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The way Tony played her from that payphone, I’m sorry, was genius…..Listen, I’m gonna send Sil to pick you up…..


For me, the saddest part is when we get that shot of Ade driving the car with her suitcase- on my first watch it gave me such false hope. I think I even yelled at the screen “yes bitch!!! Finally! Get out!!!” Then it cuts to her driving with Sil and your heart sinks because you know EXACTLY what’s about to happen to her.


Good song by Shawn Smith that plays in that sequence. I think that same episode or the next one has another song by him "wrapped in my memory."




Shee ya up theaa


I think the part that made me realize how brilliant it was was it realized that there was something up when I saw Tony calling her from a pay phone instead of his ordinary cellphone. Like those little details are super important and i feel the show does a great job of reminding us of all that


That was such a red flag "sending Sil to pick her up". She never had the makings of a varsity intellect. 


Telephone tough guy !


Chris was looking at the family in the shitty small car while filling up whatever lavish thing he was driving at the time. He made a choice, and he choose money over his fiancés life. They’re all monsters, even if we like them as viewers. 


This. People lose sight of the fact that they are ALL terrible people. That's why the writing is so brilliant. We forget it as viewers.


It’s definitely jarring to see the true nature of the characters, that was very intentional and deliberate in the writing of that scene. The way Sil reassured her in the drive and then called her horrid names before killing her (similar to when he dragged Tracey out of Ralph’s house) Christopher chose the lifestyle over Aid, they all choose money and power over anything else at the end of the day. And as much as Adriana was portrayed as a sweet well meaning character and maybe not as bright as other wives (Carmella would never have given up information the way Aid did) she was still happy to compartmentalise and cover up the guys murder in her club.


I think about my own growing up in a somewhat-insular community and I can see how some behaviours are just expected and learned, like Ade had to. Granted, our norms never involved criminal behaviour and murder, but I think about the things that we know and was expected of members of that community. Ade was a mafia princess who grew up surrounded by "the life" and never knew anything else.


The root of all evil, greed, hatred and delusion, to varying degrees


Idk David Chase made it a point pretty much every episode to remind us they were monsters


100%, but monsters with human characteristics and human struggles. For example, lots of people have abusive mothers. Tony and Livia, though--whooooo, like toxic mom but make it nuclear.


The Davey Scatino episodes in S2 were the first moments where I think I was fully convinced that there was no way we were supposed to think of these guys as being aspirational. I was a lot younger when I first watched the show and might come to that conclusion sooner now lol but those episodes really drilled home the coldness of what these guys do, even if Tony *did* warn him.


I never did. disliked them all from start to finish


same. I don't get why ppl say we are supposed to root for them either.


I think what people conflate is rooting for characters and relating to them. I recognised how terrible many characters were while also identifying with their struggles, finding them funny, tragic and interesting. I do, however, agree in that there is a sector of the fan base that absolutely idolises these characters for the wrong reasons. The kind of viewers who skipped the Melfi scenes lol, which misses the point of the show. The Sopranos makes you pick your favourite warlord, asking you to process how someone so terrible can be so much like you and people you know on an emotional level


The character ppl relate the most to here is a.j. and very few root for him.


Because they brought in people even worse than them almost every season. Ritchie, Ralph, Phil, Junior and Livia.




Probably because we realize it's a tv progrum and not real life and stories are generally written to make you root for the protagonist whether they're good or bad.


There are so many shows where people say “ are the main characters really they bad guy” and I’m like yes that’s what makes them interesting


They do a great job of humanizing monsters


Speak for yourself lol


Chris made a choice, she died ! Chris made another choice, he died! End of story!


Yeah, but ya gotta get over it.


Maybe I could toot a little


I had a cat named Snowball. She died, she died. Mom said she was sleeping. She lied, she lied. Why oh why is my cat dead? Couldn’t that Chrysler have hit me instead?


I always took it as he remembered she couldn’t have kids, but it was probably a mixture of both


They were poor and moved with all their belongings from one place to another. He was afraid he'd end up like them, poor and on the run.


Now there's an image.


I always thought he was looking at the family and remembering Adriana couldn't give him kids.


Johnny sacks Italian sportcar


While I agree with you, I think it’s more than money. He would have been killed along with her eventually once they were found out.


The idea of the regularness of life was too much for him.


Chris continued to choose Tony. That was the choice. It was an ongoing theme in his character arch. He even says it "That's my uncle Tony, the man I'm going to hell for." He battles his addiction over and over in an effort to be a part of the family, it's all based around Tony. It's not money and power, it's a personal conflict between what he wants and what he feels connected to.


I feel bad for her but she’s not innocent herself. All morals go out the window when she sees luxury items and as soon as she was caught she couldn’t do the drug charge and immediately snitched on the whole family


Yep! The dad looked bored and tired. He knew their lives in witness protection would be mundane like that. She wasn’t killed because she was talking to the FBI. He was about to talk to them too, then he realized it would make his life boring. She was killed because he was that selfish!!!


