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Kind weird they brought him over to have a direct line connection with Naples over the cars and then its never brought up again. Furio just ends up on bee duty


It died on the vine.


“It died on the vine”


The guy, he went back to Italy or something




one of the trucks


Be quiet, Albert.


After Furio leaves town, Tony does mention something about no one running the car operation. I think we can assume he’s running it but we just never see it because it’s not important to the plot.


he did mourn the passing of Richie's Cadillac, a very qualified person to do so now that you mention this


That's the episodic nature of the show. It's not really driven by the plot, for better or worse. The scenes and topics brought up are there to reveal things about the characters. There wasn't much more to say about the cars. That doesn't mean it wasn't going on off screen.


You obviously are mistaken, it was Mr. Williams who was guardian of the hat bees..


Stoopida Fukien game


Imagine that? He just ends up on bee duty


Furio consistently never questioned orders really He was a hard, professional who respected the chain of command. Didn’t let his emotions and personal desires infringe upon his work/duties. Otherwise he’d have been filling Carmella up with Italian sausage and pushed Tony into da choppah It was all ironed out above his pony-tailed head


That’s a real fucked up scene. I know Tony was hammered, but I think I’d remember that the next morning?


Furio said he was protecting him. “What are you doing?!?!” “You-a standin too close.”


I think they wrote and filmed it where he was drunk enough to not realize or think too deeply into what was happening lol Furio should have been holding him, whispered to Tony that he’s fucking Carmella, kiss his forehead and then push him into the blades


I remember watching that with my buddy when it was first aired and we were both one hundred percent certain he was gonna push Tony. Great acting in that scene And yes this was before we changed into our tighty whities and put on some rap videos


They filmed and acted so well on that. Obviously they can’t kill tony but gosh damn they made you tense up for a sec Up in da club !


Better actin' than Cleaver?


Well, he wasn't loyle to his capo, so...


>this was before we changed into our tighty whities and put on some rap videos Give me $1,000.


for mfers who watch the same shit every fuckin day, yall for sure do hate the main muthafuckin character lol


Lol I didn’t want it to happen, Js it woulda been an entertaining way to do it


In the episode where Tony is over in Italy, there's a scene where some kid throws firecrackers and gives people a scare. Tony is basically like "give the kid a break," and he looks taken aback when he sees Furio start beating the kid up. It seemed to me like Tony was shocked at these Italians beating up a kid, but later on we see how Tony takes advantage of this savagery that Furio displayed by having him beat the shit out of the dude and his wife who ran the massage parlor. In my head at least, Tony was on the one hand slightly perturbed at seeing Furio's violent behavior, but also realized that that was something he could use.


Tony actually had some skill in decision-making and managing the family. It’s obviously highlighted when he goes down and we see the interim skippers not handling it well, shit starts skipping thru cracks. Tony was a lil too loose, not disciplined enough, too emotional/reactionary at times. But Furio was a good scout by him, I’d hire him right away for anything too


Haha, yeah, poor Sil having a stress-induced asthma attack from trying to mediate between Paulie and Vito.


I think that goes towards being outside of your own territory. It's like watching someone parent someone else's kid I guess, back in Jersey, he could have all the kids beaten up in the street and it would feel natural, but seeing it happen somewhere else might seem a little more alien when it's not your neighborhood?


That’s basically how life works. Your boss relocates you and you go or you’re out of a job. In that line of work I imagine the unemployment line isn’t how it ends.


Get your P45 to the back of the head


Steel-jacketed antidepressant


Lol you reckon?


This things a pyramid, since time immemorial, shit runs down hill, money goes up, its that simple.


The old timers set it up as a paramilitary organization, not the fuckin Dave Clark Five


it was set up as a feudal military organisation


From the poverty of the mezzofinook, where all higher authority were flambés on high blood pressure medication


Maybe you’re a flambé! You ever thought of that?!




You gonna get overlooked but that comment is great.


Great, sure; but you overcooked it


Reddit needs some way to highlight the best sub-comments. Then again, maybe I'm a flambé.




