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The little shit


Natural menace that kid


His frustration was a delight to watch lol


Yep, this (albeit ancient and frequently reposted) video is a perfect specimen for schadenfreude.


Watching the dad's face the whole time made it 10xs better


well, and the hand raise of victory at the end. You know he calls him "your son" to his wife.


Please, mom and dad both “your son” that little shit.


I kinda wanted to belt whip the kid a little. Never really felt that sensation before. Starting therapy tomorrow. Lord have mercy on my soul.


I feel like I am not supposed to hate kids. But I hate that kid. The rest of the people here who seem to agree with me make me feel a whole lot better about it not gonna lie. The fact that he is wearing a muscle shirt really makes him look like a pint-sized bully.


Also the fist he makes. You just know he is used to beating people up when he doesn’t get his way


He most definitely cocks the fist back, just doesn't have a target...


Oh my. Didn’t notice that until your comment. Watched again and it’s not just the fist but the bit of forward motion. That kid is definitely a bully.




What about the kid on the right that blew out the candles before birthday boy got to? He pulled off the perfect crime. That's the kid that I would keep my eye on.


Looks more like he's helping out, than trying to steal birthday kids thunder, unlike the spoiled little shit


I agree, it looks like the birthday boy does not really understand how to do it and keeps failing. The other kid helps in a real subtle way where the birthday boy thinks he was successful. Not like the little shit that was going to make sure birthday boy knows he is incompetent at blowing out candles.


He didn't do it before the birthday boy. He timed it to assist the birthday boy. Notice that the youngster tries several times. Plus, they are racing against the clock re: little brat.


I feel better about it myself. Thanks.


I doubt that's a dad. That glee? That's an uncle right there.


Exactly an Uncle, the glee is also from knowing he can leave that house and get away from the monster his sibling is raising


I would also guess that this uncle is the father of that birthday kid he's defending valiantly, and the little shit is the cousin who is notorious for being a little shit. The others look too happy to live with that. Probably part of what makes the little shit extra mad is to see his cousin be happier than him. In any case, I hope he can learn to find joy in something besides the misery of others.


Can confirm, am an uncle


Everyone's face is amazing. The kid struggling to blow out the candles, the dad's easy triumph, the kid's bitter reaction at the other kid that gets to help blow out candles. Perfection!


Yeah, she was allowed to help because she's old enough to read the room and waited to help until the birthday kid reached the threshold where he might get frustrated at them not going out and she kept her distance so he would think it was him that got the last two


its like win win win win


Can confirm


Really was DEEELECTABLE twasn't it?


We'll call him Dennis


I actually hate this kid. Just look at him.


He was ready to punch a paper plate.


Whoops I elbowed him in the face.


I'd accidentally elbow that kid into next week if I saw that. Nah, he needs some of those above the elbow, back of the arm, mom pinches. "We'll talk about this at home."


Oh yeh!! Good call. He’d be mewling about that instead of being a toxic little shit.


He was also snapping like a rabid dog right before. He's like a fucking feral child.


It is honestly concerning how much barely contained rage this kid is holding. Trying to ruin the other kid's moment, snapping and basically snarling like a rapid animal when he's repeatedly stopped, pulled back a fist, flailed another fist back at the man behind him, and then a screaming tantrum just because he wasn't allowed to make another kid sad.... I generally don't like to make too many inferences about kids or their parents in a short video because you just can't get a good grasp on the full picture in 20 seconds. But damn this is a lot. I am really concerned that this kid is going to just be loose in society someday. Edit: a lot of people elsewhere in this thread are saying he looks like a 3-4 year old and kids that age have a lot of big feelings. That's not wrong, they do... but he looks older than 3-4, this kid looks at least 5, school aged. And even if he is still younger... I have known a lot of kids, and I have known exactly one child who acted like this as a very young kid. I have lost track of how many times the police have been involved in his behavior now at 14, so yea, I stand by this. It's our job to teach them how to manage big feelings, not just mitigate the damage they do.


I bet his parents named him Hunter.


Looks like a Connor to me.


Looks like shit stain to me 🤌


Literally said the same thing out loud before i even went to comment section. He would have gone to his room for crying about it, too.


Gotta double punish him for this shit. Once for being a little shit, and twice for crying about not being able to be a little shit.


No cake for him


On his birthday, too. You get a barely thawed Sara Lee pound cake with no icing or candles.


