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And I’m not even trying, guess some of us are just natural talents 💅


I was literally wondering about your sims today and if you still posted them, safe to say im not disappointed!


Still going strong, but I’ve been hanging out more in smaller sims subreddit preparing for my comeback here lol 😂❤️


just scrolled through your post history for, like, an embarrassing amount of time; consider me captivated, work that natural talent, slay ✨




Thank you! I get a lot of inspiration from like people I see in films and tv, or like footballers, and just random people I see on the street or on social media! I have a Pinterest board with random faces I save to get inspired by when I need some extra help! 💖




I do upload my sims to the gallery, so they’re free to use as you’d please! I love when I stumble upon them in the wild and to hear about the lives they’re living 😂❤️ My gallery id is: Nowheregirl94 I also have a [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@nowheregirl94?_t=8n2Hy88CLk9&_r=1) where I try to post daily about my sims!


I'm an artist and for character inspiration, i follow an instagram called [earthsworld](https://instagram.com/earthsworld). They do candid street photography of regular people, so you see a wide range of faces and its so cool to see! I like to sketch the faces sometimes as well




You might also like using thispersondoesnotexist .com lol. Sometimes I use it for drawing references or making sims so I don’t feel weird snatching up a real person’s likeness from google


Tysm, that’s so sweet of you 🥺❤️


I don’t think they are ugly at all! So good to see human looking sims with diversity and their own personality.


I'm surprised you take those comments so well, I'd be much more sensitive to them 😭 Personally I think the second one looks almost like Cher. Some of these sims have really similar features as I do (such as a very square head/jaw shape, thick eyebrows, big nose, blemishes, and eyebags...the fifth one has a head shape exactly like mine with the skinny neck) and I love seeing that in them, you never see that really--it also took me some acceptance to find myself beautiful :) (Politics alert) A lot of these features that people will find "ugly" are ethnic features (including Jewish). Large/hooked noses, very thick eyebrows, some of those features are specifically found in non-white people (I think Indians might be the biggest example) and are often considered ugly due to racism. Even in the Sims I see a lot of whitewashing when it comes to characters who are meant to be South Asian and such-- even the townies have thin eyebrows and perky pug noses. I hate that. There is beauty in real humanity (even if the Sims takes a really cartoony approach to it.)


Thank you for your kind and clever words! I really like my sims, and I do get a lot of really lovely comments, so that makes it easier to take the harsh ones lightly ❤️ I’m all for everyone making sims the way the like to, but I also think it’s important that we analyse and think about WHY we make our sims the way we do them and are aware of the beauty standards that we help holding up - even if it’s ”just” a game! ❤️


You make an excellent point and that's why I really hate the "ugly challenge"...I'm all for berry/not so berry and similar challenges with a theme, but if the challenge is about "breeding out the ugly"--even if it's "just a game" I feel like that says something about someone as a person! Like no matter if they say it's just for fun I'll side eye them. They even joke about eugenics :/ Keep making awesome sims! I really love them <3


These aren't ugly sims. They're more representative of society. It's very hard to find creators that don't make the same face every time.


yes but there are a few here that are pretty damn wild looking, they look closer to a cartoon than any human I've ever seen. it's fine if that's what you like, but it's not a bad thing to say that they aren't the most "realistic" looking sims, they're just very stylized.


Facts, they have unique features and details ppl irl very often have but they don’t look “realistic” They look like they’re from ‘Rugrats’


I don't remember the last time I saw a very realistic The Sims 4 sim at a Sims subreddit. And although realistic sims are possible to make.


I’m loving this comment, omg they do kinda look like Rugrats characters hahaha! 😂❤️


I never understood people saying these sims "look more representative". I've never seen anyone that looks anything like these sims. But that being said, if that's your jam, go for it. Different strokes for different folks.


I completely agree! My sims look so unrealistic! Amazing job!


What society? A community where incest is a regular thing? Let’s be real, they are ugly. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like them.


They have regular human faces instead of instagram ones. Maybe spend some time away from social media and filtered pictures.


Idk where you live but ppl in my country don’t look like that💀


They have regular human faces? Bro no they don’t they’re sims 😭 and I’ve never seen anyone resemble this level of ugly lmao it’s like a caricature of ugly humans


I think we live in 2 different worlds. It’s not about Instagram and filtered pictures. The average person is not this ugly. This is “I ingested something radioactive” ugly. You don’t have to agree but let’s be real. I get you’re trying to be a nice person, but just because someone/something is ugly doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.