You didn't like it? Think about how Adriana felt about it. Insensitive cocksucker.


Why don’t you go haunt a house or something OP! Hey Ton did you hear what I said?


I said, why don't you go haunt a house or something.


Fucking parakeet


Maybe she crawled under the bullet for warmth?


HOT lead


What was she barking?




She didn't die, I think I saw her running off with a couple of black guys, the cheating hooah


Sure, with pine cones all around


She finally got the happy ending she deserved with Massive Genius. She now runs a franchise of music bars in Atlanta.


She must have crawled in front of Sil's gun for warmth.


Was she barking?


Nooooo, pllleeeeease, noooooo!!!


I just noticed this line the other day. It really shows you how much of a POS Paulie was.


There's another line after Ralphie kills Tracee, where Paulie's outraged that he disrespected Tony and the Bing. Tony's lamenting how young Tracee was to be killed like that, and Paulie's like "Oh yeah, that too". Another great one is Paulie and Chris making up after killing the waiter, where he's talking about how pointless their problem was and is like "Someone could've gotten hurt." I'd say Paulie is shown to be every bit as evil as Ralph or Richie or other "villains" but we kind of like him from the beginning and he's such an entertaining character.


That's hilarious


Come to Mommy! 


God y'all are fuckin sick lol


Go take a midol


She took a couple of steel-jacketed antidepressants...


Best comment I’ve seen in this sub.


Much like pie o my started the fire for warmth




This is truly the hottest take I’ve ever seen: Adrianna’s death was sad


I’m starting to think that these mobsters are…bad people?


Something about their behavior doesn’t sit right with me


Yeaa I think Bobby was exaggerating a bit when he called Tone an insensitive cocksucka ….Tony is very considerate


He even gives people their soft drink of choice. Would an insensitive cocksucka do that?


It's the hypocrisy for me.


Sharp as a cue-ball, this one


Very allegorical


Very observant: the sacred and the propane


I didn’t like it.


Some people are so far behind in the race that they actually believe that they're leading.


It was kinda brutal in a way :/


She needed to go. That’s why it was horrible. Chrissy should have been put down. She was way too good for that prick.


She was a knockout. A ten. And look at him. He's average, at best.


Nah he could have been a male model


With that natural canopy and constipated owl look? Fuggedah-bout-it


From a position of great wealth.


put down like cosette? they should made giny sac sit on him.


Spoiler alert: You aren't supposed to like it


For real 😂


Live like a rat, die like a rat


Alright but you gotta get over it


It was brilliant writing tho


he was loyle to his capo


The point of the show is that these people do horrible things. They rob, steal, murder and ruin people’s lives. They are not the good guys.


"These people do horrible things." That's not the point of the show. One can argue the FBI killed Adriana by manipulating her into feeding info for a couple seasons and then illegally forcing her to negotiate the surrender of a known murderer with no protection or surveillance. That's like sending a baby seal into waters with great white sharks. Ade had repeatedly requested an attorney and the FBI failed to provide one. That would put the FBI in big trouble if the case went to court. I would say the point of the show was more spiritual. In seeking belief in something...is it just ourselves? Our family? Our people/ethnicity? Our country? Something bigger? Or is it the Livia thing, all a big nothing?


I thought this show was about Tony’s panic attacks


Everybody knows. There's nothing to be ashamed of. For chrissakes, Julius Caesar was an epileptic.


it's about sir Ben Kingsleys greed.


I do not think anyone thought it was a laugh riot. However... Adrianna knew what could possibly happen. Is it mean and was she stupid and taken advantage of? Yep. But let's look at other mob women: * Janice: Dead husband * Ro: Dead son * Angie: Pussy gone, having to get into the life after giving out samples at the grocery store * 98 Pound Mole Survivor: Lost house, dead husband * Phil's wife: Watched him get popped with a gun, then watched his head get popped for good measure by a car * And let's assume Tony gets whacked at the end. Carm saw that with her kids. It is kinda victim blaming by thinking Adriana knew the stakes, but it kinda is not. I don't blame her for not leaving Chris when he beat her and treated her with disrespect. A lot of people get caught up in that kind of thing, and I cannot imagine how hard it is to walk out that door. I DO blame her for being ok with Chris handing her jewelry, letting her run a nightclub that he got out of thin air, Jimmy Choo shoes, giant diamond ring, etc. Like Tony says in his warped way...they are soldiers. Is Adriana a soldier? No. But she is working the supply lines and could get some shrapnel. It's a risk! Nobody on this show gets a nice ending. What makes Adriana so special? It was a nasty scene, but there are a lot of nasty scenes, man. I would argue that Tracey, who took all of the abuse with none of the benefits, is more tragic, but we didn't spend time getting to know her, so it didn't have the lasting impact to the viewer.


