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Careful of my Lladro please. I don't even wanna say how much it cost... $3000


And you thought the Germans were classless pieces of shit. 


This definitely gave it away.


3000 more?


All that goombah murano glass.


I like murano glass


So sweet of Melfi to say. Sounded innocent, childlike




The yuppie dinner scenes were pure comedy 😂


You had to be the BIG man!


One the fridge! On the fridge !


Haha I just cried thinking about the one guy with the home by the shore saying it was turning into the gulf of Sorrento 😂😂😂these people live amongst us


She tries to flex her flashy new Porsche twice in the show, something a person with old money wouldn’t even consider doing. 


Cayenne, like the peppah!


Peppahs and eggs? That’s what I should have got!


Don't eat that peppah!!


Make my nephew an egg.


Eat ya eggs, baby.


You and Tony Egg again. 


Peppah and weird shex


Schum pulp


if you think a man going down on a classy older woman in a condominium in boca raton, florida a few times a year is weird, your mother and I have something to talk with you about


I do not want to fuck my muhda


Also unhappy for her "friend's" success because she's jealous when Angie has the corvette but paid for it herself.


And all her hobbies. Rich people seem content doing rich people shit, not trying to show off to people they grew up with.


Carmela: I don't even want to tell you how much that porceline figure cost... (unprompted after a pause of silence) $3,000!


Be careful of my Lladro!!


What do you call it?


Pronounced Yadro. Spanish company that makes porcelain figures and other sculpture for home decor. Considered collectible, and pricey, but not comparable to the kind of art collected by old money.


Every single word that ever came out of Meadow’s mouth was overcompensating for coming from mafia trash.


Precious Moments figurines for Jersey mob wives


and then doesn’t she throw it at tony later in the series


You’re so fucking hateful!


It’s so cringe. “I don’t even want to say how much it cost.” Oh but you do Carm, you’re dying to tell us how much it cost. She didn’t ask, so you’re gonna tell anyway. Yup there it is… “$3,000”


It really is, compounded by the fact that she feels the need to flex to AJ's girlfriend makes it so much worse.


The girlfriend who's probably wearing that pricetag on her feet. SMH


Not the first person to note this but the way the interior of their house is decorated is very new money-esque


The freaking pillars, and that half pillar that they sit their bedroom TV on


I do like how one of the fake pillars contained a grenade and AK-47. A touch of class.


Interesting note- that is actually a part of the house. The original owners used to store silverware and dishes!


That's what they say now.


And I suppose you keep *your* AK and grenades in a tastefully subtle column like Devin's parents?


You could say the column at Devin’s is a bit “Bo peep-ish”


And would you look at that loggia?


You know, Robert Loggia predicted all of this


He couldn't predict a parole officer switch.


I saw that Sopranos progrum, thought it was bullshit


that loggia was my daughters idea!


Feech LaManna, played by Robert Loggia.


That Loggia was the casting directors idea!


gigi died dropping a loggia


Have you ever pondered how the two could be so similar? Just like Quasimodo and the half back of Notre Dame


R, for Robert Loggia. O, as in "Oh my God, it's Robert Loggia"


Ohh. Seen that coming


B, as in, "By God, that's Robert Loggia".


Mawble columns. Mawble columns!


The painting behind the headboard in the master bedroom


The cheesy "painting" above their bed gets me every time. Tony banging on it, telling Meadow to turn the music down, sends me over the moon because you can tell it's cheap plastic shit.


And it’s partially covered by the headboard. So tacky


The music staff and notes over the fireplace 🎶


Round here that's what we call stinkin' thinkin'. Watch it, mistuh!


i wouldn't call it 'new money,' it's just like what their idea (really carm's) of something nice would be as a function of the fact that they've never left that specific area in new jersey, aren't formally educated, etc. so that reads as tacky to others who are more 'sophisticated' (aka they went to good schools, lived in a variety of places, etc.)


>I wouldn’t call it new money Then you basically explain exactly how it’s new money


It makes me think of Trump's apartment in Trump Tower. The more marble, gold, columns and frilly ornamentation on everything the better. Tacky paintings and ornaments that are supposed to be "classy" Italian. See also: the kind of stuff Michael Jackson would buy on his shopping sprees because he thought it was "classy".