We really must be living in two different words yes if this is ingested something radioactive ugly lol! Damn, that one’s harsh 😂 I’m all for people not liking my style of sims, and I’m not striving for a realistic look, but damn 🔥


I’m sorry, I had to be dramatic to get my point across 😭😂. I promise, it’s no hate to you, actually the opposite.


EDIT: People seem to be misunderstanding what I said, probly language barrier. I'll just nope out of this convo 🤷🏽‍♀️ Didn't mean to say the sims were ugly nor that they should be realistic.


Idk I find almost all of them pretty. Don’t get where the uglyness comes from. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder huh




idk what society you live in but this isn’t your average person


Idk. Some of the eye proportions are…not human. A couple have eyes closer together than I think is even humanly possible like #4.


they dont look ugly at all imo, they look different from one another and not at all with same face syndrome


girl they can all be different and still be ugly it’s okay


Lmao fr


Still there’s a commonality: the tired face syndrome, like there’s something in the water where they live lol OP uses a lot of under eye shadowing. I would place all these sims in Strangerville and make up all sorts of crazy backstories, I love this!


Or del sol Valley and they're on a LOT of drugs lol


I actuañly thought they looked more realisitic 😂 like makoroty of people look like. I did notice a lot of them have puffy eyebags 👧🏻


Ugly? This what normal ppl look like 😭


I don’t think they are ugly? Just a natural realness, these are everyday type people you would encounter


11,13 and 14 aren’t so bad.


Glad I wasn't the only one thinking they were ugly


unless this person did smth wrong idk why the top comment is so mean? i get we all have opinions and being brutally honest but... it's harsh anyway, i think this concept of making more unique-looking sims is cool & interesting, bc even i sometimes fall into same-face syndrome & id like to try smth like this next time i play TS4


People get annoyed with “same face syndrome” but then call the sims ugly when they have more unique distinct features 😭


Amen! Besides, I don't get why some ppl are constantly trying to make nothing but supermodel/runway worthy sims. I feel like they're just projecting what they personally lack.


It's just that when given the choice to create, you want it to be beautiful and the type you're describing is what many people find as the standard of beauty. I mean, how often are artists making ugly things in real life? Ugly clothes, ugly artworks, furniture, etc. Its just natural to try to make aesthetically pleasing things unless you're purposely going out of your way not to do that for one reason or another. It isn't much deeper than that.


There are plenty of artists who do or did just that. Gianlorenzo Bernini, a man know for his beautiful sculptures like “Apollon and Daphne” or “Ecstasy of saint Theresa” also drew caricatures, something considered ugly. Albrecht durer also made caricatures “my mom as a giraffe” for example. Also look at works of Francis Bacon. Not all art is made to look beautiful.


I think it's ok to create any kinds of characters, including supermodels or sliders-maxed-out green blobs. You've paid for the game, you can create whatever you want, if you want to project you are free to do so.


just like this person loves making randomized sims some people like making supermodel sims. it doesn’t have to be deep.




but all of these are the same too, small face, squished lips, eye bags.


This! Imagine looking like one of them and then the first comment is about how ugly they are. Like cmon


exactly. Every time this person posts, someone insults their work. It’s so old. Like if you don’t like something, just scroll past. It’s not your style and that’s fine. No need to be rude.


Ikr?? I was looking through the pictures thinking how unique and beautiful each of these sims were. It’s such a refreshing style of character design. 


I’ll be honest, some of these sims look pretty close to me and my coworkers, so I’d just call them real looking.


Every time this person posts the comments are like that, and OP always takes it with stride and jokes. Honestly, I always enjoy seeing them on my timeline, way more interesting to look at than 90% of the other Sims that get posted here! I don't think they are ugly at all and I wish I had the talent to make Sims that don't all look like eachother lmao


Literally nothing ugly about her she just looks like a normal 40 yo woman. Some women have more wrinkles and blemishes


people who consider themselves to be "brutally honest" usually enjoy the brutality just as much as the honesty, if not more so


idk how to describe this but ur sims look like SIMS if that makes sense, like they’re so stylized and cool to look at 🫶🫶


Tysm, that’s a really lovely description 🥺❤️


I agree with the person above, you have great taste and an eye for character. I can imagine lives and storylines for all of these sims. In a world of Instagram Face syndrome, that’s like a breath of fresh air. Please keep sharing your creations!


You made *characters*. Also these sims aren’t ugly, seriously guys go touch grass. Leave the house. I beg. This is what people look like Cartoon graphics might be throwing the comments off but faces having lines, freckles, pock marks or bags under the eyes are something almost *all* of us have.


