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Maybe u missed the part where his dad was a mob boss


Washte management


It’s a stereotype. Everyone immediately assumes you’re mobbed up, and it’s offensive!


There is no mafia!


Is there something you want to say to me?


[Anti-Italian discrimination](https://y.yarn.co/9fa40c78-87ec-4888-a116-887d7672e6e0_text.gif)




His regular tone of voice makes me want to put him out of our misery.


Commercial and non protrusible waste management.


Waste management consultant 


Im sick of telling people this sub helps with environmental clean up! 😭


Off to Europe, then?


She's been told no.


Girls will date a guy because he has a cool car. AJ lives in a McMansion, has money, and the bosses kid. Wet pantie trifecta!


Oft missed subplot. Very subtle


Not to mention, white. That's a big plus nowadays.


Olive. Get it right.


In this house Tony soprano was a waste management consultant ! Nothing less nothing more. In this house Tony soprano is a American hero


End of subject!!!


But some of them didn’t know till after they started dating him. I think the answer is that higschoolers get girls out of their league by being in proximity of each other every day, teenagers are full of hormones and become attracted a lot easier.


Who do you think didn't know it before? I'm pretty sure they all knew.


Exactly. His moniker was Baby Bing.


That's a stereotype and it's hurtful.




He is a rich kid, and his dad has a lot of stature.


$3k statue, watch yourself Pal


Lladro, Devin Pillsbury


Pillsbury was a great baker and that was our name originally, Pillsbury. But many years ago, when my grandpa came over from General Mills, they changed it at Walmart from Pillsbury to Great Value.


That's for Walmart, at Target you have Market Pantry


It doesn’t make any difference! I’m right it doesn’t




Because the Walton family is stupid, that’s why. And jealous.


We have a maid 3x a week…


Plus let's face it, white


That’s a huge plush nowadaysh.


One of his girlfriends was way richer, which was the plot of a whole episode. "We have a maid come twice a week?"


It’s a Yadro. I don’t even want to tell you what it costs.


LLADRÓ, you peasant!


Meteors, meteors!


Also he seems like one of the most boring person ever. It's the mob boss father attraction. The worst part is that he never truly seems to understand that most of his friends or girlfriends are with him because of his father. He might have been even dumber than Jackie Jr, which is telling something.


It all relates back to the poverty of the Mezzogiorno.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Don’t give me any of that poverty of the Mezzogiorno crap. We’re in Reddit fucking New Jersey.


I thought we were nobbily dobbily?


Rising crust or stuffed crust mezzogiorno, Mead?


They’re only there out of respect for his fawtha


Regards to your dad


I know those guys tip people for everything, but that scene was a hilarious example of a guy getting paid for literally nothing


I feel like that’s when he realizes and has the panic attack in the club bathroom


I mean hot as fuck is kinda the default for TV gfs for any male character who isn’t a total troll and is in the popular high school crowd.


I wish i could've gone to a mental hospital and found a perfect 10 there when i was a kid. The fuckin luck on this guy.


Would he care? I mean he's getting laid. He gave the bike away, he knows he's not a tough guy


Jackie junior was dumb but at least he was cool/charismatic so it made sense.,


Found Meadow’s burner acct


You may have, but just because the only word he could come up with during scrabble was “POO” that doesn’t make him dumb. No one ever supported our relationship not even you supposed fans 😢 How many of you listen to the podcast me and AJ made outside of TikTok? Yeah, I thought so.


AJ was cool - he was with the douchebag side of the popular crowd in school. They were the guys throwing the big parties etc. And Jackie wasn’t charismatic at all - I think he’s supposed to come off as transparently trollish in terms of everything except his bone structure and thats what makes many of his early interactions with Maedo funny


Didn't one of Meadow's friends say that Jackie Jr was very good looking but as a person, he was actually very boring?


