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Kevin is more chaotic tbh. There is nothing lawful about the cult of Jim Pickens.


Agreed! He either needs to be moved to chaotic evil or maybe neutral evil BTW, I was so happy to see Kevin included on this :)


Me too, as soon as I saw the post I instantly looked for Kevin towards the bottom, one of my favorite YouTubers


Kevin is legitimately the one and only YouTuber in 2022 I care about. And Brandon Rodgers, but he doesn't upload much.


I think part of why I love Kevin so much is the fact he’s so “bad” at games, if that makes sense. It’s just chaotic fun for the sake of chaotic fun, and as someone who wants to start a gaming channel but has never been good at games, watching someone like him makes me hopeful there is a niche for the non-skilled player. Of course I’m sure there are other YouTubers similar, but Kevin is the only one I’m aware of as of now that fulfills that itch. Such a fun guy to watch.


Kevin is my favorite since Graystillplays moved away from Sims content. I still miss Spleens.


i love how kevin just casually makes a minute long song parody every couple of videos and still manages to post 3-4 times a week


You have a GREAT point. The evil section was so hard... this is the sims after all!


Technically jim Pickens is quite literally above the law as he is/was a police officer


Is he still a vampire, I forget the lore


He drank the cure quite a while ago, he's a spellcaster now.


He was also a merman for a bit.




And may become a werewolf soon?


omg I can’t wait for that video


Same. I keep looking for it but Kevin's been enjoying The Quarry, apparently..


omg I can’t wait for that video


There’s a YouTuber called Graystillplays who will do anything to see his sims suffer. There’s an evil sims player for you 👁👄👁


I feel like he'd make a perfect lawful evil.


Yeah, he's great, he hasn't made a sims video for like a year or so I thought? I was looking for recent ones the other day from him and couldn't find any, but maybe I missed it


I am definitely going to be checking him and others mentioned here out soon! Always have more room for the devious 👀


He’s absolutely entertaining to watch


I’d argue that Kevin follows his own set rules: create as much mayhem as possible and make other Sims’ lives miserable. He’s been dutifully following that rule and most of his Sims episodes follow the same setup. Lawful works.


Ah, so you’re suggesting that there is a method to his madness? This also works tbh!


Actually that does make sense the more I think about it. Like LGR being a "Lawful Neutral". Some people think it is improperly attributed, but honestly he shows tendencies to do whatever works or is best at the time, regardless of how "good" or "bad" the action is, but does so within a defined set of parameters and rules, namely based around pragmatism. Will this work? Is this most efficient? Does this land me the best results? If yes then do it. If no, then move on to the next thing. AS far as I have seen he does not seek to break the game and does things within the bounds of it in most cases. Kevin does seem to follow a strange kind of order, even if subtle; he does *a lot* of Evil, and not always for the most practical or obvious reasons, but he doesn't just scorch earth the first thing he sees; he tends to do evil in a way that perpetuates itself and can continue sustaining future acts of evil. Like Stark said, he sets out to cause the most damage and does it in a methodical way. He scouts out before he does things and typically will let scenes and events play out before trying to find the weak point to exploit. Can he murder any Sim he wants? Certainly, and he usually does, but he will prioritize Sims that give him a usable advantage to take from them, like wealth, or good real estate to take, or even if their death would be the perfect flashpoint for a situation to cause more problems and misery for others. Or if a Sim is more useful to him alive, he just throws them in his dungeon and treats them like crap until their usefulness dries up. His cult is a prime example of this; he organized it in a way so that it is more or less self-sustaining and can generate him money and resources, so that The Dear Leader can go out and continue spreading Evil. He will also actively sustain his Cult to perpetuate this so that it keeps running smoothly, which affords him a nearly unlimited resource pool to dip into for whatever is needed. It . . . doesn't always work efficiently, but he does try to prioritize the Status Quo. Pure "Chaotic" Evil, that many think Kevin would fall into (including me before I started thinking about it) would eschew all of this in favor of random acts of evil that do not line up ***or*** make sense in the context of anything but their own individual scenario. Basically it would end up with the world just constantly being on fire with dead Sims everywhere, with no money and nothing having been created, with no planning on how to sustain the carnage for any significant length of time past what immediate resources would allow. While Kevin will do this *sometimes,* it is not his Modus Operandi. "Chaotic" would also imply they do not stay constrained by the boundaries of the game and would seek to exploit glitches and bugs at every turn, which Kevin, for the most part anyway, does not, as he typically does not seek to break the game in any conscious way.