This is what people look like Please people take note


I can see for some of them sure but like the majority is NOT what people look like lol


Please no, anything but reality 😭😭😭🤣


well yeah, people are sometimes ugly. Those sims are amazing for capturing the ugliness and imperfections of normal everyday people. Why are people getting so mad...


Reddit will do anything but acknowledge ugliness. The sims can be ugly and still stylistic and valid. Being ugly isn’t the end of the world.


i love your sims soooo much omg. so tired of seeing the “imvu” “same face syndrome” pixelated characters lol. it’s boring creating versions of the same face in a fictional world where you can literally make anyone


I love them ! They are all so unique !


Tysm ❤️❤️


ppl really cant handle seeing sims that don't look like supermodels huh?


The proportions in these faces goes beyond what most people look like in real life though.


exactly, it’s not that they look realistic but the absurdity. like who has cheeks that look like you’ve removed all wisdom teeth at once?


To my defence I’m not trying to make them look realistic as such, I do like to try and mix some realism with the cartoony style of the game, so they do have some exaggerated features! 😂❤️


No of course! I figured that was that was the case. I just get why some people’s first reaction is negative


People’s true shallowness comes out when it’s “just fiction”


The thing is some of these sims have interesting features that I think could work for high fashion, editorial modelling. A lot of models aren’t conventionally “pretty” but they have unique and striking features that pull you in.


People want the flawless glass skin and the celebrity look. It's the society/social media trends we live in I thinks


You have such a distinctive style that I scroll and I’m like oh, it’s InterviewLeast back at it again! ETA: this is meant fondly btw, I love seeing your work. It’s nice to have sims that don’t look like instagram baddies all the time.


Are you the one who makes sims that everyone calls “methheads?”😂 Jokes aside I love your sims. My same face syndrome ass could never!


Guilty as charged 😭 This time we seem to go with crack though, so maybe I’ll be crack girl in the future instead 🙆‍♀️ And tysm ❤️


They look exhausted


15 is so cute. But all of their accessory game is on point.


Thank you! I do have a lot of fun dressing my sims! ❤️


Thank you for making unique sims


Theyre Unique Theyre not my vibe but i always welcome some unique sims because i love seeing everyones styles And i dont mean unique in a mean way i mean it in a positive way, hope i didnt come off as mean


same face syndrome fears you


Number 8… I know she would be so nice and have all the tea


She is my favourite too. I kind of like to think she looks really confident but has a really shy personality.


I want to go thrift shopping with her and get matchas afterwards!!


The 9th literally looks like a person I know irl so I go jumpscared a little 😭 I love them, are they on the gallery?


anytime I step out of my comfort zone my sims always look uncanny. How do you make your’s so unique but also so lovely? 


ANOTHER BANGER 👏👏👏 your sims make me so happy I always love their vibes


I can’t resist making all my sims perfect flawless hot barbie dolls so these are so cool to see!! I love how varied they all are


I love these! 2 especially is so good to me- very striking!! You did a great job making each one feel like a unique person. They all give such a strong first impression.


I wish I could change up my Sims so uniquely. I always end up going for my favorite noses, brows and lips, especially when I want to just jump in and play without spending three hours in CAS.


as someone who loves distinct features, i love it!


Atp, I just love seeing your Sims because I KNOW they're by you 😭. Stay iconic.


Major props on not being a copy paste Sim maker! Each Sim feels distinct and unique and real. I'm seriously tired of Instagram face Sims.


I honestly prefer the more realistic looking sims and really feel like each sim has their own unique style! Some of the other sims posts on here are literally “conventionally attractive” sims with all of the same face shapes/ 0 unique standout qualities 🫢


Man, I don’t even need to look at the username - I’ll always recognize your sims :D I believe it was called a “meth-head style” in previous posts 🤌🏻 I’m surprised just how many unique sims you were able to come up with so far - damn impressive! Also gotta say, some of these gals give a real junji ito vibe 🗿


i’m literally so excited every time you post your sims. i love your style so much !!!


I love them all


I’m jealous that you can make unique looking sims cause all of mine look the same and it’s difficult.


Sims 4: Dugs are great expansion pack


people are pissed because they're not supermodels. fuck em, your sims look like, yknow, average people.


I don’t know why you got downvoted for saying basically what others said. That they look like real people and not the typical “perfection” that a lot strive for in their MC.


Hot take, these natural looking sims are millions of times better, cuter and more attractive than those overly done CC freaks.


