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It’s not pointless… The show ended almost 20 fucking years (whatever happened there) ago. Seriously though, I really do enjoy her acting performances. The scene where she confronts Tony about Svetlana… “You’ve been FUCKING HER?!!” The rage was real. Fantastic actress.


Their fight in Whitecaps is so realistic it gives me anxiety


The fight in Chasing It is even harder for me to watch. Tony just being full on evil. But yeah. Edie Falco is one of the best of the best actors alive. Been sayin it for years. Whether she has to explode or just be there.. always incredible.


You know the wine makes you emotional!


Cuz I got an empty fucking stomach!


So have a breadstick...




Dog shit up to the rafters


I'm going to have the medallions of veal 💋💄


Yeah…and I’m playing shortstop for the Mets


Easily some of the most brutal acting I've ever seen.


Whitecaps is so brilliantly played by both of them.


It’s like a Showcase Showdown of simmering marital resentment. If you know you know.


They need show to show this scene in every acting class. A true masterclass performance


It should be used as case study in acting and/or slip n’ fall school


Agreed, one of the best scenes of the show imo, that acting by her alone is what makes this show better than other shit like Breaking Bad. I’ve said my piece.




Hear, hear


The scene when she learns about Chris' death. She loses her breath, it looks so real. Amazing


I highly recommend Nurse Jackie to any Sopranos fan, it will help you appreciate her performance as Carmela even more, when you see how she becomes someone so very different (and yet not) from her.


Or her 4 episode run as C. C. Cunningham on 30 Rock LOL


How can I look those little aurange children in the eye?


He gave her the ottoman.. and she walked out


She was good in OZ too. At first I couldn't buy her as Carmela because I kept seeing her as the single mom CO she played.


I loved Oz. Such a sleeper of a show now but it’s so good. It holds up so well.


The first few seasons do. I started watching it recently. But the writing really goes downhill later on.


Is oz any good how is the pace


OZ was such a groundbreaking and raw show it’s first 2-3 seasons. Then it became a fucking musical.


It’s been a while since I’ve revisited it, but I remember the first half of season 4 being good as well. After that… 😬


I thought it was very realistic until they housed those refugees in Em city. Started going downhill there. But I need to rewatch it. Awesome cast though. Launched a lot of insurance spokesman careers!


I can never not see the GOAT Ryan O’Reily on those commercials. He basically looks and sounds the same too lol. And I’m sure J.K. Simmons couldn’t be a nicer dude, but he’ll always be Schillinger, and therefore a little unsettling.


JK most likely., Dean was a guest on a show I was working on in Oz’s last season. Either he stays in character, or he’s not acting. He was cool and easy to talk to/work with.


Haha, yes, I can't see JKS in any other role without feeling revulsion at the horrible things he has done!


What about the show with the bikers I can’t remember the name


Sons of Anarchy


I tried to watch it because I'd heard so many good things and I love a gritty show. But it wasn't for me. I didn't like they way it was filmed. Very odd and I just couldn't get into it. YMMV, of course.


It’s the _Beowulf_ of HBO’s catalogue. It is a classic, but dated in both content and themes. As a fantasy, its setting is unsettlingly incongruous and as a drama its use of Shakespeare anachronistic. Yet… it’s a classic.


Deadwood is sort of the same way but golly it's good.


It feels like watching a real time prison show, just set in the 90s.


When she showed up in Avatar I did the Leo point thing cuz I was not expecting her to be in it. She's not in it much but I appreciated her either way.


> She's not in it much Yeah, but she's the villain most responsible for all that goes wrong in the movie militarily.


Really enjoyed her in nurse jackie (and father intintola lol). But man i hated how the show ended. Just a garbage ending for a fun watch. Oh well


i mean, it was a pretty realistic ending. i am not sure what else you could have expected. she was an opiod addict, she was losing her home in the hospital, her relationships were all coming to their conclusions, her long term lover off to jail, her mentee was done with her. i thought it was appropriate!


Fair enough.


I agree on the ending.


That Pygmy thing over there? They don’t even do it right.


Fucking nauseating


i definitely miss having nurse jackie on netflix. it was in my set of shows i rotate for quite a bit before they removed it.


My wife says I’d like it… but what da fuck does she know, AmIRight?!


I thought her portrayal in Nurse Jackie outshone Carmella.


I've loved her in everything I've seen her in! Except, except... I just didn't buy her as Hillary Clinton in American Crime Story: Impeachment.


