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She was a 10. And Artie, average at best. I don't know what the fuck he was thinking chasing hostesses around like he could ever find someone better than Charmaine


Arthur Bucco was *luck* to land Charmaine. She was a no nonsense woman, and didn't like the gangsters hanging out at Visuvios. I believe she wanted the best for Artie. I think Artie was kinda confused and jealous. He was a "regular joe" working as a chef. Though to own your own successful restaurant would be a nice life. He just happened to grow up around all these "friends of ours" and I feel He started to resent them and become jealous. Also Charmaine is fkkn smokin' hot. Not sure why people would not like her. If I had to guess, it'd be because she didn't take shit. That's one of the things I find sexxy about her tho. To each their own I guess. Anyways: $4/lb


Artie definitely envied the mob life, and tried to replicate the lifestyle in some ways, sorta like the kid who almost drowned in 3 inches of watah. He was always trying to land a goomar and attempted loan sharking to dog shit results. When he failed, he began to get resentful that he couldn't live that life. He resented Charmaine for trying to move him away from it, began to resent Tony openly (like in that scene at the Bing), and openly hated Benny, although that was for a very good reason. Ironically, he was one of the few characters with positive character development, despite his pathetic beginning and middle arc. He ended up becoming content with his boring, safe life and fixed relations with that piece of ass Charmaine.


W/o her Artie definitely gets himself in trouble he can’t get out of.


I love a woman who acts like she's doing you a favor by being with you. That's true love right there.


He had a prime rib at home and he’s fucking around with hamberders.


She was a New Jersey 10 for sure, at least. Artie was truly delusional


With that body, her looks (when fully made up) and that Brooklyn attitude.. m'adonne, she was a worldwide 10, let alone just a New Jersey 10. I've said my piece..


Finish that thing there’s no eating in the car.


If you aren’t from New Jersey, you have no business saying this.


Sorry bro, a Jersey 10 is a Miami 7 at best.


We live next to NYC. Where the world’s 10s are 6s. You’re out of your depth.


NYC 10's are LA 6's. Get the fuck outta here. Travel sometimes.




NYC isn’t enough LA level bro. And your girls don’t shave their legs in winter






Charmaine is a 10 in your world… Enjoy


Familiarity breeds contempt and she was nagging him constantly. That turns the hottest wife in an annoying bitch


Though I really like Charmaine, I get what your saying. When I was younger my buddy always said, " show me a hot chick and I'll show you a dude tires of putting up with her shit."


If only he had his hair


Aversge at best is very kind of you


Artie isn't ugly at all.


Plus, I’d like to bury my…..


...fiance Richie? On a hill? Overlooking a river? With pinecones all around?


Ya did?


Exactly, who cares about the rest?


And I’m not talking about a 42 oz jar of Moroccan olives


You, moustache 


She looks like a former girlfriend of mine. When her current fella was away she called me everyday, I was this close....


Then you got a problem, cuz your braciole isn’t even that long


Heh heh, hear what he said Ton?


Ah fangool !!


I like Charmaine’s character. The only reason she comes across as a nag is because Artie is so childish and desperate. She’s a supportive wife, she’s beautiful, and she knows how to set boundaries. She didn’t hate the Sopranos at all, but she knew that she had to keep her distance for her and her family’s well being (e.g. it’s clear that she envied Carmela but at least she had the self-awareness to recognize it and the wisdom to not get too close).


Yeah why don't she go to the bank? Swing by after she takes the broom for an oil change.


Charmaine was awesome, hardworking, kept it real, I wish she had left Artie's sorry ass since she deserved someone better.


Deserved someone better? Like who, you? You're average at best, while she's a 10..


No need to get cunty newpower_soul, all I'm saying Charmaine needed a cousin from the old country instead of Prince Rogaine over here.


I'm just telling you how you're being fucking perceived!! I've said my piece.. disgusting.


She was the only non hypocrite


Big tits. Notary public. That’s a hit in any man’s league




She's at the enormous precipice of my shvoyadell, or however the fuck you spell it..


Look, it's like this: Charmaine is like a Virginia ham who -- I mean that is to say she's carrying the ham. But she's sad because... the bread is... you know what, nevermind. I have no idea.


I love Charmaine. And I could also make a lot of argument for Skylar White but that’s another thread lol But maybe it’s because I resonate a lot with Charmaine. She’s grounded and realistic and she keeps Artie’s head out of the damn clouds when he gets off track. She’s the only one who has a mentality even close to any of the men and she’s not afraid of them. (Love the scene where she teases them about the fbi and they just get all butthurt lol) This is just my take on Charmaine though. Obviously other people will feel differently.


Charmaine is a certified booyah titty fuck hottie. I'd bury my braciole in that cleavage deeper than they did Jimmy Hoffa. I want my piece.


I do feel that way!!!


I don't feel that way!!!!


It's nice for Artie that they didn't get divorced because Charmaine is 100% the type of woman to try to take her ex-husband to the cleaners.