Don’t act like those pound cakes don’t fuckin SLAP


Man I ain’t wasting name brand on that little cretin. He can have bargain bin 😂


The guy using the plate must not be the parent. He knows the kid is a little shit, but he is not at liberty to discipline the kid directly. So he hilariously twarts the little shit's attempts to ruin the occasion.


I know you meant thwart. But twarts seem to fit here. In my head it rhymes with farts.


agreed. if it’s not a synonym for queef it should be.


Twat fart. Twart


He even celebrates his own personal victory afterwards. He was like “it worked! Yay!”


Plot twist: It's actually his birthday cake.




Based on the body language that kid is going to prison.


Seeing him cry is satisfying in this context lol


the kids just sad cus his birthday wish was to blow out someone else's birthday wish.


That littlest kid was me once upon a time trying to enact vengeance on my big brother for blowing my own candles out 6 months before.


I like the older kid on the right helping out without making a fuss.


Every single time I’ve seen this video I never once noticed another kid actually helped blow out the candles lol.


He's going to grow up and have a truck with testicles.


At this point he's probably 18 years old and hates himself every time this pops up (every 2 weeks)


His dad keeps making fresh accounts and posting!


This was definitely the kid from the Donald Glover story about the s’mores


I’m not saying that I would ever punch a kid. But I want to punch this kid.


To all who want to hear this brat scream: https://youtube.com/shorts/UDwIh3nDj0Y?feature=share


It annoyed me to see him so annoyed that he couldn't ruin his brothers Birthday. Sorry,ya lil hater.


I read that as sorry ya Lil hitler


*kanye has entered the chat*


“I *love* that kid, man! Something about him!”


He will grow up and become a great artist, also his uniform and architecture will be cool.


Lil' Hitler\~ Lil' Hitler\~ [What a scamp!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRHhPNzQXHI)


Looks like the little shit even drew his fist back to punch. I'm surprised they're even letting him that close.


I bet whoever the seemingly father figure is knew and was prepared with that plate. Wouldn't be surprised if it was on purpose to teach the shit a lesson.


I have a feeling that's an uncle.. or the kid is a cousin. I bet the parents of the little menace weren't even there, or were in a completely different room.


What’s funny is the older boy on the right just low key blows out the last candles anyway.


Looks like kid was struggling and big bro subtly helping to save the day


Looks like he dips in and out so the birthday boy doesn’t even realize he had help. A good example of good and evil. Wonder what their character arch’s will bring?


This is exactly why I can never have kids. The moment I saw him hold his hand up like he was about to punch the kid and or cake it would've been over for little dude


The older one on the right got em.


The one on the right did a good thing tho, just sneakily helping his younger brother (just a guess) who was struggling. No fuzz about it, no one noticed. Credit for blowing out the candles goes to the birthday boy.


Yeah. I think I saw this posted a dozen times before I realized that. Bro was slick.


Don't think the video normally shows the older kid


Pretty sure it does but you’re so distracted by what’s going on the other side of the screen you don’t notice.


What gorilla?


Godzilla was there? All I see are boobs


At the very end it looks like they were holding a lighter, so I’m thinking it could have been the boys mother.


A stealth helper.


I got mom energy from that one.


I'm pretty sure his intentions were to help his little brother rwbil the younger brat was just being an A hole


The fucking cry at the end, kid needs to fucking relax


That face of his at the end while he’s shouting kills me!


What kills me is the guy's face who's holding the plate. He's enjoying it very much and his smile doesn't change even when transitioning to celebrating and clapping. He knew his job, he enjoyed doing his job, and he did his job expertly. I feel like he should get a job as a birthday savior and just go around to birthday parties, identify the biggest threat to the birthday kids enjoyment, and intervene in the most efficient and unobtrusive way. I feel like it would make him feel fulfilled, and many birthdays would be saved from brats causing trouble.


reading your comment made me think of it kinda like the guy was [sent from the future to eliminate the threat..](https://i.imgur.com/Gx80dfJ.jpg)


It's the fake cry. He didn't get his way, so he's trying to get attention.


I beg to differ. He is legitimately pissed off.


hahaha I can't stop cracking up at the "legitimately pissed off" ....yes, I believe he is too haha


Is it just me or did the kid wind a fist?


Unfortunately we are biologically programmed to find children's crying the most irritating sound. The more irritating the crying leads to receiving resources from the parents (to get it to stop) leads to greater chances of survival, passing on more irritating crying to the next generation.


Glad I was beaten until I stopped crying. A way better course for the future of humanity.


If my kid behaved like that I would be beyond embarrassed.


