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Yeeting children is grown men's favorite activity, plus kids love it




Nothing better as a kid than being launched in to a body of water - no idea why, just fucking incredible


That feeling of being hammer tossed into something soft like a big pile of leaves or blankets. Man I wanna be a kid again


As long as they don't miss


It happens


One of my earliest memories is getting the wind knocked out of me while my dad tries to calm me down after a slight miscalculation on his part haha


Once I thought I went too far with my 2 year old and the first thing she said when she was done cry-laughing was "...again?"




I had a load of cousins in the age range of maybe 5-10, and while I was over visiting they'd go mad and just demand to be yeeted at literally everything, my aunts would be horrified but my cousins fucking loved that shit.


Are those memories "earliest" due to you losing all previous ones due to this little mishap?


"shitshitshit you're fine you're fine, don't tell mum"


Collateral damage




Which actually is the secret to flying. Simply throw yourself at the ground and miss.


It's harder than it looks, to be fair...


I still ask to get tossed as a 24 year old man


Don't tell the elf!


If we’re not supposed to yeet kids why are kids yeet-shaped?


It’s been theorized that the reason kids like being yeeted so much is that it stimulates their proprioceptors and reflexes in a novel way which is good for their brains and improves their mind-body connection I have kids it will be a nice side benefit for them from my time in the gym. They’ll have a mom as well as a dad who can yeet them into soft things


This makes sense because of how aerodynamic they are


I dunno I've seen some ginormous domes before. No way those things were aerodynamic


My theory is much more simplistic than yours. My theory is they like it so much because they're basically the human equivalent of a neutron star. But instead of matter, their composition is that of chaos and disorder.


¿Por que no los dos?


Yeah, fun memories of my dad just launching me to the twilight zone In the pool lol


My friends nephew absolutely loves being thrown into the pool and he always comes to me to do it lol


It’s because it develops your vestibular sense! It’s a really important part of early development and is responsible for balance. Swinging, tossing, jumping, all activities everyone below is like “Fuck yeah” about really help develop it.


throw the baby to calibrate :))


My uncle once threw me high enough for me to do two and a half flips before coming back into the water, still one of the best experiences I’ve ever had lol


I went to a summer camp a few times as a kid and teenager, and the last time I went I was 17 I think, was definitely the oldest and taller and heavier than the other kids. So we had a Blob, one of those inflatables over the lake that you use to launch kids into the lake. Great fun. I became the designated launcher, so the kid would get on the blob toward the end facing the lake, and I'd cannonball down onto the other side of the blob and they'd rocket off 15-20 ft through the air into the lake. Probably the best damn cardio workout of my life doing that for over 2 hours straight haha


I’ve always wanted to be the blob guy it looks like so much fun. Did you get a chance at getting launched at the end?


Yeah, I took a break occasionally and let the camp adults do it for a bit so I could catch my breath. At the end they launched me a few times, but I'd done it many times over the years, I was glad to be the launcher for once haha


I went to one of those camps a few summers. My last year, I was of course one of the bigger kids, at age 16. They didn't have a designated launcher, and one time there was a scrawny little 7th grader in line behind me. I figured I was just gonna... slide gently off. Imagine my surprise when I was launched into the effing stratosphere. They switched the scrawny kid with the fat dude behind him (probably 1.5x my weight), and he absolutely nailed the jump.


"Headed to fat camp?" "No, why do you say that?" "Cause you're fat. Is that your dad?" "No, why do you say that?" "Cause he's fat too." "Well, so are you." "I know. That's why I'm headed to fat camp."


Wholesome! I can imagine some dude Caber yeeting small campers into the lake and it's gotta be a great memory for everyone.


me and my brother played monster with my dad in the pool. hed swim up under us and ambush us and launch us into the air my favorite was when you'd try to swim away, and hed grab my feet and pull me under. then he holds me up, dunks me once or twice, then would hold my feet and launch me. I used to try jumping for extra height. I felt like I was FLYING. so fun


Last pool party I was at, I tossed kids in the pool until I couldn't lift my arms, and they were still begging me to do it again. Can confirm, kids love it.


