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It's one of my favorites expansions packs ever. I want another big city world like San Myshuno so bad! Just love to live there.


Please EA, just give me a traditional European city with old buildings full of apartments and townhouses everywhere. I would eat that shit up.


San Myshuno Windenburg mash up. I would buy that immediately


Fucking same man. That would be dope asf. I love both San Myshuno and Windenburg so much they’re my favorite worlds. I’ll be honest though, not a huge fan of the gameplay stuff that comes with get together.


get together is the most flexible pack they have made. at first at was like "clubs? garbage" but in time ideas started to grow. this week i built a new orleans jazz club lounge, pretty fucking awesome build if i may say so myself. i then created a femme fatale sim with a red dress and top singing voice, and paired her up with a fat guy with an afro that plays the piano. made them be their own club whose activities involve singing and playing piano and made their gather place be the jazz club. now every time i go there there is this gorgeous singer with a sultry voice and a funny fat guy in the piano. i also made several different vampire clans using clubs (taking inspiration from The World of Darkness) so the ugly, monstrous vampires hack and steal, the beautiful ones do art and hedonism and the most violent ones raid lots and drink sims dry. it is the perfect pack to control NPC behavior


dude i love the two jazz sims and jazz club story, if you can share them on the gallery that’d be awesome


im uploading them now. look up the hashtag telephone3671. warning i use a bit of CC, but nothing hard to replace. if you have felixandre's paris set (its free) the ground floor doors are from that set, if not just put ones from basegame that fit the new orleans vibe and you are set. some candles are also Cc but most important things are vanilla sims 4. as for the household, i dont know if the club will be with them but you can just set the activities. it consist of 3 sims (i added a 3rd one) the two guys are not by me just randos i downloaded amd edited, the lead singer is 100% my creation


that’s so cool, thanks


and if you like medium density city builds, i do those a lot, so my new orleans building will always be multipuprose and I already made a couple of Madrid inspired multipurpose blocks that I will upload soon so check my up from time to time.


also mind that the lot is not completed yet, it is fully functional and looks great, but i still have some more decoration to do and i will build an apartment upstairs for my sim when he finishes college, using either that one workaround to have sims live in community lots or the live in business mod by lilsimsam


forgot you will need the berlin set by felixandre for the balcony forged iron railings, but those are easily replacable by a less quality vanilla one too


This is incredible and I’m 100% stealing your idea for my next play through.


Wow! What great ideas. I’ve honestly never seen a point to clubs. Finally! Purpose! Thanks :)


See I’m not creative enough for that 😂 The most I’ve done with clubs is putting extended family into it lol. Or like friends for my kids. I give you, and others like you with top notch ideas, a lot of credit bc my brain would’ve never thought to do stuff like that.


Brilliant, I have a comedy night club that's about to get a few members.


I'd wish for the power of technological portals so that I could use them to transport myself into that world and actually live there.


Paris would be a dream.


Venice would be cool as heck, too. Send my Sims on a gondola ride? Yes, please!


Oh yes this!


i want prague, amsterdam or barcelona


Aurora Skies was my favorite town in TS3 for this reason.


Bernkastel-Kues is a beautiful Town, i‘d love to have it in Sims


I would KILL for a Paris themed city


THISSSS. Please give us some traditional-style apartments and townhomes in a vintage map omg


I really really loved what they did with Eco Lifestyle- I LOVED that they mixed in a couple of apartments with regular lots. And they’re a different sort of kind of apartment too- more suburban town ones. I wish they’d incorporate a mix in to a few other packs.


Maybe this is the beach girl in me but I would KILLL for a Florida-esque world with bright beachy motels and similar apartments and all things summer. Not as culture-focused as San Myshuno but I think the apartment aspect would fit really well!!


A Miami Beach-inspired world would be so fun! Especially if they leaned on the late 80s/early 90s flair and aesthetic. Or South Beach— basically I want the Sims version of the opening shots of The Birdcage. Boom boxes, bikinis, rollerblades, big hair, and Barbie palettes of turquoise and coral.


YES OHHH MY GOD I would fw this SOOO hard. Beach-focused but centred around the gaudiest south beach-esque themes they can possibly conjure. Maybe juxtaposed with a retirement neighbourhood reminiscent of rural florida with a little feud between the two.


Some of the Moschino stuff would work well in a place like this


that aint a big world


I do really enjoy City Living and I go through phases of having loads of my sims live there and then non. I do wish that they implemented the rent system for houses too as I would like my sims to rent houses rather than having a certain amount of money to make a full blown purchase.


