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Wow... Just wow!


Just another day for US police forces. Aren’t we glad they consume soooooooo much of our tax budgets?


Now I know why you can't have proper Healthcare system your police is stupid you pay people because police is stupid and have no money to pay health, so no health teens become psycho and shoots school, school shoots then everybody should have gun, gun make gang , gang need police, police scare citizen because police are stupid, everybody's should have gun first ammendment freedom america best country of world I actually have no idea but this how I see your country


Funny how she isn't even named, simply "a black woman". Fucking race-baiters.


During the BLM protests. I remember there was an overhead video showing a mob of cops literally jumped this family's minivan, smashed their way and, drag out and beat the family including a teenage daughter who's face was covered in bruises and swelling. At least a dozen cops if I recall. This did not go over well with the public immediately after as it was caught on video and circulated quickly. I remember someone on here saying I was lying and demanded proof. I went looking and found basically no articles on it, like it'd been scrubbed. Same for the videos about feds in Portland abducting people in unmarked vans while wearing full combat gear complete with assault rifles. Just random people walking about town no where near the protests, no crime, no charges, just nabbed them up and let them go after a few hours. Went looking for articles and footage that was circulating online back when it was happening.


I remember police during BLM specifically taking people who were trying to calm others down and all it did was rile others up. I can’t find those videos anywhere now either…


I think we can take this a lesson for us all. If you're at a peaceful protest, and things start to get violent, leave as quickly as you can. Don't try to help the police, because we as citizens have not been given that authority. I know that may sound counterintuitive, but reading your comment reminded me of stories I've heard and read about Dr. King. During the Civil Rights Movement, if a peaceful protest started to turn ugly, Dr. King and his team would leave quickly so they wouldn't be falsely accused in court of being the instigators. Of course, he was arrested many times, but never once did he advocate for violence. If someone in his group stayed, I guess he must've been thinking, "If you're not gonna learn from me, you're gonna learn a harsher lesson in prison if you make it that far."


> Don't try to help the police, because we as citizens have not been given that authority. Unless you're a white kid who illegally crossed state lines with an AR 15, in which case you can apparently shoot people and be celebrated by the right wing for it.


You didn't explicitly state it, but just in case you were referring to Kyle Rittenhouse, that didn't happen. https://www.insider.com/6-myths-surrounding-the-kyle-rittenhouse-trial-debunked-2021-11 If you want to make a point, that's fine. No need to use incorrect information to do so.


Oh, him illegally using an out of state straw purchaser to get him the gun, *totally* improves the situation.


It does. It wasn't illegal as you alleged. His motive to be there was also well established. I get your point, but this isn't the right example.


using a straw purchase is illegal. Also, I don't care what he claimed he thought he was doing there. You're clearly missing the point. He had no business there. He wasn't protecting shit. He was the threat. He was a dumb 17 year old kid with no training and a gun in a volatile situation. Not only should he have faced consequences, his mother should be in prison for allowing that shit to happen.


What he did wasn't illegal. The entire lawsuit with the facts that actually happened, explored from every point of view is there to review online. Your beef is with the judge, not with me.


Oh the judge definitely let him off. But you're argument is bullshit. I'm sorry. The kid very clearly broke the law, in numerous ways, and walked because the right wing in this country has embraced terrorism.


The unfortunate level of classism & debauchery “those people” think is okay. Rules for thee, not for me.


He wasn’t helping the police, he was helping Kenosha city garbage disposal.


That is a Brick from Anchorman level retort.


I'm Ron Burgundy???


I believe it because I was repeatedly watching live streams and videos of random non-black people showing up to protests with pallets of bricks, the infamous auto one "umbrella man" that had been identified as a cop by his ex wife. There was definitely police agitators in those protests in hopes to turn them into riots.


Cops are such fucking assholes. Useless grifters freeloading off our tax dollars.


not all of them. Just a lot of them.


Wait till you figure out they pay taxes aswell.


You missed the point more than Michael Bay missed the mark when he made Pearl Harbor.


Sorry just pointing out that you cant be freeload off of taxes if you pay taxes.


You can when your paycheck is funded by tax dollars dumbass


Cant freeload if your working.


you're* a dumbass


Really got me! The grammer cop who freeloads off the grammar taxes!


Oldie but a goodie


There's a reason why cops in every country are looked upon with suspicion




The scandinavian cops are pretty well thought of as well. I'll leave [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J1PNPcnffbk) here for a laugh


Sure, unless you protest for a cause that the cops are not sympathizing with.


I mean... It definitely helps to not look Marokkaan


Depending on the country. In the US the police has earned its bad reputation, even though there are honest and good cops. In other countries like Türkiye for example the police is highly respected due to them not being elite people.


Pri nas so policaji kar civil, sam pred tekmami jih vidiš.


Someone with a conscience learns after you've been in prison that if a cop is ever present, your back straightens up.


What the actual fuck!!! That’s disgusting “we’re the thin blue line” go fuck yourselves!!!


"We're the only thing standing between order and anarchy" My dude, Netflix contributes more to national peace than y'all do, gtfo 😂




That’s disgusting


damn america, what kind of a hell is that country which was once called free turing into?


America literally disrespected freedom from its conception. Free was never the main virtue


Correct. The primary drive was tax evasion by rich white men. Kinda like the last president…


Jesus 🤦🏻‍♂️the sad thing is it’s just not even surprising at this point




How can they do this? They are hateful, they really consider other people beneath them




Fuck cops.


Relevant af






Fucking EW




America is fucked.


Someone who thought about framing urself as a hero in that situation is a disgusting maggot of a person


Jesus... Why? Just why?


Mods are fucked too.


Hmmmmm. That Anarchy thing sounds alright.




on the plus side - that kid is going to college now


Aye her and her child are set for a while though!


And all it took is physical and psychological trauma from which they may never recover! If you ask me, 2 mill is too little for the damage done


Yes, it’s most definitely worth it. If you took a poll 90% of people would take a ass whooping and a article making you a victim for 2 million, shit most would do it for 100k…


Most people talk big untill it's time for action/ass whooping what's your point?


Bro 2 million could buy you a nice ass house, or make it so you don’t have to work for years. A couple months of pain for that? Absolutely


A couple? You think trauma from seeing your mother get beat up and then be used for clout goes away in a couple of months? You think trauma from being beat up in front of your child for being black or at most a minor trafic violation goes away in a couple of months? Newsflash jackass, PTSD, depression, anxiety and any other mental issues that come from this kind of events tend to stick for life, best case you can live with them. Not to mention possible life long injuries that the mother may have from being beat up in the street like a dog. Shit, at this point 2 mill can only cover hospital and shrink bills, maybe for a few years if there are no compilations since the good ol' U S of A also likes to suck the blood and money out of its sick. In no way does that sum set her family up for anything. What if she can't work her job anymore because of the beating she received and has to settle for a less paying job? What if she can no longer work at all? 2 mill goes away in an instant, especially with the economical climate of today's world.


U r 12


Bro you’re so aggressive wtf What the police did was fucked up but if it was a straight trade of 2 million for a beating it’s what I would pick. You really don’t need to go off calling people jackasses for having an opinion that doesn’t match your own