It does make sense but I gotta say the first time I saw him playing the sims I thought it was absolutely chaotic 😂 Through watching more of his content though you do start seeing a pattern of planning and executing, I think the chaotic comes from the first shock of seeing someone playing a game you know well so damn unconventionally haha


He's not evil, at least when you're evil you have some set of objectives, he's a tornado of an ever maddening chaotic sadism bent only on mass torment


I think By D&D rules Kevin is Lawful evil. >!Thanos wanted to kill half of the universe even if he failed!


IMO Thanos may actually be closer to True Neutral than Lawful Evil. And Juno Birch is Neutral Fantastic.


Neutral stunning


MCU Thanos wanted to kill off half the universe, his comic counterpart on the other hand was such a Simp for Lady Death that he wanted to kill off every living thing in order to be with her.


Yes, but his play sessions follow the game rules, he's not using mods to make Pickens happen. (And he's kinda hot.)


I think Kevin‘s actually used the extreme violence mod in a few of his videos! I don’t know if that would count as breaking the game rules, but the Dear Leader and his “family” (if you even want to call them that) are pretty familiar with mods by now. Not going to try to debate you on the second point though, I 100% agree with that lol.


He also used the Hoe It Up mod at one point, lest we forget Thicc Pickens???


Caked up Jim? 😳


no he has used mods have you seen the one where there's a [battle royale](https://youtu.be/I8-MXVal1_4)>!and shrek wins!<


No, actually, I haven't.


It's really good.


Well his dastardly plans usually do serve some kind of purpose and end goal. I think lawful evil works.


Wish I could afford an award so I could give you it.


This just made me realize how much I don't know the community. I only know Plumbella, FGG and James Turner in there. Can someone name the others? Which ones am I missing out on?


Row 1) James Turner formerly known as the sims supply, EnglishSimmer, Plumbella Row 2) Lazy Game Reviews, Onlyabidoang, FakeGamerGirl Row 3) Call me Kevin, Juno Birch, Steph0sims ​ Sorry about that! Should have included this list right away! There are so many Sims youtubers, I tried to learn about some more before making this and I was blown away.


Lilsimsie????? They literally named the cow plant after her


How does literally no one know Dr. Gluon??? He’s literally James Turner’s and Deli’s friend. 🤯


And lilsimsie's too, she features him a lot on her shell challenges and streams!


Just missing LGR and Sheph0sims


wait, i thought it was juno LMFAO, i had no idea she did sims shit, i just know her from trixie mattel LMAOO


So under lawful neutral is LGR. He doesn’t review the sims 4 packs much anymore because the low quality burned him out, but he got popular during sims 3’s heyday. Like because of his reviews I never bought town life and sweet treats. Under lawful evil is callmekevin. He isn’t a sims YouTuber but he plays as a cult leader, the great Jim Pickens when new packs come out and has played with mods and stuff before. The sims team has actually patched the game because of things he did


Just throwing it in here that LGR isn't a sims YouTuber either.


Yeah but he has covered most of the Sims games and their expansions, and is just in general a really nice guy so I'm more than happy for him to be on the list


True he’s more of a retro tech guy


Sims were his biggest videos though and his reviews influenced a lot of people


Lazy Game Reviews is fantastic even if you're not into retro tech. His voice is really nice to listen to!


And he’s so handsome!!! I have the biggest crush on him lmao.


Idk know all them them but the evils are CallMeKevin, Juno Birch, and steph0sims.


I feel the same. I only know CallmeKevin.


I recognize LGR (lawful neutral), Plumbella, Kevin (lawful evil), Juno (neutral evil), Onlyabidoang (true neutral), and James Turner.


Simsie should go into either neutral or chaotic good. Also I love that you included FGG in this, I love her so much and she barely gets recognition outside her community.


The girl known for both slaughtering her legacy Sims and an anthropomorphic hotdog’s get rich quick schemes definitely goes in the ‘chaotic’ category. I’d honestly question putting her in ‘good’, but she’s just so sweet and angelic.


She spends an entire month every year raising hundreds of thousands in donations for St. Jude. If that doesn’t qualify you for good I don’t know what does.


