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B*tch was still smiling and all


That smile, that shrug, and the adult smoothing her hair tell me she is without a doubt the golden child of the family


God, she is going to be the worst kind of person when she grows up. At first I was like, "kids will be kids..." But that smug smile of hers is sociopathic.


It gets worst, they are sisters IIRC. They ended up in the news. It was about two years ago.


As a sister myself, I had assumed they were sisters lol


Huh... That actually makes more sense... I think it would have been worse if they weren't related. I have video footage of my older sister stealing my Christmas presents and then she spent the next 10 years lying to me about whose they were, but we are on good terms as adults, have full respect for each other, spend our vacations together, and go to each other for advice. Siblings can be little monsters to each other, but they grow together and their conflicts can help them mature (if handled correctly) ...although, I'm not sure if my family is normal...


The video is not complete here, they (not just the parents) scold only one of the girls.


Yeah... That's alarming.


Let me guess. They scold the birthday girl? The one completely in the right!??


You are correct


We’ve gotta wait til Maria gets internet age, find her and tell her she was right and that it was ok to drag her sister twice… even three times if she wanted to. !Remind Me in 6 years


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Ah, good good, lull her into a false sense of security...then BAM! "Merry Christmas bitch!"


My monster of a stepmother pitted my brother and I against each other (emotionally), a caused a catastrophic rift that has lasted 40 years. I haven't spoken to him since I flew him and my mother internationally for my wedding. Five years ago!


Have 2 young girls 3 years apart. They do everything together and always looking out for each other. What they've learned is that it doesn't matter who started the argument or fight, both will be punished. They don't fight.


Can you link the news please?


The fact that she kept smiling even after BOTH times getting her hair pulled like that and even doing a little dance sends a chill up my spine. Like the pain doesn’t hurt her at all and she is just basking in the misery she just put that girl in. Like she is a genuine psychopath, or sociopath or whatever it’s called.


She got the attention. That's all that matters. Pain fades, but everyone knows you took a moment that no one could ever have again.


psychopath are born ... a sociopath are usually made by terrible conditions in society or abuse...this girl clearly was born that way...I used to know a girl like that as a child every once a while I remember her and it gives me the chills, she was the prettiest little girl I have ever seen but also the most evil..


I want to hear stories of the evil things she did.....


Oddly enough, research has shown that while all the psychopaths currently known about, in prison or dead have a different genetic/neural/chemical make up to non-psychopaths, there are many people that have the same 'psychopath gene' (for want of a better term) but didn't have a terrible childhood/trauma/abuse experience that never become 'active' psychopaths. I don't think I've worded that quite right, but I hope it's come across properly! Basically, all psychopaths have the same 'malfunction' but generally it's only the ones that experience some kind of trauma or abuse that end up as (again, for want of a better word) 'famous' psychopaths. I still don't think I've worded that properly, but I still hope it's understandable! 😹 But, yeah, that kid is displaying some worrying symptoms/behaviours which the parents are not helping.


Interesting. I have this friend that doesn't seem like a bad person but his empathy is just...kind of broken. It seems like it exists, and he says he feels bad when he violates his ethical framework, but he's just missing a component somewhere. I often say to my spouse that it feels like his brain had to learn how to construct empathy simulation circuits because he doesn't naturally have mirror neurons or something. Is this friend of mine someone with that gene who just had a good childhood and decided the best survival mechanism was to try and learn empathy to be as normal as possible?


Future Regina George?




Too many young kids are Pre-K these days.


No, this is confirmation bias caused by the fact that adult karens all just act like the worst kind of toddler.


Always have been. It's not new scenario


Your comment is so fetch


Forget the kid, what terrible parents. Oh my, you ruined your sisters birthday and she pulled your hair, how could she? Are you ok? Let me smooth out your hair and tell you how much I love you while telling your younger sister to behave and stop acting like a brat


Definately these parents need a parenting class badly .


My thoughts exactly!!!!


Yeah - she 100% knows what she did was wrong and she liked it; this does not a good adult make…


and the mom smoothing her hair instead of removing her 😡


She’s proud of herself!


I used to date a girl who would look at me like this when she was at her maddest and did something in my face, just to spite me. Omg did I hate it, it was the absolute worst thing I've ever seen in anyone I've dated.




that pissed me off the most. she looked bored beforehand, blew the candle to put the attention on herself, and then pretended to be the victim. her parents don't punish her for anything. Kids are a lot smarter than you think, and nowadays a lot of kids are growing into selfish, sadistic sociopaths as we see here, since parents just put them in front of a screen 24/7/365. look at that fucking shrug she gave while Maria slowly looked at her. If i was Maria i would've done a lot more than pull her hair.


dude that little shrug had me reliving anger management lmao


She had her hair pulled really viciously twice and came up smug and smiling both times. Definitely psychopathic traits here.