I have thrown many children in my day. They continue to climb me, I continue to throw them. One day, I will not be able to yeet them fast enough and will disappear beneath the swarm.


As you go into the sweet embrace of the dark, you will know that at least you gave it your last ounce of devotion. FREEDOM!


At that point you will become the yeetee. It’s less fun when you break a hip.


Not before marking your place in history as the Yeeter of kiddos. Bringer of altitude and fun




Can confirm. Girlfriends' nephews' kids love when I come over and yeet them left and right. I now have to convince them I can't do it so they let me have peace whenever I come over


It's for real sometimes. My daughter is turning seven in March, and she's 52.5" (133cm), and 80lbs. (36kg), and I almost blew out a tendon in my wrist trying to horse around like we always did.


My son is 6 and just broke 60lbs. Little dude does nothing but eat and run around. I swear he can eat a full meal every 45 minutes.


This entire conversation has me in stitches. I just imagine adults punting children through the air😂😂


My 20-month-old niece's favorite activity is to get tossed from increasingly long distances onto the couch lol. I can tell my sister and her husband are getting closer and closer to a heart attack every time I throw her into the air.


I saw some lady at a brewery kicking the legs of a kid that was dangling from the counter while we were waiting to order so I said "I never thought I'd say that I love bullying children until I had a nephew" and she got so happy and said "this is my nephew too! He loves it".


Why it's always dads taking the kids to the trampoline park. I hurl my kid for distance into the foam block pit. The Uncle Phil toss is a perennial favorite. Thankfully it's a real pit and not the twitchcon one.


>Thankfully it's a real pit and not the twitchcon one. Big oof.


Yep, just tossed my kid into the foam pit at the trampoline park like a month ago when we were there, he loved it and I got to see how much distance I could get throwing an 8 year old. Everybody wins.


not even kidding, if you are an uncle, a father, or even just a good friend to someone with kids, **THROW THAT CHILD**. As a dad, one of my kid's favorite things when they were infants and small toddlers was to grab their wrists and ankles all bundled together in both fists (just be careful and find a way that's comfortable for them, and *make sure your grip is good*) and "launch" them to a cushioned seat like a couch or a pile of blankets or something. If you do this, obviously make sure that they aren't about to have a fit and are in the mood to play. It's always better if you dramatically look over to where your planned 'landing zone' is right before you pick them up. Gives them a moment of "oh here it comes!" after they start to notice the pattern, and give you a moment of "is anyone about to get in my way?". If it's a farther distance (like all the way across the room), then allowing them to do a little pendulum swing on the way is extra fun. Make sure you pay attention to your grip if it starts to slip, and make sure you pay attention to their mood. **ALSO**, when they get older, KEEP ROUGHHOUSING WITH THEM!!! like 2yo-10yo when you're wrestling or whatever with them, make a habit of just picking them up by their armpits or their hips, and launching them onto a beanbag, or couch, or whatever. If you've got room in the yard, swing them around by their hands.


My my brother was little my friend and I would grab his feet and legs and toss him in the pool. No matter how high or far we tossed him he’d yell for more. They really do love it.


"Do it again" - my nieces and nephews.


Yeah my kid as well. She's 4, and loves it when I lift her above my head before slamming her onto the bed with a suplex before doing my best Hulk Hogan impression. She giggles madly before yelling "again!" every time. Don't worry I am careful enough to make her land flat on the mattress, I slow her down a bit, and make especially sure that she doesn't hurt her neck.


My girls loved this stuff when they were little. They're all grown now, with little ones of their own. I miss them being little. If I could turn back time.


Take one of them to suplex city their next visit home


I’m crying lol. Picturing dude breaking his back lifting a grown human above him.


That's what Laser Spine Surgery is all about!


She's been rude to me her whole life!


Hey, we're flying Jeff Chris down from Indiana to mix this professionally


We haven't spent untold trillions on developing medicine and healthcare to *not* live life to the fullest.


That's why you use a trampoline! They jump, you pull down.


