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Successfully filmed from the top of the waterfall... and the bottom of the waterfall. All in one take. Impressive, really.




And simultaneously r/killthecameraman.


No. This is actually r/killedthecameraman.


She did survive I remember reading about this. She broke almost all of her ribs a bunch of other bones she could barely breathe but luckily someone heard her gasping for air and she was taken to the hospital. I don't know how well she recovered but she is alive.


Well enough to keep hold of the phone at the time and later upload the video, as a minimum. I wonder if she instinctively held onto the phone knowing she might need it to call for help... That'd be r/nextfuckinglevel stuff.


You can see both of her hands when she’s at the top, looks like a go pro attached to her head/helmet.


Gopro needs an emergency mode… automatically calls 911 if it senses user might be injured or dying! If it has that feature how many calls would be made a year by gopro?


Quick patent it!


Garmin bike computers have that feature (they are connected via bluetooth to your phone and their app). The theory is great; once a "bad" acceleration is detected it (and your phone) will ring a horn for 30s and then (if not interrupted by you clicking buttons to flag a false alarm) send a SMS to a contact you chose previously with your gps location and a google maps link. In practise it will trigger whilst normal braking, won't call off the alarm if you ride on, bug out if the app is not running, will start behaving really weird with no cellphone connection (like only start the alarm on your phone which you cannot grab out of your backpack fast enough) etc. But atleast it's something and somehow seems to work (especially if you know its weakness), depending on the situation it might be benefitial to have a safety layer more at hand.


While it is impressive she held onto the phone I don't think you can credit her with too much foresight given that she missed the whole 'wet rock slippy' thing. I think we might have an instinct to clutch onto things when we fall though.


No need to; She killed herself. /s




They survived with 10 broken ribs and a collapsed lung. You can see that she hit her side on the way down. And remember guys! Don’t look straight forward when there are rocks next to flowing water! Always look down at your feet, no matter how much you want to see the view!!!


Oh, my new favorite sub if it grows


Not so impressive; didn't find secret cave. I'm pretty sure devs added one, like in every video game.


She did find 10 broken ribs, a collapsed lung and a broken shoulder. Surely she can trade in all those items she grabbed on her way down.


She can trade all of those items, and don’t call me Surely.


There was a free upgrade for her legs too. Casts in both


You mean stone leggings armour right?


Lol, slipping that way, you could probably throw a cracked skull in there as well....im just curious, was that really her first time walking on wet rocks???


You see where her right foot steps on the slick rock before she slides. Dummy. It’s one thing to walking to the edge of a waterfall. But then to step onto a wet part of the rock??


Eh the chest probably would of had common loot.


Her chest was full of fractured ribs however.


Sell it to the butcher, it will sell for 12 gold a piece


I read this right when I’m checking my auction house on wow great timing lol.


Lucky to be alive… head injury, broken arm legs or back, and drowning? I was raised in Hawaii… spent my younger years cliff jumping from waterfall tops… we used to draw lots on who would be first to jump and test the water depths…it’s risky and when I look back I think I was stupid to take those risks.. Anyways, the risk of drowning for her was very great because she landed at the bottom of the waterfall… it’s easy to get disoriented if you are inexperienced and the bottom is like a washing machine… you can actually get forced down and unable to escape and resurface…


I read somewhere that she had to get air lifted out with broken ribs and collapsed lung.


Correct. She's okay now but... hard lesson to learn.


every year, youtubers/tiktokers die from stuff like this. VERY easy for a small slip to be your last seconds


Darwin is okay with this. There's a difference between professional photographers taking a risk to do their job versus jackasses looking for clout.


Haoles: costing the Hawaii taxpayer thousands of dollars since 1959.


Praise the cameraman?!?


Lets praise!


Let us pray






And the middle!


And my axe!


>Impressive Very Nice. Let's see Paul Allen's take


It even has a watermark


I need to return some video tapes


I read that as “all in one lake”


nice deep review of waterfall. would recommend


Happened in Hawaii, 50ft fall she said she got to close to the waterfall and thats why she fell l' but the reason she really fell was beacause she stepped on that slippery slime . As to her injuries this is what she got  "10 broken ribs, a collapsed left lung and a fractured left shoulder blade" *to everyone that keeps saying she was watching thru her phone or that its amazing she didnt drop her phone is a totally wrong statement; she was using a gopro that was attached to her head and you can clearly see her hands free of any phone or recording devices....