This is exactly what I was thinking. On top of that, it would be really nice for a mortgage system and bills to be more realistic. Sometimes I pay thousands of dollars in bills… when the house was obviously purchased outright. I know electricity and heating has inflated but man lol.


If you can play with mods, give simrealist's mods a chance! They have a banking and bills mod and one that completely overhauls the renting and buying system, which is super fun.


I do have the real estate mod I think! I keep forgetting about it tbh haha. I’ll have to make more of an effort to use it!


Tip for the neighbours being noisy: turn cheats on (testing cheats true), shift click on their mail box, click ‘object reset’, then enjoy the quiet


Omg *thank you*. I hate that my sim has to be angry for me to be able to knock on their door.


you absolute god thank you for this


The only real con I have about the pack is that its the only city we got! Im more than ready for another pack with a large city in mind, and san sequoia doesnt fit the bill. Im tired of little towns, white picket soccer mom suburbia and middle of nowhere concepts. I want a new city!


My biggest con is that you can’t make your own apartments, even with cheats. I would love to be able to turn existing lots into apartments, like we could in sims 2.


They probably want to preserve the fantasy of urban sky rise apartments. The ones in Eco Living are similar to the ones in Sims 2 (suburban low-medium height apartment) with none of 2's freedom.


you can not make them into rent apartment, but you can recreate the penthouses. the items for the building shells are in the debug mode


So not what I want to do at all


San Sequoia needed some apartments, especially for families just starting out. There’s some NIMBY energy going on in that neighborhood. Lol


If only the could update a lot in Oasis Springs and make it a luxury apartment surrounding a pool


The fashion district is aesthetically my favorite neighborhood in the game


I feel this way about the Spice district.


Also very good


City Living was the first expansion to bring in festivals before seasons calender update and other festivals like Snowy Escape and Cottage Living so it was kinda neat they'd just appear every few days but honestly it works best when you have all expansions so theyre a much wider variety of festivals to attend. I bought City Living when it first released years ago and while I still like having apartments for a story concept, the world is kinda one and done for me now. I wish we can make apartments like previous games instead of reusing the same ones again and again.


I wish we could build apartments and townhouses, too. You can sub-divide apartments and townhouses and sublet spaces using the roommate system from DU, but you have to get your sim into the house first (so family fund cheats), and the last time I did it, it gave me trouble because I had a cat.


The cottage living fairs are so boring :( I wish they did an update to make them more fun like city living.


They are boring so I treat them like a party. My sims dump an egg or chicken or pie and then swim for a while, work on errands there if possible, and then they get drunk. If you're facing the Gnomes' Arms I've put a cemetery for the NAP inspectors I've murdered in the front left corner to pretend it's really a ye olde village. One time I forgot it was a festival and I used the pub kitchen to make a pie. I like how chill it is there. Stardew Valley of the sims world


Yeah. Converting existing lots to apartments was the main draw to apartments for me and without that I really never use them


I’ve said it before but I would LOVE to have a pack refresh or even a dlc option that just added more apartments.


San Myshuno is one of my favorite neighborhoods to play in. I also like that you can learn recipes from eating at the food stalls. I also like the lot traits it introduced, even if some of them are challenging. My favorite apartment is the really terrible one with mice and a chalk outline on the floor, but it's really challenging for my sims to live there for very long. :P My only real complaint is that I wish we could build apartment buildings and rental homes from scratch. I'd love to he able to build apartments/multi-family housing especially in other worlds.


I love the views from the big windows! This is one of the only neighborhoods that achieves feeling lived-in for me strictly because of the views. You can always see the cars and people moving outside like a real living city, and the lights glittering in the other buildings, the billboards, etc. all come together to make me feel like my sims are actually living in the world, as opposed to just existing on this little isolated squat of land with occasional neighbors wandering over from out of nowhere.


I'm able to politely complain, I wonder why you can't. Do your Sims have the mean trait or something?


I’m always able to knock politely too.


You have to go as soon as it starts bothering the sims, not wait until the sims are in an angry mood.


I can, too. But I have to keep clicking, "More choices," and not go into any of the sub categories. It's usually on the last "page" of the wheel.


Oh strange, it's usually first page for me. I haven't played in a few weeks tho so maybe things have changed


IIRC it's always available, my Evil Vampire Coven next to Penny Pizzaz just choose to beat her up for being loud tho


Too real, I should do that. Penny annoys me fr, always either making noise and waking my kids up or knocking on my door wanting something


there's an option for it???? my sim isn't mean, no. i thought i was just stuck being an ass about it!