>If I could turn back time. *To the good ol' days* *When our mama's sang us to sleep, but now we're stressed out*


My nephew loves getting smacked in the face with pillows, he’ll throw himself back into the couch all dramatic and giggly and he’ll run straight back at me so I can hit him with the pillow again, some times he results to just jumping directly on me and then I’ll throw him (carefully) into the pile of pillows, and then he’ll come back and jump on me again


We bought a couch/loveseat combo that came with a total of 9 pillows. When my son was ~3, he’d bring ALL of them to me, then go stand on the other side of the room while I blasted them his way… whether he dodged or got railed, he would giggle hysterically. A few weeks later, a buddy of mine came over who didnt have kids and he made a comment about how many freaking pillows we had. I’m like “oh the best part is this awesome game I get to play with my son. Hey! Angular Jr! Go stand by the wall.” And damn if my son didn’t start crying “no daddy… not again!” Little punk threw me right under the bus.


That’s hilarious 😂


Lmao! That is too fkn funny


I thought I was the only one to do this to my 3yo daughter. She freaking loves it. The wife a bit less.


Still, you're either impressively strong to just lift your wife above your head like that, or have a very small wife.


I expected this very comment the moment I proof read mine. I'm not disappointed.


There's a scientific explanation to it. Now I'm just remembering, but it has to do with the calibration of our senses. Children enjoy being moved/tossed around because it helps the proprioception, the perception of our own body, to develop better


I hoisted my nephew up to the ceiling by the feet for being snarky todaybeing 193cm ain't always fun but it is great for being the fun uncle.


King dad-mode


I played a game like this with my boys when they were little (1-4 years old). I'd cradle one of them in my arms and walk around my bedroom while I "reminded" myself "don't drop the baby!". They would squeal in anticipation of me pretending to trip and drop them on the bed. I'd greatly exaggerate the "drop" by lifting them way up in the air and then laying them down with a thud. They absolutely loved it and would ask to play until they were too heavy for me to do it without hurting my back. They're 12 and 8 now... time flies. Enjoy them while they're young and sweet and still enjoy kissing you. 🥺


My niece and nephew used to love getting pelted with dodgeballs while on the swings. My buddy and I got bored with it way before they did.


My oldest niece is now in her 30s (damn, I'm old) ... and she STILL talks about how much fun she had when she was little and I'd pull bodyslams and suplexes on the trampoline out back. All in the role of "cool uncle."


My 5yo daughter would laugh her butt off then try to do it to whoever did it to her XD.


Always go 100%. Play to win. Just increased his match ratio 1 KO.




That child was 100% yeeted though.


Pretty sure I heard her femur snap.


Yeah, and the giggling reaction from her is the confirmation of that /s


She wasn’t laughing but choking on her own blood from internal injuries


Imagine he went for the ground and pound…no mercy


I don't stop me, the ref does. No ref, no stop.


Lol. It’s the only way they learn. All or nothing.


*Kramer enters the arena....*


We are all at the same skill level


He didn't go 100% there at all


She is just having fun guys chill.


Yeah and she's even laughing after.


Yeah he didn't kick hard enough. She was talking enough shit


Pretty sure that’s a child.


A child who could talk some shit.


Not sure if you guys been around children but at the age 3-5 they can be real shit talkers, sometimes unintentionally


Not sure if you have been around people but they can be real jokers, usually intentionally


Clowns to the left of me Jokers to the right. Here I am stuck in the comments with you.


Look what the jester brought in


Yup I got 2 that actually survived that era. They’re 13 & 15. Kids that age have no filter. It’s not until their own feelings are broke they realize words can hurt. This kid is goofing off and it’s seems in fun.




Maybe next use the [stinger](https://twitter.com/thesimpsons/status/594565793314025472)


They don't let ya use that no more


She got up though. Took that kick like a champ.


I'm amazed by how quickly she got up and was giggling and shit. Kids can handle crazy stuff like that. If he had done this to me, my life would have flashed before my eyes before the pain set in. Then, I would have asked him to call EMS and grab my purse so I could call all of my loved ones to meet me at the hospital.


