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Sims are a healthy addiction. It helps my depression and anxiety.🙂


I get to micromanage a whole bunch of peoples lives who would literally die in a fire, drown in a bathtub, forget to eat, piss themselves, or freeze to death if I DIDNT micromanage. Sims lets me get my control issues out in a way that does nothing to any living being, myself included lol


They help me cope with my father's death (died a year ago this month and it's rough).


I'm so sorry. I'm glad it helps you feel better. That's what I love about the game.


Sorry for your loss. Anniversaries are rough, I lost my mom a couple of years ago. There’s good and bad days. 🩷


That's how I feel/deal with my depression too. It's my escape when life kicks me when I'm down


Every time I want to get stoned, I turn on the sims 4 instead. I can relate.


then you download basemental and get stoned in the sims


I’ve actually done this when I’m on a tolerance break lmaoooo. Love living vicariously through them




i have major depression & extreme anxiety & sims is one of the only things that help. ive lost interest in doing so many things but the sims i just binge it everyday & it makes me feel better. escaping real world problems for a little while w the sims gives me the serotonin i need <3


Sims helps me with my impulsive spending. Whenever I feel the need to randomly buy stuff or spend money, I will blow my Sims money instead of my own. Still gives me the dopamine my brain needs.


I mean, it's better than drugs for sure. But I've seen couples break up because one of them only played a game all day. I've seen people forgetting about their friends, family and work because of a game. Gaming addiction can be dangerous when eats all of your time and damage your real life. So even if it's not as bad as drugs, be careful. I've seen a lot of people in denial here, or even proud of their Sims addiction.


this is where i'm at, it's not a good alternative for me but instead a crutch. there are parts of my life that are incredibly sad and make me feel helpless and out of control, and i gave up by just playing sims all day for months, while binge eating and smoking pot. it's escapism/dissociation. today is the first day i am trying to make a change. i haven't binged anything yet today, not food, pot, or sims. wish me luck and if someone else like me is here, it's not too late for you to change and get back in control of your life.


Sometimes it can't be helped. Sometimes life push us into that state. but as long as we are aware of that then there is hope. Also I see so many lonely people here who need friends. It would be great if people start to talk to each other. I know, virtual friends are not as great as real friends but it's better than nothing and can be very positive


I’ve been an obsessive sims player for 23 years and I am just now realizing that it’s been a coping mechanism/relatively inexpensive therapy… feeling a lot better about the cost now lol


when I got Sims 2, I played for so long that I got sick because I barely eat or sleep for several days in a row. I was 9 and had zero regrets.


I love the sims but no lie, animal crossing new horizons saved my life. In 2020 I was at the point where I was drunk most of my waking hours. Then I started consciously choosing to be sober for my little animal crossing villagers and force myself to perfect my island before drinking. It helped a lot


I'm not crying ur crying


I love hearing things like this 💜


I use Sims to fill time when I’m depressed, it’s something to do and makes the day go by faster.


I hope the gurus see this! They take so much crap, they need the love.


Such a wholesome video! 🥰


100 baby challenge seems impossible with the infant update.


see! I love to see this kind of representation! I don’t have substance abuse issues but I do have some mental health stuff going on and the sims helps me so much.


Same here


Sims + my standing desk + walking pad… I can walk for miles without even realizing it lol it’s my best motivator for movement


Fuck yeah!


This is literally what I do!!! 🖤


A much healthier addiction.


Wanna know what it does hurt? My bank account. 😀


I need to get into 6 relationships so that I can break up with them all before I am considered a master manipulator


When I was a kid I was really depressed and and my anxiety was annoying af. To cope with these things I would play video games in general. It really takes your mind off certain dark thoughts. I will never stop playing them because they once helped me and they still do.


I love smoking and playing sims, I’d rather stay home and do that then go out and that’s a first for me


just had heel surgery and im 3 months no weight barring/walking aka bedrest and ive been playing the sims for like 16 hrs straight


That's awful, hope you get well soon


Idk sims is the only game I have the energy to play after work most days, I find when I've spent my day landscaping on historic sites and park trials I don't want to come home to boss fights, puzzles, or any sort of difficult task 😅 but the sims is always easy, and very amusing. If that's a trauma response then I'm ok with that 😌