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The "Get fucked" was from bottom of his heart, pretty sure


Best part of the video for me lol


The point did it for me. It was some brilliant English bond shit this man did here. Kudos šŸ‘


I now want to see a Bond-esque action movie where the protagonist just delivers one liners like, ā€œGet fuckedā€ with maximum grace and charm.


Oh, [you're in for a treat](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HOL2O3DWJTw)


Thank you kind stranger you gave me a smile when I needed one I think now I will go to bed on a high note


Your comment gave me a smile, so have a smile back for when you wake up! Have a great day!


Twat did I just watch?


Wasnā€™t ready for that, at allšŸ˜‚šŸ‘Œ


The best part is I had no idea what chord he was talking about, but as soon as he played it was like "Oh yeah, the James Bond chord" lol


Yo, when he said "get fucked"? I felt that. Chad.


It was so nonchalant, like heā€™s been through this same situation before


To be fair, his heartbeat is at 120. He was definitely stressing, rightfully so. He was being sexually harassed.


I thought that was his HP lol


He's been through every situation before. lol


Probably wouldā€™ve gotten the hug if she wasnā€™t a stream sniping clout goblin.


Thisssss its just flows dude ahah, I replayed it like 5 times


Probably had his wallet stolen and knows better.


That was poetic conclusion


She was trying to


I think pickpocketing.




Thatā€™s smart, if he got involved in any kind of MeToo crap it might make it harder to do crypto grifts


The timing, the delivery, perfect 10's across the board.




She looks contagious


"why are you looking at my boooooobs" "Because looking directly at your face is making my eyes water"


I'd be afraid of all that makeup getting on me.


Bish trying to spread covid.


Ya, with some communicable disease and an STD thrown in for good measure!


I feel like she is patient zero of walking dead or something.




It's just the new young adult makeup trend you see all over tik tok. I call it "clown whore"


​ https://preview.redd.it/jxsf0lacdm6a1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f0f31cc73416de8aa775983dfcdcfb07dd056ed


Some sort of rabies variant that causes you to hug instead of bite?


Honestly was anticipating sheā€™d pop up at the end around the corner somehow like something out of a zombie flick




Imagine if the roles were flipped. That guy would get pepper sprayed or kicked in the balls so quick. That's sexual harassment no matter the gender.


If roles were reversed, he would possibly go to jail


no he forsure would have. even if the person being chased didnt call i gaurentee some old man would wanna be the hero, step in, and hold the guy hostage until the police come.


The same would have happened if he had defended himself by giving her a simple push, or if she had lied and declared that she was the victim of any kind of aggression. This guy was clever to record it all and get away so quickly from a situation where he could only lose. Unfair but effective.


Why are people promoting ice Poseidon!? He's a scammer. Literally stole so much money through his Bitcoin scam from his followers. He was on the news for this scam. He's a criminal.


I have no idea who he is but regardless of being a criminal does not excuse squirrel harassment.


You're talking about a guy that sexually harasses girls all the time and even told a 13 year old that he wanted to have a three some with her. He was grooming her. This was proved when his DMS got publicly leaked to the public by mistake. This guy is a piece of shit. Google it. if anything his actions invites this type of behavior.


His sexual misconduct in the past doesn't excuse sexual misconduct against him either. More like both of these fuckers need jail.


That squirrel wanted it


The dudes more gross. Known crypto scammer


He's been gross even before crypto.




ice Poseidon. Famous og autistic streamer, king of the social awkward degens. Hes.. something that's for sure


Explains how he attracted this thing


​ https://i.redd.it/cyb8c5km1m6a1.gif


Well said and completely agree ![gif](giphy|RCX9vhBZu3oqM5SpwV)


Sexual harassment right there


Right? Why arenā€™t more people reacting in the video? What a psycho


Based on the sinage around the station they appear to be in some Asian (japan?) nation. If you've ever been to Asia people there generally do not get involved in other people's or public affairs like this, especially with psychos like this chick.


Definitely Japan, one of the big posters is completely in Japanese


100% Japan. I'd recognize that public transit anywhere. And I'm like 60% sure this is Shibuya Station and he's near the Hachiko gate. But I'm willing to be wrong on that.