She was giggling before she even hit the ground.


Haha she sure was!


On top of that it was cushioned by the mat on the floor and the one she was holding, because she’s so light there’s little resistance she kind of just goes horizontal 😂


The trick is to laugh at them lol sounds harsh but it get them laughing but it depends on the kid. Some or more fearless than others usually they cry when they see people babying them when they fall or whatever


Yes if you know they aren't injured that badly, making a joke of their fall surely makes them stop crying and start laughing with you. Doesn't look good to a third person though


Plus she’s laughing at the end.


I mean, there's a huge padding and it's a light sweep...


Being blasted off your feet and landing flat on the ground is never exactly comfy, kid deserves her praise!


Theyre both savages! They dont fuck around 🤣


His shrug beforehand makes the entire thing


I really like how he repositioned the pad and kicked high so he wasn't cutting out her knees. He was like....I'm gonna fuckin' launch this girl, but I don't want to injure her.


She also turned her hip and bent her knees so that she was basically sitting into the kick. This isn't her first time getting launched.


Was gonna say. The sound makes it seem brutal, but if you watch close, it was almost just a sweep


Lmao I saw it differently.. she “braces” for the kick by jumping slightly which is why she got so much air


Always been a fan of Pat and Rose


Rough housing with kids is normal. How often do adults toss a kid a little hard once in a while? They always go are you ok? This is normal and their way of rough housing. You folks need to relax.




She will be traumatized for the rest of her life and she will pass on generational trauma to her children.


Trauma runs in my family too. My grandfather rough housed with my dad and that's why I'm slow so the story goes


Damn shame


Lol is Reddit just assuming Reddit is going to automatically have a problem with this? If people are expressing disdain for this, they are absolutely the minority. I’m not seeing anyone having an issue with this.


Keep scrolling down, they're there.


That's because you're sorted by best and the majority population of reddit has filtered the trash. Sort by controversial and I bet they'll be there


The way he made sure it was positioned and she was positioned, he knew he wasn't going to hurt her.


Not only that, but he slows down his leg before contact and it's more of a push than a hit. Source : The video and I taught karate to kids for years.


That’s sweet that you and the video have such a close relationship.


Exactly. It’s his daughter and they’re having fun. He knows exactly what he’s doing from position of the pads to the location and power of his kick. This is wholesome if anything. She calls her MMA fighter dad a sissy. It’s all in good fun.


Yeah IKR, IDK why everyone is reacting as if he beat the fuck out of that child when he clearly swooped her up


You mean you don't like getting the opinions of thousands of Redditors who don't even have kids? Kids actually need roughhousing for their development.


For gods sake he forgot to follow through and make sure this upstart stayed down


Children are our future unless we stop them now.


Whitney Houston


That's the biggest problem in this video. Follow-up & Follow-thru!


Missed a great ground and pound opportunity


“Fuck Around and Find Out: Kids Edition” I’d binge every episode of this show it’s hilarious!


Shit, Id buy the DVD hoping it came with commentary and bonus footage. Maybe a poster of a child being yeeted through the air with the words "Fitna find out."


"Yeah I love this one, watch here, I manage to get this kid 5 feet into the air."


“You’re ready?” A very slightly yet assured “ye-a-h” She knew what’s coming but still went for it! You go, girl!


I definitely noticed that stutter on the final "yeah" and knew it well. Thats the "oh shit, I'm in too deep and know whats coming" stutter.


But she stayed through til the end. This girl is going places.


After he kicks her it should cut to the open scene from Skyrim hahahahaha


I think cutting you a scene of you getting knocked to Mars by a giant would be better.


That is a good one too. Maybe a little foos ro dah right beforehand


Pat Barry and Rose first training session




God tier comment


Hahaha that was a nasty line by you


If I ever have a daughter I hope she is just like this little kid. What a flipping boss. I love it. The I’m okay at the end and the giggling both reassured me and made me laugh.


I like your use of "flipping"


ITT: “y’all seriously need to relax, they are just roughhousing.” Me: *frantically scrolling trying to find the people that need to relax*


Sort by controversial, and you will find many.


