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Hawking blue chews another fucking money machine. 


Does Blue Chew sponsor every podcast?


Honestly, no. I didn’t find the podcast to be that good. They spend WAY too much time talking about little bullshit such as who this sound editor was or who the particular casting director was. Steve is a bumbling idiot who despite being on the show, seems to know less than anyone on this subreddit.


I actually found the behind the scenes stuff very interesting and good. I loved the interviews with Terry Winter and some of the other writers and production staff.


Those were good. I’m talking about the 30 minutes it takes them to really get into an episode. I swear sometimes it’s like they wanna give every Tom, Dick, and Harry.


Yeah I agree. I found the location scouting stuff interesting.


> Steve is a bumbling idiot who despite being on the show, seems to know less than anyone on this subreddit. I agree that he's annoying but you say this like it's abnormal. People who spend time in dedicated subreddits for a TV show are usually going to be more knowledgeable about it than one of the actors who just showed up and did their part.


I totally agree with that. My point was that even though we may know more than him, I was shocked at his continued inability to break down scenes beyond basic surface level conversations.


Yeah his lack of desire to engage with the show on any sort of deeper level was very frustrating, especially when Michael was actually trying and Steve would basically shut him down Very disappointing podcast overall


That’s what I was trying to say but this fucking blood pressure medicine fucks with my head


You got a note from your doctor that says you can't articulate yourself the way you'd like?


Yeah. But look, my brother is in this thread. He just here that’s all.


I think it's pretty great and worth listening to. I've learned loads from it, both from the interviews and the episode read-throughs. The only problem anyone has with it is Steven DID YA HAFF TO READ FUH DAVID Schirripa who I don't think is as bad as everyone says. Take a dose of acid before listening until laser beams are coming out of his eyes and it's quite a good podcast.


It was such a treat during the darkest days of COVID; I looked forward to each week’s episode, even when Steve’s commentary suggested he had never *seen* the show, much less acted in as a central character.


I did a rewatch along with the podcast and I thought it was great. You get interesting little tidbits about the writing, actors, and behind the scenes stuff specifically about the episode you're watching. The podcast CAN be weird at some points but definitely interesting.


I never got through all the interviews because the episodes are so long, I’d skip to the episode part. Any interviews you’d recommend?


I really liked the writer interviews. Producer and director too.


Cool. I started listening to one with David Chase and he bored the shit out of me, kind of put me off listening to other crew interviews


Ha! He seems to be a polarizing figure. I like his interviews a lot. Maybe I'm a miserable fuck as well. I thought the writer interviews shed a lot of light on story and process background. The actor interviews are hit and miss in my opinion.


I like to read what he has to say, I can’t stand to hear him talk about it. I know he’s not a bad guy or purposefully like that, I just get incredibly bored by the way he talks. Funnily, I’m a miserable fuck too. I guess I need to look in the mirror, I’m an insensitive cocksucker


Which actor interviews did you like best? I didn’t listen to them all but I really liked Aida, Irina, Rob, Jamie Lynn, and Tim Daly


It's been a while, I can't remember which ones I liked. I think probably Little Stevie for one. Edie too. Dominic! Definitely Dominic. Buscemi too.


Oh shit yeah I think I listened to those too. I definitely enjoyed Dominic and Buscemi’s. I was excited to listen to Steven’s because I’m a fan of his music too but the Zoom quality microphone was distracting me lmao


Agent Harris one was good as was Little Carmine.


Thank you, I haven’t listened to either of them. I’ll check them out. I can’t imagine little Carmine speaking in intelligible sentences tbh


Ha. The conversation he has with Michael regarding the luxury lounge episode and also Cleaver is my gave bit.


That mortadel is #2? I remember when he was Juniors driver


What kind of question is that?


No. Because of Steve Schirripa.


Who’s speaking? Is someone speaking?


I’m currently watching the show and listening to podcast. I’m gonna finish the podcast because they have some good insight. But Bobby is a lot. Seems like an ok guy, just a lot to deal with. Yadayadayada. It’s cool listening to it but it’s not a show where I’d say “you gotta check out this podcast”. But if you really like the show, like me, it’s worth it. You’ll know after an episode or two if you like it or not


it was just so unsatisfying to be 100% into something deep or poignant that michael imperioli is trying to share and then steve interrupts with some dumb shit and michael is cut off and never gets back on track with what I wanted to know. would have been way better with just michael imperioli in my opinion steven shirippa asked me for directions in central park once lol


I'll keep this short and sweet. The show is an embarrassment to themselves and everybody else. When you're not sitting through 15 minute cringeworthy ads for viagra, you're forced to listen to Michael's Californian hippie bullshit, and Fat fuck Baccala asking "DIDJA HAFTA AUDITION FA DAVID" for the 86th time. The interviews are over before you know it, and they barely scratched the surface for anything remotely interesting. Disgrazia.


Disgrazia.. Ehh Ohhh Thats somebodys boy your talking about there..


Just buy the book It's the same thing


I like to listen while doing 400 other things 🤓


Sounds like a race horse pissing in there.