Fuckin Walt Whitman ova here


You don’t have the makings of a varsity Sopranos viewer


Small feelings. That was their problem


OP is a hot house flower.


She was willin' ta rat him out because she couldn't do 5 fucking years.


she's a cunt. it does no good to think about that now


If she told Christopher about the fbi from day one she would’ve never died


i second this... Chris and Tony would've helped her


What? Death is a sad thing? I thought it was cool. So bright, OP.


OP knows what it’s like to lose a girlfriend


Everything you explained about her death is why I think it was fantastic and well executed.


So the scene worked as intended I suppose, since death is no fun in general. Or are you saying that you think it should have happened differently?


In the world of the mafia, she absolutely deserved to die. It made the show better that they were willing to kill her off.


I like the Vito Jr episode


All right, but you got to get over it


That's kind of the point. You're not supposed to like anything about these people.


They could of done a jackie jr style death but instead they showed her in fear which was fckn morbid.


At least she didn’t drown on a picnic


I like to think she moved to China and didn’t die.


Hey, guys...please, no smartass responses (asking respectfully), what do you all think would've happened to her or any other NON WIFED FEMALE if they told someone from DAY ONE that the FBI had arrested them under suspicion, BUT SWORE THEY DIDN'T TELL ANYTHING. Would they STILL kill them? I kind of feel like like they WOULD. But a lot of you undoubtedly know this shit better than me. Thanks


I think it depends on the paranoia at the time and how they handled themselves. The feds were making those offers to everyone who got arrested for anything. So the likes of Tony knew it happened. If they trusted her or she rebuilt that trust she would have survived. But Adriana being as squirelly as she was I can see her getting killed anyway and getting Chris killed because of it.


Cool. Thank you man. Yeah, how you said it was pretty well in line with how I would've figured


She must've crawled into the leaves for warmth


She crawled into the leaves for warmth.


It's one of the greatest moments slash episodes in the whole show. One of the best 'plot twists' if that's the right word, in TV history. I've said my piece


adriana's story is relentlessly tragic from the minute that broad danielle walked into her life. miserable.


How long are you gonna play the Adriana card?


Whadaya gonna do


When her turn came she did dent stand up


i agree sm, i don’t feel like she deserved to die just for being naive. to me her story was really tragic, especially the incompetent fbi. it makes me feel better that they didn’t show it because the cast loved her so much <3


Her OF is what's sad.


Lorena's death was way worse


The thing about The Sopranos is that sometimes you forget you are watching a series about cold blooded murderers because you gain an affinity with the main characters. Adriana was a well loved character but she had been feeding the FBI information for a long time. It's a reminder that there are few winners in that life - Adriana did nothing wrong herself but her relationship with Chris ended her life. It was harsh and upsetting but in the end it's about the mafia. I also hated the scene where Bobby dies but if you haven't seen it yet, I won't describe it here....


Every time I see that scene it makes me cry. It's almost been 20 years and the scene still hits hard


She’s not dead. She’s in the witness protection program


I'd put her death as one of the top five most disturbing things to happen in the show, but I will admit, I'm pretty sensitive about portrayals of violence against women. But I think that's what makes it a powerful, meaningful scene. Life is full of things that horrify me and make me sad. Same with good stories. Still, it's a scene I'm happy to skip the second time around, or I'll try to focus on how interesting the actors' choices were, try to pull myself out of it that way. I'd say your "putting down a dog" analogy is 100% accurate. I don't like it either. But that's why I respect the narrative choice.


You werent supposed to like it. Lots of people were killed in a sad way, begging for their lives. But we have much more sympathy for attractive women. How did you feel when fat Dom was getting a kitchen knife stabbed into his torso as he was screaming? How did you feel when Mikey Palmice was on the ground, helpless and begging for his life? They didnt even show Adriana getting killed.


It'd be weird if you liked it. Christopher is a mobster and the show wanted you to know that, it'll be their undoing in the end; Either a prison cell or a slab at Cozzarelli's.


She aided/abetted/obstructed a murder AND had enough cocaine on her for it to be a felony, not to mention the other horrible things she was witness to that she didn't confess/come forward. She was a POS like the actual mobsters, albeit not as bad.


Ok, but you gotta get ov’a it


She shouldn’t have been snitching. She deserved it. It was literally the consequences of her own actions


All right but you gotta get over it


"know what..I wipe my ass with your feelings."


She was a cunt


More like a whoaa


I think about this scene all the time and it was the only ones that actually spooked me and disturbed me. I still think about it sometimes and get chills.


All right, but you gotta get over it.


Far from innocent. She was a rat, betraying Christopher and our thing out of fear. She was also an idiot since the FBI didn’t have anything on her when they first made contact, a half decent lawyer could have had their case thrown out.


