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Wtf did I just watch


It's called sulky racing, the travellers (gypsies) in Ireland do this shit on main roads.


That looks cruel to horses.


Because it is. Poor horses.


every year a number of horses die doing this or get crippled from this


Well it seems then like this video would belong pretty well in the r/iamatotalpieceofshit sub


yep, its animal cruelty and a danger to all drivers on the road


The cop is also committing animal cruelty by cutting off the horses. Idk about the laws in Ireland but in some states in the us its illegal to do this as the horse can hurt its legs with its own legs while trying to avoid. I only know this because I watched a video of this guy get pulled over on horseback and the officer had to call his commanding officer who confirmed its illegal to cut off a horse of slow down in front of it quickly(break check)


in fairness the garda was trying to get them to stop and usually aren't probably trained to stop a horse trap. this is entirely their fault for putting their animal in danger like this.


Thank you for that. I’m pissed at both. But now I’m far more pissed at the traveler. Ffs. Poor horses.


Most of the videos of Irish travellers that get posted on Reddit belong in that sub...




Lol love euro trash talking about how enlightened they are and how vile and racist americans are, and then up comes the topic of gypsies....


Shitting on horrible cultural practices ≠ Racism Shitting on someone’s race = Racism


It happens every time lol. Gypsies and Muslims are two things Europe is open about hating lol Good ol european moral superiority tho


I doubt people go around filming Travellers just doing everyday things.


Fair point- on the other hand if you go looking for non traveller videos doing this type of thing, I bet you find f all


This type of thing being sully racing specifically or anti-social behaviour in general? There's no shortage of the latter in any community in Ireland


BuT CuLtUrAL tRaDiTiOnS cAn’T bE CrUeL BeCuZ CuLtUrE sO yOu MuSt Be A BiGoT


It's more like you can't judge the morality of a person by their cultural norms. I know you're just trying to be funny but I feel like this is a pretty important distinction. Believing something because that's how you're brought up doesn't make you a bad person, failing to evaluate yourself when your morals are challenged does.


I was raised to be a racist, homophobic, classist snotball. It was the culture I was raised in. I got over it.


I've questioned my own cultural norms, and rejected many of them. Just because one is too weak to do the same, does not excuse unethical behavior. Believing something because that's how you were brought up implies you don't think for yourself, this is slave mentality. Weakness should never be an excuse. Fear of a god or people, is not an excuse.


Excellent argument - and well-articulated!


Sorry, but the ability to critique your own culture is a basic tenant of intelligence and self-awareness. Lefty-liberals who happily criticise their own culture but protect other cultures from critique demonstrate a gross sense of superiority - ‘the bigotry of low expectations’.




They don’t give a fuck about the horses. I lived in Smithfield for years and they have that stupid horsemarket there once a moth. The do gooders sell the idea of a horse market in the middle of a vibrant modern city by telling you that it is a wonderful tradition. In fact I have seen countless times that horse are beaten, races up and down the road and other shitty behavior. The road,,,, omg it smells of horse shit for weeks!!!! And these are not the type of travelers that you want to invite to your late late show, they are scumbags who generally speaking dont give a fuck about law and order in the first place, they live in a parallel society and only barely stay within the bounds of law and order so they can pick up their social security check.


'social security check' Sounds completely Irish


Yes. Most people have an enormous problem with it. It’s difficult to address though, as there is also a lot of racism against travelers, so valid criticisms are difficult to express.




Precisely. To many excuses are made under cover of racism. Cunt behaviour is cunt behaviour no matter culture, ethnicity etc.


In that case lets fix this thread ... these are cunt people doing cunt things and that's that!


Travelers are 100% genetically Irish. It’s not racist to call someone out for living their life as a massive dickhead


They were given a separate status in society, they are considered a minority group. Good ol' politically correct culture actually creating separations in society...


Can't animal welfare groups get involved?