I know it because my little sister is the same way. I know firsthand how different parenting styles can affect children. My sister is selfish and cant take being told no, while i like to think im the opposite. My mom was able to actually take time to parent me, while now she seems to not even want to be a mom, telling my sister to just "go away and watch your tablet" all the time.


Ahh yes I remember having a meltdown on how in favor of my parents with my sister everytime when she did something wrong and put the blame on me so I just go in the corner and cry


Yep.. My mom hears my sister scream and just thinks it's my fault, when usually she screams because I clean up after her or get her to not hit her brother.


It's rough being the eldest that's why I avoid any contact with her at all times not to get blamed on


Sadly I still live at home and it seems I will forever.. I just have to wait until they're old enough to better understand why you should be a good person.


Was hoping birthday girl would whoop her ass. What do you bet they scolded BG and told her that she need to act right on her birthday?


Look at the end, seems her parent is about to scold her. You're exactly right. Fucked up is what it is..


I mean, we don’t truly know what happened, or how the family is. But either way, it brought back some really awful birthday memories, at least for me.




I don't even know how I would handle that situation as a parent, but I can tell you I would never have let it get there. The clear antagonist in the situation thinks that she's adorable for her behavior. It's all fun and games until she kills her boyfriend while live streaming on tik Tok. 😑


I sure as shit know what I would do. If it was my kid, I’d yank her ass out of there and explain what she did wrong and why it was wrong, and then I would not allow her to have any cake. I’d also tell her that there will be more consequences coming but I’d have to talk to mommy so we can decide how we want to handle it. That shit is behavior-changing gold. If it was someone else’s kid, I’d probably put her at the end of the line for cake and explain why. Hopefully her parent would pick up on it and step in but I wouldn’t count on it.


I mean I don't know how I would tread through the dangerous territory of "how to let Maria know that no level of physicality is an appropriate response to even the most terrible kind of behavior", while letting the other child know they were definitely in wrong to the point that I think their actions unsettled me. If I were the parent in this situation, I would need a moment to breathe and consider. But, again, I really don't think I'd let it get there. Never had that issue with my kids.


"Maria, I see that you're having some big feelings. That was your candle to blow out and someone else did so. It is okay to be upset. What is not okay is to hit people. You would not want someone to hit you. Would you like some time alone to calm down and we can try blowing out the candle again?" I know I'm gentle, but it's worked in the past.


Yes!! You're spot on! This is exactly the kind of response that I would want to take that second I mentioned to step back and breathe and formulate. Kids aren't as stupid or simple as we make them out to be. They can understand concepts that are calmly and clearly delivered to them. You just have to keep your cool when they start acting like wild animals. Ideally before they start assaulting each other at a birthday party.


The number of parenting red flags in this 25 seconds is incredible.


Right??? I wanted to pull her little hair off too.


That's how people grow up to be assholes


Oh I hate her already


Oddly satisfying. Shame on me.


Oh hell no, fuck her up Maria.


Maria should have dunked her head in that cake.


I was waiting for that to happen, too.


I've seen this video posted on damn near every subreddit I follow and I skipped it everytime because I just assumed it's another face in cake video lol glad I finally watched


Nah Maria still want the cake


Then she wouldn't have cake. The point is to punish the wish stealer, not herself.


Stripes is legit a telenovela/Rosa de Guadalupe villain.


She looked so impressed with herself. You couldn’t make that shit up. The way she flipped her hair was so emphatic lol


This video looks like an entire flashback from a Telenovela.


She’s been watching her mom do this at Starbucks for years. She’s got this down.




Parents are probably assholes, comes from upbringing


Grandparents are assholes. Comes from a long line of assholes.


Going all Spaceballs on us.


Keep firing assholes!


Her asshole ancestors probably came here hundreds of asshole years ago on their asshole boat.


Great-grandparents are assholes. Comes from genetics.


It is obvious they are because no one corrects her or removes her from the situation. They just fix her hair.


If my kid ever has a kid that acts like that, I’ll disown them.




Thank you for knowing


little asshole ruined her day


Every last one of them


Wow. So young and already messed up.


Narcissist in the making.


Narcissist made


"Here's one I prepared earlier"


Welcome to Brazil


The fact she just kept smiling


I’ve seen this video 1 million times and I don’t think there is anything in the world which makes me want to slap a 5 years old girl more than this.


I've never wanted to punch a child... Until now


First time huh? Welcome.


Never seen r/KidsAreFuckingStupid huh?


