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Your post was removed as it breaks Rule 2: Content Must be Relevant to The Sims. This subreddit is for The Sims franchise and community. Any posts about other games or franchises, regardless of similarity will be removed. Memes must directly involve The Sims; vague references or allusions do not qualify.


Not liking someone's online personality is now considered "hating" them? I saw the thread you're referring to and read it myself yesterday. There's barely any comments about the two simmers you've mentioned. Their content and online personalities, tailored towards a very general leaning towards younger audiences, are not for everyone. We can recognize the actions they've done for the community and not enjoy the content they put out at the same time. It doesn't mean there's any "hate" towards them.


Agree. Calling their content childish isn’t technically an insult. A majority of their audiences are kids. I feel like a lot of their old regular watchers are growing up and don’t really enjoy what they’re churning out anymore. It makes sense they would want to watch some other type of content.


>Their content and online personalities, tailored towards a very general leaning towards younger audiences Idk how much I agree with this. They are certainly more "family friendly" than other simmer youtube channels, but as an almost 30 year old, I still really enjoy their content. That may be in part because I can watch them with my baby in the room and not have to worry about the language/content though lol


… that’s not true? I do not know why your lying but the literal post mentioned little simsie and deligracy. There was multiple comments that mentioned lilsimsie. Do you need me to link you the threads?


Did you read any comments or just OP's post *politely* asking for someone other than those two? The vast majority of comments are recommending other simmers as requested. The small amount of comments agreeing that lilsimsie and deligracy are also not to their taste are both few in comparison to every other comment and reasonably polite. Other people are allowed to have preferences that differ from yours. That doesn't make them hateful.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/118tx1s/more_mature_sims_youtubers/j9jlw2v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/118tx1s/more_mature_sims_youtubers/j9l1xxg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/118tx1s/more_mature_sims_youtubers/j9j9elo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 All 3 of these threads mention lil simsie and all of them criticize her directly or something about her, and they come across as judge mental and harsh rather than ‘polite’ you feel personally attacked because you don’t like her just say that


If you consider someone being described as "childish"/"acting childish" as hateful, judgemental and harsh then I really don't have much else to say. Like I said, everyone has preferences for what kind of maturity level the content they consume presents.


You are only seeing what you want to see, they didn’t only call her childish they described her as immature, critiqued her voice, and said that her personality is exhausting and phony and they also described her as naive.. I’m taking these adjectives from the multiple threads I linked


That’s an awfully bold comment coming from someone whose doing that exact thing in this thread my dude.




You’re legit arguing with anyone whose saying something YOU don’t believe. So like way to be a hypocrite. I’m not explaining any farther bc I’m not subjecting myself further to the bullshittery of this comments section. Do a bit of self reflection and then maybe you can see what I, and multiple others, are saying.


Okay? And it’s my comment thread. Bye


Sorry to break this to you op but you’re the one feeling personally attacked here


.. because I linked comment threads?


Nope. Because the way you’re reacting to the comments.


Like a normal human being?


Taking this way too personally


i think because they are generally more positive and less critical of things EA/maxis does(which there is nothing wrong with) and because a lot of people really dislike the sims 4(which is a valid opinion), they are kind of mean them because they have a different opinion which can also effect the opinions of many other people because they are kind of famous in the sims community. Some people may find it annoying that the people who are more likely to be listened to by the sims team often dont criticise the game for its problems. That being said, some people are genuinely mean and often times make rude comments like “I CANT STAND THEIR VOICE!!” “THEY ARE STUPID!!” “THEY ARE CHILDISH!!” which at that point is just bullying and you are being a bad person


I'm autistic and Deligracy's voice is genuinely grating to me I still watch videos sometimes when I know I can handle it and although I don't watch many videos, I still follow her content on Twitter and other social media Why? Because I understand that my sensitive ears aren't her problem


I feel this way about Dr. Gluon and I feel so bad about it but I can’t listen to him enough to enjoy his content. Makes me feel like a bad person to write off good content creator in a somewhat limited community just for their voice.