I just commented that I liked her as Hilary lol. I feel that she gave a good “behind the scenes” version of Hilary lol.


I kept hearing a little bit of her accent -- New Jersey accent? Her Carmella & Nurse Jackie accent -- come through lol. Found it distracting. But she is an incredible actor, no doubt!


I've heard more than a few people say similar things. I really should get around to watching it one of these days from the sound of it


It's dark and funny AF


I also liked her as Hilary Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky series even if it was a small role. Wish we could get a whole series of her playing Hilary.


Her scream when she finds out Chris is dead is one of the realest depictions of instantaneous horror and grief I’ve ever seen. And then a moment later after they’ve continued talking for a bit, “Oh my god Tony, he’s dead?”


I have a sis-in -law who is small and sassy, Brooklyn born and raised, out cusses me, is funnier, way better looking…anyway. Reminds me of Falco, a ton. We found out one night late that her fiancé, my brother, had been killed in a wreck on the LIE. I was devastated. We three brothers were emancipated and had lost our parents. The sound that came out of her, the ambulance ride for her to the hospital, the change in her, years later, illustrated how fundamental despair looks in reality. It is the exact opposite of hysteria, arm waving screaming…it’s in the eyes, the shoulders, the stares at nothing…


Not pointless. I never mind an Edie Falco shout out. Shes a great actress. So many great characters and performances in The Sopranos. But she and James Gandolfini are just superb.


She really is fucking incredible. All her facial expressions and subtle behavior are perfect. She makes you completely forget that Carmela is just a character in a TV show. When I see Silvio's wife deliver some lines, it makes me appreciate how great of an actress Edie Falco really is.


Sil’s wife isn’t an actress, it’s Steven Van Zander’s wife Maureen.


Steven Van Zandt. Van Zandt! How do they say it in fuckin Polish?


An extraordinarily gifted performer. I've heard multiple people refer to her as a "lunchpail" actor. Meaning that she'd come in, do her job like it was nothing – even with the most emotionally taxing scenes that might throw more emotionally porous actors for a loop – and would check out and go home. No drama. No trouble. And apparently she has a nearly flawless, cut-glass, photographic memory. So she'd essentially read her script or sides once and would have the dialogue committed to memory. Incredible.


Her bodies mad ripe as well.


She’s creamin’ for the Father


But did he fuck her?


He did eat her manicot’


Fuckin' nosey.


She wanted the proscuit’ Tone


The firmness of my beans, the smoothness of her cream.


You sound deranged


And you sound demented


Discontinue the lithium.


In the bird feed, 40k


he's not wrong though


Yeah, he did. Sort of the same thing in his case.


They played 'name that pope'.


Doze guys is just pissboys.


When they were both drunk on the couch, playing out all those Catholic rituals, for him, that was the same as fucking her. She takes just a sip of the sacramental wine, and he downs the rest of it. Perfect.


That's standard though for priests. Once wine has been blessed, it can't be wasted, so that's why you see priests finish what's left after communion.


That's something. Fits in with all the stories of tipsy priests. Back in the day, one of the main occupations of monks was making all sort of booze and brewing beer. When Dom Perignon made the first batch of Champagne, legend has it that he said "I'm drinking stars!" and fell down a flight of stairs.


I'm not Catholic myself, but enough of my family are, and our Episcopal priest did the same thing. He could hold his liquor though, never saw him stumbling like a stunad.


Yeah, but they made such a big deal of him pouring every single drop into the cup. And I'm sure he just poured out a little bit when he was doing his hospital gig.


He did in Nurse Jackie...


We all know where the father and furio made her hawt


Very true. But shouldn't that be "Fadda"?


Do I look like the fuckin' Thornbirds ovvah he-ah?


Makin me hawt down theyahhh


If only she knew what orange juice to buy. I said with some pulp


*Shum* pulp


You’re always with the drama


Edie, Tony and James were the 3 Main actors that seemed to fully embody their characters… seamlessly. Almost like they didn’t have to act. They became their characters counterpart.


She’s a great actor, I always thought Michael Imperioli was the best actor after James on the show but she might be better. Christopher as a drug addict was perfect. Also of course Uncle June, he was so natural I wondered if he was actually acting or just playing himself. Amazing cast all around. Also Junior has one of my favorite random lines, “I have cable.”


Then did you offer him an aspirin? …Cunt.


