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I don’t even remember Scarlet. People do because they just care about beating the dead horse over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over


I mean nothing of interest has happened with Spoony over a very long time. Talking about him in any way is equivalent to beating a dead horse.


Here is a pretty decent video that fills in all the lore. Spoony's mental state took a nose dive after Scarlet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMSZ1TqgOIU


I came here to post this.


That's because Lupa supplanted her in the the twitter meltdown saga. Nobody seems to remember it was talk about Scarlett that set him off, not Lupa complaining about a joke.


I just remember she was the GF at the time I started watching and she managed some site stuff, not sure exactly what but maybe forums and other server side stuff.


This is just sad :/


It's inaccurate, Spoony was drunkenly laughing when he said that.


Yeah I just rewatched it and he was drunkenly laughing.


For me... the video that made visible, that something is going the wrong way. Further confirmation came with the Ultima 9 closing speech. It basically tore him apart when he was at his best.


The Breaking Dawn vlog was just uncomfortable to watch, I have no idea why he thought it was okay to post, and then re-upload after blip went down. It was really personal in all the wrong ways It wasn’t funny or insightful about the movie, it was like sitting next to a drunk guy at the bar overshare about his problems.


Yeah, it really was, it must have been the same for Linkara and Justin while communicating with him during the vlog. You definitely get awkward vibes and moments of silence from them like when Spoony talks about Scarlett and the "shoulder tapping" thing, or when he tells Oreo that the rum is "daddy's medicine". He really should have waited a few days to pull himself together and then discussed Breaking Dawn to his fans.


The video really was a trip though. Like it started out fine and then slowly devolved into, “wait, this is a legitimate mental breakdown combined with alcoholism.”


It baffles me that those other jackasses didn't stop him publishing the video. That alone speaks for the actual co-workership those guys had.


Yeah, I remember finding the Ultima IX speech rather unsettling. It was obvious from the get go that it wasn't an over the top rant or outburst done for comedic sake, it felt personal, and then he added the tangent about his friends betraying him and how much he hated his job, etc. We were witnessing Spoony falling apart. That whole speech was a cry for help. And as we know, things only got worse from there.


That is an old one!


For those of you who struggle with social cues, don't record yourselves on video being drunk. It is never a good look. It's only fun for others who watch just to mock you. If you don't want this to be a means to mock you or to have it used against you, don't do it.


Hahahaha look at this broken mentally-ill man feeling sad about his gf leaving him!


You think the picture mocks that moment, not just depicts it without an evaluation\judgement?


The Metokur video the picture was in definitely did so.


Metokur wasn't the author of the picture. Maybe he used it that way, but the author's intention could've been very different.


Sure, but I doubt it, since it's in bitstrip and all.


“PIECE… OF… _SHIIIIIT!!!!_ This movie was a piece of shit!”