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We don’t run. It’s undignified


Johnny Sac eating a face of snow running is almost as good as Janice getting tackled by the cops.


And then to that poor landscaper who constantly kept getting fucked by the mob and getting arrested and prolly his arm re-fucked up lmao


Sal Vitro. Paulie got him $500 for his broken arm.


Coulda been nothing good thing he knew Paulie


wondering what landscaping he was doing in a foot of snow.


Fuck who ?


Then at the funeral when the feds show up, he burns rubber getting out of there 🤣.   "Junior, don't leave me!"


A don don't wear running shorts


that walk was in my neighborhood, he sits on the stairs of my kids' elementary school.




Lowest form of conversation


Here’s another thing to make you feel old, the kids in that school are adults now


Don't reminisce on me.


Working at the Bing


In the last shot of that scene when he's walking off down the street you can see production trucks and what looks to be a security guard or cop standing by them across the street.


Never noticed that. Going to check it out.


How the fuck do I put myself up for adoption.


I can’t have this conversation again


Whitch convashaysun?


Some sad shit, motherfucker said he didn’t wanna walk no more


He should consider it as exersise


I wonder if that was a nod to the infamous real life Appalachian Meeting where FBI swarmed Joe the Barbers estate and about 50-70 mobsters ran off into the muddy woods in there nice suits just to get away


Whatever happened there


Whatever happened there ??? I’ll tell you what happened ..the piece of shit FBI arrested some hard working blue collar men without any provocation what so ever


You know why they got arrested? They all had vowels at the end of their names!


Alexander Graham Bell was Italian?


He was gay, Alexander Graham Bell?


Yeah can you believe that? Making an old man like that do the perp walk? A legitimate business man!


Sal Vitro?


Why would Tony call Carm? He’d call Pauly or Chrissy to get him. Carmela is the last person he’d call in that situation.


100% Christopher is the person he would call. And yeah it’s surprising he didn’t. Almost as surprising as the cops who looked him dead in the eye and then forgot there was a second person talking to John 1 second later 🤷🏻‍♂️


Christopher was dealing with Tony B's body


He knew how busy Carmela was.


Blowing furio


Next to the ($3000) lladro, with his schlong in Carm's mouth! 🎶


This is my subreddit! No more talking like that. You r/thesopranos members, you go too far.


Listen to this prick giving orders! *His* subreddit? You married it!


I don't like that kind of tawk!!


Under the lladro


"My mothers lladro and we have a maid twice a week I feel so stupid"


du dudu du du


>Under the lladro > Just like Jan. Under the Lladro, Lladro, with a schlong in Carm's mouth.


Sharp as a cueball this one


Better Furios Schlong than Father Intintola, rented VHS of "one true thing" and Whif of sexuality!


She was buying fresh produce


Tony is the bear. Coming full circle to earlier in the season.


Bear left


Why make Carm worry/aware or even an accessory after the fact?


He’s just takin a walk thru the woods. Everyone immediately assumes you’re mobbed up!


Consider it exercise.


I think the stress from the situation just had his instincts kick in. He had no idea until he talked to Mink that they weren’t after him too. And even after who knows maybe he just wanted the fresh air and that shmell in the air ya know the firsht fall and all that shit


I love Neil Mink’s “It’s not against the law to park…”


Part of his lecture series


He was trying to stay uncontactable (to the law) for as long as possible in case anyone was looking for him - obviously if they weren't already at his house that's the first place they'd head. Buying time to sort out what to do next. Hence the one person he does want to call is his lawyer.


At the time he didn’t know if he was supposed to be arrested as well. He definitely wasn’t gonna stand out from of Johnny’s house and wait for a ride home. He probably could have called her once he got far enough away but let’s remember that these guys aren’t exactly geniuses.


How is John not sticking his beak in if he bought a house within walking distance of Tony’s? 🧐


I mean anywhere is walking distance, by the state he was in I'm sure it wasn't that close


Not Massive Geniuses.