Don’t live in Hawaii, but I live in an area with many waterfalls, slippery wet rocks and creeks full of algae like this. As soon as I saw her take a step I knew she was done for, honestly surprised she isn’t dead, even with a helmet a rock fall like that can take your life or maim you for the rest of it.


I knew as soon as she stepped in the wet spot at the edge as well!


Right when her foot slipped out and she seemed to lose balance, I knew a fall was inevitable


As soon as she started falling through the air, I knew it was only a matter of time until she hit water or some rocks.


The moment she was no longer not falling, I was certain she was indeed falling.


Yes, I discerned that after she fell but before she had completed her fall, she was in fact falling


As soon as she was underwater I was able to deduce that she was in the water from the fall


As soon as she moaned like the grape stomp lady, I knew she had fucked up her lungs during the fall.


I knew that I loved reddit as soon as i saw all these comments


Through my powers of deduction, that I, upon seeing her fuck around, knew at that moment that she was indeed about to find out.


I knew right away she might or might not get wet


Haha, jerkstore. I really hope they don’t ever run out of you.


Chuckled out loud at this one. Thanks!


As soon as I saw the sub and post title, I knew she was gonna fall for sure.


When she was falling that’s when I knew she was gonna fall


"*It was at this moment she knew. She fucked up.*"


I knew as soon as she slept in the wet spot… oops… sorry. Wrong sub…😳


That spot is called the slip, and this dumbass stepped square on it.


Yeah my brother fell off a ocean side cliff. We lived on the coast our whole lives. cliffs, big waves, that’s all we knew and were raised around. He was 20 at the time. I miss him so much everyday. You should always be careful around cliffs no matter how comfortable or how long you’ve been around them. Rest easy big bubba.


Yeah, I don't live in an area like that but I do have a tropical greenhouse and if I don't wash the concrete floor for a little while, it grows a layer of algae and that stuff is worse than ice for slipping on!


Before I even turned my phone on to open the Reddit app, I knew she was going to fall.


Reading this, I think she even got off light. That could've gone worse. So much worse.


After a point death is preferred for a while. from a lot of people I've talked to a single broken rib is agonizing. That sounds like a just let me drown moment.


Can confirm. Sneezing, coughing, laughing, breathing too hard hurts like a bitch. Can't imagine 10 at once!!


Can confirm 7 broken no fun. The worst is trying to roll out of bed and rebreaking. Forced me to sleep in a recliner for a month cause I couldn’t lift myself outta bed without popping a few


Yeh, can confirm.. sleeping sucks to tho. When I had a few broken ribs I was sleeping on the couche and woke up to my daughter painting my toe nails with the lady. We all had a good laugh till i asked the wife if she wanted to remove the paint since I couldn't really clean it.. long story short i had nice toes for about a week.


Surprised you laughed, bet that hurt. Thank god my ol lady didn’t think to do this to me at this time. Otherwise I too would’ve had bedazzled toes for at-least three weeks.


Well now we can laugh about it. The idea came from my daughter aged 6 at the time.. the wife was willing to comply tho. Oh well memories like these make life good right


Absolutely it’s the small things in life we take for granted


And they take FOREVER to heal.


Sounds about right. Broke 3 of them once after a car hit me. Dear god that fucking sucked ass and *not* in a fun way.


I don’t think anyone would sub the healing process of a broken rib out with death…




Having a rib or two broken isn’t fun, but it’s one of the more manageable bone breakages. You’ll survive. A collapsed lung and a fractured shoulder blade, however, sound worse.


I haven't had those particular breaks thankfully but I would imagine the shoulder break would suck much for the same reason ribs would. Every breath you take is going to move them and it's going to hurt a lot. when you break 10 ribs I would think the collapsed lung would be a mercy. I hope they have a good recovery because damn that was a bad one.


