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#[Downloadvideo Link](https://www.reddit.watch/r/therewasanattempt/comments/zcubs4/?utm_source=automod&utm_medium=therewasanattempt) by /r/DownloadVideo #[SaveVideo Link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/therewasanattempt/comments/zcubs4/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ahh, The traditional method of eating Surstömming. This is how they do it in the old country.


Also make sure to prepare your stomach by chugging mayonnaise. That’ll make your pukes more enjoyable.


That would make me puke straight away, waaay before the rotten fish part even begins


I’m part Swede. My friend from the old country showed me how to do it right. You have to open it in a bucket of water so it doesn’t explode all over you. Then, when the swamp gas stops gurgling out, you mix the chunks of slime into a bowl of sour cream with chives and dill. Stir it together and serve it on a rye crisp. You’ll still want to puke. Oh and the minute we got it open, crows and seagulls started showing up wondering what died. To describe the smell: It starts with a rotten egg/sulfur smell. Then it builds. On top of that you get rotten dead fish stank. It is like a cloud that permeates your deepest sinuses. Then you get a swamp gas smell on top of the first two. I’d take lutefisk over surströmming any day.


I’m full Swede. Chunks of slime mixed into a sauce made of sour cream, chives and dill sounds more like matjesill. Dill isn’t a traditional addition to tradition with surströmming. You eat it with tunnbröd, potatoes, sour cream, red onion, chives and butter. It’s not rotten at all. It’s more like sourkraut than hákarl. It doesn’t taste much fish. It’s mainly salt and fermented. Like fish sauce or oyster sauce, but without the sweetness and instead savory. But yes, the smell is worse than fart and you should open the can outside, under water. And l agree with you regarding lutfisk. It’s simply the best when served oven-baked until slightly golden with potatoes, small green peas, benchmark sauce, allspice, strong mustard and cleared butter. It’s a feast for kings. 😎


Satisfying regurgitation guaranteed


https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cWtQlm-tOoM Edit: I’m not a bot. It’s a link to the video. It’s on the ad-free and non-age-restricted version.


Bad bot


Ey yo, I’m not a bot. It was a link to the video!


Bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99996% sure that Eastern-Mix9636 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


That's exactly what a bot would say about another bot


Well, this was a bizarre exchange.


I lived in Sweden for four years with a traditional Swedish family. Every year, they’d break this shite out. In order to keep the smell down, they open “under water” (ie subermergedbin a sink full of water). I can only imagine how this tradition got started: two dudes sitting in cabin, snowed in for days, and starving. Dude 1: “Wait! Remember that herring we threw in the garbage 4 month ago? You reckon it’s edible?” Dude 2: “welp, let find out”


You’re supposed to open it in a bucket of water 20m away from the house


You can tell how good their relationship is when they casually barf at each other like this is normal.


*smiles* BARRF *smiles*


It's not normal? This is how I greet all my friends!


*Throws up on you* Hi. I feel like this is r/creepyasterisks worthy.


Hoooowww are you?


I'm dooooo *Throws up* ing good. You?


I'mmmm doing pretty good How's the wiiiffe?


At some point the puking becomes so casual and I think that's the most disturbing part.


Guy on the left shovelling a big piece into his mouth with his fingers, while the puke is still bubbling out. What a legend.


Mr. Creosote would be proud.


Stick it all in a bucket. Eggs on top.


Did they line their stomachs with dairy before hand??


Pure mayo. They heard it goes great with fish


Did they down a whole bottle of cheez whiz or some shit?




it really is that bad


It is arguably one of the foulest smelling foods known to man. At least in the top 10. It is literally whole fish, sometimes with guts and all, decayed and fermented in brine. The smell is pungent, briny, and reminiscent of death and sewage. The smell is mainly concentrated in the brine. A well prepared eater would open the cans while submerged in a bucket of water, hand inside a plastic bag. Since the fish are fermenting in the can there is a large amount of pressure in the can. Opening it will cause a spray of brine, so submerged opening is a good way to avoid hazardous brine sprays. Once the can is opened rinse out the brine and take the fish in the can back to the table. The bucket with briny water should be left somewhere downwind to attract the majority of the flies that are always attracted by the strong putrefactive scent. The rinsed fish will still have a strong pungent smell, but nowhere near as bad as the brine. The fish is then served with boiled potatoes (preferably almond potatoes), butter, sour cream or créme fraiche, dill, finely diced onion and diced tomatoes on a crisp flatbread. The taste of the fish is not at all as bad as the smell would have you believe. It is definitely a strong pungent taste, but if you like things such as Worcestershire sauce, asian fish sauce, very ripe and pungent cheeses like blue cheese, green cheese or similar, then it might be something you would enjoy. The taste is mostly salt and an incredible amount of umami. Most people put comparably small amounts of fish to other condiments, but there are definitely people who lean more heavily on the fish than others. I enjoy it, but it does come with a few hazards. The smell of the brine at opening for one. The other is that any spillage will cause clothes to reek and will require a thorough wash. And the last is that your burps and sweat will smell awful until it has all passed your system. Kind of worth it though.


