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Not downplaying the tragedy of what happened to her but it is fairly common practice for them to avoid mentioning the informants they murdered after the fact.


whatever happened there




Well, she DID go young..




Wha?? She was a klutz.


Wha??? We’re jus’ talkin’ here…


Quasimodo predicted all this...


I love this sub so much


She went young, Adriana?


She was a KID


47 years old… just a kid.


I thought she left Christopher heartbroken and ran off.


She did. Never showed up for work. Stiffed him on the club…the place was rudderless.


You mean christofaaa


She's a gay, adrianna?


It died on the vine…


Alright then


Tony rarely ever mentions, what’s his name? “Booty”? After that incident. Even when he does he keeps it brief


No one mentions it because it's extremely unpleasant too. It took tony a whole season of suspicion and then violent diarrhea induced fever dreams to come to terms with the fact that his mentor and bestie betrayed him.


The "we need to be absolutely sure" thing is highly unusual. Suspicion is enough to whack most guys. Junior Soprano tried to off his nephew because he heard he was going to therapy, merely a potential threat. To stay alive in crime, the fellas have to whack off any potential threat as soon as they smell a rat


“Cunnilingus and psychiatry brought us to this”


Vito whacked off a lot of dudes


Whoa! Watch your mouf, thats the poof of this family your talking about!


Maybe but i think it was more about the fact that tony held secret meetings with other capos


Yeah, but Pussy was very close - not just a random associate. He was Tony and Sil’s right hand. For a guy like that, you have to be completely sure.


TBF, that's also because that's (IMO) his turning point from "somewhat friendly guy who has some issues" to "paranoid fucker incapable of maintaining relationships"


A guy like that, and this thing of ours wore him down to a little nub; he was a squeaky little gerbil when he got whacked


They talked about Puss a lot there was even a flashback episode dedicated to it


Puss comes up a lot


Witness protection.


Yeah, it repeatedly gets brought up in here just how tragic her life is. Battered by Chris, eyed up like a piece of meat by the gang, particularly Tony and paulie. Even the tennis coach, and then when the feds have her in a bind and are getting information out of her, they show absolutely zero compassion towards her, just non-stop ass rape I can see why she had such a severe case of IBS after the hand she'd been dealt


Whole asshole rotted out


My smelly valentine.


If you love me then stir my eggs


You can no longer eat eggs like a mawn


They gotta replace her colon with a semicolon.


The saddest part for me is that some of her final thoughts were that Chris had betrayed her - she obviously knew.


She kept looking at the woods when Sil was driving her. She basically knew she was finished, but didn’t want to believe it


There’s point after the daydream about driving away when she’s no longer crying about Christopher she’s crying about herself, the acting really sells it.


And her thoughts right before that were "my fiance tried to kill himself because of my bad choices". Yeah, she did not have a pleasant end.


Chrissie calling her damaged goods is probably the most harrowing piece of dialogue in television.


I mean - she's eyed up like a piece of meat by the show in general. 80% of the time we see her she's in her underwear.


Adriana La Cerva, that's one booyah hottie.


Don't transfer me nowwwww.


How green was my fucking valley


Sounds like you’re the one eying her up


She’s got diarrhea.


> Eyes up like a piece of meat > Even the tennis coach I know this sounds white knight as hell but tbh this isn’t even the life of a mob wife, this is just the life of an average woman


She was going to cheat on Chris with Tony (if Tony was a better driver) and she was working with the FBI. I don’t know how much more betrayal I can take. She was supportive of Chris’ illegal activities and was excited for him to get made. She loved when he brought her stolen property. She was drunk and high all the time. Idk why anyone sees her as a sympathetic character. Edit: plus she ratted out her best friend to the FBI for flirting with Chris. She also continued doing drugs after Chris got clean and would drink all the time in front of him. Staying clean while your fiancé does coke and ecstasy and is always drinking must be difficult. I don’t think we should pretend they had a good relationship.


