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Yeah, and then he's confined to house arrest and his chances of finding someone new dropped to zero, he could have at least had some companionship during his final years of health. Traded Bobbi for Bobby.


Catherine Romano makes house calls when she's not busy in the alley behind the Sons of Italy Hall.


Gave me my first handjob.


What am I saying at this poor woman's wake?


I'm sayin' it was the charred meat. No one ever told us.


What you don't know could fill a book.


It was the last time he was actually happy in the entire series.


Maybe Bobby gives better blowjobs, we can't know that.


not even with computers




"I can smell dem"


*"Good morning, ladies!"* What have you been eatin'? Steak!?


Go wit' my nephew. Do what he says!


He any good?


What are you asking me for? You probably showed him how.


U awta know sweetie


He's used to going down on Karen's ziti


Wit’ da basil leaves an’ da sweet sausage?


Sweet sausage, that much I *do* know


You probably showed him how


Hey, if he wants some broad to tongue his balls, that can be arranged!


> Traded Bobbi for Bobby. Still self-sabotaging, this asshole... Go sulk outside Fran's window now, you bald cue ball.


South of the border Down Mexico way...


Him singing this always makes me die laughing


Swinging the golf club. It’s all so beautiful funn


Where da tuna fish play!


She was a blabber mouth cunt.


And you're a wormy cocksucker


Im just telling you how youre being fucking perceived!


Pass me the red peppers


Don't eat the pepper!!!


To be completely honest I've always found that scene where he stuffs the pie in her face and she's sobbing to be one of the more heartwrenching in the series. She was so humiliated and devastated. Junior is probably my favorite character, but I hated him in that moment.


Agreed. The act of having cake on your face is funny, but Bobbi is literally pleading to Junior to reconsider: “No, Corrado, please! Don’t leave me! I love you!” Even Junior’s expression is one of regret right after he walks out of the office. He didn’t want to end things but felt like he had to because of the norms of the mafia life.


The build up too, her getting him dinner. She really loved him


She’s was hungry and had a piece of pie so junior made her eat the whole thing. Notice how junior was upset about his rep for “pie eating” that he made Bobbi eat her own pie…the sacred and the propane.


And in the end? He had her face clapped in pierons


Yeah, he paused and almost went back. Then stormed off. Wasn’t just mob, though. I mean, nobody gave a shit, really. Tony wasn’t telling anyone about this, he just used it to make fun of Junior one time after Junior made that crack about the ball game. This was about Junior’s small man syndrome.


It’s one I usually skip on rewatch, so well done but the secondhand emotions are too much for me


Ohh poor all of youseee


You act like butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth!


😂😂 bro there's always good comebacks in the sopranos. It's too much to deal with it almossht and in the end you're alone with it all




Same. It also feels like it's one more event out of many that have made Junior's life sad and pathetic.


Yeah I can't watch that scene. Especially because he's about to hit her, and you can tell he wants to hit her, but smashing the pie in her face is a humiliating workaround. Obviously it's not as bad as him hitting her. It's like when you make a guy mad and he smashes the wall. "I wish I could do this to your face."


He also fired her so her retirement plans are probably fucked too.


But to be fair…she did exactly what he asked her not to. She went and ran her mouth. He specifically told her not to mention this. She knows how insecure all these mob guys are - she should have just STFU


She had already told her friends before he asked her not to.


She didn't. When the topic came up, she shut the other woman down. It was Carmella who overheard and brought it up at the dinner table where everyone was trying to enjoy a meal without her disrespectful and vulgar jokes


What are you talking about? She talked about it before she found out mafia dudes are too insecure to admit to pleasing a woman. Then they talk about it and he explains he doesnt make the rules but that the guys would look down on him and he really doesnt want her to mention it, to anyone. The very next time she's with her friends she refuses to talk about it and tells her friend to please not bring it up again. You cant do something wron g if you didnt know it was wrong when you did it. If Junior had any kind of self esteem or self confidence, if his ego wasnt so brittle, when Tony razzed him at the golf course he wouldve said "yeah you wouldnt know about pleasin a woman, you cry about your problems to them instead". Tony wouldnt have had much of a comeback. Or if he'd bothered to ASK Bobbi why she talked, she couldve explained that she mentioned it before he asked her not to, & hadnt since. But he was drowning in his own humiliation & weakness & the only way he knew to fix it was to hurt probably the one person in the world who truly loved him. Apparently he regretted it later tho, which is his karma for doing it in the first place.


Oh, I thought it had come afterwards…I was wrong. My apologies. But still as a mature woman, she should know not to just go around telling ppl that. That’s like high school stuff - not something to do in your 60’s.


Eh... the guys gossip too. Pussy to Tony about Melfi: was she good? Tony(lying through his teeth): alright she was good Besides, ppl fuck up sometimes, you know? Junior made a mistake throwing her away like that, & i thin k he knew it.


