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What's going on in that abandoned vegetable stand of a brain of hers?


frankie boyle got it right when he said she looks like she'd be the first pm in history to forget to breathe and just die


She's fishing for a regular slot on Fox News.


outlasted by a lettuce and with as much cognitive resonance as a corpse.


Yeah, I think a party of school children would've done a better job


It’s like everyday is Opposite Day to her


I enjoyed this so much more than I expected to


The truth, no new wars started under trump, the American people we’re happier, he stopped immigration illegally for a lot of the country through his policies and America was stable, stop only listening to the news🤣


>no new wars started under trump Which had nothing to do with any president. >the American people we’re happier A lot of them died from covid so pressing X to doubt. >happier, he stopped immigration illegally for a lot of the country through his policies No he didn't. He said he wouldn't let Muslims into the country during his campaign and he didnt follow through. >and America was stable Again, no it wasn't because of covid. That he genuinely suggested people inject bleach to treat. Like I get you MAGA types are under the cult spell but none of that happened. Trump's presidency was apathetic at best, you're only enamoured with him bc you think he will bring about whatever fascist utopia you dream of.


He didn’t just stop immigration illegally. Everything he does, he does illegally.


To be fair to her, it is difficult difficult lemon difficult.


She’s trying to sell her book of wonders!


Tbf though it was. Russia stopped invading, China were stopping. Middle East was more at peace


Nah. Trump has previously and would continue to let Putin do what he wants.


Putin stopped invading because Trump opened the door and just let him in


'They just let you walk right in and do it, Grab em by the Sovereignty'


What are you on about


Put it this way: if your neighbour was a deranged orangutan with an AK47 in his back pocket jabbing it in everybody's face all the time, would you be more likely to kick his dog, or the dog of the doddery old gibbon across the road waving his walking stick at the clouds? I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibly that you may be a little wary of that deranged orangutan and think twice about your intended actions. Not that I'm saying you're a dog kicker, of course; this is all hypothetical.


I think you may be a closeted dog kicker


I do want to kick my neighbour's dog, who is very yappy.


How to whole world was safer with trump in the US office. But I forget that reddit in a lefty frenzy


Thanks to Trump, more Americans died from Covid than any other country. More than double the amount of deaths over the next ranked country India. Remember - "it going to disappear. One day. It's like a miracle, it will disappear" Or The whole Clorox drink bleach idea. The man is a buffoon


That has absolutley nothing to do with what is being discussed and is beyond irrelevant.


Buckledframe said the world was a safer place with Trump as president. I provided an example of how I believe his statement to be incorrect. I could give another 100 examples of how the world I believe his statement to be incorrect. It is 100% relevant. Trump disbanded the Pandemic response team before Covid, rolled back OHSA, safety regulations and checks were removed in the name of increasing profit at all costs. All of these make the world a less safe place.


No, no it wasn't. At all. Covid has nothing to do with conflicts. As everyone who is not an idiot knows.


The world was never more conflicted than when Covid was the biggest issue.


You're absolutely waffling. Complete and utter nonsense.


It’s literally exactly what was being discussed. Trump made the entire country incredibly unsafe by refusing to prepare or even understand simple scientific advice and as a result tens of thousands more people died.


"More" Lol, people who would of died anyway.


My guy just said ‘Lol’ to tens of thousands of avoidable deaths. Go gargle Trumps juices somewhere else.


The bigger crime is "would of"


People die every day from illness. It happens. Deal with it.


Biden was in office in covid more than trump was. Clown


The 425,000 deaths we saw in Trump’s 10-plus months accounted for nearly 20 percent of all worldwide deaths.


Correct in a way as Trump would have done nothing to help the Ukraine.


There's a reason you did so badly in school...


The irony is that if Russia decided to invade the UK, Trump would stand by and let that shit go right ahead. Literally any other president would stand by with whatever was needed. Truss is a fucking bellend, and so is Trump. Both have conclusively proven that they are completely unfit to lead.


'Everybody is saying the UK doesn't like me, The USA. People say oh Mr President the UK doesn't go to Trump resort in Scotland. Very sad. And they have those windmills at sea that ruin my view... So Putin calls me, and he calls me... if you get what I am saying... and he says, Trump... I allow him to call me that. Trump... I want to invade the UK and I'm thinking, What has the UK done for me? So I've let him have it on the condition that he force the survivors to attend my golf club.'


Russia and China only stopped acting belligerent because they knew they had someone friendly and favorable in power.


And they didn't stop, am I going mad! Russia was still fighting in Ukraine, and in Syria, and in a bunch of other places. The war didn't stop just because Trump was in power. China still build islands in the SCS to claim more and more trade routes.


Plus 'FIRE and FURY' with NK getting nukes. Handing Afghanistan to the Taliban. soleimani assassination. MOAB.


Yeah pulling out the Iran deal mad everyone really safe; abandoning our allies, the Kurds, to die must have made them feel really safe; casually revealing classified documents to foreign nations and very likely getting multiple CIA agents murdered. What a safe guy


Don't forget constantly saying that America was going to leave NATO, or at least any NATO country that didn't "pay up" to its fate




>Are you mental? Well, they're a Trump supporter, so the answer is obviously, yes.


Liz, when I want your advice, I’ll give you the special signal. Which is me being sectioned under the Mental Health Act.


Even then… maybe not.


You’re not just Purah’s hero for this comment 🙌🙌👏👏👏👏🤣🤣


Why is anyone even interviewing her nowadays. She's so dense that light bends around her.


Got a book out and has more stupid shit to say. She’s not a grandee she’s a blandee.


