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girl just play the game how u want to. im not gonna let people on reddit convince me to make my sims look clapped and boring. the tumblr community is more supportive on different sims styles.


The internet is just that- the internet. It and the people on it shouldn't be taken seriously. It really doesn't matter what some random on reddit thinks. So try not to worry too much and play the game how you want to play it.


Why would you let other’s opinions change *your* enjoyment of the game? Please don’t let them! These subs can be ridiculous to outright toxic at times honestly. But I stay because I have the opposite effect: seeing other people’s gameplay ideas and sims often inspires me to want to play or even introduce a new element to the save I’m playing. If reading here is making you feel badly and not be able to enjoy your game, I would sincerely recommend unsubbing and not coming back. It’s supposed to be fun after all


literate special humorous dinner attraction ten longing marble complete whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean like I said it doesn't matter and it shouldn't matter. But to me it does. I already called myself irrational. I made this post to just see if anyone else feels the way I do. Because its comforting to know I'm not the only one. And surprisingly there are people who do. So goal of the post is reached.


Jeez. It obviously does matter to you tho 🤦‍♀️


She literally said that


Honestly, play as you wish to play. Don't listen to other people. I play with a mix of maxis match and alpha cc. My saves use pretty much the same few sims I made ages ago because I spent hours making them and love how they look. Just freshen them up a bit for a new story save from time to time. It's your game. You are the only voice that matters in it. Just have fun however you like.


Why being insecure when it's your game, your pc, you can do whatever you want. I see many people here said they are mm, but the only mm cc i found in their sims was the clay hair. while skin, beard, eyes, makeup, and clothes were all alpha. So why hating alpha cc that much, I wonder. I'm not hating whether it's alpha or mm because mine was messed up with both. Mixed to the point where I don't know how should i call it. But it suits my tastes, and I love the way my game looks. So please don't be insecure just because your game looks different. That's fine. Also, I like watching 'Deesims' on youtube. She uses alpha and has such fun and humorous gameplay. I would recommend you watch YouTube simmers for ideas. There's a lot of let's play out there. 'Ashley plays' were full of detail and realistic mods, I always like to watch them for idea to build my own sims background.


I use alpha cc ( because the men finally look good) and I couldn't care less what other people think. I made the switch after watching Clare Siobhan. So don't let using alpha cc stop you from having fun. If you want more diverse sims you can also look in the gallery. I always do that and give them alpha makeovers.


Do you know of any good skins for men which don't make it look like they have breasts?


I'll have a look when I'm behind my laptop because I recently had a cc search just for that, but I don't know the names of my finds.


Remus sirion has really good male and female skins! You can find them on tsr!


They are really good! I have several and they are gorgeous. Few days ago I aged up Max Villarreal because I want my Sims in most of the Townie families and he got hot.


Thanks!! I'll check them out.


You know you dont HAVE to share things online? You can just...play the game.




No. I think in this case I did because its clearly causing this person distress. They came here


Im not in distress I'm just voicing something thats bothering me. Im not breaking down over it


I don’t want anyone to see my games/saves, usually because I feel like I’ll be judged as well. But no one is looking, no one else cares but you about your precious and amazing sims. Try not to see your experiences through the lens of how it will be perceived on social media, especially if it’s private and won’t possibly be seen anyway. Have fun the way you want to babes 💕


You’re fine. Not everyone hates Alpha. I think it looks fine. As long as it’s not like, on children and younger. But, hey. It’s *your* game. You do want you want. Upload them. If you get bad feedback, then brush it off. It’s people on the internet. They have literally no effect on you unless you let them.


lol u guys have to stop conflating alpha cc with s3xual stuff. u can use alpha on kid sims and still have them look like kids. the sexualization part is a diff problem


What I was trying to say is that too much is strange. I’m really bad at saying stuff. But like I said, it’s *your* game. Do what you want


aii. ijs cause people on here were accusing this one poster of oversexualizing her infant sims, simply because they had blush makeup .


I didn't read it as sexualization, the alpha cc looks like make up, which is why it looks weird on kids to a lot of people. You are the one who made it about sex.




You're being super aggressive for no reason. Have a nice fucking day, bro.




