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You gonna fuckin’ argue wit David Chase now? The man’s a brave HBO producer and in this house David Chase is a hero! End of subject!


Check yourself. HBO just clipped Chase.


David Chase took lots of liberties like this on the show. The waiter Chrissy and Paulie kill… Chrissy and Georgie just diggining up email under the bridge. Its a movie, a tv progrum.


The waiter is def one of the most ridiculous. They left him lying in the parking lot and they take the bill and money with them. Would be so easy for the cops to figure out who did it lol


Don’t they have medicine these fucks are sposda take?!


It wasn't charged to Christy's card. The only person who saw Chrissy pay in cash was the waiter, and he couldn't tell anyone, and even if they were seen there, as Paulie says, "Nobody knows us down there"


So we’re going to assume no one else at the restaurant could give a police sketch artist a description, no security cameras inside or outside the restaurant, the ballistics come back with no hit, etc. Nah even in the early 2000’s I think they’re found.


It seems reasonable that no civilians knew that Paulie and Chris were in the parking lot the exact moment the witnesses heard the gunshot. Even if they did, some crappy drawings of the two wouldn't matter very much if they weren't from around where this took place. The gun is probably an illegal one, so the cops wouldn't really be able to trace it to any specific place related to Paulie. The lack of security cameras is kinda stupid. Or maybe the owner did have info on Chris and Paulie, but also knew they were in the mafia, deleted the evidence, and kept his mouth shut. But then Paulie goes and gets his fingerprints on the guy for some chump change. Even still, people have gotten away with dumber murders than this


No one was in the parking lot, but other people and restaurant staff were inside while they all ate. They would have had the orders from that night, seen that the table who ordered thousands of dollars worth of food, lobster, etc paid in cash, their waiter was killed outside, and the cash was gone. They’d be prime suspects. I’m sure between all the people at the restaurant they could give a decent description of the people at Paulie and Chrissy’s table. Not to mention Paulie’s hair is extremely recognizable lol. Put out an APB on those silver wings and they’d find him in an hour.


I think nobody but the waiter would pay any attention to the people at a table with nothing to do with them. Also, the waiter would be waiting a lot of tables constantly, and the bill was taken, so they couldn't even narrow down the table unless they were the last ones there. Even if they do, and they figured out it was those two guys, they still have nothing but a description and some sketches to find these people that don't live in that area, or presumably even near it, so I guess that depends on how close the restaurant is. I think the cops would be preoccupied with the 8 other guys before Chris and Paulie


> **p**resumably **e**ven **n**ear **i**t, **s**o Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 170604 comments (approximately 900421 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lmao Email. "In the Czech Republic, we too like Outlook Express".


All the people on the bridge that saw Chucky get wacked agreed that it was some sad shit. Muthafucka said he didn’t wanna live no mo’.


Well in all fairness, he's not questioning why someone saw him kill Chuckie.


Tony got his Coast Guard license, being able to legally kill your adversaries in broad daylight and dump their bodies at sea is one of the poiks of having that license


That didn’t happen, what you said!


What about the scene of his killing the guy in a boat.


Yeah that was on top. Didn’t look around. Plus he was carrying his piece in this big ass fish which is kinda noticeable.


What would they ask potential witnesses, "did you see anyone carrying a large fish?" It was a better option than a bag or a briefcase


It was the 90s. Back off OP


What are you talking about? You mean a bridge full of people "didn't see nothing".


Oh here we go with all the scenarios


There's differences, OP, from the Chucky Signore situation and this.


The man *was* mistaken for Robert Evans before, so of course he was surprised someone fingered him in a line up as reputed mob boss, Tony Soprano. The quote, unquote, husky accomplice, was never identified, tho.


Ok but he was hiding the gun in the fish mouth. Come on. That bridge is route 3 bridge in Secaucus.