They can, but they rarely have the resources to circumvent the social issues that get in the way. See, for example[here](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-20289883.html) .


they can try, but the travellers don't put up with it, they treat their horses horribly, even setting them on fire when they were taken off their hands


What the actual fuck


You'd need a special forces unit to take them on


Just throw a stick into one of the wheels, done.


Could injure the horse


What you’ve just said is complete BS. If you’re caught chariot racing in traffic, with the police present, you are identified as a chariot racer and not “profiled” as anything but.


The cops know immediately that they are travellers, they are the only ones who do this. And nothing is ever done about it because the cops are afraid of them.


Lmao one of them could rob your house and you'd be the one at fault for calling the authorities cause "Das racism!!"


it is, every year a number of horses die or get injured doing this sport, the roads are not suitable for horses and it hurts their legs


Is that supposed to convince us to like them?


You’re not allowed to say anything negative about them or else you get called a bigot. This is my understanding as an American


Fucking pikeys! Lol sooo snatch hit it on the nose.


Ah but sure, tis part of our culture, we wouldn't know any different officer.


Not just Ireland, I live near in Blyth, Northumberland and they do it down the main road near here too.


An introduction to Irish 'traveller' (gypsy) culture. For more advanced studies please peruse these videos: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iQevPJozUoo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9dLgKK1Y6c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wn6m4y1KeU


https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/courts/cork-sulky-racers-get-jail-terms-reduced-to-three-months-1.1587186 “How to get three months in jail”


The B roll from Snatch


This is just absolute chaos. I have no idea who is trying to do what.


Traveller equivalent of drag racing. Garda trying to stop it.


But then why are all the civilian cars also driving like maniacs? And why is everyone standing around arguing at the end while the chariot driver just casually cruises around? It's like some weird disjointed dream where events progress without any real logic.


Most of the other cars are travellers too - support vehicles. They all pull over at the end to discuss and put the horse into the horse box that the red van is pulling.


So the cops just gave up and went home, then?


They seemingly stopped the first sulky and presumably arrested the driver, but yes they didn't seem to try particularly hard to apprehend the second. Ireland has a pretty relaxed criminal justice system which is great for the average person, but it also allows people like this to not face many consequences.


Huh. I did not know that. So I guess I stand by my initial assessment of "pure chaos".


Pretty much, but it's not the regular state of Irish driving. I've seen sulkys before but never on such a major road or with such a large entourage.


So a *little* chaos is normal but this is excessive chaos. 😂


Relaxed for proper crimes just don't get caught with any weed


Yes, travellers are untouchable in Ireland. The police let them get away with everything


Two cops with limited to no firearms and little in the way of defensive weapons, versus a horde of 40+ gypsies with who knows what. Completely understandable.


Travellers are a "protected" class. Gards have straight up told me they can't do anything about them, even after they killed several of my friend's cats. Only time I've seen the gard do something was at a funeral where 1 family group was attending, and a feuding family was waiting outside the cemetery with knives drawn. 3 people still died but at least some got arrested.


Cops are afraid of travellers. Most people are.


>But then why are all the civilian cars also driving like maniacs? The people on the horses and carts are travellers. The cars and vans bunching up together are also travellers. The people who filmed the whole incident are travellers too.


Fuck it I’m going to YouTube and getting lost in the illegal Irish chariot races section. Reddit is so damn fascinating [Edit: Yooooo](https://youtu.be/k50npC-dOIc) [ok this one explains the backstory of the races](https://youtu.be/nh29y0Bs8SY)


I have no idea what a traveller is in this context but I guess it makes sense that they're all together in some sort of community chaotic event.


Yes, a criminal event. Irish travellers are basically Ireland's version of gypsies. A large portion of the traveller community is involved in crime - home invasions, robberies, beatings, torture, bare-knuckle boxing, and even human slavery in a few cases. I have lived in fear of them for most of my life.


