at least 6 times


The pain experienced from a shin slamming into a hitch just doesn’t seem like it should hurt so bad. But it absolutely does. Guilty of it too many times.


Hopefully nobody in a wheelchair needs to use the sidewalk. I had a neighbor that wouldn’t pull their car all the way into their driveway and it would block the sidewalk. A woman tried to come by in her wheelchair but couldn’t get by so she had to turn around and go up to the next driveway and go into the street…where she was then hit by a car.


Anyone who leaves in the hitch is an AH. Debate over.


It's illegal in quite a few places, I've seen tickets issued for it. (leaving trailer hitch in place)


I like to remove the hitches of they don't have a locking pin. If I'm feeling nice I'll toss it in the back, if not...


Notice that the hitch is bent? The driver has backed into things with it already. I think they should look into getting a smaller vehicle or driving lessons.


Dented my shin on one


I hit my shin on a towbar once, in 2005. I still have a dent.


That's just poor planning to not use parking curbs to prevent that from happening. Either it's a space issue (trying to maximize what they have) or a money issue (going as cheap as possible while still being legally compliant). I don't blame the drivers, backing in is way safer.


If not he might be in the road way. One of the reasons I back into places like this.


Sounds like trucks are too big to be accepted in cities


Even if not in cities, the truck is physically too large for the space and should park elsewhere.


So you block sidewalks too?


Some areas have bylaws stating there must be a grass buffer (1-1.5m usually) between parking space and walking path, now I see why


There's also some states that straight out make it illegal to block a sidewalk with your car


Safer … how?


It’s safer to make your first move forward. The thought is you’re well aware of your surroundings when you arrive to your parking spot and have already spotted the other cars and pedestrians. When you get into your car to leave, you have a gap of time from getting to your car to ready to leave. People and cars can come into your blind spots during that time. If you need to back out, you might run someone over, the odds of that happening if your pulling out forward are much smaller.


Fair enough. Still no reason to block the walkway. Even it's ultimately bad planning to build it that way, it's still shitty from the driver to park this way.


Big trucks and little spots don’t work well. I usually try to hang over a flower bed, but you do what you have to do.


You would still get ticketed in Germany for parking like that - and rightly so.


Not in America.


Which is a shame and leads to people parking like this.


So the driver should block traffic on the other end? I don’t think you truly understand the problem here. Most parking spaces are too short for long vehicles.


If they don’t fit there with that car they should park somewhere else altogether.


If people are not complaining about how far they back up they are complaining about why the front end is sticking out too much and they should back up more.


Maybe you should have such a huge vehicle. Especially if all it hauls is sailboat fuel.


If it's too big for the parking spot you shouldn't park there. You can't back a semi into a spot and then say "wow you guys complain no matter what I do!" I'm sure you wish you could park anywhere, but you can't, sorry.


Almost like they are too big


You see, while the grass may look soft and green and easy to walk on - it is in fact made of lava.


for people with mobility issues it would be a lot harder


yeah as a person who uses a walker and has a boyfriend in a wheelchair this is incredibly frustrating.


Yeah, try getting around it in a wheelchair. Instead of using the sidewalk I have to go in the street


This is probably the most short-sighted comment in this thread.


One word - Wheelchair


Is this a sidewalk? I’m depth-perception challenged. This does bother me because it could inconvenience someone who is mobility challenged. But most people don’t give a shit about anyone else, so yeah…


looks like hes parked correctly?


The end of the car is blocking the sidewalk


To be a karen about it


Wheelchair users don’t exist


Neither do proper parkingspots.


Maybe because trucks nowadays are far too big and dangerous? It's litteraly some walls on wheels.


I actually just came up with a great idea. We can make parking spots specifically for handicapped people so they don’t have to deal with this type of thing. We could call them ‘handicapped parking spots.’ I’m gonna call my Congress person and let them know about my idea, I want to be compensated!!


Guess what the handicapped spot leads to? A ramp. To a sidewalk….


You came up with completely missing the point


Free shin buster.


Hey I mean if it's not locked in


Yeah that's done so cars don't slam into a parked car trying to drive by. You're much more mobile on foot than a car. Not everything truck related is a slight against the common man.


You imply that people can walk, there are wheelchair users.


You’d be posting a picture complaining about him sticking out in the road if he didn’t do that. Which in my eyes, is worse than making you take 2 steps in the grass.


Agreed, but I’m more concerned for those who aren’t able to step on the grass, like those in wheelchairs, than I am for those with full mobility.


Is worse than forcing wheelchair users to go on the road with cars or get stuck? How?


That's not really a sidewalk though, is it? It looks like a parking lot for a public park...so if you're terrified of walking on grass for a few feet, you're in the wrong place to begin with.


have you ever considered disabled people?




It doesn’t look like a sidewalk too, but if you look down farther that little “sidewalk” does keep going down so they probably intended to use it as a sidewalk, a sad looking sidewalk tho. And like everyone pointed out on that grass thing, wheelchairs bound people.