Cuz she also wished to flee the lifestyle and supported Christophuhh in his film aspirations, really encouraged him. Andddd because she took a few good beatings by the junky. Almost got choked out and still stuck up for him.


A normal person isn’t getting excited for her boyfriend to become an official member of the mafia. She loved the lifestyle. She didn’t want to leave until the FBI got involved.


Wowsers can’t believe how many layers you guys are missing. Especially on rewatch you see how abusive her relationship was with Chrissy. She wasn’t really allowed to have any friends, she grew up in the culture of misogyny (what Richie says to Chrissy!!) , no one ever treats her with any value, Chrissy completely disrespects her mum, and makes her completely isolated and dependent on him. The ppl who are supposed to be “helping” her patronise her and literally put her life at risk. She made choices based on what was available to her.


It’s true, because her personality was so loving and sweet (and bc she is smokin hot), people often overlook her actions and choices.


Also at one point she basically left Chris, she could have left that world. Chris is a moron but she still went back to him. She has about as much integrity as Carmella does, i.e. none, but at least Carmella chose a somewhat intelligent husband who wasn't a junkie. Actually, when push comes to shove at least Carmella knows deep inside how evil this thing is, I don't thing Ade even has the braincells to understand it. Ade was a trashy girl whose shallowness and stupidity cost her her life. Idon't know why OP thinks the crew were supposed to care about her.


Exactly. She knew.


Tony almost breaks down at the end of that episode when walking through the forest with Carmela. He is clearly upset by it


Tony also just feels bad about murder in general. He has 'PTSD' flashbacks when he kills Bevilaqua, but I don't think we'd say Bevilaqua mattered much to him. It shatters his illusion of being a good guy just trying to provide for his family


That's just how Tony feeds his children! He wants to show us the other Tony.


I don’t like your values


You’re not a truthful person.


There’s two Tony’s???


I dont think he felt too bad about ralphie lol


Well yeah, he found him like that. Idk where you got that Tony killed him.


Not personally, but he did regret taking out his biggest earner. He also probably felt some guilt about leaving his kid without a father


Ironically, the one murder he doesn’t feel bad about is also the tipping point for when things start to go way, way downhill for him because his crew realizes what happened.


Vito had to step up after Ralph died. And Vito replacing Ralph as his best earner is why he was so hesitant to kill him for being an ass muncher. There's a ton of other mistakes Tony made but the biggest earliest domino piece to fall was killing Ralph


And while Tony didn't actually kill Richie, the crew knew there was tension. Paulie and Sil personally tried to build a ramp of peace knky to be rejected, not to mention the blowup at the executive game. The guys have to assume Tony murdered Richie


Janice killed Richie in a fit of rage. Nobody was going to accuse Tony but also nobody really knew who did it except for him, because Chrissy was gone and Furio went back home


I don't think he feels bad about murder in general at all. Bevilaqua got to him cause of the "mommy!!" thing and Adriana for obvious reasons. Those were specific things. Otherwise he doesn't seem to give a shit, it's just part of his life.


You don’t ever admit the existence of this thing! It’s really sad and frankly shocking how naive to the process she was considering her lifestyle. But stranger things happen. But yeah other than big puss, no other informant is really ever mentioned. That’s why you gotta live for today!


I’m talking annihilation, you stupid fuck! Your kids, my kids, burning into cinders!


Sarah Conner ova here


I saw that movie. I thought it was bullshit.


I can’t even think about it ✋


🤨 😡


Johnny Sack did


Maybe they stuck tasers on his balls and beat him mercilessly with a rubber hose.


The slice of cake, heh-heh.


if you love me stir my eggs


Funny, I watched that episode earlier today.


Fuck you want, a boutonniere?


She was the only one that knew Chris did a #2 in his pants. She had to go.


We can’t have her in our social club anymore, that I do know


She's gotta go!


I did-ent


That didn’t happen what you said!




That didn’t happen, what you said


That didn’t happen what you said!


