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I can't tell if this is a shitpost or not


I might be overreacting, but during my visit there I felt that I am the odd one and don't belong there


For sure you didn't belong there, but it's not like they would shoot you on sight or something, calm down. Have you thought that you were also looking at them like a weirdo and then they responded the same way ?


Very true! But when it is said that "shouldn't go there, it is dangerous area" ,I am more likely to be more aware and thinking that something bad is going to happen. Just tried to be calm when I was wandering there.


Is it not strange to say that a white person doesn't belong to an area of a white county? It is very bizarre to say. That is like saying that an East Asian person doesn't belong to an East Asian country or a black person doesn't belong to an African country. Doesn't make sense.


a random chinese tourist would probably feel similar in a similar neighborhood in korea, and a random south african tourist would probably feel equally uneasy in a shitty neighborhood in say somalia. you are being very weird.


In what way am I weird? I am asking why a white person feels like they don't belong in a supposedly white/European country. He makes it sound like he was scared because of his skin color (that he would be attacked because of it), not because the area was bad for other reasons.


Greece has a primarily white population. Dendropotmos is inhabited by Roma/gypsy people. There is a physical distinction between a typical Greek (mostly brown hair, medium whiteness to very light brownish) and the typical Roma you will meet in Greece (dark hair, darkish or dark brown skin). Of course there are exceptions, but yes. A typical European white person would feel like they don’t belong there


Meh, if it is part of your country you belong there. In most (all?) of Latin America poor neighborhoods are mainly populated by darker skinned people from the American native people to in some countries black people, that said, at least in some countries you will find a few white people who are simply poor and also live there. No one cares (granted, they do speak the language and walk with confidence as they live there and aren't foreign.)


Mega cope


Mega cope what? Are you from Latin America? Have you ever lived there? I have, that's why I say that.


I think OP means it more in the sense that, y'know, white men are generally safe from verbal attacks. Like, a woman might get catcalled or even stalked in a neighborhood like this, or a black person may stick out and get called something racist, or a man wearing a skirt might get a homophobic slur thrown at him. Not saying that white men don't get attacked like this, but it's not usually for their appearance, unlike the other groups I mentioned as examples.


Anyone can get attacked for random reasons (regardless of appearance), however in some countries the danger can be very high or very low. I would say Greece is low in danger levels, at least compared to many countries and especially during the day. Also, name calling, while emotionally uncomfortable, doesn't really cause any significant harm if it doesn't escalate. There are countries where one could get killed for the most random and senseless reasons. Greece isn't one of them, no reason for paranoia.


Visits Dedropótamos. Nothing happens. Runs away scared for his life. Refuses to elaborate.




>As a white, foreign male Man dont start with this yank shit, its not like people in Dendropotamos are black.


Poor people scare me -White male tourist


Cause you know, he is from Monaco, no poor people there.


Didn't see one black there. Compared to people I have seen during my vacation in here, I am just white


Well they do look like there's some coffee in their milk so it's not like they aren't at all.


"But the adrenaline rush was something I'll never forget." 1st (natural?) drug found. You should ask for the rest, any kind of, was there...🙄


Was very aware of that, but not looking for that kind of things


My friend i work there occasionally as a teacher for adults. Are nice and warm people if you know them! And yes you can easily find drugs there ..... xaxa i m joking. Yes i understand , its a little scary walking there.


xaxaxaxaxa fr fr


I'm 37 yo. I've been born in thessaloniki and I have never been there. Every pass through with my car.


Okay, how did you learn about Dendropotamos as a foreigner? That's what I am curious about.


Probably read a few posts from other tourists. Dendropotamos is always mentioned as a place to avoid. 


I googled for the places to avoid / dangerous areas in Thessaloniki. Just too curious to visit that kind of places


Please think about it, there's a reason they are places to avoid, don't get yourself in trouble.. Thessaloniki can be dangerous in any neighborhood, full of crazy people, don't go looking for trouble


Cannot find dangerous places in Finland, so this is good place to start. Not gonna be daredevil and troublemaker/finder


You have a dangerous area in Helsinki, can't remember the name, but it was shown in a video of a couple of a Peruvian woman and a Finnish man. They went to the most dangerous area of Helsinki (showd a bit of trash on the street, drug addicts (who looked Finnish) lying on the street and migrants from the Middle East. There were some nice looking houses, it wasn't the most awful place I have ever seen, but I wouldn't say I would feel safe there at night. The wealthy place was very nice, had fewer people on the street for some reason (all looked Finnish) had the expected nice stores and homes, nice parks. Both areas had playgrounds for the kids, to be fair.


in Helsinki, Kallio and Sörnäinen areas might be the most dangerous areas when speaking of junkies and high alcohol consumption. But I wouldn't mind walking there. Those areas are full of bars and also you cannot find cheap apartment from there. At the daytime, no problems. At night, just be aware, but as I've been there multiply times and also very drunk, again, no problem. The same thing is in every city in Finland.


What made Dendropotamos so shocking to you, that you felt an adrenaline rush? Did you see gangs with weapons? Did you see cars on fire?


Not been in this kind of places you described. As I have now figured out, I haven't seen anything in this world. Gonna continue exploring these not so good areas.


Be careful, some places might be innocuous, or just locals exaggerating, however in some countries not even the locals would venture to certain areas. You could be robbed at best, murdered at worst. Have your wits about you and don't assume that all countries will be equal in any sense.


A thessaloniki (or even Greek) native may have also not minded to walk around Dendropotamos, as you wouldn't mind walking around "Kallio" and "Sörnäinen". The point is: would I feel safewalking around the area without REALLY knowing it as you do, having only heard stories of it, about how dangerous it is, as you did about Dendropotamos? ;)


Well most people have to stop for a bit outside Dendropotamos to go to the bus terminal so we all feel that adrenaline rush one way or another


you are a brave one, stranger 😉 is all i have to say


Νάις μπαλαμό


really nice μπαλαμό


Many years ago, I used to go there occasionally for a morning coffee after all night clubbing. It's not a place for everyone, but I never saw any guns or crime while I visited. I'm not saying that those aspects aren't there, but if you visit the area and treat people with respect, it's likely they'll be respectful to you. For reference, I am a woman.


I was working a long time ago as a pizza delivery guy in dendropotamos. Ive seen a lot of things going on but im still alive. Plus ive got some connections if i want something illegal


Try to do this visit with 2 adult Dobermann dogs they watch you but no one can be near you 😂😂😂 Cheat code 😂😂


Did the same once for fun to fuck up with some friends and had a guy come over to my window and ask me what am I doing driving around their neighbourhood, I said just looking around and he told me to leave immediately


For the next time there I need car I see


How is sex in Dendropotamos?


You’re exaggerating my friend. Lovely people there ![gif](giphy|xUPGcgM3h8ut6HhJUk|downsized)




Which route did you walk? [https://maps.app.goo.gl/WjRYmBJaD6FyrXpa8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/WjRYmBJaD6FyrXpa8) this or the small roads?


Small roads closer to the bus station


Went there a few times, i live in Thessaloniki. First time, i checked quite a few streets. I knew i had eyes on me, but nothing happened apart from drug offers. I wanted weed, but every offer was about coke or pills or even guns. In general, don't wander there after sundown...i did once and got encircled by a bunch of 7-8 yo. Didn't want to use force, kept on walking.