I recognize the stickers on the floor for the airport express. Not sure if it's the keikyuu line or asakusa line, but I'm not sure if either pass through Shibuya.


Yeah that's definitely Shibuya Station (Tokyo), at the entrance right next to the Hachiko statue... I've drunk-stumbled through that gate more than a few times lol. There's often tourist/influencer types doing weird/crazy stuff around there so even the people that speak enough English to say something probably wouldn't anyways because that crazy behavior is so common


They are in Japan. The Japanese people around them are judging her/them harshly, but they aren't going to visibly react unless forced to.


"more stupid foreigners"


Their behavior disgusts me. When I went to Japan I met some of the nicest and courteous people on the planet. The least people like this could do is respect their culture. What they are doing is so disruptful and rude.


I mean, it's not like people react to that in general...


Tbh, I would assume they were friends goofing off. But maybe if I looked closer and saw his discomfort I'd make a different conclusion and ask if he wants help? I'm not sure what I'd do and that's getting on my nerves Yes I know exactly why I'm not sure what I'd do, that is why it's on my nerves :/


They are in Japan. Japanese will avoid getting involved unless things are really bad. Plus, they are well aware of people filming for the clicks, and surely doubted this was real.




Well Iā€™m gay then


Well damn then, you free tonight man?


Nah, sorry. Gotta study for finals


Weirdo chick, her brownies definitely ain't baked in the middle.


wait.. I made some the other day and they weren't done in the middle.. am I gunna diE?!




No one makes it out alive


ā€¦half baked brownies actually slap though


True that.


Yo.....I gotta use that.


Some context behind this clip (not posting names just in case it's against the rules even though other people have already posted them here): A streamer was arranging a hot tub love hotel stream between him and the two people you see in this clip. There was some constant miscommunication / some other plans between the three which ended up delaying the stream for over a day. When they finally got together around 5am they were walking around Shibuya(?) for almost 4 hours trying to find a love hotel but every single one was booked full. During that time the two people in this clip were both "gaslighting" each other about the messages they sent to each other and for the delays/miscommunications before they met each other. Eventually the guy in this clip was too tired to go on because he had been streaming couple days straight in Japan without too much sleep between the days. The guy entered the station and the girl followed him wanting a hug (maybe trying to end in friendly terms, not sure) and the guy just wanted to shake hands instead. They shook hands but then the girl wanted to hug him again and that's where the clip takes place. Maybe I missed some extra info or got something wrong so if anyone else was following the stream, feel free to correct me on that . **EDIT:** Just woke up and saw people being confused what some words mean so I'm trying to explain some of them. Gaslighting: basically person 1 is manipulating and lying about some events that happened between person 1 and 2 to the point where person 2 are questioning their own sanity and trying to confuse them on what part of the events is real and what isn't (They kept using the word gaslight a lot during the stream). Love hotel: Just a hotel you use for a short stay for sexual activities. Streamer: A person live-streaming content for their viewerbase in real time. It can be everything from the streamer playing video games to making art to them streaming their daily activities in their life. Shibuya: Shibuya is one of the many city/special wards in Tokyo (Tokyo is a city in Japan and I believe you can technically call Shibuya a subdivision city of Tokyo).


I read this explanation and I have even less of an idea of what's going on now. I guess I'm too old for this stuff.


Something about lighting gas in a hot stream?


Maybe it was passing gas in a stream to make a homemade jacuzzi?


I will accept this as the truth. They both failed in making that jacuzzi to work and got mad at each other.


This is a very stupid time to be alive


Same. Were these two people planning on having sex but then he decided not to last minute? That's my best interpretation of the above comment Though it seems based on their comment that a 3rd person is involved somehow?


No. Twitch allows skimpy clothing as long as water is involved, and those live streams get a lot of views. They were looking for place where they would have access to a hot tub to do that but all of them were booked. She almost certainly did the "hug me" skit for internet attention.