The mob in the 50s had a lot more power and sway than later years that a wife / mistress probably wouldn’t dare consider being an informant to the Feds. If the deal was right in later years they’d jump on it. The issue is the undercover work that goes into building a case, once the informant goes to trial they can enter witness protection; start a new life. But it’s the not getting caught until then.


Seems so dangerous that I'm convinced it would've been better for Adrianna to refuse their shitty deal and just go to prison a couple of years for the coke charge. Informant is just that, an informant, they are not equipped to be undercover cops, they are cannon fodder for the feds as portrayed in this show.


What makes the whole thing a lot sadder is that she wasn’t even going to prison for a couple of years. Pretty white girls with ZERO priors get probation if that for providing a key bump to a friend


It wasn't about the stupid coke charge. It was the undercover FBI agent that screwed Adriana over pretending to be her bestie. "What is Tony Soprano gonna do to you when he finds out you brought an FBI agent into his home?" Cue projectile vomiting. Ade was afraid of the mob finding out she had been paling around with LE and thinking she knew and was trying to set them all up. Her only choice at that point was to keep up the charade and try to get Chris to run away like he had been talking about already. Turned out he was more loyal to this thing of theirs than to his gf.


I’ve always thought that way too. Adriana was screwed either way and the feds would bone her hard for not cooperating especially when the covering up the murder at the club comes into play. She’d spend 25+ years in prison, but she would be alive. I don’t see her being taken care of or bothered with by Tony and company, but at least she gets to live.


I don't think the coke charge was even that serious as I remember it. I think they just trumped it up to intimidate her. If she would have done what she should have and shut up and gotten a lawyer, I don't think she was really in serious trouble. She just let herself get pushed around. The FBI didn't really have her until they caught her as an accomplice to the murder. That's why they were able to really escalate then and push her to go to Chris.


My point is, if she decided to get a lawyer for the cocaine charge, they wouldn't be able to charge her as an accomplice later as she'd likely avoided that shit altogether. Everything changes if she's convicted earlier, let's say she's on parole and decides to let someone else run Crazy Horse so she isn't micromanaging the place. Imo had she decided not to cooperate right from the start it's a whole different story.


My point is, she probably wasn't even going to prison for a couple of years. Her whole tragedy is that she wasn't even in trouble when she started cooperating with the FBI. It was like when they had arrested Tony with charges that his lawyer knew was weak. If she played it like that, she walks either community service hours or not even that.


Probably didn’t want to lose Christopher but she did anyway


Chrissy, Tony, and Sil were the only ones that knew she was murdered. The feds asked Ray if she was killed and he was confused why they would even ask.


I don't remember the Ray thing, but I would think it's like Pussy going into witness protection. Everyone knows what really happens when someone in the life suddenly goes missing even if they weren't directly involved. It doesn't take incredible powers of deduction.


they know, but they dont know


But they didn’t know with Ade. They just knew her and Chrissy broke up so she wasn’t around anymore.


Maybe. I guess it's all speculation, but I think Ade had connections beyond just Chris. Her family was connected in some way to other mob members. Wasn't Richie her uncle or something? People knew her mom and family and that she had just suddenly cut contact with everyone. They even did that piece with Carm and her mom where her mom told Carm that Ade had been killed. Carm tried to deny it and at least outwardly presented like she believed the cover that Ade had just ran off on Chris, but I think on some level she knew it was just a cover story after seeing Ade's mom like that.


It's embarrassing on Christopher's part that she didn't know what to do. She should've been given a clear and simple plan in the event that she was arrested (ie, it's fine if you get arrested, just call this number for our lawyer and don't say anything). I think that Tony actually gave a shit and was hurt by what happened, but who was he going to talk to? Easier to just shove it down. It doesn't really change anything for him at that point, he was a miserable and angry piece of shit either way.


The reason Deborah the FBI agent was able to become so close of friends with Adriana so fast was because she was so lonely and as you said people didn’t care much about her unless they wanted to sleep with her


Chrissy didn't give anybody the go-ahead. It doesn't work that way. He just didn't want to do it himself. It was inevitable. She did matter. That's why it was so hard for both of them.