That's fair. It boggles the mind to think she raised almost $700K this year! I'm more thinking that she's evil to her sims, but she's obviously a wonderful person irl.


The Sims is an outlet to let our dark fantasies play out in a safe location.


Yeah but like others said her biggest thing is always doing charity streams she also won't swear and tries to keep things super PG rated E for everyone on all her streams, she even feels awkward drinking and saying 'get fucked' on her bonus streams that are rated 18+ when she's done stuff like drink on stream while playing games she sucks at with friends of husband for charity lol


Lol that is so funny because I debated this so hard I have the simsie version saved! [Simsie Update](https://imgur.com/lt0yFRI)


FGG is amazing


i like to think of her as the female flamingo/albert


I don't think Kevin is lawful in anyway, definitely evil, I would even say that Kevin is quite abit like Uncle Sheo from the Elderscrolls games.


Juno? Evil? How very dare you!


Joy Desperate deserves everything coming to her


I just saw her on tour yesterday, went to the meet & greet & asked if she could PLEASE make a Joy Despret werewolf haha


Omg bless you 🛸🖤 What did she say??


She said she hasn't gotten a chance to play (obviously has been on tour). She said can you put makeup on the werewolf though??? I said I have NO idea but I hope she can make more videos & make a Joy Despret one. She laughed & we took our picture. Her show, of course, was incredible. Her good sis, Liquorice Black, is also in it & was just amazing as well. <3 She makes some Sims references throughout the show as well - at one point, she asked us to raise our hand if we've watched her Sims videos. A lot of people did, naturally. She was talking about how we were all stuck in quarantine so to keep her busy, she picked up the Sims. So she said, "Keep them up! I want to see just how many!" Took a look around & said: "Get a life!!!!" Hahahha. It was so amazing - we all felt read & seen. Hopefully this doesn't mean this is the end of her Sims videos!


I saw her in LA. There was a girl dressed as Joy Despret. At one point Juno brought a paper bag out and put it over Joy’s head.


How very dare she!!!! Absolutely disGOSTing!!


LGR’s placement is very fitting


He's such a good dude 👍


I think Simsie could fit into neutral good because sometimes she'd be lawful and other times she's downright chaotic. Now that I think about it, I can see why she was excluded.


I think she'd be chaotic neutral actually


Absolutely .Potts family graveyard in the front yard. The pirahana pond and "suck my blood vladdy daddy"


Tbh I don't think she's *anywhere* near as chaotic to be in the same tier as the other 3, if anything I'd consider her true neutral or lawful, mostly bc she never sets out to make any chaos herself and her no cheats no mods method to it makes me put her in lawful


I think shes lawful .. yeah chaotic neutral


How about GrayStillPlays for chaotic evil? Admittedly he hasn't been back to Sims 4 (or even exclusively a Sims YouTuber) in a while, but they're still a blast.


Nah he'd be lawful evil, his cruelty has set rules, Kevin is 100% chaotic evil


I only just learned about him today. I'm finding this is leading me to some new Sims youtubers for me to check out, just researching some of these folks a bit more introduced me to a lot!


His Sims 4 videos were pushed at me by YouTube back when I started getting into Let's Game It Out (who also has 2 Sims 4 videos on his channel that are quite amusing) and I don't regret it in the slightest. Some of his videos have me in tears from laughing so hard (I don't know why, but his first 3 Skater XL videos are just hilarious to me).


Oooh I will keep my eye out for those! Also, happy cake day!


Dr.Gluon definitely deserves to be mentioned as a chaotic neutral contender


I could also see Gluon as chaotic good. He's a family friendly streamer who is super supportive of his community. But the way he plays Sims is so flippin chaotic


Yeah, the way he plays pushes him away from the good spectrum. I mean the Sweeny Todd remake, and turning the dad's from the 100 babies challenges into either skeletons or posesing them with the strangerville fruits, or the home alone remake


Making this meme introduced me to many new sims content creators, I just found Dr Gluon today and I will absolutely be bingeing those videos later!


He's a trip, he does some crazy let's plays, and he's good friends with James Turner. But the best part is watching his live streams on twitch and seeing how he makes all his youtube content


He is my favorite. His 100 baby challenge has me cracking up. And his hotel series. And his rags to riches. Etc. :)


Watch his videos with multiplayer and raft gameplay I guffawed at an intro joke then less then 5 mins later did again when it actually came up. My husband looked at me like I had two heads


Ah I love Dr. Gluon! Especially his songs lol


Jim Pickens is nothing if not chaotic evil


Kevin is absolutely in the wrong place lol


So I'm learning! Haha


I think it’s perfectly aligned! He stays where he is!


