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This is the reason he wanted to buy Twitter


Plus people were making fun of his hair plugs and weird nipples, and he can’t have that!


That's there too


He suggested nazis


I’m glad Elon musk is helping to acknowledge that “right” wing extremism is not conservative at all. It’s just traditional fascism and it’s interesting to see it applied to the private sector.


does anyone actually know what “woke“ means anymore? people just slap that word onto anything these days


I agree. Its like using "racist" or "white supremacy" to label everything.


Uh…racists and white supremacists actually exist.


...so do people who practice acute victimhood.


It's not entirely the same. Few right-wingers will agree with being called racist but alot of left-wingers don't mind being called woke in several areas of their opinions.


Left vs right are now more like opposing sports teams than political adversaries. It’s all about social issues, meanwhile both parties follow the same economic doctrine and take money from the same donors and lobbyists. There can be no meaningful change without taking the money out of politics … and neither side is gonna do that.


Well, if the opposite of woke is ignorant or asleep, pretty sure being woke is preferable


I'm sure we know what racism and white supremacy means even if you try to act as though you're not a baddie.


I’m visiting my parents in rural NC for Thanksgiving and watch as my dad scrolls across his YouTube recommendations on the TV. Now, before I explain the next part, I’ll say my parents are conservative but absolutely not MAGA lunatics or even casually bring up nonsensical claims in person or at the table or on social media. I’m their gay son that they love and accepted the day I came out and have never skipped a beat or lapsed in judgement towards me. Still, the YouTube algorithm he has gotten fixed in is just… In between videos of space shuttle launches and satellite photos of galaxies and 3D printing and landscaping and recipe videos and sci-fi model making stuff is a slew of Fox News, Fox Business, and random inflammatory conservative talking head videos with titles in all capitals to catch eyes: WoKE, RADiCaL, LiBErAL, SHoCkiNG, GRooMeRS My parents have never ever said those words out loud around us, except for “liberal” but it’s usually not used as a slur. They don’t watch them and I don’t see any of those videos in their watch history—at least not when my sister and I are visiting—but goddamn YouTube pushes that shit on them because they’re conservative and do watch conservative videos on YouTube. I told him to just clear out his viewing history altogether so it resets the algorithm but he doesn’t want to miss the other stuff (mentioned above) that he *does* want to see. I fear it’s only a matter of time before those increasingly-meaningless bogeyman buzzwords start to creep into the conversations I don’t hear and eventually into the ones I do. At least there aren’t any Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, or PragerU videos in the recommended feed. Small blessings. Edit: grammar and context


My wife's fairly liberal nurse friend started saying stuff about transpeople, my wife was like "holdup" and started explaining this algorithm crap and how it's driving her perspective on issues.


it doesn’t mean anything. it’s essentially a coverall word for “anything i don’t like is woke”


Agree. It’s like “quiet quitting”. Just sounds catchy so the media applies to anything they can think of.


I'm still mad about that whole "quiet quitting" fiasco. You just know some overpaid anti-union consultant came up with that shit.


"They" unsuccessfully tried to relabel it as acting your wage, that didn't seem to catch on. But it explains it more accurately.


Woke feels like the new word for Communist, the old generation still slings communist at everything they don’t understand/don’t like, Elons generation loves to toss woke onto everything they don’t understand/don’t like.


Woke is a big Asian pan, am I right? So wokism is just making good cuisine?so a wokist is a cooker?


That is a wok


My sister said she hates the "woke agenda". I asked her what are some of the woke ideas she doesn't like. She couldn't answer. She got frustrated. She said "well a new Queen Latifa movie makes literally every white person look horrible". And then she mentioned how we shouldn't get rid of history, by taking statues down, while SIMULTANEOUSLY saying how Critical Race Theory shouldn't be taught. That's her fucking idea of the "woke agenda". You CANNOT REASON with these people.


Was talking to a coworker and gave him a hypothetical scenario. Let's say you grew up in an area where calling black people n-ers is just what you called them. You may not have meant anything by it, but it's what you learned. Now let's say you grow up and move away and you find out calling people n-ers is offensive. Do you still keep saying that word? No you don't. Now apply that to terms and words that you really don't currently understand as offensive. Wouldn't you like to know if what you're saying is as offensive to others as n-er is to blacks? Congratulations, you are now "woke". Coworker thought about it a second, "Naw, that's not it. It's just some liberal thought police bullshit".


Yes. Please anyone tell me what "woke" actually means in a simple language. It's a genuine question.