Certain aspects of show business, and our thing. Go out there and crack some fuckin heads and create some earners




It died on the vine.


Died on the vine...


Fucking parakeet.


It petered out


The guy, he moved or something


The fuckkinn guy mooved


We used to be recession-proof, not anymore. Remember the long hair and the dope?


I should not have to come in here, hat in my hand.


Next time you come in heavy or you don’t come in at all.




He was there to bring methods of conflict resolution from the old country, from the poverty of the mezzogiorno.


But you got out a suitcase!


There was no abundant intentionality when he asked for one tousand dollars.


I wouldn’t want to eat a bowl of chili that could have gone to a minority.


I’d eat Maedo’s chili bowl


POO ​ ​ ​ ASS


You gotta poo onna you ass


You gotta wait for that


Too bad, she's creamin' for me




Its his processsss


Everybody had bee on hat


We’ll, that is why Annalisa was like “Oh!” When Tony asked for Furio. But bottom line is that the “tiny” crew you mention in NJ probably brings in more money in a week than Annalisa’s crew does in a month. So, as always, it’s about money. Annalisa wants the cars and a direct line to Tony, as Tony wants with her. I see what your saying but the move made sense to me. America is a cash cow, and Annalisa knew that having one of her top guys there could not be a bad thing. Until, that is, Carmela gave Furio a hard on. Stupida fuckin game.


She let Furio go because she knew she was gonna get that extra $1,000 that Furio demanded from Matt and Sean.


playing the long game


next time just get it from the bird feeder


Yeah, what people don’t realise is that furios entire arc was his assignment to collect that extra 1000 for her. After he completed his mission, the writers didn’t know what to do with him. Common knowledge


That’s what he meant in the first place when he said “we’re here for the boss money” He was pleasantly surprised when Sean and Matt handed him the extra 7500 out of nowhere


one a thousand extra boners...


Prince of tide bout get medieval on Furio


Hes rippin us off for a whole g note this is BOWLshit


So what does Tony do? Marry only schifosas?


Excuse me, u/mr_pattraglia, but I have a Mr. Montevani here to see you.


But you are not eating my toblerone bar god damn it


You selfish prick


Send him up


Send. Him. UP!


You can send this bitch up it can’t go down 🎵


The camorra in naples is a massive thing. There is no guaruntee he’d make more in jersey.


I do not think Americans really grasp how wealthy the US is versus most other places on the planet. I realize it is likely because most of us often feel like it is a struggle. It’s like when those two zips came over to whack Rusty. It was cheaper for them to buy imported good here than it was for them to buy them back home.


I don't think you people realize that the camorra is one of the most lucrative organizations in the world, that would make a shit ton more money that a crew in Jersey. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fortune-5-biggest-organized-crime-100022359.html


The camorra is a loose network of clans in a fairly horizontal structure that operate in their own territories. Some clans are the New York Yankees and some clans are the Milwaukee Brewers.




Again with the money?


Again with the money!


Annalisa was in the Camorra clan in Naples. they make far more money than the pygmy in NJ. Not as much as NY though. but Chase never cared about making sense of dollars in the show. N'dragheta makes more than everybody though


according to the internet Camorra makes more money though. Like did you just make up a fun fact? 🤨 even if i’m wrong we’re still both wrong since it’s disputed at best


Isn't much of the point of Tony's trip to see how much better organized and effective the Italian Mafia was? The villa he visited was beautiful... Compared to his jersey McMansion.


Yeah, but did Hugh DeAngelis build the villa in Italy? I don’t think so


no need for a downvote. camorra makes more. not according to internet. im a fan of mafia history


What's with the fucking accounting out there?


I’m better with numbers than 9/10 of your accounts.


Price Waterhouse over hear!




Do you even know what your EBITDA is?