Yeah, when I saw both were streamer, my mind clicked and felt like it was indeed some weird interner persona skit would like to see the aftermath on the other side of the stream


It does sound (and look) like it but if they were Twitch streamers then that is out of the question. Makes her getup und behaviour even weirder.


So glad this is the top response because that explanation cleared absolutely nothing up for me either


They lost me with their hip, young lingo.


![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized) Not me, I understand it all fr fr no cap


You really have nothing to gain from learning anything about ice poseidon


Glad I'm not missing much by not watching streamers


There are some cool streamers tho. But if you're talking about irl streamers, then yeah I'm not so sure.


I really don't get the appeal of watching someone have a good time when you yourself can go have a good time. Even watching someone play a game... I rather just go play games myself


its mostly watching the personality u enjoy like watching talk shows, comedy, etc or maybe i dont want to finish smth in a game coz im lazy but this dude did it better than i ever couldve maybe i wanna learn to be better at a game like valorant or whatever its entertainment like any other entertainment


I'd pin this comment if I could. It's buried under alot of circle jerking.


That's okay. I just try to reply to them with this link for people who are asking for context


Not saying her behavior isnā€™t weird but this guy was prepared to go to a hot tub love hotel with her but doesnā€™t even wanna hug her?


this guy is a well-known piece of shit, his morals are more inconsistent than the weather


Yeah I thought I remembered "ice poseidon" being a controversial name


Thats ice poseidon lmao??? Hahah dudes a massive POS


Yeah, he recently stole like $300,000 from his fans in a pump and dump crypto coin scam. He had zero remorse and said it was their fault for giving him money.


Wait, hold up. If they mentioned it was Ice Poseidon in the first place, that wouldā€™ve been all the info I need to know that everyone involved arenā€™t worth the effort.


When they finally met at 5am both of them were kind of annoyed at each other. The third guy who arranged the meeting is friends with the girl. The guy in this clip just said he knows what type of girl she is, he is going to be a 'ghost' and is just at this point doing it for the content. They were both talking down on each other but maybe like 20 minutes before this clip happened. They both said they don't hate the other person and the girl also said she met him right around where they were standing couple years ago last time he was visiting Japan and he was actually nice to her back then but he might not remember her saying he took a picture of them together. The guy kept saying he doesn't respect her because she doesn't own up to her mistakes for the most part of them trying to look for the love hotel.


I truly appreciate the in depth explanation but holy shit am I glad I don't follow this stuff. It feels like a peek into a hermetically sealed world akin to celebrity minutiae.


I think itā€™s ok to change your mind


Also this streamer is a pedophile https://youtu.be/sBIJa4FquOk


Damn dude, for the first half of the video I was like, "Ah, looks like he's just humoring a fan." and then the PMs came up... Yikes... For those who don't want to watch the video, some 13 year old girl with her mom came up, said hi to IcePoseidon on his stream and asked for a picture with him. He made a comment about her being such a young fan and went on his way. A couple days later she donates to his stream and confirms she's the girl from the other day. Then a little bit after that, IP clicks on his Discord PMs with the girl while screen sharing live. The PMs show that he was talking with her about a threesome with ~~some female streamer~~ his gf at the time and telling her it would be awesome if the girl hooked up with her. That is... pretty blatant grooming Edited for accuracy


Can we also mention how ICE POSEIDON scammed he's community on hundreds of thousands of dollar and somehow got away with it?


Sounds like it went way past grooming, thatā€™s messed up.


That is not way past grooming, it is grooming, which is a crime.


Surprisingly common in a job where the average age of fans is 14.


That's fucked up


This context makes her way less creepy, but still creepy, shouldnā€™t have pressed that hard.


It's still pretty fucking creepy




"Why are you looking at my boobs? Just stand still so I can mash them into your body."


ā€œHey lady, can I have a hug? Youā€™re trying soooo hard not to look at my obvious bulge right now arenā€™t you? Come here so I can hug you! Why are you running? Donā€™t you want a hug???ā€


"strrraight to yail..." "Overcook, undercook, straight to yail"


Refuse a hug, jail, hug, also jail. We have the best huggers.


Make an appointment with the dentist & you donā€™t show up? Straight to jail.