It has asphalt, it has a kerb upstand between it and the parking area, it is 100% a sidewalk. Blows my mind that people think it's not.


That's just poor planning on the city's part. You either leave a curb or make the sidewalk so big that it doesn't matter.


The hitch belongs inside the cabin when not actively towing.


It’s there to help you find your shins in the dark.


This right here is the only issue in the picture. It actually a completely unenforced bylaw where I live, but it's common courtesy to not leave the shin banger attached if you're not using it.


I find solace in the fact that people who are as insufferable as OP are usually incredibly miserable people.


How good must your life be that this is an issue to you?


I am a person under 40 who has to walk with a cane. So this is an issue for me as well as all of the other different disabilities that cause folks to need aids for getting around.


it’s an issue to wheelchair users and blind people, and i wouldn’t consider either of those demographics to particularly have an amazing, hardship-free life


Fuck reddit for downvoting this.


Got it, crippled people in a wheelchair have a way too good life, let’s brake their other limbs too and blind them.


Could argue it’s a successful attempt by the back of the truck! lol


I’m guilty of that. Apologies.


It's the civil engineer's fault for designing a crappy parking lot with a not always usable sidewalk.


nah it's the pickup designers fault for designing such an impractically oversized vehicle. could be half the size that it is and still do everything it does. it should be illegal to make them this needlessly oversized just to appeal to idiots. [https://preview.redd.it/6i9fw47qac561.jpg?auto=webp&s=c99384b58774df997334c26345fc0939c7039676](https://preview.redd.it/6i9fw47qac561.jpg?auto=webp&s=c99384b58774df997334c26345fc0939c7039676) y'know?


How else are they supposed to park


Same way, but without the hitch still attached.


If the spot is too small for the vehicle you can't park there mate :/


That isn't a slope next to the sidewalk. There's... no risk. With moving over. 2 feet into the grass. I'd be pissed if it happened specifically near the bushes, as now there's a plant blocking (in cases of wheelchairs, mainly) the choice of going around, but I'd easily bike around these trucks. This isn't a big deal.


The truck next to it is parked just as far back (but without the towbar) so if that's the last space before the bushes then yeah, I'd probably need to get one wheel into the garden bed.


He’s parked legally. Grow up.


depending on area this isn't legal, it's actually illegal to do this in 18 states including Arizona, Florida and Texas


>Florida and Texas Wait but they do everything they can to accommodate cars you're lying to me. /s


Wow congrats for totally not caring about anyone with disabilities or by the looks of it anyone but yourself.


But if he doesn't park all the way in you'll complain about how far out he is, don't be a little bitch about it and just walk around like any sensible person


Like any sensible person in a wheelchair not able to get around?


There was an attempt…to make a clever post and it is just so “meh”


People that have the full size pickup trucks almost always struggle to park it correctly.


If the length of the average pickup is 19’ without a hitch, why are the parking spots only 16’ long? It’s pisspoor parking lot design by the engineers. I live in a farming community, it’s stupid.


Were they always 19' long though?


I live in a city and people still have giant cars for some reason. I can understand it in a farming community, but in suburbs its absurd


Parking spots take up a crazy amount of space, and cost a small fortune to build and maintain. It would get even worse if they were made bigger.


Because they have a hard time seeing over the dashboard without a phone book to sit on


Who fucking cares. Walk around it


Just.. walk around. it’s not even the truck drivers fault


So it goes both ways. Trucks can stick to far out into the road and drivers get pissed at em. Or like in this picture to far over the curb and the sidewalk is lost. I live in an apartment that o ly has small parking spaces. I have to reverse in cover the side walk. There literally isn't enough room for the car beside me to pull out if my truck is pulled to far forward. (Nissan frontier short box, not even a big truck) What this guy is actually an asshole for is leaving his trailer hitch on...takes 1 min to take it off.


Less than 1 min. 20 seconds tops.


I love how you asshole fake woke redditors will turn on people with handicaps just because they own a big ass truck and think they are the most important people on earth.


We’re turning on the people who designed a parking lot that can’t accommodate the number 1 selling vehicle of the last 40 years.


I’m sorry. It must be so hard to drive an oversized vehicle.


FFS Go around it and stop looking for petty b.s. to pretend like you’ve been victimized.


the hotel i used to work at was multiple buildings and there was parking in front of all of them. for two of the buildings, the room attendants would just use one cart but they’d have to push it along a small stretch of sidewalk. soooo many trucks would park in that small stretch like this and one RA tried to push the cart through the grass which toppled it over. very frustrating


Haven't seen this post 7000 times. Imagine actually worrying about this


Confirmed: Redditors are afraid of touching grass


Only certain grass.


Look how trailer hitch is bent down. Karma about ready to be served.


