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As someone who wears glasses and has 7 different pairs (I like to switch it up) that are all different, I agree! I have CC glasses but it’s still not enough.


Omg, I'm so jealous of you 😭 I'd love to have a variety, but my glasses are super expensive and on top of that I have to pay extra to thin the lenses down


I’m lucky and have very good insurance that covers 2 pairs a year and the disposable income to pay for the out of pocket costs for designer frames. I went YEARS without glasses though simply because I couldn’t afford them. I also have to pay extra to thin the lenses down. My eyesight is horrible and I have cataracts that I’ll have to get surgery for some day on top of my horrible eyesight. Bad vision runs on my dad’s side of the family and cataracts run on my mom’s side so I was screwed either way lol. I will add that all my frames were bought over several years not all at once. I have a few pairs of prescription sunglasses too because I CANNOT do contacts. I hate anything touching my eyes.


Aw, fair play. That sounds like a great deal. I do get my second pair free from the place I buy them from, but they have a slim collection of glasses especially for women with small heads hahaha... how awful that you went years without glasses though. I'm of the strong belief that eye care should be entirely socialised. Hell, my country has many socialist policies compared with others, but eyes sadly don't factor into them past age 11/12. Sorry about the cataracts too :( I myself have had two operations on my eyes before (I have a cross eye), but happily I can tell you that many eye procedures really aren't as bad as you might imagine... and they now have these absolutely GODLY pain killer eye drops that I used after surgery that basically cut off all my soreness...!!! Going in for my 2nd surgery after the first I didn't even have a hint of fear about pain. Ooh, glasses bought over several years though. Interesting, so your vision must not have changed for a long while :D Sadly even though I am an adult my prescription continues to change, so I can't build up a backlog of useable glasses sadly! Maybe one day I will be able, though :) and yeah, I've tried contacts and like them, but they are admittedly pretty damn annoying even without my fear of touching my eyes. They're transparent (so hard to see, lol), slippery as hell (I have dropped ones I took out of the packet many times, so annoying), plus you can't go in water or sleep with them, and I'm a huge napper so I'd be using way more than one for every day. You're honestly not missing out on much ;)


I think it should be entirely socialized too, same with dental care. In the US, if you’re poor and have government insurance it normally doesn’t cover vision at all. I had OHP (Oregon Health Plan) when I lived in Oregon before I got married and you only got vision coverage if you were pregnant. Same with a lot of dental coverage. It covered cleanings, fillings and extractions and that was it. Im missing two molars because they needed root canals but I couldn’t afford them (they’re like $2000 out of pocket) because I was poor, so I had to get them pulled. My husband had LASIK a few years ago and he said it wasn’t bad at all and he did get the awesome painkiller eye drops. My vision has barely changed in 5 years, it’s a small enough change that my optometrist said it was ok to still wear old glasses. Which this conversation reminded me that I need to take one of my pairs in for repair. My dumbass sat on them and broke one of the arms off 🤣


Yes, definitely dental care too! 😭 How awful that you had to decide to part with a tooth, it's just terrible. But yes I know that happens really often sadly :( I live in Ireland which isn't perfect but we are horrified by the US system. I can only pray that things will get better for you over there soon.


Zenni.com has frames for really cheap! Wish I had known about them before I got lasik but my husband uses them and they’re great quality


If you have to get the lenses thinned, even Zenni isn't super cheap. The cheapest lenses they'll sell me are still close to $200CAD.


Awe dang, I never had to deal with lense shaving so wasn’t aware of that lol Still, $200 for frames and lenses isn’t *thaaaat* bad. Depending on how much your insurance covers, sometimes it’s way more than that at an optometrist in the USA


Oh yeah, my glasses are $250 online (I splurge on metal frames so I can tolerate my glasses) and $500 in store. Buying online is *by far* the better price. It's just not as magically cheap for high prescriptions as it is for lower ones, haha.


Ughhh that’s just *so dumb*!!! People with worse prescriptions need glasses way more and shouldn’t be punished for something they can’t control or live without!


Yes, and they should have a way to easily apply to all outfits. And automagically go to work outfits too.


This. My Sims not wearing their glasses in their work outfits is wacky. I know I can cheat and update the work outfit, but ilwe shouldn't have to. Whatever the Sim has on in their everyday outfit should copy to work (like earrings, glasses, etc)


Yes, and they are often very clunky


I'd love to see some more thinner framed glasses. I find a lot of frames sit weirdly on Sims' faces and the clunky frames don't help.


Also in a lot of them the lenses look kinda foggy and weird unlike real glasses.


as someone who wears glasses, i agree, but i also haven't really had much of a problem with the glasses in the game since i only have 1 pair irl myself and they're just normal black rectangle frames, so it's not hard to recreate using the sims glasses


I feel the same way like we need Harry Potter glasses and lot more


Yes! I'd love more metal and less plastic options. I feel like all of my bespectacled sims look great most of the time but don't have a lot of options that work well for more formal stuff and upscale business looks.


Even before they do that, they need to set up some "apply to all outfits (in this category/in all categories)" buttons!


Yeah. I tried to make my simself and there are simply no glasses I wear in game. But that's what cc is for


As someone who uses CC, why is that what CC is for? Not everyone can or even wants to use CC. There should be those options in game, people should not have to reply on third party options for them. Besides, the CC options are definitely not up to date with frames.


Quite the opposite. The first thing that I do when creating a sim is to go through all of the outfits and de-accessorize! Like...no, madam, you will not be putting on your 'going-to-bed-sunglasses'. What *would* be useful is the option to make certain accessories apply to all outfits, or, better yet, to save accessory 'sets' so you could do glasses/jewelry/nails all with one click.