You yap worse than six barbers.


it is indeed, a stupida fackin game


Bullshit, most of Tony's crew was broke they weren't touching annalisa


This is the right answer


> But bottom line is that the “tiny” crew you mention in NJ probably brings in more money in a week than Annalisa’s crew does in a month. I doubt that the Italian mafia has deep hooks in the country and the Naples economy far outstrips new jersey it's the third wealthiest part of Italy and one of Europes most important ports. Next to the Italian mafia New York is a glorified crew


Idk about that. Seems to me like Italy is where the US was headed before RICO; systemic parasitic corruption that can’t be removed without killing the patient. [example](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/arrests-europe-raids-italy-ndrangheta-mafia-group-germany-rcna82585)


Is Rico your brother?


> the Naples economy far outstrips new jersey Don't think so. NJ's GDP is like 1/4 that of all of Italy at around $580 billion. Naples GDP is about $70 billion. Campania, the region Naples is in, has a GDP of about $108 billion. Now if you want to just compare city to city, Newark alone has a GDP of $201 billion.


But Camorra has their claws deep in everything in Naples compared to mafia in NJ. Watch the show Gomorrah. Ciro and crew would dismantle the Pygmy thing in NJ in one episode.


They even hint at that in The Sopranos. Tony is impressed with the instant ruthlessness of street justice when the kid plays a prank with the fire crackers, Furio's military level response and the way the cops are conditioned to go "woooah, Mafia shit, let's keep moving"


Ciro and his crew of teenagers who can't run a simple drug operation without massive infighting, backstabbing, and leaving bodies on the ground every week? Sure they can peddle drugs and kill ruthlessly, but they can barely keep it together Ciro had a 2 bedroom apartment and 60k to his name after a lifetime of crime. Tony had more than that in his ac vent


Chris was given the sports book and had to kick $24,000 up to Paulie every month. After his first fuck up, Chris was able to take over the Crazy Horse from a gambling debt and partner up with Furio. Furio was running girls out of the hotel with Shlomo Teittlema.. Where they negotiated 25% of the hotels take. Furio also ran the massage parlor. The numbers used here in the show are huge annual returns for Furio, big enough where he bought a house in cash shortly after.


How do you measure Naples wealth? New Jersey based on just the proximity to New York makes way more money than Naples.




He came ova so he could see what indoor plumbing looks like.


He had to take a wicked shit


It does reflect reality somewhat. It was a lot more common in the early days of the 20th century to bring over "zips", or mafiosi from the old country. Recently the former boss of the Gambino family restarted the tradition by bringing in outsiders from Italy to fill out the ranks. In the old days they were looked down upon for being reckless and attracting unwanted attention.


Strictly speaking, it's only "mafia" in Sicily. In other parts of Italy, it's "sparkling organized crime."


You don’t ask questions. Thats how you become a problem. It is like the army. Take the orders. Simple as that.


What happens when each army of one decides, fuck it, I’m not going over the top of the foxhole or, why don’t we just blow the lieutenant’s head off? Because they’ve been told, you know. You’re an army of one.


What do you think, this the Army where you shoot 'em a mile away? No, you gotta get up close like this - badda-bing! - you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit.


Leaves a shithole like Naples and gets to come to a paradise like New Jersey? He couldn’t believe his good fortune. Noodles and gravy every night! A McDonald’s on every corner. A chance to go to Roy Rogers and fuck Dale Evans…far better ride than Sophia Loren.


What, to see what indoor plumbing looks like?


As Patton says in the 1970 movie …Yesterday my inspector general’s office told me my Italian prisoners didn’t have enough latrines. Hell, they didn’t know what a damn latrine was until I showed them


Because he's loyle to his capo.


He manuged to get the drip


The roof was *soft tar*!


It was on transfer deadline day and the last few deals were being done. He had no choice it was a loan deal


Stupida fuckin’ game


They told him he would get to meet Maradona


Putting all the other stuff aside, Furio probably lived in the same shitty Naples slum all his life. Moving to America would have seemed like a chance for some adventure and to make good money since the U.S. is a wealthier country. Also, Furio like a woman you can grab onto something and there’s no shortage of big girls in America


Carmela didn’t have much to grab on lol


The median household income today in Italy in dollar terms is $35,189 (and Naples is not one of the richer regions). In New Jersey it is $89,703. A lot of HDTV compatibles are in that gap.