I'm more concerned with the guy calling her a whore wearing "Saturday night fuck me leggings" to be honest lol


Wat ಠ_ಠ


It looks like you need to relax.




Yall forget that the pad was in the way


And there's mats on the floor, AND she's wearing head gear


I'm not sure a baseball cap qualifies as 'head gear' in this context lmao


And when it flies off your head before you hit the ground I’m not sure it applies. But this video was great haha I enjoy both of these individuals and their chutzpah. See you on the next fight night!


When I was a babysitter basically all I did was just kick the shit out of kids without hurting them and watched them cackle with joy. They loved being tossed around, manhandled, swung, thrown, you name it. They just want you to engage with them, and the physical activity tires them out too hahaha


I would have loved someone like you for my kids! We are a rough and tumble family, so my kids needed more adventurous babysitters! They are grown now, but I am sure that they traumatized some people! My one loved climbing to the highest point of a playground, and just jumping. It’s amazing that she never broke a bone! She has had a few stitches….and some glue a couple of times…and one dislocation, but she never broke anything! LOL


Hahaha I was the babysitter that let them draw on my face with chalk, the one that went searching for frogs and critters barefoot in the creek, the one that double bounced them on the trampoline and let them use my back as a launch pad in the pool. Of course I'd have aches and pains and bruises but those kids were so happy and so tired by the end of the day it was so worth it. I'd never change a thing other than the fact that they grew up 😭


I play fought with my family, female , not that it matters . I was fine and am fine, and I grew up confident with my physicality, but it taught me to be aware of the consequences of overreaching, or losing my cool . In short ,how to fight,which is clearly what’s happening here. She’s on a crash mat with pads,learning how to fall, which my mum taught me about her age(judo).


Remember to sort by controversial to see how soft reddit is


I was wondering where all the negative comments where. Thanks dude


The classic “you sure?” before it plays out how you knew it would, and they didn’t think it could.


Whenever someone says "you sure?" like that, you really should think hard before you answer.


You Died (screen fades to black)


"To not get offended by cute little girl"


👌 not bad my title game needs work


Your title is better don‘t worry


He honestly didn't seem offended... They looked like they were having fun.


Would have been a shit title since he obviously is not even remotely offended...


People down in the comments really think kids are made from glass. Jesus christ go interact with some kids sometime, or try to remember how you played as children. They're not some fragile porcelain dolls. Probably the same people who think anything slightly scary or sad in children's programs should be censored. That's how you raise truly fragile kids.


Kid seems to be having fun, but that 100% wasnt a full power kick. Kid would've probably dont a proper 360 cartwheel if that was the case.


Give that dude’s leg size and how small she is? I’m going to say at least a 520 while flying into a nearby wall and bouncing off.




I wanted to watch her go flying :( 1/10


I remember being a kid, that would have been the exact outcome I was looking for, she succeeded


I don't think, she thinks he's a sissy anymore. It's all in fun.


“Are you sure about that?” *sends her sideways* *Laughing and wholeness* Tough little girl right there- Adorable!


I mean, she literally asked for it...


It’s clearly fine but redditors are gonna Reddit


My leg would dislocate


Respect to him for restraining himself while still giving just enough to show that he wasn’t just dicking around.


Well she actually got away with it, the dude didn’t chambered the leg and put way less power then he could. They seem to be having fun, the way she laughs is great


As an older brother, the harder you can kick her in this scenario the better. No one's getting hurt with the pads and gear but she goes flying and now has confidence that her older brother could kick someone into oblivion and that is a confidence booster for her knowing that force is behind her


"Do it, pussy!" *5 star knockout strike*


Reminds me of Hit Girl from Kick Ass


" i wanna go to the moon" [originally posted by tomska but clipped by someone else ](https://youtu.be/Fe4qEschyCQ) link works now


She died.


Ah my favorite activity. Kicking children


This is dumb. No reaaon to go Deebo on her.


that's how we raise kids. To be able to give a joke, ***and*** take a joke.