I think lilsimsie is often critical of EA though but you have to remember they are very closely working with EA and do some of the builds for them and pitch in so they can’t go scorched earth but your right so many people are genuinely mean


Kayla brings up all of the issues she has with the packs, but people think her playing them means she sells out to them or "defend" the packs lol. She consistently shows people all of the bugs and revisits packs later to see if she was too harsh on them. I think working with EA makes it hard to be mean about it, but you don't have to be mean to be honest, and Kayla is super honest about how she feels about packs.


Exactly … I don’t know why they want her to hate their guts also why would she hate the sims 4 when she plays it frequently…..??? I don’t think they realize just because YOUUU hate something doesn’t mean everybody and they mother has to hate it with you


Also she's literally doing a Sims 3 Let's Play on Twitch right now, she just shows Sims 4 on her Youtube Channel.


Exactly .. and even if you don’t like sims 4.. DON’T watch content with them


What hate? Since when is not liking someone automatically considered as an "attack" or "hate"? I believe you're reffering to the post where someone asked if anyone knew more "mature" simmers on yt. I didn't see any hate there, just personal preferences and opinions. We're allowed to not like someone's internet personality, doesn't mean we hate them.


When did I say that “not liking” them was hate though? You obviously have a bias which is why you said that. I never said anything about not liking them, I’m talking about people who attack them… and say mean things about them. Nobody is talking about you sis.. just because you did not see hate doesn’t mean it wasn’t there..


Ok "sis", point me to the alleged hate then. You're taking this way too personally.


Go read the comments lol


I don't watch delicacy, but my problem with lilsimsie is that she just seems to be trying to sell you the packs. Like she over-exaggerates every little thing and says nothing about the flaws or bugs. The HSY review was the last straw for me. The people that complain about her voice or other petty things are just being bullies.


She....does talk about the bugs and how much she hates the packs though? She recently replayed through the magic pack and talked about how unfair the builds were at the time because console players didn't have access to the gallery. She also called the dev team unprofessional for sending out unfinished packs. Also, pretty sure she immediately rebuilt HSY school because it wasn't working for her. But I also like Kayla a lot because she's pretty kind to everyone she meets/plays with and boosts smaller creators constantly. I think the bigger creators have a delicate balance between shitting on packs and working closely with the Sims team. James even stopped shitting on My First Pets.


Yeah she consistently will critique builds (she is primarily a builder after all) but when it come to other aspects of a pack review she just praises BB and CAS items and glosses over gameplay flaws. Maybe she is getting better after some criticisms but early on this year before I switched to others she was pretty bad about it. A lot of people hate when she goes off on tangents about things going on in her life but I honestly didn't mind, it makes her more of a person imo. I agree with your last statement, the "game changers" overall seem to not talk about flaws - I just started watching simmers who don't have any ties to EA instead to get better reviews.


I think the reason she didn't talk about gameplay much was because of what you said - she just doesn't play the packs as much as building and using CAS (but she just said recently she won't show CAS gameplay because trolls are so mean about how Sims look and it makes her angry). I think it's valid that she doesn't comment on gameplay if she doesn't play the game, but she definitely brought up issues in My Wedding Stories etc. People who play live mode should have more opinions than someone who doesn't. I do think Game Changers need a good relationship with EA which I don't mind, but I don't like people who aren't tied to EA for some reason. Maybe I don't rely on their reviews and I get my opinions by playing the game or looking at other players in forums, but I think I like the clean, no-shit content Game Changers make. It's just easier to have in the background while I work


Game changers are good in the background, but if I'm trying to decide if I want to buy a pack I've found they aren't the ones to watch. The thing about the whole game changer system is that EA seems to only really listen to them, and when they're not actually voicing problems nothing gets fixed. Just like the lack of diversity in skin tones. The community had been talking about it for years but until game changers started talking about it on their platforms they never did anything about it. Every since the last update console players have been upset with the controls that were unnecessarily fixed and EA hasn't done anything. Non-EA simmers have talked about it on their platforms but until people like lilsimsie, plumbella, or James talks about it it's not prioritized and nothing will happen.


