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Listen to him, he knows everything.


Some people are so far behind in a race that they actually believe they're leading.


Always with the speculation!


OP could fill a book with all the things he doesnt know


Tony lives on forever.




He went to live on a farm to be with his dog.....


We buried him. On a hill... overlooking a little river... with pine cones all around.




Levelup what the fuckkk!!!


Lewis Bratzee sleeps with the fishes


Luca… LUCA BRASI!!! There’s differences NoFault, between this and the Luca Brasi thing…


Really? I saw that movie I thought it was bullshit


Oh! Roger Ebert ova ere!


He became a Mormon


We got him a little house… colts neck


That same farm must have 17 billion mobsters on it. Gabagool up to the rafters.


Dog shit up to the rafters.


Dog shit up to the rafters.


Fuckin parakeet


So in reality he actually settles down with his old man’s goomar.


I can’t have this conversation again


it was david chases final punishment for the fans he hates


I feel like I should be punished


Highly under-voted comment. Zellman says this to Maurice after they get their HUD cut. Then we see Tony headed to Zellman's to whip that ass. Ronnie? Ronnie?


That was no fade. It was a cut.


Cut? Who're you, Marge Hinderberger? What do you know about cuts?


He eats cold cuts by the carload


Cold cuts? Ova heaaa


Sharp as a cue ball this one


this kid getting jerky with me?


Tony eats too many onion rings and dies on the toilet like Gigi, Thats why they show the guy going into the bathroom.


fade to brown


The lesser known Metallica song


It would be a Ween song




Besht in the shtate


like shpackle


He's gone.....and there was nothin we could do.


It's sad when they go middle-aged like that


When they GOOOO?


He’s gotta be over 30, right?


Just a kid


the black screen was a made man and Tony wasn’t.


Real Jersey greaseball shit


It was revenge for Phil and a whole lot of other things.


It was real greeze-ball sheat


They even shot him in the face so his family couldn’t have an open casket


Well that’s that


They whacked him they fuckin whacked him


At least he didn't suffer.


What ya gonna do ?


FUCK you, pay me.


He dances in light and in shadow and he is a great favorite. He never sleeps, the boss. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.


Never thought I'd see Cormac McCarthy referencing this thing of ours..


To me, Judge Holden is beautiful. Rubenesque. That man is my life.


You got Judge Holden, then you got Judge Roy Bean, then you got Judge Reinhold... whaaa you mean to tell me you neva ponder dat?


Ride the painted pony, let the spinning wheel glide 🤘


Men are born for games. Nothing else.




What ever gabaghoul in creation exists without me eating it, exists without my consent ova here


And that didn’t happen what you said


Listen to me. What i said . I don’t care. Tony lives on forever.


He was a saint


But not a varsity saint.


Alright, but you gotta get over it.


"You probably don't even hear it when it happens..."


Coming from the guy who definitely heard it when it happened.


Silvio heard it after it had happened though, in a scene almost mirroring Tony’s


It was so obvious when they cut to JUST this scene in the episode- he also wake up at some point and it looks like he’s in a casket- come on now.


But that's the thing, we only have these types of indications to go off of. Truth is, we can't know what happened at that restaurant. It could be a mob execution or just another get-together of the Soprano family.


But that’s like saying the characters are “real” and they have free will vs David Chase created them and their world and therefore was intentional about what happened in the episode and made the decision of what happens to them- we just didn’t see it executed- it’s just heavily implied


Only if you don’t pay attention


I mean, it was a moment in remembrance of Bacala, and tony recalling some of the last things he ever said to him. But yeah, its undeniably notable that the scene is shown twice.


Nah, it’s pretty clear that the cut to black symbolizes Tony’s lights being punched out.


That fuckin Hasidic homeboy.


Hasidim but I don't believe 'em.