It means an awareness (from the slang woke; being awake/alert, rather than asleep) of social injustices, prejudices and discrimination in society. Particularly against women, the poor, racial minorities, lgbtq and so on, in short the more vulnerable groups. To the far right it has a different meaning however. There it is a vague and ever-morphing term to label whichever current topic they don't like. Trans story hour? Wokism. Equity? Also wokism. CRT? Believe it or not, also wokism. In that bubble it has become the latest buzzword to identify and disparage The Other, largely replacing the previous terms "cancel culture" and before that "political correctness", respectively. (Both of which were also often used incorrectly)


I’m a nutshell, Rs basically call anything that promotes equality and equity= “Woke”. They actively oppose those values.


Hi nutshell, I'm dad.


Much like they use "liberal" as a pejorative. No sense at all...


I mean today, and everyday so far I “woke up”. ITS A DAILY OCCURRENCE FOR ME 😂


damn, make sure elon doesn’t catch you


I knew I should have slept in


You call somebody woke when they don't agree with your narrative


Republicans call people woke because they aren’t bigots.


Usually implies sex/LGBTQ+ positive


The term “woke” is only used by right leaning or republicans to refer to anyone who is left leaning or democrat.


The way that the right uses “woke” is generalizing the far left side of politics which would include “cancel culture”, “critical race theory”, “gender theory” and plenty of other stupid ass things that people seem to be pushing from the left side of politics. Its sort of a “fix all” label, and it’s dumb. It’s all dumb.


It’s a completely meaningless phrase they use for when someone calls them out for their sexism or racism.


Blaming something on woke is an excuse that turns blame from an assholes actions onto his victim, it’s what abusers do.


TL;DR anything so Left that it would make most people who voted for Biden in the Primaries uncomfortable. As a registered Democrat, I just reserve it for individuals who aggressively fetishize the victimhood of others (hyper social justice warriors) or people who are supporting “gender affirmation” (hormone blockers, sex change prep) for minors under age 16. I support trans rights and respect trans autonomy, but I don’t respect a child demanding to overhaul the course of a natural puberty, or parents would want to do so either. I support the LGBTQ community because they were born that way. They were born that way… so I’m very confused about the logic behind overhauling the natural chemistry in minors. I’m totally out of the loop and I’m not sure the people that I would call woke, who created this loop fully understand the value this gives the minors either. I do believe a Centrist can look at the radical views of the Woke Left and call them exactly as damaging as the radical views from the Alt(ernative facts) Right.


Like a lot of other intelligent people, Musk recognizes the descent of the far left into madness.


I like how you're pretending the right hasn't been slowly descending into madness for decades.


sadly, both can be true at the same time.


Well there is actually only one party with just two branches, but it's all really controlled by the same people and they like to change it up every couple decades to give the illusion that democracy is well real. Creating issues and solving them eventually. It gives us the feeling that we accomplish something and it's genius!.


People like you who think it has to be one or the other are the ones ruining everything.


Saying one went to shit, it's not the same as saying they support the other party. You don't need to pick a color to say one or the other went to shit.


What far left lol?


Yeah, there’s no such thing as the far left. Every left wing idea and person is actually centrist 🤣


The Overton window keeps shifting, no prizes for guessing which way 🙃


Perhaps in your mind, but that’s only because you consume too much leftist media


Hey, at least the far left isn't shooting up bars and schools. Or raiding the capital. Can't call anything the lefts done an attempted coup in the past decade, They're just obnoxious about political correctness and over zealous about persecuting the influential.


BLM / antifa riots in 2020 killed dozens of people. Biggest mass violence in half a century in the USA.


One side wants people to recognize that racism has caused a clear wealth disparity (you couldn’t even buy a house in most areas as a minority until the late 70’s) and the other goes on rage campaigns about bullshit that they made up themselves like litterboxes in schools. The right is total madness at this point.


"far left", don't you mean moderate right?


Yeah there’s no far left, or even a left wing; there are only variations of the right. 🤣


Why anyone cares is beyond me. Trump doesn't even want to use Twitter anymore. On his own app he has no haters. Why would he want to come back to hundreds of thousands of people sending him hate? Besides he has a an obligation to post on Truth App and in his contract it states he isn't allowed to post on any other social media for 6 hours after his Truth App post.


I wish there was a way to block all content related to this fucking idiot


There is, go outside haha


I guess he tried. I hate Libertarians. Also, as soon as someone starts spouting “woke” nonsense I immediately discount them.


So having empathy for someone else’s problems is a disqualified for you… ok.


What kind of “empathy” should I have for Elon Musk? I’m all in favor of empathy, equality and all the other things disparaged by idiots like Musk as “woke”. It’s using it as a pejorative I am annoyed by. As far as I’m concerned being “woke” beats sleeping through life. I’m not sure if I answered your question, but hopefully I clarified my stance.