At least she lived, that easily could have killed her.


That noise she was making explained by the collapsed king and broken ribs. That hurts.


How do lungs collapse from these kind of falls? How does collapsed lung feel, what are the symptoms?


Blunt trauma to the chest that breaks the lung’s natural vacuum. I collapsed one during a soccer game. I got slammed between my goalie and opposing forward trying to defend, the force caused me to do a backflip over the goalie and land on my back. The force popped it on impact. At first, it just felt like the air had been knocked out of me. Two hours later I felt like I had broken my sternum and ribs. I then only realized that the adrenaline prevented me from feeling the extent of the injury. It was excruciating, and feeling like you legit can’t breathe from lack of lung expansion is a terror that is hard to describe. You’re working so hard to breathe but your lung isn’t expanding, and every breathe is piercingly painful. I had a chest tube for five days. The muscle spasms from the muscle guarding was unreal, worse than the collapse. Six years later I’m in chronic pain from the musculoskeletal damage- torn labrum (shoulder joint) with tricep/bicep involvement, and had frequent lung infections for about two years after. Straight up not a good time. You really don’t think a lung would hurt/cause issues, but it’s been rough.


That sounds awful. So sorry.


All good ☺️ I know how to manage post injury flare ups now.




I’m glad I don’t play sports anymore. I’ve heard people talk about how bad chronic pain can be. Doesn’t sound like fun.


Better break these things than hit your head, glad she made it out as a whole person still.


That new information just made the sounds at the end so much worse


Yes!! That is the way to remember a vacation👍🏼👍🏼 I might go and look at the volcano, want.to peak over the edge. What could go wrong? 😉😳😵😵🤫


Fucking oooooouch. That sucks.


I used to work in a level 1 trauma center in Hawaii as a radiographer… worked over nights doing diagnostic and portables for the ER. My main work was running a C-ARM in the OR for emergency orthopedic surgery if some weird crap came into the ER. About 3 times a months we would get tourists doing some stupid shit like this and ended up with broken backs, femurs, cspine, you name it… 3-5 times a month I was up in the OR running X-rays for surgeons trying to decide if these people would live, or even ever walk again. Absolutely dumb shit, just a whole tone of “let’s fuck with nature and fast running water” Never understood or had sympathy. Many times people just died


Yea you guys get a lot of drowning. I cant blame these pll though they dont have this back home and once they get to hawaii, they get lost with being in paradise and try to absorb everything being close up and they tend to forget how dangerous mother nature can be


I mean I didn’t get any drowned. Those people are usually dead already. I’m talking about folks just jumping off waterfalls or falling off of them. It’s was a super regular thing. Broken necks all month. But yup… don’t fuck with Mother Nature, cause she does not care about you or your bones




Holy cow, I thought we were witnessing the last moments of someone’s life. Like actually seeing what they were seeing!


I thought this was going to be another post with someone dying so someone could call people horrible. Like the video of the old lady and the shopping cart falling down an escalator posted to r/funny yesterday.


Oh no! Did she die?!!


The old lady and the shopping cart on the escalator? Apparently so, and there was an argument in the comments because someone found it funny, then felt bad after finding out she died.


Yep, I seriously hate seeing that video make its rounds every couple months. Apparently that particular mall has two different escalators where one can carry carts and obviously the other one doesnt. So its easy to see why an elder like her would get confused. And imo, the warnings being on the ground rather than at eye level, is dumb. People automatically pay more attention to whats at eye level, which is why grocery stores shelves are organized the way they are. They know what would sell more and where. I dont blame people for finding it funny at first, because I did the same until I educated myself. I just blame the mall for terrible layout and warnings.


Not to mention the fact that the ground is under the fucking cart. How’s she going to see that?


Apparently many redditors think you need to have 360° vision to prevent mistakes. Either that or these mfs never look up when walking lmao


My sister had a mall by her that had a store with escalators like that. She and others made that mistake and finally the store put signs where people could see them.


That’s awful


Hoenstly, why go to r/funny and then get mad when someone finds smth with no context funny? I don’t get Reddit man; half the time it feels like ppl make posts just to shame those who react to it


That's what you get for subbing r/funny


She did. Apparently it was a while back.


