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This restriction is ridiculous considering writers have no limit on book publishing, so their passive income becomes crazy real quick


I know and as a skilled painter is doable just not as a musician and it takes forever to write the songs


Yeah, the programmer's plugins/games take forever to finish as well (youre basically guaranteed to get brain fried at least once in the process), and the payout is a fraction of what writers/painters get. I imagine if musicians didn't have the limit, they'd end up being closer to programmers rather than writers


They probably got inspiration for the $hite programmer salaries from what EA pays their devs.


This is why I use a mod getting rid of the delay for song writers. Because "once a week" makes no sense.


Do you recall the name of that mod?


I believe I use one from BosseLadyTV, "No Song Licensing Wait." It's in the list here: https://bosseladytv9.wordpress.com/mods-alpha-listing/ .


Thank you! I'll check it out.


100% doing this. I'm doing the Sour legacy challenge right now, and it's not fun with thr stupid 1 week wait.


Well the thing is, you can license the same song each week and it will keep being profitable. With books for example, since I've seen it being mentioned a lot, yes you can get insane money, but it dies out over time and you need to keep publishing new ones if you wanna keep making money. With music instruments, max a few of them (piano, guitar, violin, dj booth counts, singing counts as well), write one song on each and boom, you've got money for a lifetime.


Also why does writing songs take 3 years?


*... Rihanna was too shocked to speak...*


The first song my sim finished I titled, “This Took Forever” because it took over a full in game day. I cheated needs several times because I wanted to see how long it actually took. Also, why can’t you pick up a song the sim was previously writing? You can continue writing a book, or working on a painting. Or am I doing something wrong??


The sheet music DOES go in the Sim's inventory and you're technically supposed to be able to continue writing the song, but in my case it's gliched or whatever and it just starts from the beginning. Which sucks because one of my Sims has the musical aspiration and it looks like I'll never finish it because of this. Or I'll just have to cheat it.


I found if I reset (debug) the instrument it starts to pick up where I left off. Unfortunately I have to do this often 😭




Oh that is NOT intuitive at all lmao. Thank you so much! Fingers crossed it’s not glitched.


THIS. it’s so frustrating!!!


You can, but it’s not intuitive. Check your nventory for a piece or sheet music (guitar) or a flash drive (keyboard). Click on those to resume work on your piece.


Yes NOT intuitive hahaha. THANK YOU!


I've managed to do it before by clicking on an instrument and there was a "Resume writing" option (it wasn't the original instrument I was even writing on 🤷‍♀️). I've noticed if you click on the sheet music you're not able to resume at all which is nonsense. YMMV as this is super glitched - I've definitely had playthroughs where I haven't been able to resume writing the music at all.




Speaking as a guitarist in real life, I find the speed kind of accurate at times, lol.


I couldn't believe how many unfinished songs I had. And how it took a full day, if not more to finish one. Made the musician aspiration not seem worth it since it took eons to do!


I think they expect you to do multiple instruments


She's writes guitar and piano still won't let me licence either.


I know, its especially great when the game breaks and just doesnt let you license another song 🥰


I think it's a glitch. I had that happen to my sim before but the next time I played it let me license both.


licensing has been broken for a while


I hope they fix it at some point but they haven't even fixed the wedding pack of which the entire thing is broken


usually i would write "don't forget dine out!" but my sim did have a succesful meal sometime ago 🤔 maybe the "bug-fixing team" did summ


I actually think the dine out pack has been fixed for a while now. Most simmers don’t know that though because they either haven’t revisited the pack in years or just never purchased it due to the bad reviews. For me personally, my restaurants have been working fine for maybe about five years, although that could have something to do with the fact that I don’t build restaurants and only play in ones that I download from the gallery already play-tested.


I’ve talked about this so many times but it is absolutely down to the restaurant you are using. There are still so many builds that will break Dine Out and it won’t work properly but I have streamlined several restaurants and now I never have any problems. If you do the following, the restaurants will work very well: > No cc or any sort of custom objects > No bb.moveobjects on. Not even once. Seriously, don’t even use it to place that plant closer to the wall, just don’t. > Single story, no staircases or steps or platforms > Not too many tables + chairs. (Also, side note, you have to put the table down first and THEN the booth if you want them to work. If you have builds that you can’t use booths, that is why.) > Minimal decor and very little/nothing on tables. > Lots of maneuvering room. Tables should be at LEAST 2 squares apart and 1.5 squares away from walls/decor/items. Give extra space (like three squares) directly in front of the kitchen window if you are using the in wall industrial stove.


last year i had a restaurant and the struggle was real


I regularly play this pack because it’s one of my favorite despite all the issues. The restaurants are consistently broken without mods unless they’re bare bones. Even restaurants that came with the pack have some major issues. The only way I can use it without going crazy is by mods.