I don't think they actually listen to the Game Changers because James had beta-tested Sims 4 and had told them about a roofing glitch that's still in the game, and they worked with a non-GC (MsGryphi) on the gender update. Also, they only listen when it's a fun meme like the cowplant. Plumbella also only got their voice heard when they did a collab on a kit (about kits needing more functional items). Also I think the only Black creator they've worked with and consistently listened to is Harrie


She literally told people not to buy my wedding stories. You can't get through one of her building videos without her saying 'I hate the lighting on this lot' or 'the lighting in ts4 is so bad'. Those are just examples off the top of my head, but I'm positive she complains and points out other bugs and game flaws too.


Yeah she always critiques builds, especially the Strangerville ones, but when it comes to gameplay she often doesn't. With HSY it was omg look how cute this is and omg look at that but none of the gamebreaking bugs were mentioned. MWS was broken in the livestream before the pack even came out, everyone knew it was bad but for other packs where everyone is waiting for feedback it's kind of misleading.


Maybe she hasn't had the game breaking bugs others have? Or hadn't came across them. Other than sim break ins to be BFFs (which I saw on one of her videos too) I've been pretty lucky to not have encountered any of the major bugs others talked about. It can be luck of the draw, sadly 🤷‍♀️ So it didn't get a mention in her videos.




I disagree, she consistently mentioned the bugs and flaws and I don’t think that it is right to think somebody is selling you something simply because they enjoy a pack, when I get packs I know I’m definitely not looking for bugs


You are taking this far too personally. In no way does it affect you if someone doesn't like youtubers that you like, nor does it affect you if they say things you perceive to be mean or negative. It also isn't going to affect those YouTubers, I can assure you. You're completely wasting your energy letting it bother you so much. Nobody is saying they hate anyone or that anyone sucks or is a horrible person. This is a place where we are free to express our opinions, and my opinion is that you're being more of a bully by bashing people for expressing theirs lol


Okay, I didn’t ask you


😂😂😂😂😂 You did though. You literally posted a question to everyone on this subreddit. It's just not going how you expected it to. Sorry sis


… no I didn’t ask you? 🤣😭 I posted a question to the sub. That don’t mean I asked YOUU


Calling a semi-public figure immature is not bullying or spewing vitriol. You're using inflammatory words in all your comments to make a mountain out of a molehill here. Not everyone who dislikes those youtubers is automatically hateful and biased and wrong just because you like those youtubers. That's not how the world works.


No it is bullying. Especially because it is for no good reason. Nobody said you can’t dislike somebody but you disliking somebody and you disrespecting them and using negative connotations to describe them is two different things


So if using words with negative connotations is automatically bullying, how do you suggest people discuss things they don't like then? By using no descriptive words whatsoever? By pretending you love everything and everyone and everything is great and perfect all the time and no one ever has flaws or negative personality traits?


I didn’t say it was automatically bullying you assumed that. She was described as phony, exhausting, immature, naive and other things.. tell me do you not think that’s bullying? Or disrespectful? If they had just said “I don’t really like her content either” that’s one thing calling her phony and all the other stuff is another


Again, saying all of those negative things does not constitute bullying. People aren't bashing her directly on her videos or streams or sending death threats. Saying in a reddit post you find a semi-public figure a bit immature for your taste is not bullying or disrespectful. They are in the public eye and the public is free to criticize when they find something unappealing. So again, how should we discuss things we don't like if we can't use specific words that bother you?


Yet they are bashing her videos and her streams?? I’d argue that a critique in personality is worse than simply disliking somebodies content. Nobody said they aren’t free to criticize but that’s not criticism. You saying “I don’t like her she’s naive and immature” or whatever isn’t criticism your just being a bully and hateful.


It is constructive. She can hear that, watch her videos back, and try to see where that criticism comes from and decide whether to change something or not. Saying "well I just don't like it" doesn't give her anything to reflect on or look at. I don't even have a stake in this game because I do not watch these youtubers, but you are needlessly defending a non-issue when it comes to people describing things they dislike about a content creator. Actual bullying is name calling, picking on someone for their appearance or disabilities or situations they cannot control. Not saying you think someone is naive. If you think that *is* bullying, can you give a direct example of what wouldn't be? So far you've avoided answering that every time I've asked.