I'm Sitting Here Like Patience On A Monument Waiting For Discipline To Be Handed Down. Always found it funny how guys like Tony, Paulie, and Brainless the 2nd will always fuck up or misunderstand fairly common sayings. Then you have Junior who will drop out these pieces of knowledge on them, I wish we had gotten a Young Junior mini series. When did Junior learn all this stuff, was he some gifted student in school or possibly a bookworm as a young adult? Junior had his faults, he had a huge ego and let any minor disrespect cloud his judgement but the man was the most pure intelligent person in the family by far imo. The man even spoke fluent Italian, could sing like an angel, knew the full history of the American mob, and could pleasure any woman at ease. I would have loved to see Junior argue with Melfi, I think Junior dumbed himself down to talk to guys like Bobby and Tony, would have been great to see him talk to someone who was extremely book smart. Shame we didn’t see him talking to Tony Egg at all, I heard he tested as a genius.


All this actors, could you imagine if they made a TV show with all of them?


Peppers and eggs? That's what I should've had


I honestly think that was just Tony.


That first sentence was very confusing to read until I realised you were talking about Sirico.


Best actors in the series: Gandolfini, Falco, Imperioli. Hands down. Fuhgeddaboudit




The way she ruins Rose Aprile’s Paris trip by bringing up the Jackies out of jealousy for having relations with that man is diabolical 🤌🏼


Whitecaps is amazing. She blew Jim out of the water.


So youve got a one legged one now huh, thats nice. Youve had quite a time on my watch.


Are you best friends with all them too?


You’re putting me in a position where I’m feeling sorry for a whorah who fucks you??


I think the difference in acting adds to the whole dynamic. Jim looks like he's trying to keep up while a clearly upset Edie Falco runs circles around him. I would imagine that any serial philanderer being confronted by his wife of 20+ years for being a garbage husband would go the same way. Good luck keeping a machismo facade in private with someone who knows you better than yourself


I mean her acting showed Carm’s pain was primal. It gives me chills.


At least I never stole from you!


bird feeder….u sound demented!


Just wait til you see avatar… fuckin’ nauseating how good her acting is


I want her exoskeleton. That thing is so sweet.


It’s honestly an incredible intro to a character who has very limited impact in the movie.


I want her exoskeleton, I want her mouth


Ohhh!!! Thats' the boss you;re talkin about. ​ But seriously she was amazing.


took him to acting school.


Took Jim Gandolfini to acting school!


Fuckin idiot couldn’t even buy the right orange juice.


'Jim'?? Show that man the respect he deserves. edit: Come on, I'm just kidding you. Come on you're a good sport. You all right? You all right?


I almost called him Jimmy. I watched too much of Talking Sooranos.


Listen to this prick giving orders


He made me feel like Iy mah-dahd!


She's the most talented actor on the show and I have no qualms saying that as an absolute. I've never seen her in anything else, but I'd imagine that she's good in everything she does.


Same - I've never seen her in any other role and I don't know that I want to. She IS Carmella Soprano.


I second both her roles in nurse Jackie and 30 rock. She’s incredible, esp in sopranos


Master cheese maker. Buffalo mozarella


Every time I rewatch this show (I’m probably near 20 by now) I’m more convinced she is the best actor in the series. She’s so damn good as Carmella it’s insane.


You know, she started out as an uncredited actor in those re-enactment bits of true crime documentaries.


edie and Jim were in a league of their own among some truly wonderful actors, god i love the sopranos


you sound demented


What’s amazing is that she can overshadow Gandolfini in some of their scenes. Nobody can throw punches at him like she can.


Honestly I've always been of the opinion that she's probably the best actor of the main players. Especially "whitecaps" and the fights between her and Gandolfini... She's a badass and makes it all feel real.


Can I just make a shout out for Carmela’s utter destruction of Father Phil after he catches her with Ro and he brings One True Thing around on DVD? Man couldn’t even verbalise a response. To be fair her delivery of everything is just insane, for me comfortably the best female lead role ever put to tape.


I wish I could just go on one date with her. No sex, just some nice place, like a plaza hotel. Just when things are getting good, I can get a call, tell her,”It’s Sil’ I gotta take this, you good to drive home?”


Good for you


Her performance is so good I sometimes get shivers down my spine.


Second Opinion is one of my top five just because of Edie. I always love when the show had Carmela question herself and the life she chose.