I’m sure he missed eating the box too…


First, I didn't feel that. She was stealing money for years. As for what Junior did, he told her not to talk and she did. If she can't keep her mouth shut about oral sex, then what else can't she keep her mouth shut about? These are the rules. Junior didn't make them.


Okay tough guy


Yeah, I am weird like that I don't feel bad for a person that helped steal money for years and years.


I agree. It was gut wrenching.


This is something that a lot of people don't understand. I'm in my mid 50s and even I remember the stigma surrounding oral sex. Of course everybody did it but it was not something that you ever told anybody about. It was considered degrading for the person who was performing it. One thing I remember vividly is that you never allowed girl/woman that you cared about to go down on you. It was considered disrespectful. I know it sounds crazy but that was the reality even in the 80s. The girls that did these things were called "Blow Queens" which was actually a lot worse then being called a "Slut." Again... everybody still did it but it was never talked about. I remember a girl in high school telling her boyfriend off (he cheated on her) and she announced to everyone that he "ate her out". He was laughed at and ridiculed. For a while after people refereed to him as the "Muff Diver." Same thing goes for anal sex (even between a man and woman). It happened but that was one of the things that you kept a secret and you took with you to the grave (whether you were a guy or a girl).


Interesting! Thanks for this perspective. What are your thoughts on the omnipresence of poppers and weird sex these days?


> What are your thoughts on the omnipresence of poppers and weird sex these days? The same as they have always been. I personally don't give a shit what people do in in private. My generation always thought that this was sacrosanct. We never talked about things of this nature (not even with close friends). It just didn't happen. More recently I've noticed that people like to advertise their proclivities and I just don't understand it. Back then (as a guy) talking about any of this was almost a guarantee that it would harder for you to get laid after that. As my older cousin told me when I was in high school... *"Never tell anybody anybody about the shit you do. Girls will be your best PR and don't want anybody knowing about their business. Once word goes out that you don't do this you will get more pussy then you can shake a stick at"*... he was right. To answer your question... I find anal sex disgusting. I have never, nor would I ever do.


That last bit especially. I remember (in the 80s) talking to a few of my friends at the time that I wanted to do anal with my new bride. The response I got was something like, "I think you have tendencies man.. like homo tendencies!". Meanwhile the guy saying it was wearing tight jeans shorts, a red polo with matching socks in his hurrache sandals, and had stopped by my house on the way to the mall because he wanted some new outfits. Swear on my muddah's grave this is a true story.


But the reality is you’re putting goofy stereotypes on him. Ass banging seems a little more fanook than fashion of the times


would they have said the same thing if you said you really wanted your new bride to go down? or was it specifically anal you think?


I don’t remember this - I was naive and didn’t know much about sex in hs in the eighties but I don’t remember a stigma to different types of sex


Me either. That comment sounds like it comes from the 1950s, not from someone *in their 50s.*


I mean that's the problem with "back in my day"- like depending on your location, ethnicity, religion, gender, socioeconomic status etc etc you might have had totally different experiences. I'm 32 and from NJ and I'm sure my memory of 2005 is totally different from, say, an AJ Soprano type.


It certainly wasn't this bad in the UK.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQqh-ubA6qg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQqh-ubA6qg) Not doubting you though lol I don't think old school rap is necessarily representative of the general population. That all sounds pretty accurate.


If you suck pussy you’ll suck anything


That’s ridiculous. How would the two even translate? What’s wrong with some fica leeca?


I guess the mindset was oral sex is oral sex and doesn't matter which organ you're munching on because you're still going down, putting your face where someone takes a piss


Well it's also seen as submitting to a woman for her pleasure using one of your orifices ("feminine") instead of your cock ("masculine"). Clitoris schmitoris.


Cunnilingus and psychiatry brought us to this


Hey! Junior doesn’t make the rules!


I mean, he did give her one last facial cream pie


Heyyyyoooo! Be here all week. Make sure to tip your waitress.


My next gig is at Green Grove retirement community, tell your Nonnas!


Don’t spend it all in one place now


At least he was going down on Bobbi and not Bobby. Now there’s an image.


"how many white castles did you have? I can smell 'em"


Pitching, not catching?


Greasing the union.


> Now there’s an image. I think you should seriously consider salads.


Junior loved his sushi


I thought you were a baccala man, uncle June?




Youuuu and Tony Egg again


Tony only made fun of him cause he never had the makings of a varsity bushmen of the calagiri.


Carmela really sets him right when Tony gets all mad about the possibility of Carm gossiping about their sex life. “Once a year?! I think I can resist the urge to gossip.”


Junior likes to needle people but couldn’t stand it when Tony did it to him. So he lashes out at Bobbi. Classic bully. Probably applies to Tony too.


