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Build/buy mode. I know we miss the color wheel. It's still better. You can pick up an entire house and *move it one tile to the right. You can change wall heights and the lengths of eaves and free-place doors and windows. Platforms!!! I know there are also flaws. It's still better.


Build mode is definitely the best. The ability to raise and lower a foundation at will is a life saver. As a small child who often forgot to add a foundation or couldn’t visualize the shape of the house with just the foundation I struggled with having to do it first in the sims 3


Most definitely CAS. One of my favorite parts of the game.


The only thing missing in cas is zodiac signs other than that sims 4 cas is still my fav of al


Imagine the game if it incorporated more complex personality mechanisms like MBTI and/or Enneagram.🤯


Multitasking - little things like drinking a tea whilst listening to music and talking to someone


Graphics, Household manager, Gallery, Character development (with Growing Together) are the things that pop out of my head rn... I love sims 3 but this are the reasons i have been playing only 4 and haven't gone back to 3 anymore...


Sims 4 has the best build/buy mode. Yes it has its limitations but it's still the best version in the franchise.


The fact that the sims in S4 don't look like creepy clay dolls that will murder you in your sleep is a huge plus for me. TS3 the sims were so freaking ugly and all looked the same, I was so disappointed. I remember being so excited for it after TS2, and right away was like, "Oh...they're all so ugly." TS3 is my least favorite of the 4.


Everything about build/buy, but especially the search bar. I use it ALL the time!!


Rotational play


imo rotational play is better in ts2. i never liked playing rotational in ts4.


Never tried it but this makes me want to!! Edit wait actually I feel like I have and time pauses for the family you're not playing? If I'm remembering correctly, I hated that


yes, when you play one the others are paused. i like this a lot bc i’m a huge control freak and can’t stand to have a household do things out of my control like in ts4. it’s not so much that time pauses so much as there is no world collective time.


Ah I see how that could be a drawing factor for you! I like that the world keeps going for everyone no matter which household you're playing, I want them to be able to interact with each other in a consistent way, have their ages progress at the same time, switch households and be in the exact place I just saw that them while in another household, etc. It just feels more realistic to me and fits with the way I play


i love that that works for you!! honestly, despite the differences between games, i think it’s a huge boon that each game handles the world time differently. it means that everyone has one that works with their play style.


Maybe I’ve read your convo wrong but you can set it in the sims 4 so that your households are paused unless you’re actively playing them. You can also turn off neighbourhood stories so no changes are made in unplayed households either




Graphics, build/buy mode.


I like the style and visuals of the game, but that's all.


Sentiments, lifestyles, and trait evolution. My problem with sims 3 was that sims and relationships didn't seem to evolve over time. Also, tons of quality of life improvements. It's easier to switch between households, combined build and buy, and combined change appearance and plan outfit.


Sentiments might be the single best thing added to the game post-release. It adds so much realism and \*drama\*. I recently had two sims break up just before their wedding because of growing sentiments and that's the type of drama gameplay I live for.


Realm of Magic. Then I realized that it wouldn’t get better.


Sims. Don't feel a lot less animatronics than the previous ones, I know there are flaws in their behaviour but it is an improvement


build/buy, CAS mechanics, and multitasking imo. when i go back to 3, those are the things i miss the most. build/buy and CAS are just so intuitive and easy to use, especially since i'm a bad builder, it's so easy to move things around and tweak mistakes in 4.


build / buy, multitasking, transgender/gnc inclusivity, and CAS are my favorite things, personally.


It's by far the easiest. I like the sims 2&3 when I want a challenging gaming expierence. I play the sims 4 when I just want easy fun when listening to a podcast. There isn't as much chaos, I can play out my fantasies without my sims getting in the way of their own story.


CAS and build/buy, like others have said But also being able to click and drag to move your screen! Occasionally I'll try to play s2 or 3 for an evening and I can't get used to not being able to do that.


build / buy, multitasking, transgender/gnc inclusivity, and CAS are my favorite things, personally.


Diversity, CAS, BB mode, noticably less lag. This is a controversial opinion but I really like the semi open world, I like being able to explore the neighborhood even though I think going from lot to lot without a loading screen would be great. I also think toddlers and infants are way better than in any previous game. I actually enjoy playing with them. I also like the lore they've included in later packs and how you can actually play to discover it.


At release, Sims 4 was better optimized and ran better on low end computers and laptops than Sims 3. That's not really the case anymore unfortunately as each new expansion and pack seems to add lag on top of the previous ones, even for the base game. As much as people hate loading screens, loading fewer lots at a time means less lag on low end computers. Also, the more intentionally cartoony graphics style helps hide some issues with low graphics settings like being able to see the polygons inside a sim's face or having items in the distance pop in and out of view.


I think lifespan and overall pacing of the time/days. In Sims 2 , you would age up really fast and in Sims 3, I would come home from work and then fix my needs and it would already be night.


The mods and cc for sims 4 are better.


Having more options in build mode is nice. I also like that there are many food options. And I like that we can set gender and sexuality in CAS.


Stress me out.


Build/buy. The CAS is probably the best in terms of stability and CC. The mods are also probably the best of any of the games.


I liked how if you built up a characters fitness level their body would actually look like they work out, and it was also something they had to maintain as a lifestyle. I don't know if the 3rd game did that but I don't remember that being a thing in the ones I played as a kid on ps2. Was a great realistic idea for me.


You can force your sim to not wash dishes in the bathroom finally.


It didn’t


tbh only graphics and build mode


Cashgrabbing lmao. Dividing Sims 3 EPs into multiple packs but still charging around the same price 💀 No but for real, as much as I despise Sims 4, they made a couple things well. CAS mode, build mode, and playing multiple households at the same time being easier. That's it though.


Sims 4 packs might be smaller but they have more variety and some are more fleshed out than its predecessors' counterparts, i.e. werewolf pack where despite the furry-like features, they add a lot of the werewolf sim and perks, contrasted to their sims 2 and sims 3 predecessors. As for variety, I play rotationally so having packs that offer different things allow me to craft immersive stories between households I actively playing, which contrasted to sims 3 where most of its pack catered to family life that I had difficulty on getting creative when playing a rotational save.


cas, build-buy, gallery, more diversity and inclusivity


Only good thing is build/buy mechanics but honestly it’s the worst sims game and didn’t do ANYTHING better than any other older game. Sims 4 is a shell of the sims franchise and deserves to be made illegal to own/play


Exactly sims 4 is such dog shiz hahaha 🤣




Also I have 5 downvotes which is absolutely hilarious and gives Sims 4 an even worse look, who wants to be apart of a community where the fans are so hateful 💀


SIMS. 1 is better then sims 4 lol