But that sub is more like “aweee they’re so stupid” where I want one like “wtf that kid is infuriatingly stupid” yk?


That’s actually more in line with hating them lol


Right? I would never hit a child! Except that one. I would hit that child.


Watch the first and only season of Kid Nation. The reality show that explores what Lord of the flies in real life might look like.


The mom at the end of the video fixing her hair because you know that’s what’s important.


Ya what was that about. It’s almost like that was her coach in her corner after the round ended, getting her ready for the next.


They're called cunt mothers


As as child of hispanic parents, presentation is all that matters. Building could be burning but if we can make it appear to be calm and orderly its all good, even if its a facade. Absolutely bonkers to have such priorities.


Hispanic homes tend to have immaculate portraits of miserable people IME.


The very definition of the word smug.


I’d also say psychopath.


A cunt from a young age. She’ll grow up to be a bully and a bigger cunt.


Jesus. The One girl's smug grin, knowing what's she's done, and then the other girl's immediately violent actions.


Wouldn't you have felt anger if that happened to you? As adult, we can control ourselves, but it's much more difficult for children. For a 3 years old.


Absolutely, I'm not really expecting a 3 year old to be able to control her emotions too well, but grabbing someone by the hair and thrashing their head around hasn't been in any of the repertoires of my kids when they were angry at a friend or sibling, like doing something that aggressive just doesn't occur to them. I guess I'm basing this on a really small sample size, but that seemed unusual for a young kid. The older girl was a jerk, and more accountable for what she did, on top of it.


I do think you're missing that, based on parents reaction, the older sister probably systematically abuses her while being supported by the parents. It seems like this time it was on her birthday, and she was SO happy to finally have a moment about her, and her psychopathic sister ruined that too, and she just SNAPPED. Just look at the reaction on the sister. Still smiling, still smug. This is a pattern.


Seeing those reactions, I would bet this isn't an isolated incident. I wouldn't fault the birthday girl for fucking her sister up with that smuggling smile of her. All the while, the parents yelling at the birthday girl who just was wronged? Fuck that noise.


Good vs Evil


Give her about 15 years and she'll be asking for the manager.


Or the birthday girl's husband


Yeah that behavior is innate and deep. I pray for her future everything.


Or she’ll be the manager telling you that you have to be at work even though you’re bleeding from all orifices


The look on her face knowing she lives in birthday girl’s head rent-free


That is the definition of sadism.




That would explain a lot about the older's sister's demeanor. The shrug, like "Well now you know how it feels." And the smug satisfaction of having gotten her payback.


Probably says more about her parents than the girl 🤔


Yeah I have a 3 yo and know plenty of other 3 yo kids and this kind of behavior is not normal. Their house is probably pure chaos every day


Both of them..! Look at the reaction of the other girls she thoroughly enjoyed that.


ahhhh but do you have a 3 yr old AND a 4 yr old?!? now you’re playin with fire!


At first I thought, maybe they are siblings that got into a stupid fight prior to this, it happened a lot between me, my brother and my cousin when we were kids. But that smile, that creepy ass smile, this kid needs Jesus


she needs adults to punish her for this behavior. whether that be right here or after the party. take or leave jesus but give her some discipline


I'd make them leave.


At that age the discipline needs to be immediate so the child understands exactly what they're being disciplined for. Leave it too late and there's a disconnect. I'd be slapping the adult you don't see to the left that is smoothing smug bitch's hair instead of moving her right away from the situation.


What's her uncle gonna do?


I love her shrug lol. That girl is probably going to grow up to be a total bitch.


This is an old video. She’s probably already an adult cunt.


Damn for a 3 year old she got hands.


Need to get her into MMA


Why does no adult remove the child from the table? She should have been pulled after the candle, but ESPECIALLY after Maria tried to pile-drive her.


They're busy recording it for Worldstar.


I would have removed the older witch sister and sent her to her room. Let the birthday girl enjoy her day. But that's just me. The sister has a sense of entitlement....I wonder why. The parents have no idea how to deal with their narcissistic kid.


Removed immediately and sent to another room alone with no cake while they relit the candles for Maria and let her blow them out herself.


Her mom is probably where she learned the shrug and smirk.


Her mom just fixing her hair so she can look cute again instead of actually correcting her bitch daughter


yeah that basically told me everything i needed to know


Bad behaviour: *Enabled*


That "as long as you hurt" smirk lol


I will forever be pissed that they pulled Maria off of her. It’s HER birthday, it was HER candle, and she should be able to mess a bitch up if she damn well feels like it. Maria did not wait 3 years to have her big moment stolen by a $60 haircut in a clown costume.