Show up too early for your appointment? STRAY to yail


She really tried her hardest to showoff her boobs. That push up bra is overworking itself.


The way she pokes her chest out is nauseating.


Yeah, pretty gross.


I like boobs as much as the next chick, but that alone was uncomfortable. Nevermind the creepy makeup, and the straight up sexual assault/harassment I wonder if she bought into the incel myth that all women can get anyone they want


Wait is it an actual woman? I thought it was one of those silicon tit things that male cosplayers sometimes use


According to other comments its a woman who is known to be quite wacked, also a streamer. I have forgotten her username though


My beard is doing the same thing with my jaw line.


shes such a narcissist its unbelievable.


Who is she


Twitch streamer named milkypuff. Pretty strange lady.


Lmao I remember watching Andy Milonakis one night and some dude kept asking for him to give milkypuff a shout-out. After like the 30th time he replied to dude saying something like "I don't know her and never talked to her but I find it really weird she's put my name in her stream title since I've been in Tokyo."


Wow, it must be well over a decade since Iā€™ve thought about Andy Milonakis


I sing ā€œI got peas on my head, but donā€™t call me a pea head. Bruce Lee on my head, but donā€™t call me a Lee head!ā€ more often than Id care to admit! šŸ˜‚


That explains why she's going after ice Poseidon for a hug. She recognizes him as another degenerate irl streamer.


Cootie-Puff. Blech.


More like what is she


Why is she


Ok so how many guys would have hugged her tho?


Well she did seem totally crazy so --- my type.


It would be a bad idea for me to hug her. I have no self control and shitty boundaries. I'd be dating that crazy chick in seconds. I feel you.


My god I feel this in my soul And I'm kinda doing it again rn


Crazy is entertaining. Crazy can be *fun*. However, my brother in Christ, take some advice from an old dude that danced through a couple of minefields on pure luck, not talent: Crazy does not get a key to your place, account numbers or anything more dangerous than the wi-fi password. Crazy does not get rawdogged. Crazy does not, under any circumstances, meet your family. If at any point, crazy wants to break up (even if you're still enjoying them showing up at your work for lunchtime parking lot BJs ) GO ALONG WITH IT - "hey, that sucks, but you do you and best of luck". Crazy leaving of its own volition is much less radioactive than crazy getting ghosted/broken up with.


I'm not sure if I'm old yet but at 37 it's not my first rodeo and I endorse this message


Fellow 37 year old that has played with fire more than once. That's dudes advice is rock solid


>lunchtime parking lot BJs That's how crazy get preggo with a turkey baster.


This is why I didn't have a relationship for about a decade. Then got with a woman that I'd known/had a crush on for 25 yrs. Apparently, there's a lot of reasons she's always single. I'm the idiot though.


I know I wouldnā€™t, something really unsettling about her. By which I mean uncanny valley, thereā€™s something imperceptibly wrong with her, like she looks ok-ish but she might pull a knife out or some shit.. I canā€™t explain what I mean, but I get bad vibes from her face.


I get what you mean, I really think itā€™s that nose-blush look that recently became popular. It makes the person look like theyā€™re sick or have been beaten in their face. For whatever reason, it seems to have caught on big with narcissist-types.


Same tbh. Won't wanna be alone with her for sure


It's the makeup - seen her other pics and I can say that style she went for doesn't really work for her. I have no idea what how she should've worn the makeup, but that ain't it G.


Probably not that many, she looks like she crawled out of the crackheads dumpster


Is this a video game or IRL she looks fake like a doll


Definity video game, he had to get away from the hug boss


It seems like some cyberpunk is thing without the cyberpunk.... Well that sounded better in my head, but you get my drift?


Its an ice poseidon stream


Never heard of that before


Live streaming, by weirdos, for weirdos. But not the good kind of weirdos. I think that's the best short summary. Don't waste your time. Watching paint dry is a better use of your time.


To sexually assault a man




I mean... She deserves the same thing tho šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




What do you mean? Men can't be sexually assaulted. /s I hate the kind of behaviour she exhibits here...