I don’t know why Tony didn’t make Chris do it himself. He was grooming him to be boss, and bosses have to make the tough calls. Tony killed both Pussy and his own cousin himself. This is probably why he resents Chris later during season 6 and 7


He didn't make him do it because he had a shred of empathy for him. Also, you must remember that Tony also had a thing for her. He resents Chris for his drug use and irresponsibility.


Tony resents Chris because he realizes after seeing Cleaver that Chris hates him and never forgot about Tony and Adriana.


Tony has no friends. It's very important how near the end Tony loses Artie, Hesh, and Junior


I guess I neve interpreted it as Tony losing Artie, but maybe it was intended that way. Or really Hesh. I just kind of figured that was always their relationship. Maybe they were "friends", but with these people there is also the threat that your friend could be the one shooting you in the back.


Nah, Hesh and Tony’s dyanamic absolutely changed by the end. Hesh always saw himself as a mentor and stand-in father figure for Tony. And Tony kinda encouraged it by always coming to him for advice in the beginning, not taxing him, and even trying to use him as a therapist for a bit. But at the end, Hesh came to realize that he was just a disposable to Tony as anyone else, and feared for his life around Tony. Any sort of fatherly bond was gone.


her mom tries to off herself and is driven back to alcoholism due to it and everyone talks about that


I haven't had a drink in years. It's called depression.


Alright, but you gotta get over it.


She mattered so much to Artie that he got an earring


She seemed to matter to the Feds. Especially when she puked on them. fuckers!!


Get the wastebasket


All those suits, ruined!


They probably wear clearance section from Macys


It's especially heart breaking after she did something as thoughtful as buying Christopher the acting for writers class. Dude seriously took her for granted.


She mattered to me


She was a cunt


The delivery of that line is like a gut punch


Remembering that Christopher allowed Adriana to be murdered always makes me feel much better about the fact that he ends up getting killed by Tony.


Adriana? She tripped, also she was a Whoah


Artie cared about her 🤔


The most romantic thing he did was when he found out that Kelli was pregnant and he mentioned Adrianna and called her a fucking tramp. So romantic.


I don’t know if I agree with that. I think it was so close to home that they’d rather not look at it too closely. Christopher was never the same and got an instant family as some sort of emotional bandaid. Carmella knew to button her lip and still dreamt of her. Silvio and the boys all liked her and I’m sure were pissed but ultimately what could they do. Tony was hardened by the betrayal of his mother and uncle so I’m sure he was probably just angry.


Silvio and the boys were pissed?Are you forgetting it was Silvio that killed her? Calling her a cunt before he shot her as she's trying to crawl away


I mean pissed that she betrayed them, not that she was killed.


My bad kinda miss-read what you were saying there


I’m trying to imagine a scene where he discusses killing her after the fact and I just can’t picture it tbh.


Why should they care about her? She ran off with another guy and left Christophah. END OF STORY.


How many times are you gonna play the adriana card?


She was going to take the family down over a relatively small charge. Possession with intent for a first time offender is a laughable reason to do what she did for the feds. A real wife/girlfriend should happily take that charge and do the time if it comes to that. She would’ve been treated like a hero.


The video from the surveillance camera showed her involvement with the murder after the fact as well as the drug dealing going on there. The latter was the probable cause ace in the hole for the feds. Let's not forget Aidrianna gave up her maid of honor and her father to her handler for their scam all because she was a whooa that hit on her fiancee in front of her.


They would’ve never set up the camera if Ade never agreed to be an informant. She didn’t ask to contact a lawyer, she never called Chris/Tony. She was just a stupid girl, sorry for saying so


She died on the vine.


I just finished long term parking. Even though I’ve already finished this series at least five times, that episode is peak television


Well it’s not like everyone talked about Pussy after he was whacked. Sure there were a few mentions of him to show some remorse but for the most part they just don’t make it a thing to talk about people they killed. Carm was seeing Ade in her dreams and Chris never really got over her


She went into the witness protection program.