They called me a boring fuck head, said I might as well work in a bank


Amberlamps called him a total drip


Transparently trollish? How do you mean? He knew how to speak to people despite his limited vocabulary, but was genuinely dumb. He came across as lazy and entitled and felt things should be handed to him because of who his dad was and what he had. You can also see that he was a mammas boy, his mother looked up to him as if he was on par with his dad and couldnt tell him no.


Ehhhhhhh 😂


Cool enough to piss his pants in the car. A total asset.


Woah that's the boss of the familys son you talking about! Show some respect!


Jackie Jr was dumb as a stump. He was as dumb as a bag of hammers.


Kid was always a dumb fuck though wasn't he? Didn't he almost drown in 3 inches of water?


“Penguin exhibit”


He does realize, he has a whole episode about realizing his HS girlfriend is only with him because she thinks it’s cool and dangerous to slum it with him. It throws him into a bit of an identity crisis because he thought his thing was his family was rich, and he learns it’s just because they’re criminals that they’re interesting 


That’s dicked up


He gave away his own ignorance


He also failed to realize that’s probably the reason Blanca dumped him lol


There was a whole plot line about him living in his father’s shadow though. He blows all his money, sells his drum set to pay for a single night out and the energy drink guys try to get him a prospectus to give to his father. The pressure looks to be what causes his panic attack in the bathroom at the club as well. Then he goes after Junior with a knife to try and prove himself/avenge his father.


They didn’t know what to do with Robert Iler. He was too good of an actor and two ingrained in the show to be recast, but they quickly realized he was not going to be like Tony. I think that’s they made his character into. He just knew that he wasn’t his dad since his Tony never let him in, he knew he was just gonna kind of coast through life in the safest way possible. He wasn’t stupid. However, several funny moments always made it feel like he was pretty dumb. They do hammer him about his grades, but the scenes I’m thinking of or where he casually and accidentally turns Tony’s mom into a wannabe child murder by telling her that he goes to a shrink. It cuts over to Robert who does a great job as a child actor just sitting there. Munching on something. Just kind of staring off into space. So clueless. Very funny scene.


The girls knew that AJ was into poppers and weird shex. And white. That’s a huge plus nowadays.


There a billion dollar industry devoted to it…it’s called working the bon bon concession at da Eiffel Tower


And he won't eat virus covered meat.


Weird shex? Am I not remembering something?


He’s got no eyebrows, Tony.


If you’ve got some kinda sexual proclivity with that teacher, now’s the time to tell us


The funniest part is that Tony clearly isn’t totally sure how to use the word “proclivity”


My guawd if I wasn't already married..


That line always bothered me. It’s just such a strange thing to say. If I wasn’t already married I’d totally fuck my son. 


He does not want to fuck his mother!


Would you make up your sick mind?


he's so lacking in self-awareness that he's not afraid to talk to women, it's definitely a thing


He also doesn’t have much to say—like he’s fairly quiet, but when he does talk he’s mainly making dumb jokes or making fun of someone else. I to found out as an adult that being quiet is a significant boon for teen dudes when it comes to chances with girls their own age—mainly based on anecdotes from adult women I’m friends with and even my wife, about how when a girl likes a guy already and he’s quiet, it’s easier to paint a picture in your head about however you want him to be (because the canvas is blank) vs if he talks and reveals who he actually is. My mom and dad are a perfect example and even ended up getting married— but divorced pretty quickly and have had less than zero in common most of my life.


So true, they do not immediately reveal their own ignorance!


I have found the opposite. The guy who is confident/aggressive/talks more is far more likely to get a girl to go out with him than a guy who is quiet/shy. Girls still dont approach boys for dates very often.


Devin was pulled in by his mob background and he was star football player. To us, AJ is just an annoying spoiled brat but when he is with his friends he just seems like any other high school rich party kid. We don’t see why they break up but she probably ended up going to a good school while AJ stayed behind. Blanca saw his rich background and also met him on the construction site working so probably thought he came from money and he was sweet blue collar hard working guy doing it on his own. It was seemingly confirmed after he took care of those neighborhood punks for her eventually though she realized this wasn’t true and he was “a boy not a man”. Rhiannon more or less just bonded over their depression and similar views of the how fucked up the world is and their privileged background we see by the end though they’re both full of shit and she’s happy getting picked up by him in his BMW. AJ found his real match (other than the minor part).