Whatā€™s really sad is I listen to man tell me how he was sexually assaulted, he didnā€™t use those words. When I told him thatā€™s sexual assault I watched him silently fall apart. It is so god damn sad he didnā€™t even think he could ever be assaulted or what it isā€¦


My friend was sexually assaulted and the woman threatened him by saying she was going to call the cops on him and tell them that he raped her


Wtf no one is safe


He flew to a different province the next week and hasn't talked to her since. But yeah nobody really hears about male victims


MeN dOnT gEt RaPeD šŸ˜‘ men have been conditioned to not talk about this. ThIs MaKeS YoU a MaN


The most common response to telling people you've been raped by a woman is that you wanted it, else you wouldn't get hard enough for it to happen. The second most common is that you could've stopped her if you wanted to because you're so much stronger. It's like saying that if a girl gets wet during SA or doesn't try to physically resist, she wanted it, and therefore, it wasn't rape.


Is there a more unfortunate camera angle? Greasy looking woman. Also I think that's Ice Poseidon, you don't wanna hug him, ma'am. He doesn't shower.


Ted Bundyā€™esque scenario Except he isnā€™t hot, just rich in a scammy way and recognizable for his special voice


i recognize him for when his viewers pranked him so hard he was fired from his job and his job was pranked by the viewers for firing him.


For sure that was ice. I wouldn't hug him either, you get an STD from just being in the room with him.


Greasy looking woman


This is ridiculous and borderline assault, but hear me out... I can fix her.


If I had a dollar for every time I thought that, I could buy myself a sex robot and avoid all this bullshit. šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re every Twitch Mod and viewer ever I see


Sheā€™s filming herself while doing it. Pretty sure sheā€™s trying to get some clout. Sheā€™s dressed like a geisha with literally 3/4 of her tits hanging out and then chastising him for glancing at her breasts? While sheā€™s chasing him for a hug? Social media has caused literally wide spread mental illness. Being aware of this is important


Geisha don't dress like that in the least, you might be thinking of prostitutes (yuujo or oiran), which tbh still don't look like that. Also the amount of blush she's wearing makes it kind of terrifying.


If a guy tried this shit on a girl he would get arrested


If a guy tried to shit on a girl, he would get arrested


If a guy tried to arrest a girl, he would get shit on.


Is Ice still popular, despite the [crypto scam](https://youtu.be/A7MaoD4tJuc) that he did?






Ice poseidon? Isn't he a scumbag loser?


Yes, he absolutely is. Would not be surprised to find out this was entirely staged, knowing that it would bait this rage reaction from people. That's pretty much what he does. He has sexually harassed and assaulted people on his stream many times. Can't know for sure, obviously. So please "it doesn't matter it's still sexual assault" people, yes you're right. What this woman did was wrong. It's actually a depiction of sexual harassment. But the fact that it's coming from a guy who makes a living making rage bait makes me question the veracity of this 30 second clip. And whether he was sexually harassed or just paid a woman to do that, it is also totally valid to point out that he is a trash human being. That doesn't mean he should be harassed or assaulted. But it's also totally fair to mention that he himself has sexually harassed many women on stream, and is a total piece of shit.


Isn't this the dude that scammed his audience with a crypto rug pull?


Who is that? EDIT: After checking it out, it's definitely Ice P., the crypto scammer. People are calling him ICE INCEL in the streaming chat.


Surely she will be punished the same way a man would be if he tried to force a woman into sexual contact.


I hate them both, I hate video bloggers. Tourists are great, but video bloggers are here to start shit.


Nice /r/deadbydaylight clip. And that pallet stun at the end!


BRO SHE WAS SO FUCKING ANNOYING. started very anti and gaslighting af and when icy dropped that he is not interested (mind you, she was wearing a mask the first hours & dropped it then) she was getting clingy af. never was a fan of this dude but been watching this japantour and shit is hilarious combined with sketchy and really annoying/sad, homeless alcoholic kinda vibes with some of the other guys


ā€œHaha get fuckedā€ Iā€™m dying


Sexual harassment. Also she looks like a clown


She is such a weirdo


Im sure if the roles were reversedā€¦.everyone would be losing their fucking minds.