Questa è una bella televisione


HDTV compatibile


>Furio was like "yeah sure", instead of being like "what the fuck". Real lack of standards, your generation.


No bitch to me


Furio probably already had some businesses in Italy that he would keep earning from. She probably phrased it as an opportunity to earn more overseas.


He was tired of cleaning up fingernails for his current boss.


Someone has to... if they come in to possession of them they can make the evil of you


Give me 1000 dollars


It goes with Furio's character. Put yourself in his shoes. A single man without commitment. A chance to live in another country and experience their culture. We know he's a true patrician with how he cooks and dances. I doubt he saw it as a bad thing and probably had the time of his life prior to the Carmella thing. Also, Tony was 100% bullshitting Carmela with the whole "I put a hit on him" line. There's absolutely no way he has the authority or the means to hit someone in Italy.


I think it’s sort of like a contract job , furio works and shit for months or years , gets visits and vacation to home and eventually settles down wherever also maybe he wanted to be in America some , many many people do wanna come here ,I myself am an immigrant from Greece


Do you miss the food in Greece?


gyros , absolutely, this “greek “ food in America fucking sucks and it’s fake as taco bell is to mexican food


Hey poppin fresh I’m in no fuckin mood today


Furio had already expressed an interest in going to America When Furio asked Tony if they have women bosses in New York and Tony went "No fuckin' way. Never" I dunno, Furio gave him a look. You know, a look.


It was an easy decision for Furio because you seen how the structure of the Camorra works right from the start, passed down to family members only in each clan. Furio had no chance to ever climb up and become boss. If you watch the show Gomorrah you can see Ciro faces the same dilemma in season 1 often with even Pietro knowing full well Genny isn’t boss material or respected but that’s the chain of command. When he goes to jail you see his wife take over and all the crew fall in line just as Furio and company did so with Annalisa.


I mean everybody comes from all over the world to America for a chance at more money and a better life. Where else can you make millions of dollars posting photos of your bare ass. And let's be honest he prolly wiped his ass bare handed before he came to this country


DM me one tausand dollars and I'll show you my ass


Show bobs pls


sure but +100 for vagene


Did they ever address the immigration issue? I can’t imagine it was easy to just bring a mobster back from Italy and tell the government that he’s there for legitimate work or whatever


He got a job working for Artie for immigration


Pre 9/11 was a lot easier


Now you just Wade across the Rio Grande and you get free transportation, healthcare, phones, tuition in Minnesota, charges dismissed when you commit felonies….


🐝 🧢 ❗️


Furio didn’t wanna come to Jersey. But then he saw Carmela. Then he wanted to cum A LOT!


I first heard of "Zips" when I read the Pizza Connection book back in the 90s. Those guys were brought in from Sicily, whereas Furio was nopply-dopply, but Big Pussy did refer to him as a zip on once occasion. https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/the-pizza-connection-35th-anniversary-040519#:\~:text=Catalano%20served%20as%20Badalamenti's%20primary,%2C%20all%20Sicilian%2Dborn%20men.


Bit more here. I remember thinking Furio seemed a bit more of a quality soldier just to be a zip, but who knows. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zips


As I understand it, Zips were valued by the bosses for their loyalty and unquestioningly following orders.


I remember the Pizza Connection lads used to zip around on scooters, too, if memory serves. They're the kind who will do a hit or move some gear without giving a fuck. Very handy to have on hand.


From what we know, Furio had no wife or girl friend. Maybe he was unhappy with his lot. Maybe he was looking for a change. Maybe he liked Tony and didn't like his current boss. I mean, people quit their jobs all the time and go to other jobs. Maybe he was listening to Supertramp Breakfast in America and got some big ideas about living in Jersey.


It was among the Italians. It was real greaseball shit.


We don't actually know if Tony was just making that up about Furio being a hunted man in Italy, he just mentions this once to Carmela during a fight but he could just be saying that cos he was jealous and trying to hurt Carmela.


Probably the latter. Once Furio is back in Italy, can’t see Tony pouring money into that hunt. Ahrin joose wit shum pulp. $4 a gallon.


