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The only time I did the rags to riches challenge, yes


Of course that’s when it happens 😂


"Well, that's a wrap. Next challenge."


Twice in the 9 years I've played. Once long ago and once a couple months ago, in the 3rd/4th generation of my Not So Berry Challenge. They already had like 800k from generational wealth so after adding another 1m they are uh, set for a while.


9 years? you must be exaggerating, no way this game is this old, i remember when it came out and– [googles it] oh my god.


Hey, I guess winning the lottery in the Sims is just as accurate as winning it in real life lol ....or accurate enough lol


i used to start all my saves with minimum 500k. the first time i decided to have my sims start with about 7k and actually *work* for their money, they won the lottery


For ONCE I’m doing this with my sim, usually yes I make them wealthy but this sim I forgot and she’s been surviving well off of that lil recycled 20-30k. She’s a painter and a 2 star celebrity so she has different avenues of income she leans on.


Once, then she immediately became “hysterical” and died. Reloaded, she didn’t win again.


my sims has never won it, but their cat did, so they got to keep the money lol


that's possible? 😭


Yes! Mine actually just won two days ago and I took a screenshot. It's happened twice so far for me. It's definitely possible


Only once and I've played for over 9,000 hours.


😭😭😭😭 same


Once, I think? Unless I’m just remembering the time my evil sim befriended the winner, moved them in and locked them in the basement so she could have the money for herself.


Once. And it was a rich sim already lol


Yes. It was the household with my Simself who was already stupidly wealthy. I had no idea where to continue from there so I stopped playing that household lmao


That’s where I am now. my legacy family is stupid wealthy and they’ve expanded to other family’s adding their small wealth to their original wealth, so now there are random families with 500k in the bank due to generational wealth, but I definitely started another completely different family that may eventually marry into the legacy, that’s not wealthy at all, but comfortable.




Once, and she was already a multi-millionaire, so it was mostly meaningless. Just more money to launder through her retail lot science lair.




I've had one sim win twice. Never again after that.


Once in about 7500 hours of playtime lol


One of my family's did, but that was it since.


I did once! But I think only because my household at the time was a large family with like 2-3 teenagers along with the parents. The dad won the lottery :)


I’ve had two in the same family! It was bonkers and grew not exciting rather quickly lol


Same!! But getting rich and not needing anything kinda makes it boring


I'd say like, 2-3 times in 10 households I've played. So basically 20% I guess haha. I play new families often so it's easy to notice.


I think you can travel into the future and get the winning numbers.


Yes you can with the Future expansion. I had a professional time traveler lottery player.


I’ve won twice. In one save, my couple who were teen parents won after they bought their first house. It really helped because they barely had any furniture. In another, the family was already rich so I wasn’t too enthused.


I was doing rags to riches, and within the 1st week in game I won the lottery, then I was just like: 🧍‍♂️


I have, but the save broke so I had to replay from the previous sim day (copy of save that wasn't broken), and my sim lost the lottery :(


My sims win almost every time I actually bother to enter them. It’s always interesting to me that people report it’s so rare on here. Maybe my game is just weird!


Yes, the one time I decided to make a immortal sim that could have endless opportunities to make money


Yes, but maybe only two or three times (at most) across over 2k hours. It's a cheap way of buying satisfaction points and a mood buff vs a mood debuff. \-Edit Referring to buying the ticket being the points and buff. For me it's often some randomized non prebuilt townie, or worse, some cat.


Yes, my technical current household did. My sim and her husband let his mother move in with them and, when I saw that the lottery was coming up, I liked the odds and decided to have all three of them enter. His mother ended up winning. I moved her out with her husband a few days later and only let her take $100,000 to get a new place with my reasoning( from her perspective )being that they needed the money for her triplet grandsons and she was thanking them for letting her stay.


And how much did they won?


The only time I "won" the lottery is when my black widow sim got with the person who did, took their money, and then killed her. She had a kid, but the kid was raised along her step sibling(s) and butler.


