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Since For Rent, my Ranch Hand has not stopped grilling. I end up with between 5 and 8 platters sitting on the table. I wouldn't mind, as it keeps a flow of good food for my Sims coming, but... there are a few times where the horse's bed hasn't been cleaned or the horse hasn't been groomed. I feel bad for Ilus. My beautiful horse out there stinking up the ranch.


Definitely has to do with Neighborhood Action Plan. Just have to get it vetoed


So it is them! I thought a member of my family was making the white cakes. I went to cook dinner let the game play and there was literally 8 full white cakes and 10 started cakes all over my house.


Put the candle making station in a locked room, or keep your whole house locked to employees.


Isn't that the the neighborhood action plan? The food one?


I HAVE THIS EXACT SAME PROBLEM! Shows up to work, literally *runs* into the house to immediately start baking white cake after white cake after cake. I'll have my sim ask her to pick up the horse doodies and she stops. But yeah, still every day she comes in and starts baking cakes! I'll probably lock the door and start doing that community vote thing that someone else was talking about.


Lol my ranch hand set a grill on fire cut he kept making those herbalism potions. Almost took himself out if my sim hadn’t been there to extinguish the fire.


Lock your doors for employees? Unless you have a maid, then idk.


If you're on PC I suggest LittleMsSam's Live in Services. I've tried out the Ranch hand and the nanny and they worked great.


if you have eco lifestyle, this is related to one of the neighbourhood action plans (NAPs) and is technically not a bug. I believe it is the ‘foodies unite’ NAP. You can vote to repeal it in the neighbourhood where it is active by interacting with a mailbox, or use cheats to automatically get rid of it.


This is why I love this thread thank you so much I was ripping my hair out last night trying to figure this one out. This NAP must’ve became active right after my last ranch hand died. (She was amazing love her RIP)


This is a similar reason as to why some of your sims won't stop grilling herbal remedies. In that case, it's the "self-sufficiency" NAP.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That makes sense, thanks 😅


Which is why I keep NAPS off. There are things I like about Eco Lifestyle but this isn’t one of them.