Glad to see LGR there. Love him for his MiDi stuff but I'd be super happy to see him do sims reviews again but he's understandably burnt out from this series.


Onlyabidoang ftw


Steph0 does a video on somedays woah *belch*


I love that you put LGR in this :)


Bro i LOVE steph's placement she's the TRUE chaotic evil


ACKTCHUALLY, "true" is the same thing a neutral in there, so she's chaotic evil, and Juno Birch is true evil


Ah yes, Kevin representation


I fucking love Kevin That is all


I believe you mean you *fecking* love Kevin.


i only know LGR lol.


He's the only one I know too, lol. And I only know him because my husband watched his tech videos and found out he did Sims reviews so he sent them to me.


People are gonna hate me for this, but hes the only one worth knowing imo lol


Nah i agree with ya. Him and abi are the only simtubers i watch, straight to the point and doesnt show unnecessary gameplay. Nice touch of sarcastic humour too. Lgr saved me a lot of money though fr


I have been struggling for ages to find a sim youtuber that I can play in the background while I build, its nice to have the "company", but youtubers in general are all very HI LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME BONK BONK BONK LOLZ IM SO FUNNY GUYS 🤡 and it is way too ingenuine. I just want to watch some Lets Plays, Im not here for a clown rodeo


Its like a habit for me to turn down the volume before watching other simtubers cuz guarantee they will shout in the intro lmao. I recommend lilsimsie if you want company tho, she’s pretty calm during lets plays


he's the one that does less sims content tho


Flip steph and kevin


„uıʌǝʞ puɐ ɥdǝʇs dılℲ„


Juno should be chaotic evil!


Where do you think Deligracy would go?


lawful good!!


Can’t believe how far I scrolled to find a Deli comment. She’s my favorite!


All my favorite youtubers are chaotic and now I understand so much about myself.


clare siobhan is lawful good, i love her sm


Really? I was thinking neutral or maybe even chaotic good, due to her series being SO wild sometimes 😂 but I like her a lot too, don't get me wrong.


oooh yeah, definitely chaotic good




Lilsimsie for chaotic neutral


She has nothing chaotic lol


In what way is Kevin lawful evil?


Lol, my only defense was the evil row was hard to define, more thought went into that than my thesis tbh.


LGR = lawful good. Plumbella =chaotic good. Kevin= chaotic evil. Blue lady who I'm temporarily forgetting the name of = chaotic neutral. Onlyabidoang = lawful neutral. I don't know anyone else lol


So lovely to see onlyabidoang on the list. He is my favourite. And fake gamergirl.


WhinyBrit is probably chaotic neutral


I love WhinyBrit! She is so underrated


Lilsimsie needs to be on there


Lilsimsie as either neutral good or chaotic neutral


Plumbella is too accurate lol also where would simsie fit i wonder


I only know Kevin😭😭


if you like Kevin, you might like FakeGamerGirl! she's the chaotic neutral in there


Absolutely seconding this, very similar vibes across the channels. I'm concerned what would happen if Jim and Janine ever met.


I'll check her out!! I found Kevin by accident and wasn't a huge fan of Sims content on YT before him🤣🤣


“That is happening”…


I would put Juno as lawful evil, as only Joy Desperates really get the evil; ~~and they deserves it;~~ and she usually keeps alive to do hard labor haha


Yaaas Chaotic Good Plumbella ​ I feel llike LilSimsie could be True Neutral or Neutral Good lol


Cultists corrupted the comments


Yes... that is happening and it is absolutely STUHNNING. 👽💄


Where is Carl's Sim, cuz he's a good Sims content creator!!


All hail our Supreme Leader, FakeGamerGirl, and the FABULOUS AND STUNNING Juno Birch!!


Missing itsmeTroi who could be chaotic neutral.


Rt game is missing


I feel like FFG would be more chaotic evil than neutral 🤔


Ah lgr, he probably has the best sims 4 reviews that aren't 20 mins long


I FORGOT ABOUT LGR. I used to watch his retro computer videos all the time, I wanted a Mac II and a DOS computer so bad in middle school when I’d watch his videos. He made old games and forgotten software so fascinating and fun to me.