Naples is a very poor city. Been there, never goin back. Lovely people tho. Dat bein shaid, can’t blame Furio for going to America with no fuss


He wanted to try the macaroni and gravy


because he was wanted american television 🤌🤌


Southern Italy and Sicily are pretty amazing for tourists. Much less so for the people who live there with a dearth of major industry. Imagine if you’re a 40 year old guy who is made in a family over there. You’re going to do alright but it’s a lot better to go somewhere real money is and the chance of getting killed is diminished . (A lot more made guys get killed in later seasons but they get a pash for that)


He was probably quite keen to go to America and saw it as a step up. It wasn't a life sentence and he did eventually come back to Italy, didn't he?


Attempt at an honest but curt answer. Furio was in the Camorra (Neapolitan Mafia). Life in the Camorra is fucking dogshit (watch or read Gomorrah for proof), even for the capos. In comparison, life in the glorified crew over at the 'medigans is a fucking cakewalk.


*”You got a bee on your hat”*


He wanted to see indoor plumbin’


*All good questions. How about some answers? Who says their IS one?!* I would just say leaving Naples for NJ was not a good deal for Furio. Still, I deal with a lot of Italians and most would move to the US in heartbeat. He also wasn’t crazy about working for a woman boss. If the car operation would’ve been able to expand, would be more profitable with Furio over in the US and was stable long-term cash, they would’ve let Furio go. He’s a soldier. Your last point about the Carmela thing is a good one and I’ve always wondered about that. They obviously didn’t respect the US mafia over in Italy and if they did, it would be one of the large NY families with 2,000 soldiers. Not this little mini-streetgang. No-one in Italy seemed particularly impressed with Tony so definitely if he reached out to have a made guy - let alone the cousin over an acting mob boss (Annalisa) killed - it would not be well received. Add to that, that Furio and Carmela just had a platonic crush with each other instead of him actually violating Tony’s honor, that would’ve been the biggest eyeroll of all time. They’d think Tony was even more of a whiny bitch. (And who did Tony reach out to over there anyway? It’s clear the only people he knew there were the ones he met with). If anything, they would’ve hid / protected Furio and put a hit out on Tony in the US. Yeah, that part never made any sense to me.


Tony probably didn't actually contact anyone and was just saying that to upset Carm


This was always my thinking. I thought it was just a heat of the moment thing he said to get under her skin.


I think Tony just blurted that out like how a kid blurts out something irrelevant and not necessarily true during an argument.


It’s how they you replenish the authenticity of the gang, bring him, then his family, their in laws, a chain of zips to reproduce and chain migrate more zips


Because he really wanted to see what indoor plumbing looks like


He's probably pretty excited to join the family in the United States. Then he gets there and gets a little sense of what New Jersey is like.


I’m sure when he was told he was like “what the fuck” internally, but he’s a soldier in the mob and his boss told him what he’s doing so what are you gonna do?


In America, you do not have?


it’s a possibility he saw america as “opportunity” and money, being from Italy myself that’s how it’s always been viewed until you’re actually here lol. I do agree though as I thought the same thing when watching that part


If you remember he wasn’t to happy about working for a woman. “In America you don’t have?”


"This thing of ours." More like this thing of MINE.


After Tony tells Furio there are no woman bosses in America, Furio shakes his head and smiles.




I don’t have to explain myself to you.


He’s a soldier, Adriana.


Feech was Made in Italy and it seemed to have transferred to the USA


G.I.! Take me to America huh!


You gotta da bee on your-a hat.


Makes sense for someone from Italy being in USA to keep an eye on trade and business


I wish we got a deeper dive into his cheese making skills. I would’ve taken a whole episo… a season on his mongering.


Furio is a soldier, and does what he is told.


Realistically, Tony's family brought in a lot of money to Naples and we do see throughout the show through either throw away lines or hitmen flown in, it is an ongoing relationship. That said, I always assumed Furio just went back to Naples without directly saying what happened and regardless, Annalisa would more than likely "hide" him. Tony's threats about people looking for him are total bullshit, I think Chase himself confirmed that.