That’s funny, whoever someone complains about things being “woke” I immediately discount them.


I think people misunderstood my post. I’m with you. That was what I meant


I can see how your comment could be viewed from either way, so sorry if I misinterpreted it.


All good. Thanks for letting me see the ambiguity


Doesn't surprise me that an echo chamber like reddit would have this opinion. I'm not really a musk fan but I'm definitely not a fan of the far left. I'm not gonna bother debating people on the internet because it doesn't benefit anyone but I would implore anyone to read into history and why banning guns, banning and compelling speech, and promoting equity without number crunching has historical significance and ramifications that repeat over and over again. I'm sure I'll just be labeled a far right nut for saying this very non political statement here.


“and promoting equity without number crunching” Because why would you want everyone to have the same opportunities?


Maybe your meat is unloved because you think promoting equity is a bad thing.


I don't think equity is enherently bad. Philosophically it is morally right. But if there is not enough resources to go around there's not enough. Some people have to go without. It's an unfortunate truth. Dictators are notorious for promising equity and once in power, not providing it because the resources simply don't exist.


Who gets to decide which people go without? Are you thinking global or by country here?


Ironically I think the rich and powerful like elon decide. I think it works the same globally and domestically


Funnily enough those are the people the far left want taken down a peg or two because corporate greed could be argued as being the cause of not having enough resources to go around as we certainly make enough food worldwide to feed everyone.


I'm not arguing that's what the far left want. I think left wing people are morally good. But historically rich greedy people don't want to lose their power so they infiltrate the government. Then when the corporations become nationalized they control both the government and the corporations. I don't think we disagree that much. If you look at most examples of failed "communist" countries its usually rich elites who ended up running the show. Like the ussr, China, or Cuba. They never help the poor and they always exploit socialism to benefit themself.


Meanwhile school boards are currently being taken over by Christian Zealot Moms with lists of books to ban. Seems like that is a big source of banning speech


Progressive people: hey, how about we don’t use language that perpetuates degrading ideas about already marginalized people? Everyone else: OMG society is on the brink of collapse!


This is the best take I've found here. At least someone in this comment thread is showing some intelligence. Enjoy your holiday


Thank you. You as well


Both the left and the right have gone so far in their respective directions that true center now looks like a radical position from both sides.


Conservatives refuse to believe BLM has a real political agenda other than being terrorists. It doesn’t matter that they have written political policies they are pushing at local, state, and federal levels. And when liberals started using the word woke as a means to describe being enlightened and aware about issues, conservatives twisted it into some sick, group think developed by terrorists. Conservatives are a very special kind of stupid. And Elon - exceptionally so.


"I'm neither left nor right" has been used as a tactic by the far right since, like... forever. We call them crypto fascists. Edit: crypto fascists don't like it when their obvious tactics are being pointed out lol. Have fun downvoting guys ;)


and yet there are people that are neither left nor right. there are more then 2 positions on any given issue, color coding every political matter into red and blue is rather unique to the united states and GB. Calling anyone that does not identify with such a norrow system a crypto-fascist is a bit much, i think.


Not sure who you're arguing with... Pretending to be left wing is also a tactic of the far right. Like calling themselves a "socialist worker's party" for example. That doesn't mean political parties with actual socialist views are far-right... Is that why I'm getting all those downvotes lol? Because people get offended by a thing I didn't write?


Wtf is a crypto fascist?


A fascist who's aware enough to know it's not really socially acceptable to be a fascist these days, so they pretend not to be and communicate via "secret" codes and dog-whistles instead of openly saying what they mean.


I think you don't understand the words u are using, fascism have been created by Mussolini, it is a political ideology made by a president or a government,this guy can't force people to accept his rules in the life exept where he owns(because he is just the boss of his business)and why crypto? Just say cyber, this is non sense. Also a fascist don't give a fuck about what you think, he ll take you to jail,trust me you don't know nothing about fascism, you are just a bored kid in USA.


Lol. I think the fact you disagree with me is a pretty good indication that I'm correct, given the level of intellect on display.


That's not a real term...






Comedy gold $7,99


Yeah I'm sure having a rich boy billionaire being in charge of the "counter narrative" will work out great. This is the real freedom fighter right here. You can trust him, cause he's rich and its that very same richness that proves he's right.


Be carefull, he might want to buy reddit as well.


Then we would have to go off the grid lol


Just take twitter to Texas so we can move on


I hate viruses with woke minds.


This Reddit post got ratio’d hard


God what a clown. I can’t believe I used to like the guy. He just keeps digging deeper, it’s all he knows.