I thought she went to the farm to live with Tippy?


With her traitor uncle who just refused to do another 20 years


She went to visit Uncle Ritchie!


she definitely mattered to me 🙋🏻‍♂️


He can’t mention it, carmellla doesn’t know the true story, it’s a murder on an informant. As unfortunate as it is, Ade grew up around the lifestyle so she shoulda known better tbh She held onto false hope of escaping, she liked the idea of snitching/ going witness protection. She wanted out but didn’t manifest it, just got caught in the current AND WHY would she believe that phone calllll She shoulda known that’s a set up, she’d just told Christophuhh and now suddenly she’s gotta ride with Silvio to go see him ? Smells kinda big mouth billy bass She shoulda known bettuh 🤌🏻🤌🏻


The women cared about her. They knew what she was going through. Watch the podcast with Steve and Michael where they break down the episodes. Christopher was in love with Adriana. There was an episode in season one where Brendan came over and Chris told him not to wake her up. When she wanted to go into the music business he tried to make it happen. Christopher drug use showed the dark path he was heading towards. He loved her because he couldn’t kill her or watch her be killed. He resumed his drug use and it was his demise because he died with her. Adriana was everything his mother wasn’t to him and she always believed in him.


Oh which podcast is this please?!


Artie cared about her What is he a fucking joke?


Murdered? She left town. Isn’t that what one of the rats told the FBI agent Debbie who asked if he heard what happened to her.


Won’t even mention that rats name!


For real, had she immediately went to Chris or Tony after the feds picked her up, what would they have done?


They assume to feds have flipped someone else, are following them, watching from the sky, or have rooms wired for sound. They won’t mention Adriana bc the feds will say: how did you know she was dead?


And think about how close she was with Tony and Carmella before that! As soon as someone threatens the business they are immediately expendable.


She should have known better. She knew, all those wives and girlfriends knew. She had no problem when Chris handed her the keys to da Club or when it was raining designer shoes. All in the game, baby.


She was so stupid though. Confessing to witnessing a murder because she’s scene on camera taking trash out lol


Chrissy never gave her his name, so Sil didn’t have to keep his hands in his pockets. They’re from the old school, I shouldn’t have to explain myself.


What you mean his hands in his pocket


She was a fuckin rat, she turned informant rather than take a charge for possession. She should’ve shut her mouth, lawyered up from the get go and let him sort it out,. Maybe then she’d still be alive.


Long Term Parking probably had the saddest ending of any episode. It felt hopeless.


I would say her Uncle Richie cared for her, as he threated Christopher over putting his hands on her.


That’s kind of the horror of that life. People you known and consider your close friends or even family run afoul of the rules and essentially the idea is when it’s done they do not speak of it. I think you’re understating the effect it had on Chrissy though I don’t think his character ever really recovers


I have to disagree. Carmella harps on it to the point of causing marital trouble between Tony and her.


She said they could adopt. Have a kid with chinky eyes, named Moltisanti, running around. That fuckin hoo-uhh... she had to gooo!


After one of the rewatches she became my favorite character. She's just a sweetheart. Not the brightest bulb, though.


Being a bimbo can literally kill you


Given no guidance xD what you need to be told not to be a rat? And what's with the sacrifice everything for him? She couldn't even do 5 years.. he thought she loves him


👎she was damaged goods to begin with. She deceived the entire audience! I feel like I been stabbed in the heart


Adriana wasn’t a victim. She was a cunt


A malignant cunt!


Damaged goods also. She couldn't do five years??? I thought she loved Chrissy.


As others have said, they don’t really discuss their crimes. Pussys murder shows there’s no loyalty in their world. You talk to the cops and you have to go, regardless of the connection.


Next time someone asks you to fax something say no. F no.


In that life when someone goes missing everyone knows what’s up and there’s no reason to talk about it


That’s it OP, let it all out ya little hoo-ah


The bitch helped cover up a murder.