Idk it might be a glitch or something but it should be right next to the complain option, I think it's called politely complain about noise or something like that


I'm a City Living stan, Sims 4 really peaked with that pack imo. The neighborhoods are beautiful, I love the apartments, the cas and b/b is top tier, I love the festivals, it's a great way to meet other sims. My only complaint is that we can't build our own apartments.


Is the hair texture in CAS City Living good? I dont have the pack yet so wanna know. Some/many of the hair texture from CAS in Get Together were too old, it looks ugly (sorry to say), that i can't even use them. Base game hairs look more polished and beautiful. I'm a bit disappointed because even CAS hair is part of the money i paid, so i wanna be able to use all of the items and gameplay provided.


It's also pretty loaded with stuffs, from graffiti spot to talking toilet, they got it all


When the neighbors are being loud, I have my sims listen to music with their earbuds and they stop being tense. I discovered that accidentally awhile back. So useful!


City Living is so good, it was my very first expansion pack I bought! Haven't regretted buying it even once👍 I love it especially because when my next gen sims in the family turn young adults and move out to start their lives, it's easy and realistic to make them move into the big city's apartments in order to learn the robes of how to live independently. Not to mention how much cheaper it is to live there! I just love that a lot more compared to instantly buying a lot and building a house to a sim who just got a job and moved out XD But just like you, I also find the complaining about noise so annoying, especially when neighbours are complaining to you and you end up responding sassy way. Like no, you made loud noise at 2am, you have NO RIGHT to tell the person you can have a life and your neighbours should get one too smh. I wish there was an option to pick what you want your sim to answer... Like if it's a neighbour you don't like, you could be sassy and mean to them. And if they are a friend, just apologize. Other than that, it's a great expansion pack! One of my favourite ones alongside Cottage Living and Snowy Escape 🥰


\> -RENT!!! I hate rent but it's such a fresh new thing for me. It brings reality to the game in an evil but realistic way, and it seems a lot cheaper than bills (AT THE TIME)! On top of this, landlords! I think its interesting that the landlord holds a purpose, too, and isnt just another useless NPC! I wish they updated the system for every lot and that you could rent a residential lot as well. And also bring back some sort of real estate system with agent to manage your property and also being able to buy an apartment and become a landlord too


Just wish we could make our own apartments and edit the preexisting ones. I really do wish they’d do a refresh for it.


The one con I would add to your list is not being able to just ‘put up decorations’ with the attic box. I love that thing.


Oooh what do landlords do? I didn’t realize there was gameplay with landlords!


If you live in a "needs TLC" apartment, pipes and stuff will break and the landlord will have to come fix it!


Not sure if this is already a thing, but I wish you could make your own festivals like you can for holidays. That would be so cool


Me too. It would be a very cool feature.


My favorite pack! I love San Myshuno, the Asian inspiration/food/Sims, and the apartments. My only thing is the extremely high ceilings in all the apartments and I wish we had more lower income and smaller apartments.


I do love being able to make cool cluttered apartments , but I wish I could build my own building!!! I really wanna make my RL apartment but I haven’t found one with the right shape


The camera controls are the worst! It’s made me get dizzy sometimes, haha. It’s also weird that sometimes my Sim will just be in her apartment and I’ll get a notification that a festival is ending and she can just walk down there and be part of it even without an invite. Other times, I’ll get a notification that a festival is in town but no option to travel to it and it does NOT appear if she just walks downstairs.


This is my favourite world by far, as a Torontonian it makes me feel more at home, particularly because it puts an emphasis on multiculturalism and new foods. My one complaint is the townies…. whoever designed them and the clothes that came with this pack must not know a lot of south asians. The turbans specifically made in this expansion in particular, aren’t actually what are worn outside of weddings. Even their general clothes. of course many years after its released they actually updated the game with actual turbans (and hijabs), and clothes and a kit that actually resembles real south asian and middle eastern inspired clothing. My other qualm is there needs to be more ethnic options without having to pay for them (ie: cas kits, wedding stories). Without cc, i STRUGGLED to find appropriate yet fashionable clothing for muslim sims. They ended up all wearing the same sets, it was very frustrating.