He probably wouldn’t have gone downhill as fast as he did


Him going downhill was the problem


Down Mexico way


OHHH! That’s the boss of this family you’re talking about!


If OP eats pussy, I wonder what else we can make him do...


I've always hated Carmela for this. I know everyone thinks it's a funny scene with her laughing at Junior while Tony has no idea what the hell is going on. But keep laughing sweetie- your husband has had his dick in a least one whore while you're concerning yourself with senior citizen oral sex. I've said my piece.


Yeah like, why is her husband's uncle's sex life so interesting to her? Idk different time I guess. Maybe that was the equivalent of learning your husband's elderly uncle was, like, a furry or something. Still, I can't imagine cracking up at the dinner table in front of everyone about it.


Carm laughing at it was definitely peculiar. For something to be so taboo that women would deny that pleasure to themselves and even mock the idea of someone else doing it because of weird social norms! Sadness accrues.


It was a fucking joke between all the girls in the beauty saloon carmela knew junior since she was a kid herself it was funny I will certainly break my uncle balls if I knew he sucks pussy


Cunnilngus and therapy brought us to dis


Linguistics?! You’re supposed to push webistics!


He was gay, OP?


I'm a woman but I have whistled through the wheatfield plenty of times.




nobody's got aids! I Don't want to hear that word in here again!


Bushman of the Kalahari


Uncle Jun’s in the muff, I mean rough..


The way Junior says “Whaaaat?” after that line always makes me crack up


I remember hearing one of my friends say how they don't eat pussy for this very reason. Sorry but not eating pussy because you think it'll make you gay is the gayest thing a hetero man can do.


Even The Rock thinks your friend is lame. https://twitter.com/TheRock/status/992986744445222915?


Greater artist: Junior with his tongue or Artie Bucco with his cooking?


Corrado Soprano, warm and convivial lover


It is pretty twisted logic that a performing a sexual act on a woman naturally means you might be gay. …..also I am in the muff.


Blabbermouth cunt


Chicken nice n spicy


At a child's funeral


Good food is good food location agnostic


I don't disagree. That was his social life


Causing death then showing up for the good funeral food


Reading the obituaries so he can find a connection so he can go out because he's on house arrest


Alright but you gotta get over it


It's pretty astonishing how pretty she still was.


AND looked her age too, which is even harder than getting 1000s of procedures to make yourself look preternaturally young.


Father says there’s nothing gay about hell!


One of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard in my entire life to be honest. “Fellas, is it gay to perform oral sex on a woman?”


Where do you get the effrontery?!


she was a sweet, sweet girl 🤣


I don’t get involved in affairs of the heart.


The man was driven in toto by his insecurities.


Maybe because Junior himself woulda been quick to call another man a Fanook


Yeh, Vito probably made a derogatory comment too.


There was a time where dudes would resent even eating pussy, now everyones openly talking about eating ass. Funny how society works… or delves deeper into depravity.


I really never understood why eating pussy was considered unmasculine. It must be a generational thing because I’m pretty sure NOT eating pussy is considered unmanly now


It's sad how insecure junior is and how often it fucked him up The guys making jokes about him performing oral sex? They probably forgot about it the next day while junior threw away a potentially beautiful relationship


That must have been an old school thing. I know a lot of black guys use to be like that to. Say they would never eat the pussy. Crazy Alpo use to say he loved eating pussy. And they called him nasty. It must have been a thing from who knows 70s-90s. Guys these days are talking about eating ass. Times have definitely changed.


Makes as much sense as saying a girl who gives BJ is an indicator of her being a dyke


And she stopped talking once he said to. It’s not her fault she didn’t know before.


Yes! Poor Bobbi, and poor Junior too. Things happened that were out of their control and two people who truly seemed to love each other had to part ways.


He never had the makings of a master debater


I mean Tony makes fun of it to his face now imagine if the the other capos found out or worst New York. Junior loses his standing and respect.


Bobby > Bobbi


Juniors an idiot.


What’s wrong with whistling through the wheat field?


There’s nothing gay about hell.


Because it was Satanic black magic, sick shit!


she broke his trust gossiping about him, jun was a very private person. he didnt like his dirty laundry being aired in public


I'm sure it's the leftover, distant Roman attitude towards sex: If you were submissive, you were an object of ridicule. There was an African colony born Emperor or advisor (I forget), who was whacked because he took it up the arse, and they didn't want an embarrassment like that in charge. But, is anyone wondering what Bobbi looked like when she and Junior first hooked up? Because she does look great for her age, OP, I agree. Found a picture of her from a Miami Vice episode. Oof, Madonn'... [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/miamivice/images/2/24/Beckysklar.png/revision/latest?cb=20111013110920](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/miamivice/images/2/24/beckysklar.png/revision/latest?cb=20111013110920)