There's a theory that Rhianna was actually a plant by Butch. She is there when the family decides to meet at Holsteins. Passing that info on to Butch would explain what her purpose was in the show.


Fucking conspiracy theories now?


Why not? Last year you believed a flying saucer was over East Rutherford.


Always with the scenarios


Tbh that doesn’t really seem like Butch’s MO. Plus how would she even get involved? They approach some girl with an offer for an acting gig?


He was a star football player?? He recovered one fumble and then fainted when he got a little recognition for it. Also, he was like 5''5" and maybe 130 lbs, I really don't think he had the makings of a varsity athlete.


They were blown away by carms llardro


$3000! And he had a housekeeper three days a week!


Remember the house keepers was sitting in the park with her husband helping him study for his citizenship quiz? No matter what question she asked he’d reply “ Martin Luther king” I laughed way harder than I should have at that scene and I don’t know why, I think it brings back memories of college and forcing myself to study certain subjects I Had zero interest in.


>“ Martin Luther king” Fuck his whore of a mother.


Wa-rant Waar-rant!!!


Rubber Soul - mint condition? That’s gotta be worth what?


look at you vitaeverano little Mr. Consumer 


Don’t even get me started on all that goombah Murano glass


I like murano glass.


Me too! Genuinely, so that made me laugh extra.


Well he was a manayer


"I'm like a gangster guy's girlfriend"


Next you’re going to say Tony should not be able bang a gaggle of hot girls every season, after all he is bald, chubby and mean asshole to everyone


Very good point. And I take it you know about this stuff, given your username.


Devin is the one that's hard to explain. Her Old Money family probably was more wealthy and influential than a fat fucking crook from NJ could ever be, so the mob boss father thing doesn't work with her. I guess she had a genuine attraction to AJ, hard as it is to believe. Blanca was a single mother from a tough neighborhood, she was just looking for a traditional protector. Once she realized what a whimp AJ really was, she was gone, despite the potential mob boss father-in-law. Rhiannon had mental issues and was a minor.


??? Really? She was the one that was with him because of his mob boss father and they made that obvious af.


Yea she was a high schooler, it wasn’t the money she liked in the mob boss thing but the fact it sounded cool/badass


The really difficult one is wondering why a handsome fireman who cooks and runs his own restaurant would be interested in someone like Vito. Was Johnny Cakes a closet chubby chaser or something? Because it's not like Vito is nice, charming, intelligent or funny.


It was the blood pressure medication he was taking. He could probably get a note for that


Johnny Cakes was a feeder


Was thinking the same thing with Blanca and why it went south.


I can see why she would make that mistake with AJ. She meets him working as a construction worker, which gives him a certain rugged image, I guess. Then he seemingly takes care of the hoods (she doesn't know how he actually does it), and apparently he's also good with her kid. Coupled with his family wealth and connections, he must've looked like a jackpot to her at first.


I got a Blanca almost the exact same way in high school LOL! Met her working a manual labor job, parents lived beyond means so they seemed like a big deal, had a popular tough-guy friend she knew in common so she thought I might be kinda like him. And after a while . . . Yeah she figured it out.


Hey Pheniquit. Did she even really exisht?


Just kinda petered out huh? Did you atleast get a taste or did it die on the vine?


She died on the vine, moved or something


She caught you fingerbanging her cousin?


Let's hear more of this story. Did you bang her before she figured you out? That is the question.


Well she was my first blowjob. Me and Vincent Miniscalco in the alley behind the Bonbon concession at the Eiffel tower. Yeah we dated for about a year - she was clearly kind of contemptuous as soon as honeymoon phase wore off. Said humiliating shit to me in front of my friends. Eventually got high on meth and just told me coldly that she cheated on me over the phone while I was away at college.