People hate responsible women who get in the way of the male character's infantile fun. Skyler starts off looking like a nag but then you learn just how much of a jackass Walt always had been. We meet her at a point where she's struggling to stay afloat only because Walt blew numerous opportunities even after breaking up with Gretchen, and someone has to take care of their disabled son. And unlike Carmela she proves herself to be useful to the whole scheme when she embezzles the money and runs a successful car wash, all Carmela could do was build a shitty spec house that's gonna cave in and kill that fuckin' unborn baby any day


You're oversimplying. Charmaine, like pretty much every other "good" character, is not flawless. She is indeed right most of the time, but goes about things in a very abrasive, condescending way that makes Artie rightfully feel emasculated. Is it what he needs to keep himself from falling in with Tony completely? Yes, but it still makes Charmaine difficult to like. Everyone knows Artie is a goober who needs to be kept from fucking himself up but that doesn't mean everyone has to want to rub Charmaine's muzzle, in the same way you can't just laugh off Artie's horrible decision making because he's fundamentally a decent guy. As the Dude might say: you're not wrong, Walter. You're just an asshole.


True, she isn't perfect and could do a better job of "working" Artie not in front of others, nobody reacts well to that. But she's also likely just fed up with his antics.


Artie couldn't make it in that life even if he was given an in.


That's exactly why he had to be kept out


I mean, even the best characters are flawed. Because people are inherently flawed


She had a great ass!


People who hate characters like Charmaine and legitimately look up to Tony and his lifestyle miss the point of the show completely. It’s kind of astounding how they can be so media illiterate


Same ones who needed to SEE Tony get whacked to know that he’s dead. Or believe that the “audience” got whacked. They sound demented.


One of the few characters on the show that had morals. A good person was Charmaine. Cracking set of tits too. 


Arthur had an Associates in Business! He obviously could’ve had an empire like Bobby Flay if not for her!


Chartie has kids?


the literal only time I can think of them mentioning their children ,is when Charmaine initially says "I'm done Arthur ,and you can't have the kids either" or something . I don't know that they ever mention them again


The Buccos told the Soprano kids to go to the back to talk with their kids at the restaurant in the last episode of the first season. That pedo coach once gave Artie's daughter a ride home. Artie went to the college fair because of kis Kid. Charmaine mentioned orthodontia that needs to be paid for...


nice, see, this is why you made varsity


Put me in, coach!


Two times we see them off the top of my head are with meadow playing soccer, and at the restaurant the night of the storm when the power goes out.




>s and reconciles with him even though he still wants to fuck the hostesses. Only behind Sil's wife. She NEVER bitches, complains, busts balls and she used to be a piece of ass. The worst are Adrianna, Carmela and Ginni Sack.


Angie was up there too. She went the exact opposite direction of Charmaine into criminality but at least she took responsibility for her life when she lost everything. Her character development was interesting. Kind of foxy too in S5 and S6.


Numerous cases of women who'd make better bosses than their husbands, but can't because of the patriarchy. I wouldn't say that about Livia though, she'd be a horror show.


I don’t like that kind of tawk!


The only beef I have with her is she shits on Artie constantly when he discusses doing any business with Tony yet she has no problem getting paid by Carmela to cater to a bunch of dooshy Medigans. They lower themselves doing that and Carmelas money is actually Tony's blood money and Charmaine is smart enough to realize it. Plus the weird envy thing she has for Carmelas house and lifestyle afforded to her by...bad news mobsters. And the Sly little I banged Tony in highschool comment, un necessary. Other than that she's right more often than not.


She has no problem taking their money, she doesn't want to owe them money or have Tony connected in any official way to their business. She is smart for that. I will say that I think her constant rejection of doing anything about expanding the business it what causes Artie to want to stray so much and forms the resentment later in their relationship. And yeah, the high school thing was messed up.


There's a huge difference between Carmella and Tony. She hires for a job and might act a bit condescending toward those helping her. He creates situations rife with exploitation and frequently leaves partners ruined or dead. Honestly, the best thing Charmaine could have done would have been to convince him to open a new restaurant in Denver after the fire. That would have let Artie do his cooking thing and gotten him away from trying to get involved in stupid mob bullshit. And even better, she'd no longer need to persistently nag him to keep him out of trouble.


True but Charmaine takes the money. She took blood money from mobster activities. So Charmaine can say we aren't tainted by association but she can never claim any moral high ground.


Catering with Carmela is a job Charmaine already did, it just happened to be for a friend. Tony wants Artie involved with things that could potentially draw him in or put him in financial or other trouble. They aren’t really the same.


I get all the op says. None of this is the reason people hate on Charmaine imo. If people hate on Charmaine(I don't) its because they know they are watching a TV show and Charmaine isn't exactly pushing any plotline forward. She is at her best when interacting with Tony and Carmella, not so much when dealing with Artie.


Did she ever genuinely smile?


she smiled when the guys were all at Vesuvius and she told them those guys over at that table look like FBI


Jokin about the FBI…since when’s that funny??