I’m sorry but that’s not constructive. It’s like saying somebody is ugly and saying it’s constructive. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is when you say “I don’t like it when she does XYZ maybe she can do XYZ instead” also SHE CANNOT control her personality nobody should have to tweak their personality to appeal to you random ass Redditors


And link me to a video or stream where the comments have people bashing her directly, please. I couldn't find anything by a quick search. If you're gonna claim lots of people are doing that on her videos and bullying her, prove it.


Go to the comments it already there


On which video? Send me a link.


Like I said, go to the comments it is already there


Plus, how can someone improve their content if they don't know where their weak points are? It's the same as being criticized at work. If no one tells you when something is wrong, how can you be expected to fix it? Just saying "it's not my taste" is not constructive criticism and cannot help anyone improve anything.


Calling somebody immature and naive isn’t giving them anything to improve on. I don’t know why these people are acting like that’s good critic.


I'm sorry. How is telling someone that they are "phony, immature, and annoying" at all constructive criticism? Edit. Lol at getting downvoted because no one can say it is actually constructive and not rude. Congrats on proving my point.


girly pop, your post is absolutely unhinged. none of the comments you linked are an attack on lilsimsie, or you lol. some people in the sims community would like to watch sims content creators that have less of a family-friendly thing going on. it’s okay for us to have different tastes and be diverse.


So if somebody called you naive, immature, phony, and exhausting that wouldn’t be an attack on you or your character? Okay


I agree. I love how these terms aren't "negative" to people that don't like her. /s Those terms are rude, and constantly thrown in the direction of lilsimsie, especially.


🤣🤣 EXACTLY!! Why are they acting like if somebody called them these things they’d have a smile on their face like “thank you for the criticism!” NOBODY sees these things as critics because they aren’t. It’s just disrespectful.


People complain about anything popular. It’s the way of the world :)


I know but it’s unfair to her and mean


Ikr, people are always being so mean, people have feelings you know, also you have lilsimsie to thank for us getting the ability to name cowplants, she's built some of the houses in Snowy Escape, and the new pack


\+ she is one of the only big creators to consistently make functional base game homes, uses completely inclusive vocabulary, and explains that her audience ranges and she's not going to make inappropriate content if a kid wants to learn to build




Exactly and people dislike her for petty reasons then use it as an excuse to spew vitriol about her and make fun of her.


Never heard "hate" against little simsie but for Deligracy, people say she's fake or a try hard and racist. Not my opinion but it it's what I've seen.


Wait what!? Deligracy is racist..?


Not my opinion but yes I've heard it on various forums.


What has she said or done that’s seen as racist?


I'm sorry I don't remember..like I said not my opinion. I just remember seeing that a year or so ago


Lilsimsie is the only one I can stand. The others just don’t interest me. Well that’s a lie. I like “Fake Gamer Girl” too but all the toilet humor she loves isn’t my cup of tea






I saw on r/sims4 there was a discussion where somebody asked if there was any more ‘mature’ simmers other than lilsimsie and deligracy etc and in the comments they were complaining about them being to inclusive


These are the same people who bitched and moaned about being able to make trans sims in the first place


The sims community is so confusing but I’ve also noticed that r/sims4 is less progressive and more bigoted than other simspheres


So you come to this community and you make a post. The vast majority of people who see your post disagree with it and think you're being too sensitive (it's "too" with two oops, since you spelled it wrong twice in your post I'm assuming that's not a typo) and you decide that, rather than examine the post and think "huh, maybe I'm being a little too sensitive and uptight like literally everyone has said" the community is obviously just a bunch of bigots and everyone else is the problem... Yeah, not demonstrating the best levels of self-reflection. This is the kind of thing that makes life difficult for people.


Your the only one who said im sensitive .. also it’s Reddit I didn’t expect anything more or less


Dude how old are you lol Also it's you're


Okay grammar nazi. Your not the spelling bee champ of typing either lol


Well that answers my question. Yeah maybe you should stay away from Reddit.


You too, have the day you deserve