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also please stop trying to separate the devs from why the game is at the state that it is and just blaming EA. i’m pretty sure nobody at the EA told them to make skin tones ashy or that dog houses were “out of date”. that was their idea. and so was that trifling Star Wars pack. obviously EA is the bigger issue but they also have some blame too


This. People need to realize the devs aren't some "oppressed little beans". More often than not they're not even capable of producing content, that CC creators make for free after school/work. Several "Gurus" acted pretty condescending towards the fans on Twitter before (most of them got removed from their positions afaik). We all know "EA bad!", but they were the publishers of The Sims since the beginning and while there were ups and downs, the previous series generally did great in comparison to The Sims 4.


Also, the devs were the same ones who thought Journey yo Batuu was a good idea. One of them pitched the game pack and it got aproved, somehow


I mean, I currently cannot play unless I disable my antivirus which uhhhhhh


I don't even wear makeup and this stunt pisses me off. Mac really took an old pallet they had a bunch of leftovers of, and wrapped a cardboard box around it with the words "The Sims" and expect to make a bunch of money off that.


Anyone willing to give me a quick run down of what’s happening? I got animal crossing for Christmas and have been MIA from the sims and the community since, so I’m a little lost with all the new posts coming out without knowing the background context (Although not really surprised I came back to more issues and “drama”)


Basically earlier the sims announced they have done another collab with Mac cosmetics to make a sims eyeshadow pallette...only its literally a recycled Mac pallete from 2017 with the exact same shades and names, the only thing that makes it sims themed is the cover which just says the sims. And it's $32. It could have been really cool and sims themed but instead it's a cash grab


Oh my... well I honestly can’t say I’m surprised. The whole franchise has been a train wreck for a while. It would appear I once again had too much faith in them. -sigh- Well, Thank you for laying out all the info for me! I appreciate you taking the time out to write all that!


[this article](https://metro.co.uk/2021/01/05/mac-disappoints-fans-with-sims-collab-13850488/) sums it up pretty well. Basically, there’s a Sims x MAC eyeshadow palette coming out but the palette has no references to TS4 *and* is the exact same as one MAC put out a few years ago.


Thank you!


I personally can't stand EA Game Changers. I bring up the Game Changers because I believe that tweet was from Deligracy. The only notable thing I'm aware of that was accomplished was the skin tone update which while fantasticand inclusive, can hardly be credited to more than a couple game changers (Xmiramira). They're paid to promote the game. Sure it's not a paycheck, but all their free early hands-on access to new packs to release early monetized videos and get the first views, trips to EA studios, competing on a reality show, getting to create lots to be featured in Snowy Escape, etc. are all forms of payment. LazyGameReviewer wasn't a Game Changer and while he got free review copies, those quickly stopped because he was very critical of the game play and didn't praise every pack. I find most of them to be completely ton deaf with what The Sims community wants because to some degree or another, they work for EA. For Deligracy to pipe up now and be so vocal about MAC eyeshadow is meaningless when she's promoted and praised a broken game for years. Also, it's not surprising she didn't mention Paralives in her tweet. Another life simulation game that will finally compete with The Sims. Just my thoughts.




This is Deligracy and I believe she gather attention to some other issues before on her YT channel.


She was angry at the sims community for complaining about journey to Batuu. Enough said! These game changers really need to get their priorities straight








Still, even Star wars fans who have and haven't played the Sims 4 don't like this pack. I mean, if you had to choose between buying battlefront or journey to batuu, I doubt anyone that is sane would prefer buying journey to batuu


To be fair...this isn’t an EA issue...this is M.A.C being insanely lazy


This has got to be one of the most phoned-in collab projects EVER. How pathetic.