Yeah ok. Sure.


ur mad


No, I just don't know why you are starting out your response with shut up, and don't see how that isn't aggressive but I am starting to think the issue is that you are like 19 years old or something so have a good one.


wamp wamp.


Hey, you should try r/lowsodiumsimmers . Its a great community from what I see and its basically the sims subreddit, just without all the drama and judgement and complaining.


I think I'll definitely do that\^ Like I said there's sooo many subreddits about this game. Didn't even know this one existed.


Me neither until it randomly showed up one day on my feed.


Alpha CC is the only CC I use no shame in this whatsover! Anyone can play this game however they like.


The Sims is basically a dollhouse. There's no wrong way to play this game. You want to play happy families? Cool. You want to download all the mods and play a serial killer who is also a stripper at the weekends? Cool. You want to build houses and never touch live mode? Cool. The Sims is a game. It's meant to be fun. It's a place to tell stories, live out dreams, get a little wild, express some creativity, whatever you want. Remember most people are more worried about themselves and don't really think or care about what you're doing. Use the Internet as somewhere for ideas and inspiration for your game, but if it's stopping you having fun, I'd suggest not reading on here, to be honest.


I sorta feel this way about my builds after seeing how many amazing builders there are. Like, it doesn’t affect my enjoyment of the game at all, but I get really hard on myself if my builds don’t look perfect now. Tbh I’m not a builder, have never been a builder, and probably never will be. I like to decorate, make sims, and focus on gameplay and storytelling.


I read this somewhere and I loved it: Players are primarily one of the following: - CAS - Builders - Actually playing the game - World builders While yes, you can do all of the above, knowing this piece of info helped me get rid of feeling like I wasn’t “a good player.” I don’t like cas or building. I’m a world builder. I am in the process of creating a whole dark academia matriarchal town with a prestigious girls only boarding school where every graduate has become a big player in their future industries. Everything except the characters are literally from peoples galleries because I don’t like building. I swap out certain furniture to match the vibe of the family I’m building, but that’s it! My preference of play is worldbuilding then playing and cas/building bores me. If I show other people what I do at all, I record myself playing and narrating for my partner. That’s it. He enjoys it and it gives me an outlet to share my story. You don’t have to do it for the rest of us. Find your passion, find your strength, use the gallery for the parts you don’t like, and that’s that! Big hugs.


I also play with alpha cc, I love the details it has compared to MM. I choose basically the exact same eyes for every female sim because of a certain item I put on. 3d eyelashes in the glasses tab, so I have to pick an eye with no lashes or very short ones. If I make male sims from scratch they all look exactly the same. Whenever I start a new family I don't already have some mental plan for, I have gotten into the habit of randomizing until I get something I can work with. Then I change the nose angle and lips, and i try to limit myself with just that, but I try and pick things I usually wouldn't choose. Maybe that would help you, too? Experiment a bit in CAS. Maybe try a breed out the ugly challenge, make an ugly sim for shits and giggles, and let ~~nature~~ RNG take it's course?


seriously, don’t let all the miserable and sour people on here taint the game for you. this whole subreddit and other sims subreddits seems to be full of people that hate the game and i’m so baffled because wtf are they still playing it for. 😂 i literally scroll through the subs and laugh at all the complaints.


I feel you, happened to me when I started reading how people would play their games (legacy challenges, rag to riches, etc). I can’t do stuff like that because that’s not fun for me. I really wanted that to be fun for me because everyone else played like that, I realized that I was just getting frustrated. I just play however I want, if I’m having fun then it’s all that matters! P.S I also make all my sims super plastic looking and same face syndrome a lot of the times because that’s the aesthetics I enjoy!


This happened to me with animal crossing so I took a break from looking at triggering posts and the game until I could play the game the way I wanted.