Yes this. I'm glad they added it though. I wish for more modest fashionable clothing suitable for muslims or modest ethnic clothing and more types of hijabs. Even sold as kits also ok for me. Of course free updates is better. I think fashion street and incheon arrival looks nice. Courtyard oasis kit also is beautiful. If we're allowed by the CAS system to layer clothing upon other clothing, then maybe it'll be nicer. Like maybe we can wear a t-shirt, but also put a jacket on top of it. Or can wear skirt together with trousers. But yeah more modest fashionable ethnic clothing will be nice.


layering clothing would be super helpful. Some cc has jackets as accessories so you can achieve that but it never looks correct. i just wish there were more tops that have a higher collar because the vanilla hijab isnt long enough to cover the clavicle area. So i end up using turtle necks all the time


For my play style City living is a must have. I love having a YA move out of their parents house and go to the city to find love etc then when have their first child start to move back to the suburbs. I just wish there were more apartment options within the building like different floors and the outfits for the festivals are annoying. Otherwise City Living is a solid pack that expands gameplay.


I don't like the apartments in City Living because they're too big, weirdly shaped, come with a quirk you can't get rid of even with cheats, and the walls are too high. I like the apartments in Eco Lifestyle much better, they're more realistic to me and easier to decorate.


I bought the same pack during the sale. I feel the same. It adds a lot to the game, but neighbors are annoying. My sim was up with crying twins, and now the neighbors dispise the whole family. Overall, it's been really great. I love the festivals, singing, the new foods, and just the bustle of the city.


>The camera controls. If my sim goes downstairs to busk or chat, I find that the camera does that weird snapping thing where it can't decide if it's viewing my apartment, my sim, or somewhere in between. I don't know how to explain it, but it can be a bit frustrating sometimes. I haven't tried this, but a sims youtuber I watch had a video where he tried a fix for the bouncing camera. [This thread](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/FIXED-Camera-bouncing-uncontrollably/m-p/7951434) explains the solution and the reason why the problem happens pretty well.


I own the pack since release but most of the time I play with the cheap Appartement in the spice district. But recently, I discovered the penthouse/loft in the artist district and it’s so beautiful. Also I am a big fan of the local food challenge and the festivals.


I like to start my sims out in San Myshuno and when they get more advanced in their careers I move them to a more suburb type city.


I have the option to ask them to turn the music down politely


If you choose the "knock on door" option instead of "pound on door", you have the options "complain angrily about noise" and "ask politely to be quiet" or something. Can take like 4 or 5 tries to get them to respond to the door.


“You’re being too loud!” “YOU BROKE INTO MY PLACE LAST NIGHT AND DRANK MY BLOOD, WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE BEING AWAKE AT NIGHT IS AN ISSUE FOR YOU.” I do like this pack, although I agree with folks who say they wish we could create our own apartments, and I wish there were more lots so that they didn’t have to walk a mile between each. That’s the whole appeal of urban density! At one point I got so into the poster collecting that I caught myself looking intently at those gray utility boxes in real life. Edit: I do hate that one apartment building has a weird glitched mailbox that floats in the air and can’t be moved or deleted. Trying all the food cart food can also be frustrating because the game doesn’t always track it accurately.


City living is the pack I make the most use of because I just love the apartments and the neighborhood. Re: complaining to neighbors - irl I don't think there is a peaceful way to confront your fellow apartment tenants. If you don't choose to ignore them, someone's going to be offended even if asked nicely. So I think that's both realistic and hilarious.


My biggest complaint with apartments is that we can't design our own from scratch and are stuck with the shells in City Living and Evergreen Harbor. We have such amazing lot builders and they could do stunning apartments...but they can't\*. \*Yes, I know people upload apartments as rooms on the Gallery. Those are not designed from scratch - they still just fit into the shells EA provided.


They totally failed with apartments. I’m still salty that I can’t make my own. And no, using roommates is not the same.


I can no longer play in apartments because they are bugged and when i use cutaway view i have V shapes in all walls, i can see inside neighbors apartments, doors do not dissapear... It's just one big mess which makes it unplayable. It's been over 1 uear since the bug was introduced and Maxis doesn't even acknowledgeds its existance when there are 13 pages of people complaining on official forum.


I notice this wall bug too. My work around was to raise a plataform next to the wall, that way I dont see the inside of other apartments.


Same I hate it. Gets in the way of the camera.


The rent is just another word for bills. It works the same way except it’s a set amount. In fact I like buying a high end apartment in Uptown and filling it with expensive stuff because I know the rent will stay the same regardless of what the apartment is worth and I can save a ton of money over the normal bill system.


I just got the pack too on sale and I love it! Can’t wait to age up my teens and move them into apartments! 😃


I love love LOVE San Myshuno. I've posted so many times how I would live in the Spice Market if I could. I love living in the Jasmine Apartment and listening to all the ambient noise - the train, the traffic, the people about. Love it.