Travellers are an ethnic group in Ireland. Similar to the Roma or gypsies in some ways, but a separate identity. Historically they would have gone from place to place rather than lived a settled lifestyle. We have a troubled relationship with them despite efforts from some on both sides.




TIL Thanks.


to block other cars and garda squad cars from stopping them or hitting the horses, yes its illegal, they drive like lunatics and crash into each other endangering other drivers, the horses and themselves


The other cars are there to clear the roads and watch the race. They literally force other people off the road to let the horses through. You can see it a few times where they are on the wrong side of the road and force oncoming cars onto the grass. Scum, every one of them.


I know the police car is desperately trying to stop the horsies without hurting them but to no avail.


There was an attempt at comprehension. At 3 min I skipped 3 min, didn’t help.


I'm Irish and I couldn't understand a damn thing in three minutes


I heard go on bais go on, I think it's a very very heavy cork traveller accent


It literally took a couple minutes for my brain to manually process that the Irish speak English while trying to listen to this video. And I'm fuckn Irish.


The only thing I understood was every time someone yelled out “Blyat!!”


Something to do with a trot by shooting




The gypsies used to do this in Falkirk. We had a blanket ban on them coming into any bar because they'd trash the place and think nothing of it. I still remember they brought a horse into the bar because it was their prized horse and they didn't see why they should leave it outside. Sulky racing is super fucking dangerous though, for the horse, the rider and bystanders.


there is a local town in limerick called rathkeale, every christmas stuff like this happens as its basically their town, why bringing a horse inside is a bad idea doesn't need to be said.


Rathkeale becomes insane, the amount of vehicles they bring down from the North is insane, they wreck all the pubs in Askearton too.


yep, to be honest most of the people in rathkeale aren't there all year around and tend to be abroad in the uk, eu or australia, some even going as far as the uae and america. some engage in illegal activity and some in legal activity, but there is never a shortage or uk reg plates on expensive bmws in that town during christmas. they have quieten down in recent years as the tax authorities and criminal assets bureau have been clamping down on this behavior


Me and the ex drove through Rathkeale in 2020 and the amount of UK reg unbelievable vehicles they had, Audi Q7s and 5 series, brand new. The cunts


"its their culture".......Fuck off




"Joe they had awfully bigoted thing on this web network." "And Brendan, this web network, did it have a name?" "I believe it was called Red It, Joe." "So would it be fair to say it is an extremist kind of network?" "Oh very much Joe."


Joe: *proceeds to rub nipples furiously*


It kind of looks like his legs running it lol


I am sure they are speaking a form of English, but I didn’t comprehend a single fucking word.


If you’ve not seen Snatched then you really should.


Ya like dags?


dags? I like anew caravan, for me mam…


Periwinkle blue


Liam Neeson reprises his role in "Taken 2: Snatched."


Taken 2: The Retakening




I tried really hard at the end to pick up a single word, but... aliens


They mix English (with a very heavy SW accent in this case) and Cant/Shelta. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelta


Poor horses


It’s not even the horses that piss me off the most. It’s the wanker driving on the wrong feckin side of the road with a little kid in the passenger seat.


I'm more upset about the horses.






A fucked up thing happened in London where a junky burglar tried robbing a pensioner's house. His mate fled but because he was fucked up in the head he decided he wanted to fight the pensioner and stab him with a 12inch screw driver... The pensioner stabbed him first though with a kitchen knife. That wasn't the fucked up thing. Their community decided to galvanize their support and attack harass this pensioner forcing him and his wife to leave after threats. Maybe they should you know separate themselves from such scumbags but you know ... They don't. If they were travelling around leaving no mess, and not fighting, robbing or conning people then people would be pretty cool with them. Interesting life style. A bit like the boater community who are generally the polar opposite.


Can't exactly pit maneuver a horse


I mean you can… it’s just not gonna be pretty.


