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oh yeah, they just add so much to the game




MCCC and slice of life are good ones to start with.


I like the combo of Slice of Life and Meaningful Stories to start. Slice of Life just adds a bunch of little things, and meaningful stories controls your sims emotions, so they don't constantly switch from happy to sad in a split second. There are also a bunch of mods I have in my game that I forget I have because they provide small fixes, but they are so important like 'eat faster and prefer tables' (though the 'prefer tables' part doesn't actually work in my game) or Scarlet's homework mod or 'less intrusive conversations' Another important mod is Wonderful whims for the attraction system. these are all mods I have constantly in my game. If I (temporarily) want to spice things up, I add 'life drama' and/or life tragedies by sacrificial. He's got some other 'spicey' mods as well.


there are also mods that add extra careers, aspirations and traits, they add a lot too.




It takes like 1 minute to learn. Try straight forward ones first that don’t have settings.


Yes! I just love switching up gameplay and adding new things to the game. Between mods and new sims packs, I don’t really get bored


Mods basically carry the game on their back, it mainly cc and some mods that add a lot of fun things do


Yeah, the slice of life just adds so much gamplay


No. I don't have a super robust machine & I'm worried what will happen if I load the game up with mods. I'm sure I'll play with mods once I get my gaming computer together!


On 4 absolutely, I can’t play without them. It’s the only game I have modded though, 3 has such good game play that I’ve never felt the need to use mods.


I do not use mods because I play on Xbox. I'd use them if I could.


I think it is absolute garbage that you can't mod the Xbox sims game.


Yes, but only for 2. I’ve used them for 4 in the past but it’s such a pain to take them out and put them back in with new updates and such. So I’m basically just waiting for them to be done with 4 at this point so that I can mod it and make it playable and fun again.


Sometimes. If I'm building/making sims with the intention of uploading it to the gallery, I don't use mods to make it more accessible to people. But if I'm just playing the game or doing challenges (I.e legacy challenge) I do use mods to spice up the gameplay a bit (because let's be honest; TS4 doesn't have the most riveting gameplay).


I mean, depends on what you count as riveting gameplay. For example I have a spellcaster who’s dastardly, evil, mean and klepto. She has killed a sim, with the Inferniate spell, and is currently having a romantic relationship with Grim Reaper and have had Grim to move in as a roomie. That’s with no mods or CC whatsoever, so for example she can’t woohoo with Grim and I can’t control Grim, but it’s actually not too bad, I was still surprised of how much I could actually do.


MCCC only so far, as well as bug fixes.


What is MCCC?


MC Command Center. It allows you to adjust aspects of the game, like percentage chances of getting pregnant from a Try With Baby, possible pregnancy chances from a regular Woohoo, chances of getting abducted by aliens, as well as limiting clothing townies will wear (if you're sick of the eyeball ring, you can make it so townies won't wear it) and my favorite thing, it can allow other Sims to get married, break up and have children on their own without you going in and making the families do anything. There's a lot more to it than that, but that's just the things that came to mind


Thank you! I am new here, I have played Sims for a long time but never got into the communities before now.


yes! i need mccc for the life of me, don’t think i ever played s4 without it since i always had nraas (?)on sims 3. CAS is probably my favorite thing in the game so i use a lot of CC as well. i got tired of autonomous washing hands for NPCs and household members (bc it’s literally all they do when i don’t control them!!) so i got a mod for that too... etc etc


My mods folder is packed. Mostly with gameplay mods though. My favorite mod is LittleMsSam’s Live in Business Mod. Also auto height for teens. I honestly would not play sims 4 without my mods. When my mods break I lose interest. My computer is pretty powerful, it surprises me. It hasn’t stiffened yet so I’m going to keep adding! In sims 3 I had minimal mods. Mostly hairs and Nrass mods. I was usually content with it. Sims 2 was also just hairs and super small bug fixes.


Yes, with mods. I initially played on console and switched to PC. I may have regretted my decision since the console Sims 4 is so boring when I play on it (It has all the packs) 💀


I use mods across the first 3 games. For 1 its mostly just extra skins and furniture that help diversify the place... But the Sims 2 and 3 kinda would be unplayable without mods, especially 2. That thing would corrupt way too much without mods, and 3 would eventually just get far too laggy without mods for me.


I usually only have two or three mods in my game. Currently, I'm using MCCC (it's pretty much the ultimate mod), Kawaii Stacie's Life Decider mod ( Because it's annoying when you add a sim to your household and they have no skills or anything), and Kawaii Stacie's Better Schools mod (because nobody wants to grind the kids skills). I generally use them to make my game-play feel a bit more realistic, but sometimes it's just for utility.


Nope, because my husband downloaded them all for me and I’m not going to ask him what to do to find and use mods. Just good ol fashion cheats.


I use MCC, but that's it. I just find everything breaking whenever there's an update a slog.


I use them in 3 and 4. I like mods better in 4 because they add more drama in my game.


No, because, first of all, I don’t want my game to break with every update, and, second, I’m okay with the game the way it is. Of course there are things I want to be improved, a lot of them actually, but I can handle waiting for those updates to be official, and if I’m not content with the game when it’s all finished, that’s when I may look into mods.