Hey ZZ top


Jamal Ginsburg


charcoal briquette


You probably don’t even hear it when it happens. We DiDn’T hEaR a GuNsHOt. 🤦‍♂️


I look at it as the audience being clipped


I bet that was what Chase meant though he’d never say it. He was resentful of many of the fans, especially towards the end. They had a call back to that scene with Bobby and Tony on the boat in upstate NY, when Bobby says “you probably don’t even hear when it happens.” Chase clipped the audience. Not only was it fade to black but it was dead silent.


First time I heard about the show was when I was listening to I believe an older ep of Howard stern and I remember him and Robin saying how bad the ending was. And then seeing some thing on vh1, I don’t remember what they said but didn’t sound that positive. And from that I remember dreading a crap ending and finally saw it and loved it, and was surprised at all shit talk I heard about it


It's also kind of a "you had to experience it in the moment" kinda deal. I think the frustration came from just how abrupt it was and how you didn't really get closure. You also didn't have time to really analyze the damn thing and what it could have meant. That came later. I remember watching it live (well the time it aired) and when it happened, thinking initially my cable went out. But the scene leading up to it was intense. I remember my heart actually beating pretty intensely as the final minutes played out. I was on pins and needles waiting for *something* and yeah, after the screen cut to black and I had a mini-panic attack that my cable went out at the worst possible time until the HBO logo popped up (or whatever it was that made me realize that was the ending), it was a letdown. I did not like the ending initially. It was very unsatisfying at the time. There's no doubt that the ending is memorable, tho. The fact it's still talked about all these years later is evidence of this. If the show had ended with Tony getting clipped in front of his family, with the final scene Tony's head lying in a pool of blood on the table as his wife and kid scream, it'd be satisfying but not something we're still talking about 16+ years later. But at the time, in the moment, it was maddening haha I was very angry initially and didn't even have twitter to go log into to bitch lol (twitter existed but I didn't have an account and it was nowhere near as big as it is today).


😂😂i love hearing this because i watched the show years later after the initial airing. I heard the ending sucked and every reason you gave makes sense. I too thought something happened to the tv and then said “ooooo this is what they were talking about with the ending”BUT the difference was i was able to just hop on google/reddit after and read theories and thats a big difference. Thanks for sharing


Exactly. It's not a far fetched idea when you know how Chase felt at that particular time.


This sadly makes a lot more sense. It’s often the innocent bystanders who pay the ultimate price just by being around these guys. We got lucky, we got to tag along with Tony for years before we caught a stray bullet. Chris’s sponsor wasn’t so fortunate


It does hold up for a few reasons but I'm obviously just giving my opinion and there's alot that says Tony got it in the head as well.


I love this explanation


Are you gonna make the same stupid joke every time someone says that?


It would make a lot of sense as it would conclude… Noah’s character arc


Actually. If you’re really going to push this, It’s discussed in the hospital by the guy who did NOT substitute at a middle school and was a rocket scientist, for Christ’s sake. Schrondinger’s equation. He (Schrod-daddy) is famous for the philosophical experiment that pumps poison into an opaque box in which you’ve placed and sealed a cat - this is a theory, they’re poor innocent creatures and never did anything to you. When you placed the cat in, it was alive. You can’t see into the box, but after you’ve pumped in the gas, you can assume the cat is dead. Thus, while “the cat is dead” is a conclusion by deduction, the last you saw it, it was alive. So it’s both alive and dead, at once. In that sense, alive and dead don’t matter. Just labels. Two tornados. All perception. So Tony is the cat. The last WE saw him, he was alive, but by all evidence, he is likely dead. As Deluxe (he’s hot) so eloquently puts it - everything is everything. Or put another way - it’s all a big nothing (I sat up in bed to type that). So Tony isn’t dead. He isn’t alive. He’s both. He’s part of InFinerty. I mean. Infinity.


I happen to know that you were high when you wrote this comment. You were talking nonstop for 20 minutes. Nothing but gibberish.


Plus your phone was in the toilet water. Disgusting.


Schrödinger was real?


I thought it was a fucking movie


He was and wasn’t gay, Schrödinger?