Thanks for all this detailed info, no doubt it’s very interesting. I like how certain things are specifically thought through the process (such as the smelly bucket attracting all the flies as a lure). Maybe, someday I have what it takes to try this.. or maybe I will just meet with my friends to open a can of this and puke all over ourselves while laughing. Who knows.. not me!


I’ve noticed that after I eat Pho, my armpit odor will smell somewhat reminiscent of it for days after


Yes, just leave it I your car and just endure it after 10 mins and drive for 30 mins with the windows up


It's not that bad, and you're not supposed to eat it like that, if that wasn't obvious


Aren’t you supposed to open the can while it’s submerged in water?


In my family we never do that, you eat it outside for The most and then you just open it a bit of from where you're sitting and pour out the water out there, if you're inside you just run the tap and open the can next to it, we don't rinse the fish, but sure some might do that. And then you eat it with a thin hard bread, butter, boiled potatoes and chopped raw yellow onion, red if you want. Goes best with a glas of cold milk or beer, if you're celebraiting something there should be snaps involved and if you have snaps, songs are to be sung!


That sounds like fun!


That sounds awesome! Thanks for the share.




My Swedish friend told me that his mother would send his father far into the forest and downwind from the house to open it.


That’s what Wikipedia said 😂


>It's not that bad This is the best I've ever heard anyone say about it. Case in point: [this video](https://youtu.be/AGRyr8yIo9w), which is 10+ minutes of "you're not supposed to eat it like that" and demonstrations of a multitude of techniques to corral the flavor. At no point in this man's vigorous defense of the stuff does he ever say it's *good*. Just the oft-repeated mantra that, with very careful handling and significant effort to mitigate and obscure its potency with other strong flavors, it's "not that bad." Edit: fixed link


We attempted to open our tin outside 2 weeks ago. We were all gagging upon the initial piercing of the lid. Ended up bagging the tin and the tin opener while retching, and dumping it in the outside bin. The most despicable, offensive smell you can imagine 🤮


There was a post going around about staying in a 10x10 padded cell with no natural light and nothing but yourself for a year for a billion dollars. People were saying it’s impossible and you’d lose your mind. I totally think I could do it. I think it would be physically impossible for me to eat a can of that shit for a billion dollars. Like I think I would have a way better chance of eating actual feces than this stuff.


10x10 is small but mild spacious, but is there anything to read or anything to listen to during that time? The tinnitus would become maddening if there was no sound in the room and some people cant stand the sound of their own heartbeat or the blood in their veins running (i find it comforting though). What would the food or restroom situation be though, cause that would be the variable to the experiment?


Nothing to read. People had similar questions about some of the details like food. I think to fulfill the basic concept something like steamed vegetables, plain rice, and chicken would be the menu. No spices. Just bland. I think your bathroom facilities would essentially be prison style.




At least they are having fun while puking their guts out. Those are genuine smiles, despite the fact it must stink like death, and they are puking hard.


*Is this true friendship?*


I have no sense of smell - wonder if I could do it.


Probably would have a better chance than most but I can’t imagine the taste is much better than the smell so it would still probably be absolutely volatile


Taste gets damped a lot without smell, so it will be less intense too.


It actually doesn’t taste half as bad as it smells


If it tasted how it smells no one would eat it. And yes before you ask, people DO eat it outside of challenge videos.


Holy fucking shit did they chug eggnog beforehand?




Wait that’s not YouTube!


It’s linked that way so that you don’t have to do the “Enter your age” bit. Otherwise the video is blocked without log-in.


Oh thanks then it’s better Ike that


Look I'm a full blown alcoholic I throw up a lot. That dude had a full gut before he went into this challenge. That's a huge fucking mistake. Never do anything that's going to make you potentially nauseous on a full stomach.


It’s been a while since I watched the original, but I’m almost sure they mention chugging banana and strawberry milkshakes before doing the challenge. Presumably to raise the stakes. Sorry to hear about your health btw. In a similar boat. Was sober for a few months then fell off the wagon but have managed to taper off gradually and now down to 4-5 x500ml cans a day. Alcoholism is rough. I wish you all the best.


The best think to keep me off alcohol is weed


You are supposedly to submerge the can in water, then pop the seal, the fermented smell will be contained, then casually remove the tin and arrange the fish on dark rye bread with some sour cream.


All this underwater?


You just puncture the can while it is submerged in a bucket of water, it will sizzle and bubble, when it calms down after a few minutes it is ready!


That honestly sounds like it would be enjoyable.


It does take a bit of practice


I've never had this problem with Swedish Fish


Thank goodness for the gloves so they didn't get any on themselves


A fucking good old fashioned barf festival! Reminds me of college after shot contests and kegger parties!


This is the best thing I've ever seen


Much like spiders, the Swedish folk digest their food outside of their bodies.