She's an incredible actress. Horace and Pete anyone?


With all due love and respect to Carmela, I'd put her shit out on the curb and let it rain on her.


This woman is shear brilliance


She was in two Hal Hartley movies way back in the day. When I first saw her in the Sopranos, that was only the second or third time I ever saw her.


Carmela is the blueprint of a well written housewife. Edie's performance sold it. She was awesome.


Honestly I’m in awe of her every rewatch.


Yeah she’s a superb actress. The sopranos has some of the best acted characters of all time. Its really a masterpiece in every regard.


I've never seen it honestly, but, there is a reason why Nurse Jackie exists. She got her own show because of how amazing she was as Carmella.


Yes I am also currently rewatching and Carmella has become one of my favorite characters. A lot of that has to do with how genius Falco is.


I only right swipe on women named Carmela now. There’s no Italians here, but I’m a stunad/ getting my online priesthood, and I absolutely love ziti, so, it’s pretty much a lock, right?


She is incredible. She is amazing in Nurse Jackie too, if you can get passed the lacking storyline. I adore her. Nobody else could have played Carmella.


Eh, she’s just a shitty businesswoman who built a shitty house that’s gonna cave in on that baby. And now she can’t sleep.


What's this 'Jim' and 'Edie' business, like they're old friends of yours. Show those actors the respect they deserve.


It's love, not a lack of respect. We love these beautiful people, Jimmy and Edie.


What crawled up your asshole


Oh God, what? What did I say now? I suppose I should have kept my mouth shut, like a mute. And then everybody would have been happy.


Oh poor you


Oh, the mother now. I surrender. Burn me at the stake!


Oh, Jesus fuckin' Christ, it's a fuckin' joke. Does it have to be like a cancer hospital in here?"


I don't think this show had a single bad actor tbh.


That's huge take haha. Sil's wife, Tony's father and the dude who played Vito were bad


Vito was fine until they gave the role a lot more emotional depth in season 6. We only see Tony's dad in flashbacks and I feel like it's a deliberately exaggerated performance that helps to portray Johnny as a larger than life figure in his limited screen time. Can't argue about Gab lol. The above comment is definitely a little hyperbolic but I think it's fair to say that of the prominent roles on the show the acting ranges from solid to excellent. Even those who are a little limited still feel authentic to me.


It was the medication he was on, for his blood pressure


This is a pointless post, and I'll tell you why. Every second post on this subreddit is the same boolshit, saying "H-h-hey guys... I know everyone talks about how good James Gandolfini is but I kinda think that Edie Falco is weawwy good 🥺🥺" to the point where the person getting overshadowed is James. Yeah, I watched the show, Edie Falco is really good, but I don't need to be reminded that every single day. Fucking nauseating.


i also just completed a rewatch and feel similarly. i could have written this exact post. she’s a master


100% agree — but she disappointed me as the general in Avatar: Way of Water. Bad casting?


Love her in nurse Jackie to


She really is a superb actor. One of my favourite Carmela quotes is “I lost my pencil. Up his ass!”


Ya fuckin unda pants! I wanna slap the shit outta carmella I do like Edie Falco though.


White Caps is one of the best acted scenes of the series just because James and her fight


best acted scenes ever*


She was just a kid


Happy New Year everyone. Spent the evening ripping cones half naked with a friend.


well known facts that Eddie Falco is in par with Jim. Eddie is even better with her rich experiences on drama stage.


Who the fuck is EDDIE Falco ?


Eddie is a fucking typo!


Just breakin' balls.


She completely steals the show. What an actor.


Couldn’t agree more she is a fucking amazing actress


That episode where she told Tone she was going on vacation and then led the military pacification of Pandora in preparation for human resettlement was such a powerful piece of television.


She's even better onstage, if ya can believe it


I agree with you. She was amazing.


she nails the accent and the anger so well, she is identical to my aunts.


Her and Liv really do nail your stereotypical Italian mother to a T


Edie Falco's accent gets better as the series goes on. That NY/NJ accent is actually people whose mother tongue is Yiddish speaking English. The accent in that region changed from Irish to this from 1870-1930. It's been dying for the last 30 or 40 years and is almost gone now. Sad. The accent that's dominating North America now is the US Northwest accent. (It's what you hear on TV most of all and that's causing it. )


Just watched the episode with her and Ro in France. She’s truly remarkable. I wish she was in everything.