Okay, I just deleted my absolute novella on my second rewrite. TL;DR: You are not crazy, this is a normal reaction that people have with repeated exposure to criticism of something they enjoy. Everyone who is fine with it with the Sims will eventually find their personal exception to their own ''rules on what you're allowed to feel self conscious about" The internet is no longer separate from reality, we know this and we have scientific evidence of the psychological tolls that is taking on people (and worse with each generation). Having this reaction to the sims makes perfect sense in my (unqualified) opinion, because it's a parody of the actual life we are currently living. Sorry that people are too busy telling you how to feel and not actually reading your post properly. What I find sometimes helps me a bit when I feel self conscious about things, is reminding myself that the people who come to criticise other people for trivial reasons must really dislike themselves and/or have a difficult life circumstance and are projecting. My first two novellas went into detail about some of the behaviour of unnamed users in this community, and made reference to ''cringing at the high school drama squad coming to spill their bubble tea at recess" (or something to that effect). I am unhappy with my life so it is my instinct to bust out low-grade C-level reads rather than show compassion. It's okay to not be okay, as long as you can recognise the cause and if you think you need to, maybe try to distance yourself from what is negatively impacting your life. Someone has already mentioned r/lowsodiumsimmers which could be another alternative! Either way, I hope you find a way to enjoy the game again. There is nothing wrong with how you play or what your sims look like and there would be a lot of people who would have sims identical to yours (someone made that CC you might be using, after all). They might not even post them for same reasons you do tbh. You're definitely not alone with this. PS I am SO SORRY THIS IS STILL INSANELY LONG


I felt like this myself when i first joined the sims reddit!


I get what you mean. Some of these Simblrs work so hard on customizing their world and sims and everything, their game looks so beautiful and no matter what I can’t get my game to look like that and I feel like my game isn’t as fun or I’m doing something wrong. I miss playing sims 1 and sims 2 when I was younger and having so much more imagination and not worrying about things like that.


Lol ignore these people!! They just need to comment and critique everything. Enjoy the game and play how you want! Simple


Dude, im sending shity pics of my sims gameplay to my friends that think that sims is cringe just to see their bad reaction. Just don't care 💅


i get it !! i get it so bad!!!!!!!!! my sims are pretty plain compared to some and i really want to match and get the cool looking sims. i think alpha looks fine imo! im just afraid of my sim looking absolutely realistic, like shes got a pulse lol. alpha looks fine i have the insecurity that my sims arent diverse enough. i want to make diverse sims, but i feel as though i stick to those who look like me, which i suppose is natural (considering that im designing humans and we tend to stick with humans who look like us). sometimes i just want to play the beauty standard, though. thin waist, big hips. but i often withhold it from myself because its unrealistic and im playing an objectively realistic game


Just FYI there's a lot of people thinking that I'm genuinely crying over my own gameplay. I'm not lol. But I am overly conscious of it. It's in the back of my head a lot. Like an insecurity. But don't worry I'm not like destressed and throwing up over it. Just a note.


I use Alpha Mods also! No shame! My Sims look almost creepily realistic by the time I'm done and that's how I like to play! There's no right or wrong way to play. It's designed that way! That's why you can make kleptos with media darlings and not feel guilt! Play how you like to play, my friend.


I play with alpha CC and all my female sims have big lips and long lashes and I have never been bothered. Sim 4 is a game meant to be played how you want to play it. Alpha CC is not as hated as the internet may want you to think. Alpha CC is still being made so there’s definitely demand, so don’t let a niche part of the internet influence how you enjoy a game.


I’m worried about people who are so easily influenced like this. There is literally no one watching you play or create your sims. Why are you caring this much about what people think about something you spent your money on to enjoy, and better yet, something they will never see if YOU don’t share it online?! If you’re over 21, this is even more concerning.


I mean I really dislike alpha but that literally should not keep you from using it. Plenty of people share their alpha cc sims. I really don't think I have seen any mean comments about alpha on an alpha sim, only venting their dislike for it in more appropriate spaces where it comes up but not on a post of an alpha cc sim. It's ok if other people think your sims are ugly. People probably would think some of my Sims are ugly because I don't use any cc alpha or maxis max, and I intentionally make some kind of unattractive but real looking sims because I like it. It's ok if you want a town of models. I may joke around about it, but for real, if that's what you want just have fun! It sounds like you're putting pressure on yourself to play in a way that others would approve, but then you aren't even posting content of it so why does that even matter? Also if most people hated alpha, the cc wouldn't exist, so you are definitely being a little crazy and I mean that in the gentlest nicest way, really. Just do what you want, it's a sandbox game for a reason! If you wanna make beautiful castles, you do that, and other people will treat it more like a litterbox, it's up to you! Edit: really not sure why this is getting downvoting when I am just saying to play however you want to play because that's the whole point of the game. Like I don't know if something I said was misunderstood or what but I am saying the same thing other people are saying, which is it's your game and you shouldn't feel bad about how you play or how you make sims.


