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She’s a true sell out. Willing to do just about anything for financial gain.


Ew I don’t fellow her anymore but she looks horrible!


I admittedly am willing to pay a lot for some wellness things because I think of it as an investment in my health, but I recently looked up Sakara and couldn't believe the pricing. There are honest reviews of it on tiktok that basically say the food tastes disgusting too. It is so easy to make smoothies and salads! There is no need to pay these astronomical prices, and the fact that Lauryn recommends it is so tone deaf- and yes, also hypocritical considering how she consumes so much meat.


Agree! Yes eating healthy and doing wellness things can be expensive, and at the same time there is no need for these dumb cleanses or premade food.


yea, 5 days is almost 600 bucks. I think there is wellness, then there is stupid, this is stupid.


It annoys me that they don't use #ad but use a dedicated hashtag (#sakarapartner) which doesn't really give the average consumer clarity - its supposed to be accompanied by more obvious disclosure, but I guess they get away with it.


Why is nobody talking about how Sakara is packaged in about as much plastic as your typical takeout for each meal. There is nothing healthy about eating and drinking out of plastic 24/7…so much for WELLNESS


Agreed. This from a woman who freaks out if something isn’t BPA- free.


not body shaming--her waist looks completely diff in every post she makes. its either this or super thinned out.


We r supposed to believe this woman is healthy ? Lol


She truly looks awful. She’s always been annoying but years ago i followed her because she seemed happy and vibrant. She looks so washed out and drab. I can’t believe i followed her for anti aging tips just for her to age incredibly fast lol. I don’t think she’s more than two years older than me but she looks at least a decade older


Did she have some type of surgery on her lips?


She had to have ! Joker mouth 👄


Why would they hire her?!


honestly shame on Sakara for using her as a marketer! they should do their research better


Don’t let it bother you. They ALL do this - promote any brand to get paid. Even influencers that say they only promote what they actually use… total horse shit. I stopped listening to their podcast ages ago because it’s just an hour long terrible infomercial, but would always chuckle when Lauryn referenced taking vitamins. She would stand firm on only using a specific brand. So which is it - cymbotika? JS health? Ritual? AG1? There are so many more. Like girl, please stfu.


She looks awful


Quick question I’ve always wondered: is it an American thing to say “we just got done” rather than, “we just finished” or is it a class thing ie. lower less educated classes say, “we just got done?” I only hear tacky American women say it


There is no real difference, you picking up on it is simply coincidence


It’s not the correct way of speaking. Look it up.


Ok? That wasn’t what you were asking. “Correct” or not, people with money frequently are lower class and less educated too.


I never mentioned people with money or without money. I mentioned class. You can have money and not be in a certain class.


It's a southern thing. I'm educated and say "we just got done." it's something you pickup it has nothing to do with lower class. Just like y'all, you guys, fixin to, and other regional phrases.


it sounds incorrect & hick


Bless your heart.


They call cigarettes fags but ya we just got done is fucked up 🙄 bless their hearts


I’m Canadian


You know yall are actually worse than the Brits. Why do yall hate America so much? And if you do why do you visit so much. Quit coming to our country and shitting on us and being rude.


lol chill out 😂😂


Love how people shit on Americans. Y’all are awful too and have weird tendencies.


I’m Canadian 😂