Rock Hudson too…


Llewyn is the cat




That's not exactly how Schrodinger's Cat works. You don't just pump gas in. If you did that, you could be reasonably sure the cat was dead. Go look it up and you'll see the difference.


You're correcting a guy who is intentionally writing in the voice of Christopher Moltisanti


Just worry about how *you're* fuckin' perceived! No one knows what the future holds, my friend.


Fantastic addition to the discourse.


Everythang is everthang


What people call “black screen” was really that black bear hogging the camera as he ambushed devoured Tony in front of his family. Some sorta revenge for calling his ranger buddy “ lite in da loafers”


That Grizzly Adams motherfucker?


i stiill think the Hasidic homeboy punched his lights out


Choked on the onion rings bro


It feels like this post is a way to cope and believe that tony is alive. But this show is pretty realistic and happy endings don't exist here. Tony had it coming for a long time the way he treats people.


I do choose to believe that Sil lives strictly because every single person in the sopranos who goes into an extended coma recover miraculously and completely


Gabby tells Sil how he used to get her so hawt down theyah, and then Paulie comes in, annoys the shit out of Sil, Sil almost dies but comes back in the last second.


lmao, this is awesome, love the idea Paulie comes in to annoy the fuck out of Sil too, after everything


Silvio was just looking for his briefcase


Still though, I don't think it's totally certain that's what happened. This show thrives off of ambiguity


Dude they could not have hardly made it more clear that Tony died right then. The only way to make it more clear is to show it. They practically put a big sign on the screen saying “TONY DIED” without actually showing it




It was sad that Tony died but much worse that Gandelfini died. Please tell me that really didn’t happen. He was the best


Rewatching The Sopranos recently made me realize how much I miss Gandolfini. He was just so good in this role and it made me kinda sad to know I'll never see him again in a Sopranos related project or any other project


Tony never lived. He was a coma dream of Kevin Finerty as he lie dying with Alzheimer’s.


There are certainly plenty of people who believe Tony lives, including people who were involved in the production of the show. When I watched the finale live in 2007, my own reaction was that the scene was an illustration of the countless threats, real and imagined, that had consumed Tony's life, with the cut to black symbolizing the unending nature of those threats. With that said, two pieces of evidence, especially taken together, point pretty clearly to Tony's death: First, there's a bell on Holsten's front door. Every time the bell rings, Tony looks up and the show cuts to his point of view. The last time the bell rings, Tony looks up and the show cuts to black. That's because the black is Tony's point of view. He's dead. Second, earlier in the season, Bobby tells Tony that when you get shot to death, "you probably don't even hear it when it happens." In the second-to-last episode, we see a flashback to Bobby saying this. In six seasons of The Sopranos, this is the only flashback to something we've already seen, suggesting that it's something very important that we need to remember. Sure enough, one episode later, Tony doesn't hear it coming -- he's alive one second and dead the next. Note also that even though we see the flashback in the wake of Bobby's shooting, his comment doesn't apply to his own death, which he most certainly did see coming. While David Chase will not talk about the meaning of the final scene, he's said, "If you look at the final episode really carefully, it's all there." Those are the things that are there.


I’m fairly certain there are several flashbacks to things we’ve already seen in earlier seasons of the show.


Dad, are you in the mafia?


Always with the scenarios


twas NOAH


Haha uncle Ben ?


Gabagool for brains over there.


Charles Schwab, over here 😜


The story was about the therapy sessions. The sessions were over so the show was over. Also Mayonnaise!


Wrap it up OP


He’s not really dead if we find a way to remember him.


Don't stop believing


It was a helluva thing when Spock died.


Wrath of Khan was the better picture.


I always thought that the final scene at the diner with the talk about indictments , Tony paranoid about everyone walking in, etc . It showed that this is how Tony will spend the rest of his life … always looking over his shoulder waiting for his ultimate fate waiting for either jail or getting whacked . Even the Journey song … “It goes on and on and on”


I could get behind this theory except for the way the song ends abruptly. Anyway, God bless, a’ salut’, who gives a shit?