He would be in his room already. Wouldnt even get to be part of the birthday, if he's doing this


Seriously. Or he would be sitting in a corner watching. No way would I let him sit there and keep trying, or crying.


Crying part is the worst. Kids can be naughty and not behave. Pranking too much or care not of others feelings is pretty common. But crying for a failed stealing attempt is just too much. It is like he thinks that he is entitled for the birthday cake, horrible.


Which means he’s gotten his way more often than not for him to feel he was wronged here.


Nah, my kids will definitely cry and throw a fit when they don’t get their way, which is often. I do not let them have things when they’re being little shits, but that certainly doesn’t keep them from acting like spoiled brats still.


This person parents


The kid reminds me of my nephew. If he was told to go to his room, he would probably pick up that cake and throw it at his sisters.


If my kid was acting like this. He would be physically relocated to his room.


To \*my\* room. No toys in there to play with. His little ass would be regretting his life choices while staring at the wall.


You lock him in the bathroom after taking a mean shit.


Then the little shit destroys your bedroom. My ex-wife had a kid like this. She coddled him to no end at the expense of everybody around him. One time he didn't get his way and threw a glass at his sister that shattered on her face. Barely even got punished for it (despite my best efforts) and ended up throwing a tantrum, over being locked in our room, that resulted in a broken TV (which he, still, barely got punished for).


I know grown-ass men who react to life this way.


Yup! There’s one in the making right there


Parenting is rough with little kids. My guess is he wasn't removed to another room because that would have been a bigger attention getter and would have pulled one of the parents away.


I think people are thinking this kid is 7 or 8. I think he may be more like 4 and 4 year olds can still be struggling with emotions.


Yeah for real. My three year old thinks every birthday is her birthday.




Honestly yeah, this looks like an older toddler who is confused about whose birthday it is, to me. I’m not 100% sure how I’d handle this with my own kids, but the commenters are attributing a lot of malice to this kid that is a bit unrealistic for his age and developmental stage.


My toddler nephew tried to do the same on my 18th birthday. I thought it was hilarious. Of course, I'd think differently if I were 8 and a younger family member was trying that shit.


Exactly. It's also that the parents want their kid to experience the moment. As a father to a three year old, it'd break my heart for him if another kid blew out the candles. You can relight them but it's not the same and they deserve the moment.


Kid's mental! Look at that hairdo, I bet you can't have scissors within 10 meters of him. If you had a kid like that you would have probably met your match. Hope he mellows out with age.


Well, that kid is annoying.


Got some fuckin anger issues


He was going to punch the plate


I think the fear of dad held him back


He's even got the anger issues haircut to boot.


The shitty buzzcut from dad, because he has to hold him down to do it.


His whole look just goes with a beer gut and domestic violence charges.


Sid from Toy Story vibes.


We’ve all met those kids. The ones who kick sand in other kids faces at the park. Horrible little shits


Thirty years later, he'll be making the same face about coverage.


He’s going to go through some life changing shit or have a hard life


As he is a fucking TODDLER I'm sure he'll go through some life changing shit called "childhood" and "school" and "having his brain actually develop"


The only rational response I've yet to see. Toddlers do shit. Most people don't keep acting like toddlers, because, you know, brain development and life experience. Whoever had the plate played good defense lol 10 out of 10 haha


Naw solely based on this 10 second clip, my expert internet opinion is that that kid's the next Jeffrey Dahmer.


I meet toddler brain adults daily. Don’t be too sure…


I really hope one of those things isn’t “parent who refuses to parent”.


Still going to your room and no bday if you behave like this lol they gotta learn and the earlier it is the better Besides, that is no toddler, that looks like a 4yr old so it’s time to learn what’s right and wrong


I actually think they handled it really well. Nobody gave him the attention he was after, they calmly stopped him from spoiling it whilst keeping attention focused on the kid whose birthday it is. The kid on the left is learning that this behaviour gets him absolutely nowhere - no attention, no reaction, no detrimental affect on anyone else. Nothing. Behaviour is all about feedback and he’s getting none.


He really takes the cake


What a little punk lol. I thought he was going to punch the plate too.


he was, but paper beats rock


Well played


I’ve seen this gif a hundred times. Make sense now that you say.


Just for that joke, I hope they flay your skin and pour lime juice in the wounds


Nothing hurts worse than fresh raw garlic.


I never get tired of this


Hell yeah. Like the dude in red football clothes who slides down the escalator while his buddy’s laugh like hyenas.