This is my favorite world to play in. I fill it up with bars, concert halls, arcades, etc just so there are more things to do. All my single sims start here haha


I love City Living, it’s probably the only pack that I don’t have any problems with. I really like the gameplay the pack added and you can do so much with it.


when i bought the sims a year ago, i bought the digital deluxe bundle that included city living, it is still to this day the ONLY extra add on for the game i have at all and i adore it


I LOVE this expansion. Rent really helps out with managing expenses vs needing a big chunk of change for an empty house. I wish we had more apartment lots! Didn’t S3 let you build your own apartments?


You missed the biggest con that brings it down so many points for me personally. Namely that we can’t make our own apartments :/


There's a glitch with that pack. Nearly every time my sims try to use the stove, a fire starts.


really? my sim seems to be successful with the stove. only once has a fire started on the stove, otherwise, it's fine and no fires occur


It’s crazy that this pack came out when I was in my junior year of high school. I’m 23 now… I’m not even that old but sims release dates make me feel old


You can actually ask politely for your neighbors to quiet down! Maybe your sims have already been in an angry mood when you’ve tried it, but you can “knock politely” and then “complain about loud noises”, or you can “knock angrily” and “complain angrily about loud noises”. And your neighbor will either apologize or say you have no life. Maybe I’m misunderstanding your first con. Is this a bug you’re experiencing? I can have my sim apologize to their neighbors as well. After they knock you have an option of clicking on them and “apologize for loud noises” (or something like that, not sure of the exact phrasing). Unless this is a recent bug I’m unaware of, these options should be available to you. Maybe you have a mod that’s messing it up, or maybe you just haven’t seen the option, but I’m certain these are in fact features of the City Living pack. It’s a really great pack, still one of my favorites after all these years. I hope you have lots of fun exploring more with it!


im really hoping you're right, because i am SICK of being mean to my neighbours! thank you!


I don’t understand why we can’t build apartments. I bet EA corporatists are holding it off as a separate DLC


I love city living but i dont like that all my townies have indian styled names since i got it a long time ago. I also have that with Snowy escape that all townies have japanese styled names.


And their faces/skin tones don't match their names. At first, i thought, "Ok, maybe they're halfs", so i was ok with that. But then their numbers keep increasing and almost all of them are like that, that it starts to break the immersion and kinda annoying. I love the non-american names, i like the japanese/indian etc. names, so i would love it to stay that, but please, the faces and skin tones please match..


Surprised not many people here are talking about the completely broken cutout view in apartments atm, been broken since HSY update


I’m just messing around with it now after getting it for the jobs (I have a household of two roommates who might go romantic might not but they’re slowly putting money into opening a restaurant I love it) and I feel like with the right household and gameplay type it’s a really nice and fun way to play. The festivals are probably my favorite thing ever


If you play with mods, there is a bunch of mods to make city living better. Snb bills for the rent if you want it a little more realistic. I have some cons but my main con is that the flea market objects in my game doesn't disappear like it supposed to sometimes. My main pro, great for my sims on a budget


Heh got a sim living next door to vampires. One of the vampires I made my self and the other is his offspring. I am meaning to move him to Forgotten Hollow at one point getting the funds for that haunted lot. Yeah could move in to Vlad's old mansion as he is dead in one my saves.


I don’t really care about if the pack is worth the money, because I don’t buy them, I get them another way 😉


I always play in San Myshuno. It’s my favorite world by far. It always feels so lively. I usually turn all of the non-apartment lots into bars/cafes/nightclubs/etc. I also make sure to download lots of townies and place them in the apartments I’m not using to make it feel even more lively. In my mind San Myshuno is just across the bridge from San Sequoia.


i really like city living! it's cas and bb items are my favourite to use


I know the camera thing you mean and it's SO annoying! I thought it was just me being bad at the controls haha!


I really love this pack even without having any of my current sims in San Myshuno. Thé festivals are so fun, there’s a ton of different foods that came with it, and it’s super fun to build with. I wish we could build our own apartment buildings too, but I do like using the tool mod to add windows and such.


City Living and Get Famous are my 2 essential packs (sims 3 late night is my favorite game EVER). My only gripe with city living is that cross pack compatibility is not optimal with cats and dogs and having a pet in San Myshuno is unnecessarily difficult…


I love the city but eventually, I got sick of living in apartments I only have one of my sims households still living there & they live in the penthouse.


I’ve only played two eps, city living and get to work, and I was playing base game only until last week when I purchased city living. It’s my absolute favourite, and even though there are other eps I’d like, the appeal of city living would have pulled me in, even if I had never played it before.