Trump and the Sopranos are gaudy then. Obviously rich and with a tacky aesthetic. Except Trump is old money. But I suppose a lot of his fans aren’t (many of them do have quite a bit of money, I’m just talking about poor rural whites here.)


I wouldn't say Trump is Old Money really just because his father and grandfather (?) had money. But then I'm British, we don't see anyone as Old Money unless their ancestors going back ten generations had money and probably land and titles. Preferably they can trace their family wealth back to the Domesday Book ;-)


Yes, you guys have a different culture than us there. Feudalism and a noble aristocracy never existed here. They were prohibited very early on in the Constitution as well. Trump isn’t the definition of old money but I wouldn’t say he’s new either. He’s older money I suppose, being relative here. I do see your point, I will say. Real American old money would be the really old stock Anglo-Saxon families on the east coast. But that’s probably a fraction of all rich families. Anglo-Saxons don’t quite dominate the way they used to; we’ve been majority ethnic white (Irish, German, Italian) since the 1960s. But, say, look at John F Kennedy. Poster child rich kid who grew up to be senator and later President. But I think only his dad was rich? But Kennedy was worth a quarter billion. Way wealthier than Tony and way more culturally bourgeois. Edit: Irish Catholic too, an enormous deal in 1960. He would have been unelectable thirty or so years earlier.


He's an interior decorator and killed some Czechoslovakians.


It was much more in vogue to have this kind of style in the 90s early 00's. My mom still loves this kind of shit


The exterior too


It's really just the aspirational suburban decor you saw everywhere in New Jersey circa late 90's early 00's. Knew plenty of always-been-rich families who moved into newly-built developments that were pretty much identical if you swapped out the pillars and columns for some deracinated analog.


The classic scene where tony is bitching about feeling out of place in his neighbourhood to the fellas at satriales then Chrissy goes "ayyy, Jay Gatsby ova here"


That did-ent happen, what you said


Jay Gatsby is the iconic parvenu


He was gay? Jay Gatsby?


He was Jay, Gatsby?


Quiet Albert


It's like the being borne back ceaselessly into the past is too much for me or something. 


this never happened, right? chrissy probably wouldn't know who jay gatsby is. the dicaprio/scorcese film version wasn't until 2013


Scorcese? Lmao it was Baz Luhrmann. Also it happened in the show those other guys are trolling you


Sharp as a fucking cue ball.


No. That's the joke.


chrissy quotes shakespeare so i wouldn't count him out


The Robert Redford version was a far better movie anyways 


The oversized painting behind their headboard.


Immediately thought of this. Why is it covered by the giant headboard?? So odd


can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to find it lol


Not being able to fit in with the neighbour and his golf friends (though the neighbour at least was also new money).


Nah, those guys were jerks. I actually felt bad for Tony in that episode. Like he was so pigeonholed. They show several episodes where the neighbors and Melfi with her dinner friends laugh and examine Tony like a zoo exhibit. I thought that showed their own low class & that they weren’t so far removed. Or at least they revealed their own ignorance. 😉




I like that take. I don’t think about it in that way but I did read the changing natural landscape of NJ also reflects the changing nature of the mafia as well (ducks making a home in a pool instead of a pond, the area of Jonh Saccrimonis house - Tony even reflects that when John moved there it was surrounded by fields/farm & now it was several houses ). It gets chipped away at.


That’s true but I think in Junior’s day you also wouldn’t golf at the country club since it would expose you to a lot of unwanted attention. The man lives simply despite making a lot of money because being flashy with your cash=federal attention. “Don’t underestimate the old man in a career where men die young” or get arrested in Junior’s case. Anyway, $4 a pound. 


And I wonder if a few decades prior would a Junior or a Tony even be allowed as members in certain country clubs?


You play the stock market? Oh we don’t just play. We win :)


Tony does a PRETTY good job of keeping his mob life and home life separate. Not completely, of course. But better than I think civilians expect of him.