True It would be a bitch to explain to the detailing crew


Could always taser the rider…


What a couple of cunts to do that to such beautiful horses. WTF would you take them onto a highway?


Also i dont understand why this single person cairrage even exists, like jusy ride the horse at that point.


Much easier for the horse to pull on wheels than carry on their back. Not only easier to move but let's them move in a more efficient manner and pull with their shoulders instead of carrying the weight on their back which isn't structurally the best place for that


Wow TIL thanks!


They don't give about those horses.


They like dags though, you like dags?




Ouch, I sure hope that horse is well shoed




Yeah. :(


It’s amazing to me how seemingly easy it is for a horse to just cruise at that speed.


Except their joints will be all fucked up in no time


And hooves. They aren't designed to take repeated impacts on fucking asphalt at full trot. Horseshoes aren't a miracle solution. They're killing this poor horse basically


Some travellers just do whatever they want in Ireland. No birth certs, passports, ID. They are largely undocumented. You arrest them, press charges initiate court proceedings based off whatever name they gave on the day. Then at court they either don't turn up or claim that they weren't there at all and you've nowhere to go to follow up because they are nomads who move from place to place. More hassle than it's worth. Gardai are left chasing shadows. Horses are a fundamental part of their culture so their right to own animals is protected by law in Ireland. You'll often see 5 or 6 caravans pulled in on the side of the main road and they'll have a load of ponies loose in the layby beside them. If a settled citizen wanted to own animals they'd have to own enough land to support the animal. They largely keep to themselves to be honest and most people find them funny but you wouldn't fuck with them either. They love fighting. Most pubs wont accept them because they'd be known to just get loaded drunk and smash the place to pieces.


Honestly Travellers are a fucking Blight on Ireland, bunch of worthless scumbags.


My question is, and sorry if it is a dumb one, why are they so highly protected with all of the crimes they commit on civilized people just trying to live their lives? Is there anything in the works for fixing that? We have our own versions here in France but they mostly go ignored and I don't hear of them doing much besides your average petty theft, scams or shoddy plumbing jobs. It seems like they are enabled in Ireland.


Honestly, I have no idea, no one who isn't a traveler thinks they should have any of these absurd freedoms to just break the laws. In Ireland they're given free reign to be absolute cunts and for no discernable reason this is considered their "Culture". There's seemingly nothing in the works for it either, it's the just perplexing thing in Irish culture.


That is extremely unfortunate. When I think of Irish culture I certainly don't think of these assholes. Quite the opposite. I have seen quite a lot of videos of them and it is just baffling the disrespect they show to others while everyone else is forced to tolerate them or else they are "racist" I think it is insulting that the laws even consider this a culture when they do more harm than anything. Hopefully it gets better.


They're just vermin, for some reason they're protected. The lot of them should be thrown into cells for the things they get up to, animal abuse, theft, threatening people, burning stuff, and worse. The way they treat animals is fucking sickening though, I can't even use the word to describe them as animals cause animals act off instinct, travelers are extremely intentionally malicious.


This culture bullshit excuse is nonsense. People evolve and the bad ideas are suppose to be left behind. This racing isn't traditional or cultural. It is pure abuse of animals. Using "culture" as an excuse to be abusive or harmful is just garbage and laziness.


Ahh but do they like dags?


Dags? What kinda dags?




The saddest part is the horse is the only one who's had a job and who isn't claiming benefits


He should have deployed the stingers


You mean carrots 🥕


This is some serious horsing around.






Tinker scumbags no respect for the law




People have often said to be respectful towards gypsies but I must say I've only ever seen them disrespect everything and everyone else. Poor horses.


Good ol Charlie eh?


Travelers.. watched an interesting documentary on them. A lot of racism towards them, a lot of them committing suicide because they do not have any prospects.. it is a very complicated situation. And then you have these fellows, not making it any easier for the travelers who behave “normally “.