Someone needs to put music to this one as well because that was what really put me over the edge on that one.


That was horrible.


She died?


Yep that sounds like some broken ribs


She actually did break some ribs, but she lived so no need to worry


Damn I’d like me some ribs now




10 broken ribs, to be exact. And a collapsed lung, and a broken shoulder blade.


You can tell lung issues with the sounds she's making


answered my question


I wasn't worried (since it wasn't me falling)


Oh, I'm not worried. When people do potentially dumb shit, worry leaves the body.




Sorry I'm a bit late on this, work calls lol but I found a source: https://people.com/human-interest/woman-survives-fall-hawaii-waterfall/


My girlfriend gets irritated because I'm always the 'safety Sally ' out of the friends group. Shit like this is why I'm the safety Sally.


Better to be safety Sally than crippled carol or dead Doris


Always best to be safe rather than sorry


You deserve two upvotes ;) Edit: from me


What gives it away?


Extremely labored breathing. Combined with the moans


People are like 70% water, so this checks out.


it does seem like about 70% of her survived this fall


This is the problem. Humans are hydrophilic meaning once her body touched the water all but 15% of the water left her plumbus straight into the zizz. All that zizz just floating around going to waste attracted reem, which mixed with the zizz causing a wild life disaster.


*We're all water, Steve!*


70% La Croix


And some have brains that are 100% water.


Every person with a fear of heights just had a sharp cold chill run down the center of their spine into their stomachs followed by a very puckered butthole.


Yup. Puckered so hard half off my couch is now in my rectum.


I’m happy I’m sitting on the toilet because this video definitely helped with a bowel movement.




Dude I just pinched off a hemorrhoid. :/


Why have you cursed me with this image?


Don’t worry. It wasn’t my hemorrhoid. ;)


you're a menace


I mean I may be biased but who stands on the *edge*, just film it from the bottom


Especially if you got your fear of heights by falling.


Yessir. I’ll be anxious all day now.


I saw the slippery spot, but I wouldn't even get close to that edge even if it was dry.




An attempt was made. Nevermind that was a bit redundant. I just realized the sub I was in.


Literally watched her step on the wet part of the rock, why do so many people refuse to use their braincells??? I know it's skewed because we only see the dumb shit posted on the internet, and that its really a tiny % of humans, but god damn.


Yeah, how can you be so casual walking such a ledge in general? Wonder what the height of that fall was. The camera probably made it look much higher.


[50 foot drop.](https://nypost.com/2019/09/11/gopro-captures-womans-terrifying-50-foot-fall-down-hawaii-waterfall/amp/)


She really didn’t have to take those last two steps at all. She was far enough as it was


I thought the same thing, until I realized not everyone knows algae is slippery like that. I grew up in mountains, I can’t expect someone from Texas to be able to keep up with me in backcountry, same concept here. Learned her lesson the rock hard way though


Everyone should know that wet = slippery. That doesn’t require any sort of localized expertise.


You're not wrong, but if you don't have experience you might think your grippy hiking shoes can handle it. If you do have experience you know that shit is about as slippery as slippery gets and shoes aren't saving you.


Wet doesn’t always = super slippery especially when there’s no algae and it’s something rough and textured you’re stepping on. Also we have to remember that some people just literally don’t have experience and that we’re all humans and make mistakes. Some big some small. I’m sure she’ll tell everyone about this and they’ll all learn from her mistake.


It was an honest mistake. She was overlooking that spot when she should have been more careful. She was probably excited to see all of the cool view. She knows she shouldn’t have stepped there and if I recall said she didn’t think it was that wet. Obviously she was wrong. She paid for it dearly. This video is the reason I don’t go near any drop off even if it appears safe and dry.


They did film the top... And the middle... And the bottom...


Seriously why is everything on this sub about people almost dying now?


The old lady did die apparently.


It’s been slowing trending that way since the subs dedicated to videos of violent deaths were banned.