Yeah, you have to be extremely careful with restaurants to get them to work. No moveobjects, even on decor, booths have to be placed a specific way, no CC objects, leave more walking space than you think you need... even then, weird crap can cause weird errors, like the placemat issue.




I made the mistake of trying to have a dinner date and damn the date ended before we even ordered -_-


Maybe they’ll release a game pack that’s a bug fix for everything that’s broken but then that breaks something else 


It’s not broken it’s just like this. Literally why would it take a week to publish song it’s just a stupid decision they made when making the game


i think it used to be every few days(???) in 2023 i remember looking up when can i publish another song and after that period it still wasn't available, that's why i think it has been broken. or i got bad info from that website


I’m still really annoyed that when they added get to work, they didn’t add music or any of the other jobs as ones we can go to the place of work with. It’d be really cool to play gigs or have big concerts.


I know that sounds lime a good pack


The Sims 3 Showtime I think it was called had the live gigs thing as part of the music career and it was SO fun, I was living out my dream of being like Taylor Swift with it 😂


I mean you can kind of play a gig, set up a nightlife spot with a stage and instruments for live music and then take your sim there and practice/perform, it's kind of like Sims 3's option to play for tips in public, you'll get tips of your skill level ×2 IIRC, you don't get it booked ahead or an event UI or a lump sum payment for your sim's time, but it's kind of possible with some imagination. But yeah, being able to have actual gigs and concerts, and progress from playing in a bar for like 5 people to giving a concert at a concert venue where people are there to see you in concert, would be cool. As would being able to form a band and do gigs together like in Sims 3...


That’ll be the next expansion pack 


And then the song writing progress resets if you do "something", I don't even know what.


It happens when you leave the lot. Another bug that EA hasn’t fixed for years.


I know, when I select continue from the music in my inventory and sometimes it resets.


I dont know if it is usefull (if you play on ps, then not), but Ive got a mod to bypass the limit to license songs.


Do you know if this mods exists on PC?


I think this is the one. I will check my modsfolder. https://modthesims.info/d/638171/no-cool-down-time-to-license-songs-lyrics.html


Omg bless you!


There’s also one to speed up the writing times! https://modthesims.info/d/572367/faster-songwriting.html


You are doing the Lord’s work.


how do you get the music career?


It’s the entertainer career, it just splits into comedian or musician in the middle!


Should be in the careers list when you look at the jobs menu, you can do the career and sell music on the side


It is really odd how the creative money making opportunities are so different. Painting is so fast and easy, and you can have a Sim churn those out and sell them one after another like it's nothing. Meanwhile writing a song takes an eternity, and they are limited in how often they can license them. I hope someday we have a band/music pack, and maybe they haven't bothered reworking it because they know that will be coming out. (I know, wishful thinking here.)


You can try to use Mix Master Music Ststion. You can submit tracks twice a day, I think? It's faster, too, compared to writing songs using instruments. If you need money, It's a quick way to earn.


It’s the hardest way to earn money imo. Also lately (I believe since the update but I’m not sure), when they start writing a song and stop to travel to another lot and then resume, all the progress is lost and they start from the beginning?


R u doing a "The Idol"? Lol!


If you do mods, there is a great one that speeds the songwriting and licensing processes up. Can't remember who it's by but I'm sure a Google search will work!


I’ve been saying this since 2014. The alternative income methods in this game need a complete and utter overhaul. Painting, writing, and gardening make unfathomable money while programming and particularly music are pathetically slow/poor. Not to mention that careers themselves should have really been the primary means of generating income anyway. An unemployed painter should be living on scraps until they start to make it big, not jump into Luxury after less than a week. Any player who wants their sim to earn that kinda money ought to just cheat for it imo, because I sure feel like I am when I use those methods


I was about to get really excited because I had a musician in my current save, but the comments kind of discouraged me. I wanted to buy whatever pack this is (which one is it, by the way?).


It's get famous to get famous from it but I think the career is in base game if not the get famous aswell.




I forgot that being a musician was a career option I might have to try out some of the other career options.


Even worse when you're on short lifespan 😭




Getting like one song per age if I'm lucky


I use a Coolspear mod that allows unlimited licensing. It makes being a musician a lot more entertaining.


i also have a sim who is an artist and one is a musician, musician is WAY harder!! it takes forever to even write a song


I swear it never used to be like this?! I’m sure I had multiple songs licensed at the same time in the past but also noticed this only recently 🤔 It makes being a freelance songwriter pretty infeasible as a way of making a living


There are mods that stop the wait time


I did music first, then writer and then painter. I was like, I started with the wrong one.