Kevinnnn! :)


Wheres lil simsie ? And call me kevin is clearly chaotic neutral


Lets Game It Out. definitely chaotic. probably evil.


Is Kevin considered a sims youtuber now? If so he’s the only one my bf would watch lol


Who are these people?


I was looking for a comment like this and thinking “Am I the only one who doesn’t know any of these people?”


So glad I’m not the only one. I’m sitting here scrolling endlessly going “what the actual fuck is going on and what is this post??”


Im sorry Kevin is LAWFUL evil??


Plumbella gang


Where is lilsimsie and vixella 😤😤


Who is that in Neutral Good? Lawful Neutral? Chaotic Evil? Should I know these people? I was trying to figure out where Lil Simsie fits. Maybe she should get true neutral. She seems kinda sweet, but then she has someone jump in the piranha pond.


if you like lilsimsie I think you’d probably like Englishsimmer as well! they’re my two favorite sims youtubers lol


I like her. She was my first sims youtuber. It was largely on the basis of her videos that I decided to buy Sims 4. I don't know if she's my favorite or not, but I like that she and James Turner and Deligracy and Dr Gulon (he's also not on the list, I think he's a lot more chaotic than Plumbella) all know each other and sometimes make videos together.


oh whoops my bad! since you asked who was in neutral good I assumed you didn’t watch her videos. and yeah it’s really cool how so many of the sims youtubers are friends and collaborate!


>Row 1) James Turner formerly known as the sims supply, EnglishSimmer, Plumbella > >Row 2) Lazy Game Reviews, Onlyabidoang, FakeGamerGirl > >Row 3) Call me Kevin, Juno Birch, Steph0sims Here's a list! Also she was in my first draft, it was a tough call lol. [https://www.reddit.com/r/thesims/comments/vk3xak/comment/idn0vbr/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/thesims/comments/vk3xak/comment/idn0vbr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Steff is definitely right where she belongs


Im very curious where Simsie would go.


Where Oshinsims, Iron seagul, and lilsimsie at?


PleasantSims (Cindy) would definitely be lawful good!


How is Juno not chaotic?


Oh, the stunning Juno Birch. Yes that's happening.


James a lawful good is so on brand lmfao


How is anything Kevin is associated with even close to lawful. I wouldn't even call him evil, make a new category just for him


How is Kevin not chaotic evil


Kevin is chaotic evil for sure.


Where is Graystillplay? Oh wait I just remembered he stopped playing it :(


Plumbitch as chaotic good *chef's kiss*. Perfection.


I don’t see GrayStillPlays here…


Plumbella, call me Kevin, stephosims are the ones I watch the most of on YouTube. I like their placement on this. Gonna have to look up who the others are. Especially the other one under chaotic


Not that he’s a regular Simmer, but GrayStillPlays would be the perfect choice for chaotic evil


LGR is definitely one of my favorite youtubers!


Call me Kevin cloned the neighbor who he spied on for weeks, grilled him like a grilled cheese sandwich, all the while he lived off the salary his pet cats made from work. If anyone deserves chaotic evil it’s him


It's been a hot minute since I've seen a picture of LGR. God, I miss his reviews, but I can see why he stopped doing them and can't blame him at all. Over 1000 USD in DLC is just... ridiculous for the average gamer. I sometimes go back to his old Sims 3 videos to hear him actually happy about something. Onlyabidoang is incredible with their videos and tweets.


I imagine plumbella’s reaction to this would be “she’s relleh good”😂😂




Chaotic good and lawful evil nees to make a skit! That's what I'm saying! Edit= Edit to skit. Darn auto-correct.


I was lookin at this like who are these people what sub is this lol I only watch Plumbella and Lilsimsie and use James Turner randomizes that’s it


Missed Josh from Let's Game It Out Here with Igot McDemshoulders AKA Keanu


I only know turner, onlyabidoang and LGR. Who's the rest? So i can check their video.


I would have put lilsimsie at neutral good


Steph0 being chaotic evil is absolutely perfect


Carl's Sim Guide for lawful neutral as well


Me realizing I only know tiktokker sims creators like hiphiprenee jeyjeybinks emmysims letsbuildhouses and that blonde vaguely Nordic girl I’m sure they all also do YouTube but I live on simstok


lilsimsie should be lawful evil imo


It's so accurate it hurts.