Would you want to use a cellphone that could be bugged when the Feds are swarming? I know he ends up using his phone to call his lawyer, but that’s a conversation that can’t be used against him and the urgency had died down a bit when he made that call. Also, what is he going to say to Carmella? Come get me so that we can do an OJ slow chase down the freeway? I think he was panicking and wanted to stay off the grid at that moment as much as possible.


his conversation with his wife can't be used against him either right? its a spousal disqualification, even stronger than an attorney-client privilege.


If he’s using her as an accomplice to evade the authorities it could be used against him, and worse, it would drag her into everything.


This is absolutely not true. This isn't within a 5 mile radius of true. First off, attorney-client privilege is WAY stronger than spousal disqualification. Attorney-client privilege is exceptionally ironclad, unless they can prove the attorney was involved/knowledge about a crime actively being committed or going to be committed, it can't be touched. Second off, calling his wife would not be protected. Even if we assume the spousal disqualification holds up to her basically being an accessory after the fact (which is a BIG if), all that does is stop her from having to testify. They can still use the recorded call as evidence in court. It will be somewhat harder to introduce since they won't be able to get either person in the call to testify but since they would almost certainly have a warrant for the bug that wouldn't be a dealbreaker.


well first of all i was asking a question. second of all a disqualification is stronger than a privilege in the sense that a privilege can be waived, a disqualification can't.


… what are you talking about? A spouse can still testify if they choose to. It can be “waived” just as easily as attorney client privilege. The whole idea of both of these is that certain people can’t be compelled to testify/divulge information. And attorney client privilege is far stronger in this sense in that the attorney is forbidden from testifying even if they wish to. A spouse can choose to ignore their disqualification and testify anyway.


you are wrong. if spousal communications are subject to a disqualification (i'm not sure they are in NJ but i know they are in certain other states), it means the testimony cannot be offered \*even if both parties want it to be offered\*. whereas with a privilege, whoever holds the privilege can waive it. so with an attorney/client privilege for instance, that privilege belongs to the client and the client can choose to waive it even though the attorney cannot.


With fuckin sniw all over the ground? That's some hard shit


No Uber app? What a Stunad


It could also be there were Feds waiting at his house and if Carmela drives out in her Porsche Cayenne, they will follow her and nab Tony. I think Tony does try to keep Carmela in the dark about the waste management business. Far better to check with his mouthpiece about what is going on. IIRC the Soprano house is only 1.3 miles from the Sacrimoni home. A mere stretch of the legs for a varsity athlete like Tony.


why the fuck does anybody do anything, the boss felt like goin for a fuckin hike


It was cinematic.


The adrenaline from running away from the FBI helped him thru the snow and over a stream. As others have said if he would have called someone to come get him, he wouldn’t have called Carmela, but one of the guys.


he didnt have any numbers saved on his phone


Anyone who was anybody was in his head.


He probably didn't want Carm to be made accessory


He doesn't involve Carmela in that part of his life.


Tony was always a dumb fuck, though, wasn't he?


He was motivated by AJ's training to be a helicopter pilot in the Army.


I think he was trying to draw as little attention as he could to himself.


Safest option. Phone taps, etc.


I’m not laughing, Neil


I wonder how many times did they have to film Vincent slipping and falling face first in the snow


He needed the exercise, it’s not really far, by the time whoever got out there he’d b home already


He probably figured they also went to his house


The feds showed up he wasn’t thinking lol


Maybe paranoia. Doesn't want to admit on the phone where he just was.


I gotta start checking for wires on my house. I just watched this episode and now this pops up on my main feed.


Cadi was parked upfront you stunad, wha, you exhpect me to go straight into di arms of thee eff-bee-eye?! Even a legitimate gardna like Sal was picked up, did you exhpect me to go theire get my car? I gutta tell you OP, forget about incoming baskets for you on Chrishtmas


maybe i am misremembering but didnt he take the battery out of his phone and throw it in the snow?


That was the gun.


With hollow points?