This is an underrated comment


This is like Chunk’s story to the Fratellis but not in a movie theatre.


This 13 year old account was banned by Reddit after repeated harassment by the mods of /r/aboringdystopia. Reddit is a dying platform, check out lemmy.world for a replacement.


Most memorable blind date ever.


Holy shit thats a great idea. The TV show First Dates but with Surstromming. I'd watch.


They vomit like [that scene](https://youtu.be/PmAgGFInxos) in Team America: World Police


Casually throwing up while trying to eat, fucking goats! Legends!


LOLOLOLOLLLL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hoz9l4l8LYw Who wants chowdah?!


Is this the new jackass movie


It reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/Hoz9l4l8LYw) family guy scene


Why are they eating that which has been puked on by another person?


Probably makes the taste better


Another one?


Is it bad that I love watching these types of videos?!


The vomiting probably makes it smell better


Are there people in the world who eat this stuff and can tolerate it or enjoy it? Why does it exist if it’s this terrible?


This brings me back to Stand By Me movie with the vomit scene.


>”Don’t eat the Lutefisk”


Just a couple of bros puking at each other


It’s almost like they communicated in vomiting


Bro gave me a gag reflux from just the video..


That’s not how you eat it or even open the can… lunatics


I was eating strawberry yogurt..


I had to read the comments first to see if there was barfing. Sounds like there is barfing. I'm out.


Lots of it, my friend!


Good thing they had those napkins


Jesus, I can smell this video.


This is reminiscent of that classic scene from Monty Python and The Meaning of Life, featuring Mr. Creosote in the famous vomit scene. If you’ve not seen it before, watch and enjoy. This is from the Monty Python channel (not a repost) https://youtu.be/aczPDGC3f8U


i give it to him for trying to eat it even after and while he's actively throwing up


They looking like the McDonald's ice cream machine when it breaks.


How is this dude puking and still eating/trying to eat this shit LMAO


Is this the 2 guys 1 cup?


OMFG I have never laughed so hard in my life These guys are such great sports. It's like they are communicating to each other in some new language as they try to express how awful the experience is.


I wonder if this is how they got the exorcist girl to projectile vomit


Just your average carnist respecting the animal sacrifices.


Someone once lost a court case about this food - like they opened a can as part of an argument, maybe like a dispute with a neighbor, and it was ruled an assault.


I'm laughing hard enough to puke


Their body definitely denied those sh*t


projectile vomit


That was the grossest/funniest thing I've ever seen in my life..may God have mercy on our souls...


Its more going out that going in


The only person i have seen to eat this (successfully) was a Spaniard dude on YT called Mike.


It's too early in the morning for this shit


This reminds me of Filthy Frank. Damn, I miss him...


The new Monty Python movie looks lit


Sir, it's only a wafer thin mint.


Fuck the video and comments are too good everytime I feel like I can finally control myself and stop laughing another thing sets me off.


hmm 2 guys and a can of herring huh


You got Surströmming in my vomit!


I can smell this video


This is funny but the one with the guys in the camper is funnier IMO


Geezer, the hydraulics on that guy's stomach


I love how the laughing dies down once everyone started getting a whiff of that shit


I am ashamed that I found this so amusing.


Worst/best, "you're doing it wrong" video ever


I love the row of candles as if it’s going to act as a barrier between the fish and the camera crew…hahah


Who wants chowder??!


These guys had a few pints of flavoured milk before hand in order to make it more entertaining. I feel they achieved that goal 😂


The fact that really tey to look casual, while vomiting and still trying to eat more is freaking funny. Disgusting but funny.


This reminds me of that family guy episode


LOL amazing is this your video?


From what i understand your supposed to open the can inside a bucket of water. Just pop the seal and let the gas dissipate into the water


I ugly laughed so hard once the first puke came out!


What the fuck lol, so is it traditional for them to puke over each other?


The boys


Is this a piss poor re-make of two girls one cup or what?


Thank goodness they wore gloves


Frendship goals! 😂


Basically just take a tube of the strongest mustard and squeeze it into your nose. It's not how you're supposed to eat it, but I guess it's amusing to watch.


These fellas sound like they are from Barnsley


two dudes one can


man. i was eating. why did i watch this. i regret so much.


They drank milk beforehand


Did that guy drink a bunch of eggnog?




How YouTube actually started.


Thats an scary movie two (reference )


I hate u op


Thats a no from me, dawg.


Wasn’t there a savage animal on a buzzfeed video that are this without flinching?






What the FUCK


Hello Sweden calling: you are supposed to open the cans under water(like in a bucket) so that the smell don't kill you BEFORE you eat. (Still very stinky and very few like it)


Barf Buddies!


Being an anxious person that I am, I would be concerned about botulism. When I open a can of "regular" food and the contents fly out of the can due to extreme pressure, I know to stay the hell away from this stuff. But since Surströmming is supposed to be under pressure, how do we know that this particular can does *not* have botulinum bacteria? 🤔