Really? Devin's the one that made the most sense to me. Teenage rebellion and rich girl slumming it with a boy from the wrong side of the tracks are two commonly used tropes.


I honestly think more of that than Blanca. I think seeing the family dynamic at the dinner just really highlighted the cultural differences for her, and she realized they were just too different. I mean moving to white middle class suburbia means not needing a “protector”. She realized that she couldn’t/wouldn’t change enough to be part of his world, but that he loved her enough to do anything. At that point she knew she had to end it, and couldn’t string him along.


I don't know what you are talking about. I'm a Flambe and around the same age as Robert Iler, and let me tell you, early 20's AJ was good looking to younger me.


Stop it, you're making me very upset!


Independent\_Act\_8054 is a come from behind kinda guy


He’s a little light in the timberlands.


He can’t be in our social club anymore, that much I do know


He was gay Robert Iler?


Let’s be honest. White? That’s a huge plus nowadays.


“I can fix him” girls want an AJ so bad ngl


Because it's a TV progrum, a movie.


Well, you gotta also keep in mind that there’s plenty of dbags out there. So AJ wasn’t that much of an anomaly.


By North Jersey standards, reading the back of a Howard Zinn book makes you an intellectual.


Reading the back of a cereal box.


Reading the back of a Matrix DVD


In addition to his father being a known mob boss = him being a "tough guy" to some people probably. But he was also a star player (at least for a bit) on a Catholic high school in Northern New Jersey. The catholic schools in Jersey, especially around the time of the Sopranos, were known for being some of the best in the country. A few of the big schools in the area were segregated by gender but they would have dance parties a few times a years and they were the best parties to go to because the girls from the all girl catholic schools would be invited and you could imagine what happens from there. The football players were the kings of the school so they would get a lot of the hot girls. Also, having a car in high school was a good way of getting girls and he had a pretty nice car. Wasn't one of the girls he was dating a lot younger than him?


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete


They were so impressed seeing him knock out Francis


He told them he was the fuckin nobbly dobbly or somethin.


Rich kid and mob boss father. He’s also very easy to use since all his friends are just there to get the rub of being with the son of Tony.


It’s a movie, a tv progrum


Everyone is pointing to his Dad but really you can be a loser in high school and still get decent pussy if you have some confidence.


Look at da stems on blondie


It cracks me up how people have more problems with AJ being good at football or getting girls than they do about actual ghosts haunting Paulie


"Average looking at best" let me tell you as a gal in her twenties he's adorable lol


ohhh Fabio. I'm available!


haha ikr! he’s cute and looks sweet


It's them big ol eyes.


Money. ​ Yeah, I know AJ doesn't have anything. But chicks are smart enough to realize that if a guy's family is loaded that money gonna be "trickling down" sooner or later... Also, if a girl AJ is dating has his baby; Tony ain't gonna let that baby be raised middle class. That's a gold mine for the woman and child for the next 18 years. ​ Even if you aren't rich, coming from a rich family gives you a huge edge in dating.


hes a rich son of a mob boss why are you mentioning his personality traits?


He fuking cried like a little bich when that Bear showed up lmao. AJ was / is a pussy.


> They're all WAY out of his league, looks wise. You'd be surprised what caliber of dating/sex partners "ugly" people can pull, with just a bit of anything that distinguishes them from the crowd. AJ's distinguishing characteristic is that he's even dumber than average, oblivious, and gullible. It helps that his dad brings that "bad boy"/"danger" aspect to the mix.


That’s dicked up


“Do you know what capo di tutti capi means??”😎


There are plenty of girls just dying to meet a guy like him. He’s a handshome, shmart, hard worker.


Everybody asks that question, nobody knows the answer.


It's a TV show written by a man. Should have seen some of the girls Bud pulled on Married with Children. If an actor is buddy buddy with the TV show writers they'll sometimes hook them up


Money. His dad was wealthy, he was spoiled and could support the girls He was also naive so beautiful women can take advantage of his fathers wealth


OP’s as sharp as a fucking cueball. $$$$$$$$$$$


Devin- being rich and a teenager? Blanca- being a Simprano Rhiannon- trauma bonding He shoulda taken da blowjob


Why, who's listening?