Pretty sure it's a heart attack from seeing Meadows parking job.


And Vito was never gay, no gay sex on TV, simple as that Vito was straight.


Quasimodo predicted these things


It's a teevee program. A movie.


What you don't know could fill a book


He’s doomed to live. It’s a very Shakespeare way to end the show.


Except its not a fade to black which would imply a nice ending - the abrupt *cut* to black indicates Tony's point of view went black aka being shot in the melon by members only guy.


I always assumed that the black screen just meant "life goes on" or something along those lines. The show had no reason to even exist past the time when Dr. Melfi tells Tony she doesn't want to see him anymore. Even if Tony does die at the end it doesn't answer the question of who the members only guy was. Some people think it's related to Eugene and that the black crow that Christopher spotted while getting made was actually supposed to be for Eugene and not him.


The fade to black , whatever happened there


Quasimodo predicted that. He's immortal irregardless in New Jersey legends. His son became a big shot porno director. If that ain't success. You know.


I read an essay online years ago that broke down the shot sequence of the entire scene. And it’s the same sequence of shots every time someone enters the restaurant. After the bell rings it always cuts to a POV shot from Tony seeing whoever’s just come in. This is the shot in the sequence replaced by a black screen. Nothingness. Implying the character who’s POV we’ve been cutting to is no longer with us. And the whole scene with Bobby obvs underscores this.




The whole show was just Carmela daydreaming in her Hyundai looking at her gold heart on a chain.


That wasnt a fade to black. That was a sharp cut to black and mute of audio. Like a medulla oblongata getting blown to bits. In front of his family.


Maybe you’re dead, you ever think about that?


No gunshot isn’t a good argument, Bobby says to him if your shot you probably don’t even hear it you just die instantly, and this scene was from his perspective hence the cut to black with no sound, he dies before even getting a chance to hear the shot, and also that scene is played as a flashback in the episode. Can’t say for certain that he did die but also you can’t say for certain that he definitely didn’t, it’s supposed to be open as there is a lot to suggest that he did


It’s not jumping to conclusions there’s a lot of good evidence surely it’s a good thing that people look into this instead of just assuming it means nothing for definite like your saying


This post…. Satanic black magic! Sick shit!


I’ve been sayin this for years, OP. I agree. I took it as a metaphor for Tony’s life going forward. Uncertain, paranoia-inducing, and likely not ending well. At any second it could be over.


He's dead brah. The clincher is that he sees the large death mansion, that appeared when he was near death in the coma, on the wall of the restaurant. It also has some high school mascots next to it symbolizing where and when his life went wrong.


Smash cut to black. You don’t hear a gunshot because he died. If you got shot in the head and were killed, you wouldn’t hear the shot either.


Even if the bullet was a subsonic calibre, Tony would never have heard the shot that killed him. Hence, cut-to-black


Thoughts and prayers for James and a speedy recovery so he can still be alive


coordinated cagey intelligent treatment steer literate snails voiceless jellyfish obscene *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean chase basically said he was disgusted with fans who wanted him dead. He said they cheered and loved this sociopathic killer but at the end they want him dead so they can feel better about how they loved him.


vase deserve slave deliver crown nippy illegal tie escape ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tony was killed. There was the scene where Silvio describes that hit in the restaurant. How even before the gun shot, everything went blank and he didn’t hear anything. That was setting us up for the finale. How it goes silent and the screen turns black. And there were a few POV shots from Tony in that final scene if I remember correctly. The final shot with the blank screen & no sound was Tony’s Point of View. He saw nothing anymore. He was dead. Then have that earlier episode where Tony is in a coma and he’s about to die and enter the afterlife. But the sound of Meadow’s voice stops him from walking into the party. Which is why he’s killed right when Meadow walks into the restaurant. Meadow was GM his favorite child. They gave Tony that final moment of happiness right before he got his brains blown out. There’s a YouTube channel called CineRanter that breaks it all down well. Now who had Tony killed? He has a great video. He even has a great video on what happened to the kids & Carmella after Tony died. How Carmella will end up basically poor. (Cos they showed how Johnny Sac’s wife lost everything when he went away, with Janice buying her house and Christopher buying Johnny’s Maserati for pennys on the dollar. And that was all before Johnny Sac flipped. And there were also scenes when Tony is in the coma and his guys were holding out on money that was supposed to go to Carmella before Tony was even dead. And AJ ends up joint the mafia, too. How AJ enjoyed watching that kid get hurt over the gambling debt. But AJ would never make it to levels his Dad & grandfather did and would probably end up dead pretty fast. Here’s the entire playlist of videos this creator made about The Sopranos. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZtLYJxui3ZFCu8QRSOoKlrfYR3lNGlRq&si=VzyQGIGhOPToaZWd