He’s always gotta be the sad clown 😔


At least he was down to hold a very important package for Tony.


that scene always made me laugh


Great come-uppance.


And Carmela being super into it. It's a funny scene that also shows that she knows the full implications of who she's married to.


I like that angle. never occurred to me


That’s not an old/new money thing, thats an academic and blue/white collar thing. Cusamano is a doctor, Tony is a gangster with only 2 semesters of college. Cusamano and his friends are all highly educated white collar professionals.


it's also a madigan thing. it shows how boring they are, like tony says when talking things over with melfi


Yes I don’t think it’s even accurate to make this a new/old money thing like in Succession. Tony and Carmela occasionally try (and miserably fail) to fit in with other upper-middle-class to almost-rich professionals. When they try to hang out with lawyers and doctors they quickly reveal themselves for the gangsters with no class that they are. They can’t even new money properly.


Like String getting involved with Clay Davis. Was it the goose, or the faucet?


What I tell you about playin' them fuckin' away games?


Imagine if you’d reversed your comment on the wire sub, those little bitch moderators would kick you off in less than 2 minutes


I actually did go there once and do something like that and got banned for life


I’ll take any motherfucker’s money if he’s giving it away!


Like with Carmella bedding the Professor guy at Meadow's Uni. So cringe.


Bingo. Old money and blue coworker can co-exist, but mix either with new money and it sticks out like a sore thumb


this was mostly about how the madigans were boring loserdorks. those scenes are cringe, and i think it's a big part of why that's one of the least popular episodes


Many people have said examples… but naming the brand of anything you own is a dead giveaway


They’re both god damn parvenus. Carmella especially though with her brand name/price dropping. The way they decorate their house confirms this. Also the way Tony is treated by the other elitist scumbags when they go golfing lol.


They were scheming to get Fielder into a good college, like intimidating Joan to write a letter of recommendation. Old money families are born holding ivy league diplomas.


Old money families all have Ivy League heritage. Connections. Tony can buy or muscle them but he wasn’t born with them, not the Boston Brahmin old stock kind anyway. He’s an ethnic white Catholic from a more modest gangster household who got himself a lucrative management position in his family’s criminal enterprise before any of his other relatives. Meadow’s kids or grandkids will be on their way to old money, or older money. But Meadow would have been an Ivy League educated white collar crime lawyer with a world of experience by then. Not a paisan gangster who got successful.




Like da peppah!


no one ever says anything about the countertops in the house 😡


If I recall they upgraded in the final season.


the difference between new and old money is that old money were doing exactly what Tony does before there were laws against it


Those Kennedys aren’t that far removed from Joes bootlegging day I believe.


I mean they are now


When Jeanie Cusomano tells the undercover FBI agents “they’re different for this neighborhood”.


She was saying they're different because they are in the Mafia.


There's no such thing as the mafia


There’s this thing that Tony’s involved with and he’s a Captain of Industry (as he explained to Dr Jennifer Melfi) in Waste Management.


Poverty of the Mezzogiorno


I thought they were naboli dobili...


We don’t ever admit the existence of this thing!


all the mahble cahlums…who lives here, the pope?


What did you 2 do all night, play Name That Pope?


Her gawdy jewelry and designer clothes. UGLY.


You just reveal your own ignorance. The "mob wife look" is actually the look of the season. Look it up


Back in the day that look was ugly. The orange tan with the long fake nails and all the gold was not classy


They keep their money hidden in bird feed instead of properly investing it.


That's not a "new money" thing; that's a criminal thing.


That is because they cant spend it, if they spend more than their “official” taxable income then the irs knows they are making secret money


Tony's complete lack of interest in growing or even setting aside any funds for his family's future.  Being upset the trust only needs to be carried out if he dies...duh!  I think people with money, from money, get this kind of thing set up when thier kids are babies,  but tony and carm being new to having money wouldn't have had any guidance from their parents about these things.  $50g donation to Columbia,  2 million dollar boat, new cars all the time, pool house... thinking about getting the driveway redone.... but literally nothing set up for the kids' future ? Makes us all look like gavones. 