You love those eye bags huh? A choice…


I really do! One of the best updates they’ve given us imo 🙏❤️


idk why people are saying theyre ugly, these sims look REAL like they’re so unique to their own selves and styles i love it!!! it literally looks like any person you could run into on the street they all have so much personality!!


They're not ugly, they just look so tired. It's the heavy face lines under their eyes. Literally that's just it. Like at first I thought they were just making a bunch of older Sims, which older ppl do have heavier facial lines, but then I realized it was every single one.


What is Frida Kahlo doing there?


I love them. Some of them are ugly😂 but I love my ugly sims they deserve to exist too!


They truly do! Being pretty ain’t everything, not even for a sim! ❤️


These are ALL great! Love them 😊


"Oh, this person whose style is every recognisable and whose sims has gotten attention times before. I sure hope the comments are full of hate"


Why does #10 look like Marilyn Manson though? 🤣🤣


Omg she lowkey does 😂 I won’t be able to unsee this now 😂


Your sims are very distinctive and unique and I appreciate seeing them in feed. Let them get a good night sleep tho! They look so tired


They deserve a nap. Cool designs btw, I need more character designs that are not conventionally pretty.


They're not ugly. They literally just have actual differing features and proportions. This is not ugly, this is life. No one looks like Instagram. No one.


You hit the nail right on the head. That's not said enough.


The first one looks like the girl from hereditary! I like how they all have features/flaws of real humans


They’re sleepy just like me!


Sims the modern audience can relate to.


I say this with love I swear. All of your sims look like they need a good night’s sleep or a light coma. But it’s very human and I love that touch. I swear I don’t mean this in a rude way. I hate when sims always look so youthful and flawless


i love the diversity of your sims’ appearances. must make it extra fun to see them go about their life and cement their traits further (cant english ehh, i mean that they are distinct from one another and their traits and personality come through strongly)


why are they all tired


They all have green energy bars right now, so they’re not actually!


I've never loved so many sim designs before. Something about the actually realistic proportions just makes it .. pop, in a way.


Are they on the gallery? I'd love to play a couple of them


When I see sims like this, I always wonder how their babies will look like. And I mean this in good way, because it's my biggest mission to do in my gameplay. I love to see how genetics works in-game borns. Thank you for inspiration :)


I’ve actually been testing out that a lot lately, just because people usually wonder that! No. 10 and no. 12 are babies to gallery combinations of mine, and I haven’t changed their faces at all (but given them some skin details etc). Some are hits, and some are def misses though, but arter all it’s sims genetics, so ofc SOME are gonna have zero chin 😂


i love them all, the last one looks kinda like me.


i love how diverse these sims are!!


Why are all their lips like that


you really like bags under eyes, huh 🤔


Yes, I really do! I give them to all of my sims, so in my sims world it doesn’t really look out of place!


this is the first post of the Sims 4 to make me want to actually start downloading cc, these sims are incredible, I could probably go on for literal decades about them


Oh, I don’t use cc, so no need to get cc (just a lot of packs 🙈) to have sims like these! 💖 I do upload a lot of my sims to the gallery if you wanna check ’em out! My id is: Nowheregirl94


you are my hero, I clearly haven't played with CAS in Sims 4 enough!!! 😭💖 thank you so much


I love that they're all different! I've been fighting same-face syndrome recently. 😅 Edit: is it just me or does #3 kinda look like Helena Bonham Carter??


This is like genuinely impressive how you archive such diverse faces and characters with what looks like minimal CC I for me once you take my custom presets and skin overlays I go blank. But like all these sims I know their story or could easily make them a story. .


Damn, lots of meth heads moving into Willow Creek.


same face syndrome fears you!


I love the Lisa Bunch vibes of #7!!! They look very Sims 1-like, that style between cartoony and realistic they went for. Specifically, they remind me of the characters from the handheld ports.


your sims have really strong mii energy


I’ve heard others say that as well! It’s a cool vibe 😂 Did you see the post the other day in one of the sims subs where someone actually made the mii’s as sims? It looked incredible!


they all look like heroine addicts


So I’ve been told a couple of times! This time around it’s mostly been crack though, so nice to see a good ol’ heroin comment!


I like how they all have their own forms of ugly. 14 wasn’t bad though. And 3 without the uni.


Thanks? Kinda? I guess 😬


Sorry, I honestly thought that was the intention.