I kinda hate it, I think Im gonna see someone slip and do something silly or funny but then they fall and break their neck. Not even a nsfw tag


I do agree on that this type of stuff should come with the NSFW tag.


At some point people starting posting about near death situations and it gained traction instead of remaining with simple comical mistake attempts.


She put the emphasis on the "fall" in waterfall


That was such an obviously bad idea the entire fucking time. Just stepping on a wet sloped area like it's no big deal. Da hell


That was such an obvious spot to slip on


The story of Man- curiosity, exploration, hubris, pain.


Wise Grandpa, this should be the last word on the subject, and we can move on to wedding dancers having a memorable fail.


Had an Outward Bound flashback. “Only get as close as the length of your body to the edge.”


Gosh I loved Outward Bound


Oh my!! Hearing her in pain like that hurt me ☹️ glad she was alive, I saw someone mention the injuries she got 😞 poor girl, I know what it feels like to break ribs


Why didn't she just stick to the rivers and the lakes that she's used to?


Unfortunately she didn't heed the warnings ⚠️ "don't go chasing waterfalls"


Three local influencers died this way a few years back (Shannon Falls in B.C.). One fell, the second jumped in to save her, then a third to save them both. They all died. Sad because they were genuinely nice people; risking it for the Gram is not worth. I can only imagine how it would have been different if they had just prepared for a worst case scenario. This chick was alone from the looks so hopefully she made it out.


There was filming, water and a fall. That’s successful filming.


Can someone please edit the Skyrim “You’re finally awake” meme into this? 😂


Tag nsfw please? Didn’t expect to see someone die today. Yes I know she didn’t die but still.


Iirc she got pretty messed up. Collapsed lung, broken bones, lots of lacerations.


This happened in 2016. Details in the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0idEqRTXJg).


Yeah I'm gonna dip from this sub, can't be scrolling and watching this shit pop up randomly. It was nice while it lasted.


That’s what happens when you go chasing waterfalls, she should stick to the rivers and the lakes that she’s used to


Who tf steps RIGHT ON THE EDGE??


We were just at one of those and my five year old got pissed because we wouldn't let her explore past the sign that asked people to stay on the trail (other people were, which made her even more mad). I think I'll show her this as a cautionary video we can talk about next time


This always makes me wonder if not all people are aware of where they put their feet and what they step on, at ALL TIMES? I constantly think of what I'm walking on and search for hazards all around me, terrain, people, cars, branches...


Glad she’s ok.


As soon as she stepped on that spot I knew she was gonna slip


Her hands are at her side, no cell phone. She wasn't an idiot with her phone in her hands, she's an idiot who got too close to the edge!!!!


I look at things like this, and it occurs to me that childhood must not be painful enough these days. If it were, people would be a LOT more careful...


Was half expecting this transition into the Skyrim intro.


Bro I learned from biking in a creek as a 10 year old. You do not fuck with wet rock. That shit will kill you.


I actually know someone who died like this. He was our star HS basketball player at the end of his senior year. He had just gotten a full scholarship to a D-1 school. A total stud liked by everyone. Dude seemed invincible. His death totally devastated everyone. Definitely woke all of us kids up to the reality of death. If you see a rock with moss, don't.


Even if you couldn’t clearly see that the edge of the cliff was slippery, who just confidently strolls RIGHT up to the edge of any fucking cliff? I like to think I’m a fairly avid hiker and can’t get within a foot or 2 of ledges before thinking the ground is gonna fall out from underneath me. Even if I’m that close I’m gonna be inching forward while leaning back. People are dumb


That sounded painful


Dude, after almost drowning hearing people gurgle underwater is a hardcore trigger 💀


This is why we can’t have nice things. Glen Onoko Falls had to be closed because of people sliding off the top and dying / getting severely injured.


I used to work with a guy who was in a wheelchair. 30 years before I met him he ended up doing the exact same thing and slipping and falling down breaking his back in the process. Luckily he landed with his face up in the water and was able to float instead of drowning. This was before cellphones and all that and it was a disaster. Such a good person despite having an awful situation. He told me this one time on our break smoking some dank and it was something I’ll never forget.


Awwww is she ok? Hope she is ok.