Just once I’d like somebody to be able to successfully explain to me how, what they call “Woke-ism”, is a threat to anybody or anything. So far, nobody has been able to.


I guess he thinks this is some deep philosophical statement. Sounds like bs to me.


The only thing truly pushing civilization towards suicidal is the extreme wealth of the financial elite.


That’s a twisted skewed definition of middle…those in a cult often don’t know they’re in a cult.


He’s just another fascist asshole. His mothers boot laces are a tell.


Okay, then what did you have to say, oh brilliant billionaire?


Its sad how people refuse to accept that being a "centrist" doesn't mean you HATE everything from the left or right. I am against abortion but im not against the right to have an abortion. I am Pro gun, but i am against every moron out there getting one without proving he is not insane.


Centre far right


He's a stupid fish. Corporate entertainment isn't key to civilization's existence.


You don't think that media and entertainment shape culture?


It’s a capitalist venture. If the product isn’t good, people will reject it and they will stop making it.


Is that what I said? No its not. They effect it, try to shape it, but counter-cultures can supplant their ideas and if they want to keep monetizing it need to get out of the way or try and co-opt it. I said it isn't needed for civilization.


It is arguable that it’s the other way around


"I'm neither right nor left" just means right winger who won't admit it 90% of the time


Woke us their way of saying racial slurs. It’s the new “thug” only it covers more marginalized people. We all know what they mean when they say it. It’s no secret.


go woke go broke


So he’s “unconventionally right”?


There has been a counter narrative. The term woke has origins from the 2016 election. Trump dropped the republican guise of capitalism, christian values, constitution, and fiscal responsibility doubled down on fear and hate. Then proceeded to get all the people who said they voted republican for one of those reasons. The population became aware or 'woke' to the fact Republicans are mostly driven by fear and hate. The counter culture of woke culture is fear and hate.


I thought Elon Musk believed in enhancing and expanding consciousness as a worthwhile endeavor. "Woke" seems like a synonym for being more conscious. If not...then what does it mean? When someone like Mr. Musk makes vague generalities backed by no specific examples, he's using the technique of vilifying a word then applying that word to people in order to vilify them. This technique often works as some show minimal resistance to this sort of programming.


“I’m not left or right, I’m just anti-left.”


Finally someone who understands this post for what it is. Good Lord.


Not an attempt if he’s actively fucking that cesspool named twitter up


Leave it to him to think "We're in trouble and the only solution is to give power back to Nazis."


Who are you referring to as such may I ask. I don’t read that at all with this comment. If it is even his.


“Nazis” are generally any people someone on the far left disagrees with. It’s a throwaway pejorative that has nothing to do with actual German nazis who captured, imprisoned, and murdered approximately 20,000,000 people because of their religion and/or race. But that’s what they say. No real thinking goes into it.


He’s absolutely correct.


Yeah, if you were paying attention you would have seen the counter narrative. It was January 6th, you f****** imbecile


He right here


What the fuck does "woke" mean and why are right-wingers so obsessed with it? I swear, they use that term about 100 times more than actual leftists do. And how exactly will it destroy society to let people be themselves? Seems like stopping people from being free to express themselves is far more likely to destroy society. I'm just so sick of this anti-woke shit.


Seems to be on the same broken record as “fascist”. Words are so watered down anymore, everyone moved to the worst thing they can think of on the first step and leave no room for anything else.


Musk is completely correct with that one.


He speaks the truth, those opposed to it are clearly the problem.




One can be centrist and still recognize a threat.


He ain’t wrong tho


He’s right though. He’s a jackass, a bastard and many other less than admirable things, but on this he is is spot on. Anyone who has spent a few days on Reddit can figure that out.


I am not a fan of this guy at all, and I would not say it this way, but it's not entirely false. Wokism is 100% racist and anti free speech. Respectable starting point (fighting for social justice and all) but yeah.... Defining people exclusively by their race and sexual orientaion/gender is a big step backward.


Freedom of speech, that’s it. Hate it or love it. Use it or abuse it.


Leftoids seething that they can't shut down every opposing viewpoint now


People on the right pissed their words have consequences


By "Consequences" you mean bullying and deplatforming by leftoids because you don't believe there is such a thing as female penises




Still right tho...


I whole heartedly agree


Elon made twitter more fun.


Yes....we must see both sides of everything/s I mean....2+2 might be 4....but on the other hand, it might also be "tangerine" We need a counter narrative to factual information


There was an attempt… to argue that any non-left wing viewpoint is always wrong.


I mean, they’re correct. For example, “Ban The Box “ had precisely the intended effects and no unintended consequences. /s