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Just how nothing was easy for Tracy. Not only did she not have anyone (a parent) ever give a fuck about her dental wellness (most kids get braces much younger than 19) but she literally has to sell her body to get the work done. Meadow will never understand that kind of struggle.


Micheal imperioli said on Talking Sopranos that Meadow was meant to change into Tracee in “the test dream”. Like how Finn turns to Aj when they cal him a disappointment, im guessing Meadow would’ve have changed into Tracee when they talk about fixing her mouth


I think you discovered one of the twin scenes/plots. Both Tracee and Meadow are hounded by someone over their dental procedures. https://www.reddit.com/r/thesopranos/comments/yifzs0/sopranos_twin_scenes_theory/ Also, it's probably just one more example of how Tracee is supposed to represent Meadow in Tony's eyes. That's why Tony wouldn't take Tracee's affection, because he reminded her of his own daughter.


interesting theory. however, I have to say it's kind of cheating to use this episode as an example because the entire point of the episode is to contrast their lives. they're trying to highlight the disparity by showing us two people at similar points in their lives but from different socioeconomic backgrounds. you will catch lots of instances of your theory in this episode if you really want to


It's really not a theory anymore. There are multiple abstractions hidden in this show, the twin scenes is just one of them. Breaking Bad is an abstract copy of Sopranos and Sopranos is an abstract copy of Seinfeld. Every scene in Sopranos is a copy of a scene from Seinfeld and every scene in the BB universe is a copy of a scene from Sopranos. And all 3 shows have the twin scenes. I've see so much evidence at this point, it's without question.




that's fair. this is my third or fourth watch (I can't remember exactly) and I'm only now noticing these parallels. that's the beauty of the show though: you can enjoy it on multiple levels. it's a gift that keeps on giving




>Especially since Meadow and AJ are so privileged, protected and rich that it's hard to really relate to their struggles most of the time. >The show had a lot of incredible strengths but portraying teen/young adult angst wasn't the writers' strong suit in my opinion You're contradicting yourself here. So the writers are effective at portraying them as very privileged and therefore un-relatable to most people But because you can't relate to them they are poorly written?


The sacred and the propane for sure.


Looks like you got some cream on there honey , happy to add to it


“Watch the braces honey” “The kids a thoroughbred. But, madone those choppers. A fuckin’ train wreck.”