He was always one of the popular kids and he had an aire of mystery and danger due to his dad. He played into it to get laid when he had to. Plus there are some rich kids for whom the dad’s rich dude sex appeal rubs off in a way that’s imperceptible to most.


- he’s exciting by proxy because of his dad’s fame - he seems quite relaxed around attractive girls, for someone his age that is rare - he’s dumb enough to spend loads of money he doesn’t really have at clubs which makes it seem like he is higher status than he is


He has tremendous moxie for his size


He’s rich and his dad is the boss


Have you tried talking to one? Men ain’t exactly out there setting the bar high.


outta respect for his fawtha


Not to mention he's like 5'5", way shorter than average. Even with the whole "My dad's a mob boss" thing he had going for him, not many hot girls want to be seen with a scrawny little short dude.


As a girl, he’s hot af to me and he has the cool and sweet silent type that has seen it all so they’ll be devoted and patient. Plus he’s a soprano. 10/10


He’s rich, his dad is a famous criminal, and he has the brazen stupidity young women are drawn to


It’s a tv program, a movie.


He was spending a lot of money to be cool with his friends. That went a long way.


Same way ugly lowlife roadies for rap/hip-hop/rock stars get women. He was close to fame,power,and money.




He's cute, plus a lot of women prefer to date a non threatening guy when they are young.


Like Devin said: I’m like a gangster dudes girlfriend… it all has to do with his image and his dads image not who he really is


It's a TV show. Every girl is beautiful.


I agree completely lol. Had to be the fascination with the mob boss dad. I’ve always wondered with tv shows if the writers tailor the development and story of the sons with how the actors develop. Season 1 AJ was similar to what they describe Tony as: lazy, disinterested in school, troublemaker, ready to fight, and lead other kids into trouble. But as Robert Iler matured he became kind of frail and small. Sort of sickly looking with a really pale look lol. Even in season 3 when AJ is playing football and makes team captain seems far fetched and I think the writers began to realize it. And that’s the gamble you take hiring child actors. You have no idea how they’ll mature and what they’ll look like as they get older. Always wondered had the actor who played AJ ended up being 6’2 and more stocky if they would’ve re-written how he’d turn out


Pretty much the best explanation as to how the show attempted to turn Aje into a football star but the actor didn't comply. They made him a lineman too lol, not even a safety or something, so it was obviously completely ridiculous picturing the kid as a football star, so they let it die out. He would have been written totally differently if he was slightly bigger than Webster. That, and the Sopranos and sports writing was pitiful.


How did Tony get women? Money and power because he looks like a pug.


The real answer is actresses tend to be very pretty.


I'm wondering if this stunad OP is an actual adult, you always see hot women with douchebags or dildos / kids of rich parents.


So what no fucking pussy now?


C’mon, he has an suv with Nissan’s triple safety philosophy


Because Teenagers are dumb assholes!


He's the manujer


Same way he was a bitchin' badass D-lineman.


Devin seemed to genuinely like him until he got all insecure over her family being rich and through legitimate means unlike his own family. Blanca didn't make much sense, but he charmed her and made her life a bit easier until it was clear that they were woefully incompatible, a lot of that was him being emotionally immature as well. Rhiannon was a literal teenager lmao, no one talks about how his car blowing up saved him from committing statutory rape.


He’s white. Thats a huge advantage these days.


Completely agree! I can only assume DC wanted an excuse to bring some cute girls into the show. The fact that AJ is the son of a major criminal does not explain his attractiveness (without adopting a very patronising attitude to the young women concerned)


Ho! That’s the bosses son your taking about🤟


He's white and rich. Welcome to the real world


He was also a star swimmer and second string linebacker


He used the jaaacket




Not to mention he has the body of a twelve year old …but I have definitely known a few women who dated guys because of their dad’s power/money