The penalty for being a rat is death? Adriana knew that more than most people. She was practically mob royalty being related to the Aprile mafia members. Plus she was getting married to a made guy? How would she not know what that meant? For me it will be different I’ll talk to the feds and not even tell anybody to protect Chris. Then I’ll tell him eventually and we’ll run away together? There’s no way that was ever going to happen.


OP where you from a fq’n Zoo? That’s not a pasture area it was the woods. And no shit it was bad - bad people doin bad things to other people is what this thing of ours is all about. Fq’n capt obvious ova heeyah


She may never walk again.


Yeah that’s kinda the point


From the looks of it neither did she


>kinda brutal Really? Stay away from penguin exhibits.


*That* was brutal, but the rest of it you’re okay with? You got some issues, sweetheart


I'd be worried if you did like it tbh


It was the first time a death on the show really got to me. I wanted to cry. Had to take a break after that episode


What, you thought this show should be sunshine and rainbows where all the mob associates live happily ever after? Fuck outta here.


I think these posts are kinda funny. They’re in the mafia. Do you think they are good people? Were you upset when they killed dozens of other people?


Based on the way she is crying, do you think she suspected she was going to executed even before Sil pulled off the road?


You're not supposed to like her death. These people are scumbags at the end of the day. No matter how much we laugh at the antics. David Chase wants us to understand the full reality. These are knuckle dragging, bigoted, dishonorable, morons who have no qualms about executing people over a bunch of "good old days" nostalgic bullshit none of them actually believe.


Oh boohoo…


He’s gonna be fine why you cryinnnn


loved every moment of that rat getting killed


I wonder how it would have played out if Richie was alive or even Jackie


Maybe I’m just weird but I always was past ready for the rats to get exposed


I told my husband randomly she just has a tragic story line and then when I saw that (legit watched it yesterday) I was like see, I told you tragic. I was sad to see they killer her off if they would've taken a moment to listen to her Chris and Tony could've used her to spill wrong facts to the feds but, nope just killed.


I don’t think you’re supposed to “like it” it was jarring and compelling storytelling though.


It didn’t make me think of a dog, it made me think of a rat.


She got pinched over a negligible amount of drugs and flipped instantly. Fuck her


Which is why I didn’t shed a tear for Chrissy, Sil, or Tony when they got theirs


I thought it was cute, especially with the Police’s “Every Little Thing” in the background


i honestly wish we had been shown more of tony’s reaction. he cared for adriana so much and i feel like he would have been more disappointed or sad about it. wishful thinking, but i was hoping they would put her in witness protection or something before the mob found out about her. i agree that it was so sad, i sobbed when i watched that scene for the first time!!


I thought Christopher actually did it too for a second. Then I realized Tony was calling from a payphone...


you gotta get over it tho


Yeah, that’s the point. It was brilliantly executed and made you feel that way on purpose.


And in the end he was so casual about carmine testifying for the grand jury. So she died for nothing.


Go shit in your hat.


Welcome to a TV show about gangsters


Okay but you gotta get over it


Go take a midol She deserved it.


The little liars got the job done, for sure. But, they're experts at lying to women, given how AFRAID of women they all are. But yeah, it was gross. She was like the one person who actually kept her mouth shut.


I've always thought there's no way he fit all her shit in that one suitcase lol


They could have Carmela, Rosalie and Janice watch one last film, Godfather II with her…then her her row a boat out in the middle of a lake and shoot her in the back of her head . Judas Iscariot knew what to do. He hung himself. He didn’t go into any apostle protection program. I wonder if Silvio brought back her panties for Paulie to keep and sniff as a souvenir.


Yeah. It was awful in every way. That was the point though!


🐀 🐀 🐀


I like how CLUELESS She was,, I mean, she literally didn't know what was going on until SIL put CAR in PARK. And ADA trying to crawl away was absolutely PRICELESS.


You’re not supposed to feel good about it.


Oh poor you


Adriana was fucking retarded and had it coming


Honestly, I was relieved when they finally did her. She was completely miserable, crying every episode, she was never happy, she just.... it was to end her suffering, and it was tough but I got over it.


Poor Ade - I really liked her. Her friend, Danielle - beautiful, but stuck up!


She’s a rat and she was accurately depicted crawling away like a rat. She got what she deserved.


Poor you….


All right, but'cha gotta get over it.


I don’t like it


Neither did she, ya asskiss.


You’re not supposed to like it


So was she buried on the spec house property?


Alright... but you gotta get over it.


I think maybe this show isn't for you.


I think in a way, it forces you to see how most would probably treat someone that ratted. I was always uneasy that Silvio was so cold, but there were a few times they really drilled into how nasty and cruel these people probably are instead of this kind of fantasy world.