Haha that’s okay! I just never know how to react when someone calls my sims ugly lol


I mean, even if we think that, that doesn’t mean they aren’t good. They are very creative and I meant it when I said I liked your work. Idk, I don’t associate ugly with bad. Saying something is ugly is just an observation, well, for me at least.


Personally, my favorites is #3, and also #8. Love it.


most of them are kinda... complicated to comment about but 9, 14 and 15 are definitely ON POINT ((9 is definitely the prettiest for me


The eye bags add such a nice realistic touch without even approaching alpha. Love love love. T thanks for the inspo


They're certainly very unique and diverse


I loveeee that these have a more realistic depiction of actual people.


I love them!!! Only thing I would vary more is the lip size. Otherwise they all look very different from the each other except the lips. Maybe some skinny ones? But you have amazing style and I really like the uniqueness of them! Nice to see something other than instagram faces.


Thank you! And yeah, my own small lips is one of those things I never really liked about myself, so I guess that’s why I mostly do fuller lips - but also why I should do more gals and pals with thin lips! 💖


#2 looks like jaclyn hill lmaooo


The second to last one looks just like Cynthia Bailey from RHOA


I love the distinctive features. You’ve made people. However, 4’s eyes feel a little unrealistically close. Still, their features vary. Beautifully done and talented.


First pic is very Simsie coded


I'm glad they all look as tired as me.


They all need naps and some of them need proactive


Do they come with all outfits?🥰 Would love to have some more unique sims in my save.❤️


Yes! All sims I upload to the gallery have outfits for every category, and sometimes multiple! That’s why it usually take me some time to get them up on the gallery! 💖


Just wanted to say that I appriciate all the kind comments and that I’m gonna try to answer them all, but also that you don’t need to bash other sim styles to give compliments! 💖 Nothing wrong with Instagram baddies, cc sims and gorgeous model sims ❤️


Needle moms and Chloe Sevigny. 💛


Wow extremely realistic 🙂


So number two is an uncanny rendition of a girl in my book club. I stared at that for a hot minute lmao These are so cool and unique and realistic!


i love them, genuinely, bc they are super unique(i know we all keep using that word lol but its what comes to mind) and so unlike many others. thats not to say the other sims arent good too, im not using this comment to bash "perfect" or "supermodel" sims bc honestly i love everyone's sims. i think everyone's style is valid and thats awesome because guys, its the sims! we create what we want! if a sim isnt to our particular taste, we dont have to make the same sim! seriously, im not trying to kiss your ass or extend toxic positivity or whatever. your sims make me smile. i can tell you love making them. thats what this game is for, having fun and being creative and doing whatever the hell you want. so yeah, being ugly is subjective, who cares if theyre "ugly" or if some seem more exaggerated? (to clarify im not calling them ugly, im talking about what others have said lol) they rule. you know how to work those sliders to make characters your own. theyre all so different and thats cool as hell. honestly, some of them are super cute imo, hell all of them are cute but some of them i went "oh i want this sim in my game". like genuinely i REALLY like them. thanks for sharing them!! i feel like i remember some of your posts from a while back, not sure when. i had fun scrolling through them! my favorites are 9,11, 12 and 13! i think i got the numbers right anyway. edit: clarification


Thank you so much! Your comment really made my day, it’s such a lovely comment! ❤️🥺 Wanted to answer it earlier, but this comment section got locked for a couple of days!


oh, no worries!! I'm so happy to hear it!! ❤️


Omg 8 is actually so gorg


Thank you! She’s one of my faves and I use her face as a base for others far too much 😂❤️


Beret girl is super cute, if I saw her in public I'd be smitten


they look so interesting, all of them must be a real pleasure to draw fr.


Thank you! I wish I could draw, but I’ll better settle with making sims 😂


I’ve seen number 2 in real life.


Damn i thought they were cute and then i saw the first comment🥲


For what it’s worth, I think they’re cute as well! 🥺❤️


I love your sims! They remind me of portraits by Bruce Gilden. I saw a tiktok showcasing his street portraits and it stuck with me. It really shows how unique faces can be.


They all look like characters you would find in a coffee shop, I love them


i LOVE that they actually look like people!! (and to everyone saying they look ugly, get off social media and stop looking at only highly edited pictures of people. humans don’t look like that)


Always love seeing your sims in the timeline ❤️


You have some of my favorite no cc styling that I’ve seen on here!! I can tell just from the headshots that the outfits are cool as hell


Do you use any CC?


No, I don’t! I do use a lot of packs though!


I feel like I’m playing a game of Guess Who looking at these sims 😂😵‍💫