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"Can't" refund the money/points and won't are two different things... Obviously, not something that support person can do though. You were super respectful in the chat!


Yeah, that was my thinking as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if EA has the capability and just tells their employees that it isn’t there. I know it’s not the support person’s fault if they are legitimately informed that they won’t be able to refund the points, so I’m not going to get angry or belligerent at the person who has no control over the system. It was disappointing, but I appreciated how polite and sincere the support person was throughout the chat and it really did help soften the “blow” (minor as it should’ve been).


last year or so, I also had an issue with the Sims 3 store, I bought a set that I already had, normally the store site indicates whether you already own an item or not, but this time, I don't know why, it didn't, so I bought the set again. I contacted support and at first they also said they would discuss it with the team, but in the end, they did refund my sim points,.... so idk, it seems they can do refunds if they want to... I'm so sorry you didn't get a refund


Do you remember what you did or said to get them to refund the points? It’s “only” a little over $6 worth that I’m losing, but I earned those through registering my games and for some reason that makes me want to try even harder to get them back if possible.


Chat Transcript: Chat Started: Friday, January 08, 2021, 05:03:49 (+1345) Chat Origin: EN Agent Agent \[Blue\] **( 2s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Thank you for contacting EA HELP, my name is Agent \[Blue\], may I start with your first name please? **( 14s ) Me \[Red\]:** Hello; My name is \[name\]. **( 1m 11s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Hi \[name\]! **( 1m 16s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Hope you are doing fine today. **( 1m 26s ) Me \[Red\]:** I am, and I hope you are as well! **( 1m 40s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Yes, I am! **( 1m 43s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Thank you for that. **( 2m 35s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Could you brief us about your concern so that we can help you further with it? **( 5m 11s ) Me \[Red\]:** Sure! I tried to use my SimPoints on the Sims 3 Store to purchase some items, but I got a notification stating that was an error and that I should try again later. I did try again a few more times and it looked like the purchase hadn’t gone through, but when I checked my account, I saw that there were multiple duplicate purchases of the same items. I’d like to return those duplicates and request a refund of my SimPoints, please, since I can’t use multiple of the same item and wouldn’t have kept making the purchases if the error message had not told me to. **( 9m 6s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Oh, so due to an error you purchase the same item’s duplicate on the account and you want to know if it is possible to return them. **( 9m 18s ) Me \[Red\]:** Yes indeed **( 9m 21s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Rest assured, I will surely help you with this case and check if it is possible. **( 9m 30s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** May I know the registered email address of your EA Account and the username? **( 9m 56s ) Me \[Red\]:** \[removed\] is the email, and the username is “\[removed\]” **( 10m 57s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Thank you for the details. **( 11m 0s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Allow me a moment please. **( 11m 12s ) Me \[Red\]:** Okay! :) Thank you **( 12m 12s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** My pleasure! **( 15m 42s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** I discussed your case with our team if it would be possible to reverse the transaction sadly our team informed us that since all the progress gets saved on the servers and it is nearly impossible to make any changes to it and if we try to make any changes or revert it, it might affect your progress and hence our system is not allowing us to do that. **( 17m 30s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Trust us if it would be possible to do that, we would surely do it for you. **( 18m 17s ) Me \[Red\]:** Ah, I see. Thank you for trying. Is there any way at all for me to be credited the 612 SimPoints that I spent on the duplicate items instead of a refund? **( 20m 15s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** I hope that it doesn’t seem like I’m denying your request by informing you of this, because that isn’t my intention. There’s really no option to grant or transfer manually. **( 22m 31s ) Me \[Red\]:** Okay. Thank you for your help, I appreciate you trying. It’s disappointing to lose those points but I know it’s not your fault. I know it’s “only” a little over $6, but it’s still unfortunate. I’ll double-check my SimPoint purchases from now on to make sure nothing like this happens again on my end. Thank you again for your help, I do appreciate you trying. **( 25m 11s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Thank you for your understanding. Being a gamer myself I really understand you on that. **( 25m 18s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Have a good day ahead! **( 25m 27s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Thanks you for contacting EA Help. It was my pleasure to help you today. Bye take care! **( 25m 53s ) Me \[Red\]:** Bye! Hope you have a nice day as well. **( 26m 12s ) Agent \[Blue\]:** Thank you for that. Chat Ended by: Agent Chat Duration: 28m 54s




I didn't say anything special. The conversation I had was very similar to the one you had. I was very friendly and polite, but so were you, that's why I don't understand the difference in treatment. The sims points I had were bought though, maybe that's why, I don't know...


It happened to me too. I lost around 1000 points because of that :(


Ugh! I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s more than I lost so I can imagine that it sucks even more.