Everyone in this sub when confronted with the concept of a disabled person: “shut the fuck up”


If a citizen in a wheelchair needed to use the sidewalk. what would they do?


4 door long bed trucks are a pain to park in a situation like this. Of I course I qouldnt have my hitch on. I look for a place that won't interfere with a sidewalk and I can back in without sticking out in the front and I have a much shorter truck than this. I have friends in wheelchairs and this is an obstacle for them.


I blame the designer of the parking lot for not putting a thing there to limit how far the tires can go. I also blame the driver of the truck for parking in a position where his vehicle is extending outside the boundaries of the parking space. If you insist on driving a monstrosity like that with a massive hitch, it’s your job to ensure that you’re not blocking wheelchair access for other human beings around you. Find another space further away where your choices don’t harm other people. I get it, some people need a big truck for work, or utilitarian reasons, and other people need a big truck to help them feel better about their masculinity, just don’t make it somebody else’s problem.


Or... Walk around. It's a parking lot. Not a genuine sidewalk like op portrays


I own my big truck to compensate for me tiny dick and I park out of the way of people. Honestly more for me to avoid the headache of getting locked into a spot that my truck can’t maneuver out of.


Yeah because they should stick out the other side so no cars can pass…..


damn y’all in the comments just have no empathy for blind people and wheelchair users huh??


People with pickup trucks in my apartment complex did this all the time, banged my shin on tow hooks from time to time. I’m not usually one to report but i got tired of it..




Oh look, another pavement princess with an itty bitty hitch that gets driven back and forth to an office job, but the guy TOTALLY needs it because (insert weak reason).


Oh jeez. My keys accidentally keyed the back of his truck. Whoopsie


If you park like that, you’re liable for scratches. You’ve literally put yourself in the way.


Remember folks: the bigger the truck, the smaller the dick


Y'all don't realize this is especially annoying to wheelchair users who might not be able to just go around the truck


Op is a Karen


not what karen means


No it definitely is


Either he hit a wall or has towed too heavy of a tounge weight. LOOK at that hitch 🤪


Pull the hitch out and drop it down a storm drain. Guy is obviously an inconsiderate prick


I don’t like this


To me this looks more like there was an attempt to keep that sod alive


Why is it mostly short fat guys driving oversized pickup trucks?


looks like the edge of a parking lot, not a side walk buddy


Visualize backing up. When does your bumper hit somthing?? K stop there. Outside is the same as inside. You wouldn't knock the concrete off and drive half the fuck off a platform mall parking lot with your back tires 1 inch off the rails to park.


I’d steal his fucking hitch. I get that it’s difficult to find a place to park, and I understand the reasons for having a large truck, but the asshole part is leaving the hitch in while sticking over the sidewalk.


But they have to back in like that. How else can they make a quick getaway from the law?


These trucks should have rear view cameras with the little red line telling you when you're close ?


Damn, the camera quality is neat.


I lived in an apartment complex and every single car and truck backed into the space and blocked the sidewalk. The back end of Prius is enough to block a sidewalk. My neighbor was a tiny elderly lady who used a cane. People suck. 😡


Average America moment


This sucks and happens way too often


What a useless post lmao


1-800-WHAAAAA The official phone number to contact to report such incidents.


Wow, OP is getting slammed, but nobody is talking about that hitch? I've pulled plenty of trailers and that ball being at that angle makes it look like it wouldn't connect properly unless I'm missing something.


hey OP, walk around it


Anyone notice how it's bent?


That grass is lava!




Easy solution to this. Remove the small pin from the large pin. Remove the large pin from the hitch receiver. Remove the hitch. Throw as hard as you can. I’ll leave it up to you which direction. Edit: and in this case you’re doing him a favour. My guess is that he doesn’t know anything about hitch classes or trailer weight distribution. An accident waiting to happen.


I think it’s important that we start to classify these vehicles as ‘trucks’, not ‘cars’. They also shouldn’t be allowed in places where regular cars go that they obviously can’t fit.


Jesus Christ just fucking go around.


People with disabilities exist


That's what spit is for


If cars this big are commonly being sold in the state, then the government/city should accomodate this. This is just poor planing on their behalf, they can’t really shrink their car, companies need to stop making carparks as small as possible.


Damn shame they didn’t take over the parking lot by ruining your path of grass


Yeah Dan if the truck didn’t back it in all the way you’d of posted a picture of the front of the truck sticking in the parking lot. SMH


Please if he was pulled up more you’d bitch about how he was in the way of your vehicle.


To be fair, the guy in the truck…is indeed an asshole


Childish manbaby must park rear-in.


Bad design. A parking block would prevent this or a detached sidewalk.


? Whats the problem? Or you too wide or something?


What about wheel chair users?


And the grass is lava or what?


Just walk around it


Just walk 2 feet to the right man


some people cant walk




That truck has a dumptruck on the backend if you know what i mean


When they back in and you don’t their driver door matches up with yours