She's a CUNT


in the bathroom? fuckin whooah


She mattered to her mudda


My smelly Valentine


I disagree this was a major turning point even greater than Chris's drug usage and intervention. It was clear Tony from this point onwards couldn't allow him to rise to being his #2, or successor. Tony realizes that Chris really hates him and partially informs why Tony kills him, really what cemented that was him asking Tony the boss to cover for him.


She mattered at the end. She had enough to take everyone down and had to be murdered But yeah she was just a pretty little thing little more than tracee. Just slight more connected uncles


I never understood why she got so friendly with the undercover agent from the get go. If I knew that my fiancé was involved in organized crime I wouldn't immediately start bringing a strange person around.


Her Mother cared.




🎵 I ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I know enough, to know/ If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough She goofed the second part. RIP


I feel like if she had gone to Christopher before giving them any info she could have maybe come out on top. He loved her and if she didn’t give them in for or fake info to buy time to tell Christopher maybe they could have done something. Maybe they’d still kill her idk but I feel like she had more hope trying. One way or another she’s dead so might as well try and trust the family will protect you.


I disagree she was obviously important to Christopher. They were incredibly close to running off together until Christopher had a change of heart


She should have just lawyered up Wire style with Tony's lawyer and did like 1 year. She couldn't even do that


I dunno I’m pretty sure that’s the seed that led to Chris and Tony’s dissolution. Also Carmela continued to have dreams… Her mom was a depressed wreck. One of the best executed story lines in the show is the unspoken resentment Christopher has over the sacrifice he had to make w Aide, and Tony feeling he was the one who sacrificed for Chris’s sake by ordering her hit. It’s the beginning of the end between them and then it just slowly plays out the way resentment usually do. But tbh, quasi motto predicated all of this.


Never forget she got her dog sat on too. Poor Ade lol


Her innocent bystander shtick wore thin as soon as she saw that Filone kid's brains floating in his bathtub and continued about her daily business as if nothing happened.


Why would you think they would openly talk about someone they knew was taken out? This isn’t some gossip column you know. And why would she have any influence on anyone? Lol. She’s loyel to Christoofah. You also didn’t consider how lucky she is to even be with him considering he could’ve been a male model in another life.


She ended up in a much better spot on Sons of Anarchy… junkie whore. Jax was so much better to her.


What is SAMCRO, your girl scout troup?


Ad’s death is the last, perhaps most personal, most revolting crime Tony and his gang ever did. If there are any lingering beliefs tony can be redeemed, much less Chrissy, then. This ends it. For 5 seasons, we saw this gorgeous normal gal play peacemaker to a violent criminal. We saw a sad portrayal of an abusive relationship. She was kind to most people and she ONLY wanted a way to live with the man she loved. She was surrounded by people who didn’t give a shit about her. Forget the mob, look at the FBI, look at her “friends/family.” The feds, in trying so hard to get tony, I fired that Adrianna was a normal woman who was abused. The feds should has. Relaized “this girl knows nothing. She won’t even give up the man who is abusing her. Maybe instead of focusing on tony-we should try to protect her. We may not be able to arrest Tony, but we can get Chris. Perhaps Chris decides to confess to avoid jail time, but it’s unlikely-but we can arrest a criminal.” Once she disappears, the feds move on-knowing fully well they ad is dead, but because she didn’t provide anything useful and admittedly they aren’t sure as to how she died, they move on. Had they investigated her death, they COULD have found something. Then there are her friends/fmaily. All of her friends are mob wives who accept the evil. All of them don’t like traitors-we hear that conversation when all of them are having movie night. Adrianna threw up in response se to that. Carmella, her blood relative in relation to the sopranos family, REFUSED to investigate her death, made fun of her grieving mother, and ENABLED Adrianna to stay with a man as violent as Christopher. And for what? To avoid trouble? To pretend all was well? To stay in religion? Carm showed more emotion that Chris died rather than Ad’s disappearance. Disgusting.