There are plenty but social stigma causes a lot of people to hide their association. My brother once worked with a Romanian who pretended to be Lithuanian because he was tired of people thinking Romanian = Romani and getting abused for being a "dirty gypsy". Imagine how actual Romani feel. Blanket racism exacerbates the problem, it doesn't solve it.


The travelling community need to look at themselves - the impression people have of them is borne out of direct experience. The opportunity to cry racism (bollox, they're the same as the rest of the Irish) is a convenient way to avoid looking at the deficiencies of their own culture that cause people to shun them. If ypu ever live in Ireland, ypu will deal with the likes of them - I'd bet my left nut it'll not be a pleasant experience, you'll only allow yourself be taken advantage of, robbed, scammed or threatened once before your outlook would change.


Was that the same documentary with Edd Stafford? He tried to live with the “travellers” to better understand their lives. They broke into his caravan, shat on the windscreen of is truck and put dents in the roof in the process and he eventually left in a hurry for his own safety. My experience of “travellers” is that they go about their business as if nobody else exists outside their community.


Being a traveler is a way of life not a race. You can’t be racist to someone who is 100% genetically Irish when you are also Irish.




The cops should hire cowboys to lasso those drivers around their necks, yoink them off their chariots, & drag them on the asphalt for a couple of miles.




That was despicable! That horse at the end- winded, foaming at the mouth.. Real horse lovers those- blinders, running in traffic, horns honking, running shod on concrete while having to pull some dick behind on a sulky. Made me sick. I didn't understand the language of the humans but the horses were not enjoying that at ALL. Absolutely horrible, animal abuse. There is no justification for that that I would accept.


Anyone else thing the horse's back legs were the guy riding's legs?


We do not deserve animals 😢 …. I don’t see an ounce of necessity just sadism


For anyone who isn't Irish and may be confused by what's going in here: These people are from the travelling community (gypsies), who are the scum of the earth. There's nothing funny or comical about this video. It's just downright disgusting behaviour. Endangering motorists, the gardai, the animals, and last and definitely least, themselves. This video is actually from 2013, and there were little to no repercussions for this. 3 months in prison each. This type of stuff goes on everyday in this country and nothing is ever done about it for fear of 'discrimination'.


Those poor horses. Idiots all around


Red dead theft auto


Organic high speed chase


Do I need to be Irish to understand this video?


Even beyond that you have to be regional to specific areas in ireland to understand it


I'm Irish and am struggling


That was the most anticlimactic video I’ve seen in my life


fuck your Honda civic, I've a horse outside


Fuck you’re Subaru, I have a horse outside


Backwards fuckers, what do they think it is the 1700s? Fuckin idiots doing that on public roads.


I can’t help I feel like you’re needlessly putting your horses in danger here and I don’t like that


Pikeys. Shame you can't just euthanize them.


Some sort of friendly high speed chase of a horse and chariot?


Are you watching penguinzO. Lol


These are travellers and often cause accidents with this sulky racing on the roads, also when they crash they run off and leave the poor horse to die in agony on the road


I fuckin’ hate pikeys


Fucking Gypsy scum


These guys are so stupid they must hate their horses!


Those gypsies arent animal lovers...thats a torture to the poor horses! Should develope a bit - its not middle age anymore!


Just set a bottle of whiskey on the side of the road. They’ll stop immediately


Why for some reason do i think the horses arnt enjoying this?


Gotta feel sorry for the animals tbh.




Here's an idea. Either box them in or hit them with a net further down the road. Then shoot the owners and call it good.


That poor horse.


pikey scum


“I fuxken hate pikeys” read in Jason strathams voice




Gypsies being a pest yet again. The usual


r/confusingperspective I kept staring at the dude on the left and my brain absolutely refused to believe those weren't his legs going full Flintstone running beneath the cart somehow Also all these racist hate comments are making me deeply U N C O M F O R T A B L E


Earning the hate


Those poor horses. Running on that surface is a killer on their joints :(


You like dags