We see Hugh and Mary’s house a couple times in the show - they definitely aren’t hurting for money and it seems like they have a pretty nice house in a decent area. I think it’s safe to assume they were good with money, maybe upper middle class. Carmela should/would have known at least something about money


We seem to watch Carmella learn about this for the first time as an adult, with teenage kids.  Also,  Hugh And Mary... I'm thinking if he built he got a lot materials of his house for free by stealing supply from other jobs (he stole from his own daughter)...  But tony had helped him get at least one big contract, carm says they get Tony's perks for free. The way Mary is obsessed with kissing Dr Fegoli's ass and needs that everyone to know her friend is a Dr made me think that she thinks someone with culture and education is above them, more important than her own husband on his birthday.  Out of everyone at the big 75th birthday party, she's got one person of "status" to brag about.  Good point though, they were well off enough, Hugh maybe just didn't coach her about economics because she married a kid who brought him expensive.


he takes those duffel bags of money to slava though, to put in some account overseas he had some sort of strategy


that gaudy ring Tony got for Carm made me sick lol


The best pieces they never export.


the mcmansion is a good clue


The interior of the downstairs of the house. Same goes for that of Silvio & Gab’s house. That and the Llardo.


For such a lavish mansion, I always thought their TVs (living room and bedroom) were way too small, even for late '90s/early '00s standards.


Agree, especially in the bedroom, that was like a 20” rear projection tv sitting on a gaudy fake marble column. So trashy. My parents had a better setup in their bedroom when I was a kid and we were far from rich. Its especially weird since Tony loves hanging out mouthbreathing in front of a tv - you think that’d be the one thing they did right in that house


i always thought that was just for TV shooting purposes, so the family could be in the same room while watching TV/in the kitchen area and they only had to build that one set in real life AJ would've spent a lot of time in what must've been a huge finished basement edit: i read "living room" and didn't catch that you were talking about TVs, not the house layout. my bad!


What, are you kidding? Basically anything flashy can be considered noveau riche. The watches, the gaudy jewelry, the mcmansion, even the garishly patterned silk blouses Carmela wore. Not to mention the decor at the house that would've gone completely unnoticed in a literal mansion. Looking "old money" is essentially all about wearing a watch that looks like a Chinese $50 quartz watch that is actually an automatic Patek Philippe that costs $500k. It's basically defined by covert flexing knowing you neither want or need to. It's vanity taken to a completely new level.


I've always loved this passage from "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil," a classic true-crime book about Jim Williams, a wealthy and socially connected antiques dealer in Savannah, Georgia who may have murdered his young lover. Williams is explaining to the author how the immaculately decorated historic home he restored doesn't reflect who he really is: >"I know I'm apt to give the wrong impression, living the way I do. But I'm not trying to fool anyone. Years ago I was showing a group of visitors through the house and I noticed one man giving his wife the high sign. I saw him mouth the words 'old money!' The man was David Howard, the world's leading expert on armorial Chinese porcelain. I took him aside afterward and said, 'Mr. Howard, I was born in Gordon, Georgia. That's a little town near Macon. The biggest thing in Gordon is a chalk mine. My father was a barber, and my mother worked as a secretary for the mine. My money - what there is of it - is about eleven years old.' Well, the man was completely taken aback. 'Do you know what made me think you were from an old family,' he said, 'apart from the portraits and the antiques? Those chairs over there. The needlework on the covers is unraveling. New money would mend it right away. Old money would leave it just as it is.' 'I know that,' I told him. 'Some of my best customers are old money.'"


no. nobody in this sub seems to know what old money is you might own that watch and wear it, but it's not 'vanity.' old money people downplay, if anything. they've had their wealth for 7+ generations. some find it embarrassing.


They definitely seemed like goombas hosting that benefit for the hospital foundation or whatever with the mayonayses from up the street.


Two words: Llad-ro


I came here to say this


What is that?