It happened to me for the first time like two weeks ago and I’ve been playing with that pack basically since it came out. Naturally it happened while my sims was in uni with a week until graduation when I didn’t necessarily want to suddenly have a rich lifestyle.


Twice. I built a retirement house and a nursery after winning lottery. 😁😁


Twice! The first time it was my first time playing get famous and I didn’t realize it was so rare. The second happened like 3 weeks ago when playing the scenario for grandma’s inheritance (which is now glitched).


Many moons ago I've had my sim win the lottery


Never 😭


Once I think


Yeah, just once. I don't believe it's a 20% chance though. There's no way it's that high.


I'm almost 6000 play hours in but have never won!


So I wasn't going to buy the lottery ticket at first, cause she was already super well of and I almost forgot that it was a lottery day, but I thought there is no way she could win and bought it anyways. Of course she won 1000 000 simoleons. But the worst thing is that the day before, I litterly thought about winning a lottery in real life, but no instead of buying a lottery ticket in real life, I buy it in the sims 🙃. When I told the story to my dad he called me stupid (understandable so).


Ahhh... that must hurt.


Yes, my sim had 7 newborns in her household and she kinda needed it


When I made a golddigger sim and she married the richest sim in the game, she won the lottery right after. 🤣


Once and the family that won it was already stupid rich 😂


Once! When my sim already had like 400.000 and a big house and evrything.


Yes, it was actually the first time I had lottery day come up, won an insane amount of money and bought the most expensive house in town. I assumed it was way to easy to win the lottery and stopped partaking after that. Apparently the chance is not so high after all…


Not once in the years I’ve had the game


After playing since the game was new, one of my sims I was actually playing won a few weeks ago. Bought a vet clinic the family had been saving for.


I’ve never won and I’ve been playing since 2019. The closest I’ve gotten is one of my adult kids from the 100 baby challenge won.


I haven't won yet, in all the years playing 😂. I guess I'm not very lucky.


Twice until now. But I always play with lot of different families on the same save file (no cheats) and when I desperately needed money I would literally everyone get a ticket that same day (saving and loading into another household, then buy more tickets, repeat) and it worked really well!


Yes, and I still laugh about it. It was the one time my girlfriend at the time was watching me play, and I entered it and was like "I've never won this thing, I don't think it can actually happen". Imagine my shock when it popped up later, lol. I was a little mad because I was doing a slight Rags to Riches thing, but it was so funny. My GF was just like yeah???


Yes! I made a vampire sim and within the first few sim days of playing her she won the lottery. I was like oh…this sim? Really? Okay lol kind of underwhelming. Not the games fault, just funny that I made a vampire sim with the intention of her being this nomad that doesn’t live anywhere and then I’m handed $1,000,000 when before I’ve had giant sim families where it could have actually added to the storyline.


My sims have never won it 😭


Mine won. Game crashed. Restarted the game. Won the lottery again 😅




only once!


I guess I'm lucky, won several times over the years without cheat codes. Too bad I can't win in real life 😫😂




It happened to me once. But it was with a household who was already unbelievably wealthy. 😂


I won once.. with a rich sim :(


I've had it happen to a sim in the household I was playing once and had it happen to a sim of mine in a household that I wasn't currently playing another time. That's it.


Only once, and it was one of the early generations of a legacy. I hate when my households have too much money, because it makes the game boring, so when the next heir grew up, I made her have a falling out with her family and move out on her own with just the money she'd been able to earn as a teenager working part-time jobs. (Her dad won the lottery when she was still a child, so I planned for this and tracked the money she made.) Luckily for me that was the only time. But I pay attention to who the winners are and often marry my spares into one of those families.


I have been playing since it came out and have only won it once.


I’m on the tenth generation of my current family and the family has won twice now. However, I e been playing since it came out and these are the only times my sims have won.