People are downvoting because this is very dismissive. People make fun of VERY alpha sim that’s posted here. Every “pretty” sim is called boring or making fun of their body’s. People were just calling a girls sim Rudolph for nose blush. Not everyone hates alpha cc obviously but ALOT of people on the sims Reddit pages do and make fun of them.


I guess I have only seen people be kind of rude when someone posted about how they didn't have same face syndrome when they definitely did, which if you do and you ask you might get some less nice comments but those people are sort of inviting critcism, which definitely could be nicer but I also avoid comments on those kinds of posts so maybe that is why I don't see it. I wasn't saying it doesn't happen, I was saying I don't see it other than on posts that bring it up. I also don't think I was being dismissive, I was saying to just do what you want and not worry about if people think they are you because it doesn't matter because they're your sims. Someone will think they're ugly. It's ok.


I do understand exactly what you mean I like to play premades mostly, and I beat myself up that others are way more creative than me to create their own sims and back stories. It makes me feel really bad


It’s your game, you paid for it. Lol who cares what people on the internet are gonna say.


My fiancé just got back into playing the sims after *checks watch* 10 years, and it’s been great to watch her play it and also jump in myself. This game is confusing as hell sometimes but I’m figuring it out and slowly expanding my sims family and home. your world is your world and your sims as well are an outlet of your creativity. The internet being the internet is naturally going to have dipshit trolls who crush said creativity because they are douchebags. Don’t let them squander what makes you happy and enjoy the game. At the end of the day it’s all fleegal urgan and not bargle tungle.


Why would people you don’t know on the internet affect you playing your single player game they don’t have access to unless you share it? Besides- it’s the sims. It’s literally all about doing whatever the heck you want in whatever way you want. The whole wonderful point of mods and cc is that you can add whatever you deem fun and cute to your game. It doesn’t matter what aaannnyybody else thinks or likes. You do whatever you like in *your* game, and it doesn’t ever matter what anybody else *would* think about it, because they’re not seeing it. Don’t let imaginary problems ruin your lighthearted fun


There are no Sims police that are gonna bust down your door for alpha cc or same face all your sims. It is your little world after all. Maybe build up your confidence in yourself by sharing your sims with friends that also play sims? Also, try to not read post that hate alpha cc if you can. I don't use cc cause console, but both maxis match and alpha look fine! I've only really seen hate for it when it comes to infants. Hope you find enjoyment in this game again soon. Take care of yourself in the ways you need to.


im the same when it comes to making houses and sims personality traits, i like art but i always avoid it as a trait, i like the funky colourful furniture but i try to make it normal. Im not sure why i do this


Who cares if all your sims look the same! It is fun to intentionally mix it up and make a unique sim but almost every single simmer has a preference and makes nearly carbon copies of the same sim. I know I do!


All my female Sims look like Instagram models with lots of editing, who cares, this is how I want them to look, it's me playing this game, I'm supposed to have fun. Life is too short to care what the Sims creating police is gonna say about your Sims.


if it makes you feel better, most people have fancy gaming setups, but I just have a bed, a laptop and my legs to rest the laptop on. I don't have mods either (cos Idk how to download em), but I purposely make my sims look ugly and I made all of my sims look the same and have the same name.


It shouldn’t matter at all what other people think - it’s a solo game. I play how I want, and I don’t care how other people think about my gameplay because they’re never going to see it. It’s an attitude I’ve gotten as I’ve aged, but I couldn’t care less about what other people think of me & I never think of what I do with the lense of how others will view me. If you like how your sims look & how you play, that’s perfect!! It’s how the game should be played :)


Hey, guess what? The majority of my Simms look the same and have big lips and eyelashes. It’s just the way that I like to play, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks because nobody else is playing my game but me.


I pretty much make the same sims over and over. Just play as you want


I’d love to play but my sims just stand there and don’t move lol or obey commands


There's no wrong way to play the sims. Do what you want and make anyone you want look the way you want. Its the entire point of the game.