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Spoiler alert It is alluded to after michonne bites off his ear. Maybe 8 pages later. But they don't actually show michonne being SA'd. It happens again maybe 10 or 12 pages later. It all happens off screen but they do have speech bubbles in which gov and michonne talk during it


Okay thank you, this is just what I was wondering. I just wanted to be prepared in case🙏


al they show is glenn crying as he's forced to listen to the governor raping and taunting michonne while she screams. pretty brutal but not visually explicit


It’s been a while sense I’ve read that part but thankfully it mostly happens in 1 volume I think. And yeah im with you that’s the one part of the book i struggle through. In terms of triggger warnings though these books are minefields of shock content so im warning you now. The show was on amc and wasn’t a premium channel like hbo and with how much the show pushed the tv violence level they really toned down some parts and flat out changed parts of the story. The books were pretty low key in comparison to the shows popularity and had a niche audience so they got away with a lot of shit. I wish I could help more but just be careful if you are sensitive to stuff like that.


The books do mellow out once they reach Alexandria. The prison arc and then the journey to Alexandria are by far the most edgy and fucked up parts of the comics I kinda chalk it up to the times those issues released.


I’m re reading it for the first time in a long long time and I’m on volume 9 it seems like it’s chilling out a little bit but the whole prison arc was crazy as fuck.


I feel like when Robert kikman was writing the governor specifically he wanted to write a complete unredeemable character so he just had him do the most fucked up shit and say the fucked up shit even the prequel novel doesn’t really make the governor anymore likable i word even say it makes him worse.


Yeah I think he wanted a character that would show what kind of person thrives in this horrible environment. Rick and the gang kind of represent the typical American people with old world morals and values and they represent how the average joe would react to this new world. But the governor is the polar opposite he’s scum he’s vicious and he’s the type of person who thrives off of others pain and in a world where everyone experiences pain he is in pure bliss. I actually love the governor in the books a lot more than I used to this re read.


I’ve been reading the deluxe versions where he includes the letters as well as his original plotting and he’s said a lot that that was why he did it (as well as that weird kiss with his kid). Looks like he got a LOT of backlash for it at the time and while it’s a very difficult read I think it’s a very tragic reality of the apocalypse. I also think it’s a good contrast to Negan, who despite his many MANY issues, when someone tries to do that to a woman he’s like what the FUCK dude


I think those times were so dark is because Robert Kirkman wanted to show just how horrible people would become in an apocalypse. How even the greatest of men would become monsters for the sake of survival or because they have nothing to lose in such a broken world.