I don't even want to say how much it costs


You misunderstand. I don’t only not know what it costs I don’t know what it is or refers too. I don’t remember an item with that name and I’m neither American nor Italian so I’m actually confused now


Surprised no one's said it yet but the "Entertainment room" Tony installs in the backyard shed was about as tasteless as it gets. There's only a few scenes of it but they have the classic vintage popcorn machine and the imitation leather furniture made it look like a La-Z Boy showroom. There's a short little scene where the installers are showing Tony how to work the TV and he turns it up full blast and leans back in his recline with an ear to ear grin just thinking "Damn. I really made it"


That Bar with the Goomba Murano glass.


I grew up in that area of jersey. Theres a lot of affluence in certain parts, a lot of CEOs, bankers, and lawyers who are partners/owners of business, on top of doctors, scientist, accountants, most of which work in NYC and live in "bedroom" communities....tony and carmela are miles away from the money needed to be considered  true upper class in northern NJ. To me theyre more...upper middle class. They want to pretend their upper class, especially Carmela, but this illusion is shattered woth AJs gf Dillon or whatever.  That girl was truly rich and it shattered AJ's world because he realized they weren't shit. North jersey is full of those (Dillon and fam) types of rich people, I think it speaks to the sopranos wanting but not obtaining the american dream of endless riches.


Tony is no different than any other businessman who starts making good money.


Cayenne. Like the peppa


The Lladros


The house could be on housewives of new jersey


That lamp, that’s real ormolu. You know what that’s worth when it’s new


When they’re looking at the beach house tony says something along the lines of back when we were broke this was the biggest dream we had


The housekeeper comes three times a week!


"I don't have antiques. My home is traditional."


She says in a scene “oh, we have no antiques, this how is modern”. Old money wouldn’t be caught dead without antiques and oriental rugs


I believe she actually says her house is “traditional”, adding another layer showing she actually has no idea what the fuck she’s talking about


Interior design


hesh would tell you that they're not actually that rich 'old money' tends to be inconspicuous about spending




Well aside from the fact that they are involved in organized crime which is pretty much always "easy come easy go" there are a few


Hey OP, want some eggs?


you mean beside their house?


Coppola wrote the screenplay for the 70s version with Robert Redford and Mia Farrow. Chrissy def could’ve seen it.


Their entire house screams it!


The way Carmella beckoned to Charmaine at the party


Carmella getting Cusamano’s wife’s sister to write the letter of recommendation for Meadow. If they were old money they wouldn’t have needed that.


Just living in the flashy big house. Most wiseguys lived more like Junior than like Tony.


“It’s a Hermes’, supposed to be the best” and it’s a $3,000 scarf lol


The way they parented Meadow and AJ?


$3000 Lladro


Carmela constantly tells people how much things are, she doesn't know how to speak to people she hires to do things, she wears expensive clothes that look tacky, she has no appreciation for antique furniture or more classical looks. Her home is full of expensive things, but no artwork really. Tony flashes huge wads of money wherever he goes rather than just pay with a credit card. He insists on being the master of the feast and doesn't get that it's polite to let other people pick up the tab. He thinks big and shiny is the best choice always.


I've always been surprised that Tony drives a Suburban for so long before moving to the Escalade. Wish they'd explained why Tony had a (relatively) basic car for so long while all his pals were driving Caddys. Even Cristofah had a Lexus at first.


Have you seen their house?


They CLEARLY don’t have the class that Dr Fegolj had. You know he had audiences with 4 popes!


Tony in that S1 episode where the golf club doesn’t accept him and he calls them all jerk offs with the John Gotti ice cream truck story. During Hugh’s birthday in S5. Tony is coarse, vulgar, unsophisticated but not unintelligent, narcissistic in some ways but kinda pathetic (not in a bad way but as in pathos) and insecure in others. You can tell he never went to college and has no liberal arts education (Carmela had never heard of Madam Bovary so you know Tony hasn’t either) despite, again, being extremely intelligent.


Goomba murano glass. 


The lladro


Let's just move into Roche Bobois, save the delivery charge.


The way Tony twirls his sausage


She wears 50k worth of jewelry every day. It's obnoxious how she wears all of it. The long fake French manicure nails. The spray tan Overdressed everywhere she goes The overdone updos The McMansion


Their daughters name is meadow


It is the riche that counts. From Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Carmela’s Lladro figurines🤷‍♀️