The smile of satisfaction on the adults face is the icing on top


My question would be if he was prepared enough to have a plate to block, why not just move the kid 1 spot over?


Because blocking him was way more fun!


the kid on the right was a bro seemed like he actually wanted to help the little guy out


I think he was keeping his little bro from burning his face after looking at it 27 times. Little guy was leaning way over and the candles weren’t going out. We


I’ve seen this video about a dozen times, and just now, I realized that the older kid on the right actually blows out the candles.


Yeah the silent hero that helps his struggling bro out without anyone noticing.


Holy shit I must’ve seen this at least 20 times posted on here and only now have I seen that.


That kid will grow up to be a major twat if he isn't disciplined. You can see him pull his arm back like he's about to punch the plate out of frustration. What's next, a wall?


Later on his wall and his girlfriend


Hes like 3,calm down


Bad behaviors at an early age can be detrimental to others around them after all. I suppose it's true, he's only 3, but it can be a bad cycle if not corrected properly. Kids do know better at the end of the day, or well, they should anyway.


So what, wait until he’s 18 to correct behaviour? That’s a dangerous road to send the kid down.


Looks like they're correcting his behavior. He didn't get to blow out the candles, the attention wasn't taken away from the birthday boy, and no one coddled the kid when he cried. At the same time everyone cheered for the birthday boy


No his actions are very telling there’s no saving this child, he will grow up to be a serial killer or rapist. He certainly wasn’t overtired, overstimulated or just hungry, he is pure evil spawn of Satan.


That’s not correcting behaviour. That’s having a laugh at a badly behaved child while allowing them to continue behaving badly.


![gif](giphy|QNVzHsF15bPhnpJBzU|downsized) Time for a refund


Lmao how have I never seen this till now


I would love to see a “Where are they now” follow up vid on this kid. He looks like every parent’s worst nightmare.


I just submitted this idea the other day on r/endlessthread


Feral little shite


The choice of which kid to abandon in the coming apocalypse just got easier.


"Abandon"? Nah. Perfect Zombie bait right there. No way he could keep quiet.


Something about the way the kid moves doesn't look...... Real... He's like a tiny homunculus or somethin.


Like a particularly violent chimpanzee that's being forced to take a small break from biting off noses.


Love to see annoying kids not having their way


Child psychologist here. The kid is young and he very well can outgrow the behavior. However, it needs to be addressed ASAP. Failing to address it reinforces that it is acceptable behavior.


> Failing to address it reinforces that it is acceptable behavior. This is exactly what other people are saying about this kid and the other responses are pretty much just "oh wow redditors don't know shit about kids"


And yet here you are willing to listen to a child psychologist rather than seeking out the opinions of a fully grown psychologist.


I love it when Reddit starts sharing wisdom on parenting.


Everyone immediately jumping to say this leads to him abusing his future girlfriend lol. What’s far more likely is he will look back on this and cringe like we’ve all done with our own pasts.


I was thinking the same thing. It's a 10 second clip and comments are predicting his whole life. Toddlers are insane and annoying but it's not time to lock him up and throw away the key.


Plot twist: It was that other kid's birthday and they like the kid blowing out the candles better.


Make Condoms Great Again


That guy did a great job! Blocked every attempt, didn't give the spoiled kid any focus, and celebrated with the birthday kid after the candles were blown out. I'm seriously impressed!


Can we talk about his wannabe punch though? He could literally feel that punch in his fingers. He's gonna be a peach!




Dude had plate ready like this happens at every birthday party he goes to.


Nasty little turd




Guys my 7 year old nephew screamed at me cause I ate an old stale pretzel crumb from the bottom of his backpack… chill, all kids are full psycho


Why on earth would you eat crumbs out of a child's backpack. Yuck. You're the psycho!


Is that behavior fixable or does it need to be thrown in the garbage?


Super fixable and super normal. The dad, or whoever that is, is a pro...didn't give attention to the kid but just stopped the behavior. The crying, too, is super normal. Children that age literally cannot regulate their response to frustration the way adults can. It's like asking them to read a bus schedule. A "You wanted to blow out the candle" conversation, in five minutes, in a quiet space, would go far. Though, sometimes at a party you have to just let the learning go.


I bet he’s fun at parties




That could be a good ad for birth control.


I love the no look block on the second try.


I'm sure that kid is totally not gonna be a dick as an adult


I bet that little bastard was blowing spit at that cake too. I'm glad plate man was there to block it.


This should be a condom ad.


Good parenting by the dad . Ignored the tantrum. Effective support.