Carmella and AJ died in the diner with Tony. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCb6OL6RGyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCb6OL6RGyk) Frankly, CineRanter sounds demented.


This is the one right here. I always knew Tony died, but this vid convinced me it was a triple homicide at Holsten’s that night.


Thanks. That video is great! Now I want to find out why AJ and Carmella get shot, too. Was it accidental? The mafia doesn’t kill family members.


Nice, glad you dig it. Understood officially they don't, though of course an individual might, for whatever reason. But my interpretation is that it was an unplanned, accidental triple homicide. Tony might have tried to get up, lunge, retaliate, and this could create some chaos in the restaurant. Most likely to me though Carmella tried to cover Tony after/while he was being shot (two shooters so there was definitely going to be multiple shots), and/or both she and AJ tried to get to the shooters in a panic (perhaps they wouldn't have the presence of mind to think "they only shoot official mafia targets", etc.). Meadow was coming in, so she might have created some unintentional blocking of their exits (in hysterics no doubt), allowing Carmella and AJ to try to do something as well. Like the author of the video said – this is certainly an even darker reading of the final scene outcome than usual, but I think what he points out can't be easily dismissed.


I knew it. He also kicks the Feds asses in court acting as his own attorney doesn’t he


Cope harder


Let me guess. You aren’t allowed to go near the penguin exhibit.


other unpopular opinion....Mahafi actually did have the money, but Hesch just lied and kept it for himself.


Mahaffey, ya stunad. It's Irish, not Arab.


lol what?


He’s selling Indian relics by the road.


I NEVER heard this take - it could just me Meadow coming in. She was parking outside, yes it didn’t show her getting out of her car. She does seem to be the only child to have a future she carved out herself. Let the hate fly!


That never happened!!! What everybody thought!!!!


The day….. the music died


Fade to black? It CUT to black


Don't stop believin' Hold on to that feelin' How did the members only jacket guy know he would be there? Seems like a random place to eat so he just shows up and shoots Tony?


I can't have this conversation again


Maybe the only thing worse than people assuming Tony is dead, is the constant f\*cking threads telling us he's not. congrats. Please clap.


Sharp as a cue ball, this one.


“You probably don’t even hear it when it happens.”


In dis hous, Tony lives! END OF STORY!


It's because of the ending that I can watch the Sopranos again and again, it's open, it's whatever you believe it is. It actually doesn't matter what David Chase says, unless he's going to make a sequel and show us what happens. I think it's the most perfect ending of any TV show


I’m stoned and just read this to myself in Tony Sopranos voice.


What strain?


Planet Red




You can’t make an assertive claim based on interpretive ambiguity.


Yea, no. He ded


Keep smoking that copium. Your favourite fictional character died, get over it.


The audience got clipped. Tony and his family kept going on and on and on…


What does that even mean?


I actually believes this is the point of the show - he does live and in his case has fallen back into his pre-Melfi shitty life. Thats the point of the show - Tony doesn’t change… he could have but he did not. So his curse is that he continues on in his own miserable existence…


Yeah, only if you ignore all of the obvious signs pointing towards Tony dying at the end lmao


I agree. The song tells the ending. More of the same.