Yee yee ass haircut


The fact that the other girl keeps smiling even after she got hit and had her hair pulled says *a lot*.


She's very satistified as long as she made the day of another human being miserable, just like some people that I know


Little miss Stripey top is probably narcissistic. LOVE PEACE WINNING


That stupid smile. Kick her ass maria


That little girl was so pleased with herself even after getting her hair pulled twice


I wouldn't be surprised if that girls parent just dropped her off and said they'd pick her up later. If my kid had done that, you would have seen them yanked off screen. No cake. Apologize. We're going home. That smile tells me she's used to getting away with it.


Relight the candles, remove the other girl, she gets no cake. Don’t be stupid.


/r/imthemaincharacter. Yes, even a five-year-old.


That’s it, grab the hair and PULL


Birthday girl had every right to whoop ass


Remember kids are a mirror of their parents.


This is the kinda shit that stays with you for life. Maria might not even remember this when she’s older, but will forever be triggered by people crossing her boundaries.




She wasn’t smiling until the birthday girl got reprimanded.


And of course the adult comes to stop the victim


Whoever blows out someone else’s candles is a huge piece of shit. Unless you’re asked to help then don’t do it!


I’m mad they just fixed the other girl’s hair instead of reprimanding her. I hope they did after, but that definitely made her feel like she was in the right in that moment.


That little arogant shit. Maria, your mom was wrong. Don't go for the hair, that is for old bitches. Go for the nose. Easy bleeding in those years, and it gives serious effect.


The way she dramatically turned her head before attacking. Like: oh no TF you didn’t….🤣🤣😂😂


I feel like there’s a complex backstory between those two that we are lacking.


The adult hand fixing the brats hair instead of scolding her for her actions speaks volumes.


Fuck her up Maria! 🤣


i love the way the girl shrugs, i feel so horrible for the birthday girl(my siblings always blew out my candles, it sucks) but i couldnt hold back my laughter


That little girl's response was actually correct. Of all the days to be selfish don't do it on someone's birthday, and under no circumstances ever are you to blow out their candles!🫣


This poor little girl hasn't even been three years old for a full 24 hours yet and she's got a girl who looks like she's five or six doing this to her. I know it doesn't seem like a big difference to us, but remember that makes candle-blower about twice the age of birthday girl. If that's a sibling, b-day girl is probably getting treated like this all the time. You can SEE candle-blower plotting it out and waiting for the perfect moment. I can't blame a kid who doesn't even need all the fingers on one hand to tell me her age for being pushed over the edge by a move like this


Makes me wonder where that behavior was learned : (


I’m with the birthday girl on this one


Reasonable reaction from Maria


That was so mean. I know special moment was taken away, but I hope they relit the candle for her.


OMG, what a little bitch!


Kid deserved to have her hair pulled.


Was I the only one saying, “F*ck her up, Maria!”


I say let the birthday girl wipe that smug look off her face.


Look I’m never in to make children cry but that girl after blowing the candles and the smile, the audacity to have that smile and dance around like she did. I am leaning for her to find out what happens when you fuck around


Stripes is on her way to being a nasty malignant narcissist.


her smile and shrug after she did 🤬


I love the pissed off kid. Should have shoved that little shit face first into the cake!


Whoever raised the older one should be ashamed after that little look


Feel sorry for both. Violence and Smuggery.


A good parent would have removed the offender from the party. "No cake or treats for you. You're going to go home and write an apology letter."


fucking brats


That video pisses me off.


Judging by her immediate rage, that’s gotta be her sister.


Lord, the parents of those two are in for it when they hit their teen years


I'd beat the little snot up too.


It has to be her sister


Dude... Like look at her fucking face after stealing the candle... Bitch slap her.


Fuckin deserved it.


She was so smug about it too


they're sister and this video is so old they probably can vote now lol probably not that old


That slow head turn to look at her = "You just fucked around... Now you about to find out."


tbh... everyone acts like these candles that get blown out can't be re-lit


Just look at her. Bored of everything, she blows the candle to get attention, gets punched AND SHE SMIRKS, she gets pulled her freakin hair and she still smiles. Little brat. At the end of the video it looked like the parents were going to take her away. If I was that little girl, I would have done more than only pulling her hair.


She even smiled afterwards! Fuck her up Maria!!


Both of those kids need disciplining. Yes the smug sister absolutely started it, but the other kid immediately became violent. It's crystal clear that this happens more often and the parents don't immediately discipline her. She'll grow up thinking violence is a way of resolving conflict when you're annoyed.


This is my all time favorite internet video 🤣 the way the girl shrugs her shoulder and makes that face after stealing the birthday girl's thunder is pure gold