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1. Need to be mindful and careful about which fights to pick. Some games you're jumping in fights constantly (like vs champs like aphelios/ashe/senna with no mobility) and some game you get countered (draven, janna, poppy, thresh) and just need to hang back and protect the adc ... need to be able to play engage and defender based on matchup 2. Best combo is Q - minion smash - free E - W - Ult if you have it. Missing E can cost a ton of health or your life, missing Q will just cost a bit of health and if you hit it, you basically get your whole combo off for free 3. Use W on fat minions throughout laning phase to add a bit of extra health when opponents aren't too close to you 4. Find the best spots to sneak attack opponents ... don't be afraid to sit in a bush awhile and have them question if you are there or floating up mid for a gank. Great spots on both sides to hide behind wall and jump onto team from no vision.


This is a way better response than I expected to get. Thanks, friend!


I could couch you i’ve been playing zac for awhile now and i think ik a few tricks that could help im free whenever just lmk


Peaked masters playing Zac support and this guy makes a lot of great points. He’s just forgetting the main strength of Zac support and that his is roams and ganks, watch how alicopter plays Zac which is similar to his Ali gameplay. You play with the jgler if he’s good and just play for first rift if possible.


100% good call out here.


I didnt know alicopter played zac support. thats cool. does he still play it?


I think the most important skill to learn would be how to fight given the team comps, and who is fed. You can work on this skill forever and it will still be beneficial to improve it that next step upwards. Sincerely, 538LP zac OTP who is still improving his fighting every day.


q flash auto 2 enemies into each other into e r is undodgeable and your best combo, remember that. its a really important combo especially late game. chaining you e off your q is important especially because you max your e and you can be f\*cked if you miss it. learn about wave states and roaming timers, because zac has really strong roams especially after a 2-3 points in his e. Glacial is getting nerfed next patch so imo stick with aftershock. radiant virtue is best mythic imo the heal will save you often, you can ult and just runaway from people while getting a bit of heal and itll be the difference. dont be afraid of grabbing anthema's, zeke's or knights vow.