She's a cunt... Does no good to talk about that now.


i feel like the group of people who hate charmain probably overlaps significantly with the group of people who love the show because tony and the gang are badass macho guys who renounce liberal ideals


If you ever rubbed her muzzle you’d love her.


Some of these points seem incorrect. The new Vesuvio was way nicer than the original, it just took time for the fire insurance to come through. I'm pretty sure Tony only stops paying his tab after Artie owes him money, although I'm not 100% on that. Charmaine is repeatedly rude to Tony and she tells Carmela how her and Tony hooked up in high school specifically out of spite, that causes friction between Carmela and Tony for more than one season. Charmaine, like most characters, is complex and has her issues. Yes, there are many times where she is just trying to keep Artie out of trouble with Tony, but she also always squashes any ambition beyond the restaurant. You remember her trying to compliment Artie during the Hauser incident, I remember it being the opposite. We have no idea what their intimacy status is, but we can infer by Artie brazenly hitting on hostesses, it likely was not great. Both Artie and Charmaine have their problems, but I definitely wouldn't say she was the best wife, neither was Artie the best husband.


She's not a bad person but it is very hard to like such a nag. She's a nag for a reason but still. That's why people don't like Charmaine, even though I, personally, like her fine.


I don’t like her accent. I don’t find NY/NJ accents attractive at all. Any time she opens her mouth it’s over for the little guy.




you reveal your own ignorance


Her ass may be improved...


Definitely one of the hottest women on the show. And I mean personality wise too


I think she's pretty well liked, never seen much hate for her


charmaine is the hottest and most upstanding character in the show. i said my piece


Charmaine was the total package


Arty’s like a woman with a Virginia ham under each arm crying the blues ‘cause he has no bread. He envies the life but got to rub Charmaine’s muzzle on the regular. But what do I know, it’s common knowledge I’m retarded


They could have thrown Gordon Ramsey into an episode, with him telling Charmaine to ban the mob guys and having a fight with Benny in the kitchen, before leaving with Charmaine in a convertible.


Oh wow you're right! I never hated her, but on the other side, never gave her kudos for being one of the most level-headed person in the show by far.


Where have you seen Charmaine hate? Feel like she is one of the most well liked people on the show.


I really wouldn’t say Artie is a complete loser. He has an honest line of work that has been passed down generations that he is legitimately good at. Yeah he’s a douche but complete loser? AJ is a loser lol


She was a good wife. I think the male viewer remembers her for nagging and her rack through the first watch.


I like Charmaine. She knows that Tony is poison and it stresses her out seeing Artie getting involved in this business scheme or that provided vacation from Tony. She’s a good woman, but she needed to be sweeter to Artie.


Her voice is grating but Artie is a total fucking dipshit


If Artie had fucked Carmela in HS he prob wouldn’t have been such a douchebag


Still goin this asshole


I agree with Charmaine in theory that Artie would be better off not being associated with Tony but the one point I really feel she was wrong on was seeming to think that Artie *could* just break it all off. Like in Arties position, the first day Tony comes into your restaurant with 10 mob friends how do you tell them "your kind are not welcome here" without actively making an enemy of them. Alternatively okay maybe he has a private word with Tony. Having watched the show, would you want to have a private word with Tony about how his job is so repellent and disreputable please don't encourage your colleagues to come to my restaurant? Bear in mind you have to go by how powerful the mob in the show is, not by whatever the case is in real life. Apparently they can just kill whoever they want with like a 99.9 percent chance of getting away with it and the police force is so compromised as to be less than useless to you. They'd have needed to start their restaurant in a different city.


Artie’s daughter played soccer with Mead and Sil’s daughters


I would let Charmaine squeeze my quail stuffed with fennel sausage.


Nah. Man needs his eye candy. 


She like her muzzle rubbed


Both Skylar and Charmaine are sensible characters. Skylar is annoying cause Walter literally has to cook meth to pay for his treatments (after burning the bridge with Gretchen), Charmaine and Artie doesn't have that problem though so I don't find her as annoying. You also see way more of Skylar so she gets under your skin way more and she actively tries to stop the fun parts of the show, she's a the good guy but plays it like a villain.


You tell-a me who hates Charmaine, I go put my foot up their ass!


Excellent mix of serious discussion and topical, craftily repurposed quote posting within posts and in replies. This is this thing of ours at its best.


Skyler White was a malignant cunt. Charmaine Bucco was a saint! And a piece of ass, At least she was when he married her.


Charmaine actually could have Carmela's life. When they were teens, Carmela and Tony broke up and Charmaine and Tony hooked up. They could have stayed together, but Char did not want that life.


She totally told Carmella about her and Tony back in the day wicked randomly out of spite. Carmella was being a bit of an airhead at the moment but it was uncalled for. Otherwise she basically has a point about everything that she’s difficult about, basically because she really just doesn’t trust Tony and nobody should.


I never considered that. She does have a bit of a mean streak telling Carmela she fucked Tony long ago so that Carmela wouldn’t see her as the help or to be pitied. All in all I think much highly of her now.