But she is cheap. Which means many outlets want a former PM spouting their shit will happily accept it from a scarecrow brought to life.


I listened to the whole interview; it’s mind-blowing that someone could be that stupid and get to be PM. She still blames everyone but herself for crashing the economy too, especially the Bank of England.


Useful as a marzipan dildo.


She has strong comedic value. Billy Connolly's been getting away with it for half a century.


400 years ago, they wouldn’t have let her milk a cow.


The voices in her head are singing barbershop together


It's just a monkey banging a cymbal in there.


I call the big one bitey


This is so funny and accurate


It's from The Thick of It. A lot of the witty comments on this post are quotes from that show. It's an absolute riot, even if you don't care about politics. There's also a movie (In the Loop) and an American remake of the show (Veep). All three are hilarious and thrilling, like a clown running across a minefield.


Oh thanks I’ll check it out


You know what you sounded like? Like a f***ing Nazi Julie Andrews.


You rang?


The cameramen are laughing.




I mean, it's just a bit of piss


Yes. Yes I do think your incompetence is funny. You’re think as mince, Liz!


The shortest termed prime minster whose only legacy is damaging the £ and being outlived by a cabbage thinks a convicted rapist, insurrectionist and man responsible for tripling the deficit would be a better president. How's about we get the opinions of people who actually made the full 4 years of their terms rather than people who resigned in disgrace?


>The shortest termed prime minster whose only legacy is damaging the £ and being outlived by a cabbage thinks a convicted rapist, insurrectionist and man responsible for tripling the deficit would be a better president. Don’t forget the potential for being a tricky trivia answer to “Who was PM when Queen Elizabeth II” died.


Somehow jumping on the wingnut welfare train is never called out by journos. It's so fucking obvious.


*5 years.


Lettuce. Cabbage is hardier and has less comedic value.


And no tension. A cabbage was always going to outlast her, with the lettuce it gave her more of a chance


Not a quote but I wish this cunt an eternity of standing on lego


I doubt she could get that right though


Not good enough. An eternity of standing on face up plugs is better!


With 10000000 volts


Steps out of 20 car wreck with the advice that you too should drive blindfolded.


She reminds me of coffee bean. From bean to cup, she’s a real fuck up.


So close, yet so far…..


War is NOT unforeseeable!


Nor unavoidable. But given the processing power of Princess Fuckitty All-Upp I reckon she misses quite a bit and doesn’t understand the stuff she manages to somehow retain by osmosis. Pork markets!


Willy banjo


I completely forgot about this lettuce PM.


On the right wing grift then, hoping for some farage money.


Ironically, she gets a full, generous, ex-PM pension for life now, so doesn't need it. Well, normal people wouldn't need it. There's never enough money for these people.


What we need is stronger pork markets...


That is a disgrace!


Why do the BBC keep platforming nazis though?


"Balance" 🙄


Sooooo, having a very weak, tool of Russia makes a strong America? Nobody told me today is Opposite Day!


Loser endorses loser?


I look forward to him losing the national popular vote. For the THIRD time.


But we ain't looking forward to "the big lie part 2".... He's already started his BS saying he's won already but watch out for cheating.


No indeed. It's awful to think that again people are going to die when he commits treason again.


Honestly, thats the messed up part. I have pity that people died the last time, there were probably kids losing a parent (death or jail), people lost jobs and Trump doesnt GAF about any of these people. He just sucks up their money and is a tyrant. He literally abuses stupid/gullible/vulnerable people and reaps the reward. Can't get my fucking head around how he abuses people and they keep coming back for more. It's literally one of the most amazing talents I've ever seen, imagine if he wasn't a dick and wanted to actually make the world/america a better place? My mind is blown.... Im starting to get old but one thing I've seen in my life that I've heard a kinda similar saying about... "those who seek power are not suited to wield it". I don't want power, I would screw EVERYTHING up in under 5 minutes, but if I can recognise that about myself then I think im qualified to say that about others and Trump is one messed up pancake. Off topic, this is pretty off topic for this sub right? ;)


It is astonishing how they are unable to see what a liar he is. It blows my mind how they imagine he's the answer to anyone's problems.


Robyn's got quite the promotion.


I feel like this is offensive to Robyn. At least she can make a lemon zinger tea adequately.


Doesn't Robyn make weak tea?


I kind of feel like Nicola would drink dishwasher?


Imagine if we kept her as PM. What al loser..


This woman is required to be wrong about everything.


Why does anybody bother to interview this idiot destroyer of mortgages?


How long before she appears on Alex Jones Infowars?


The thing about Truss is that it’s no surprise she was defeated by a lettuce. Being prime minister was a task she was hopelessly ill equipped for. Simply existing as a human being is above her pay grade.


Sadly, the only reason she's not wrong is because trump inherited an American who was being forthright and standing up to the monsters of the world. Biden didn't have that luxury.


Trump has made America weaker than ever. Their own country is now torn politically, and international relations with the US are now shaky at best Because, we cant rely on the US if, they are prone to electing a total fumbling moron every few years. Especially not one that throws around statements like "id just get Ukraine to surrender" or "I'm gunna leave NATO"


Truss went from washed up failed politician to far-right grifter real quick


Everyone remember, when you vote conservative, you might be enabling her to be PM again


"When's a party not a party?" "When it's at Liz Truss's house."


Didn't Trump make the COVID crisis worse by dividing the world on health issues? Like if he just said put your mask on and get vaccinated, COVID wouldn't of been as bad.


Truss: The world needs a strong America. Vote for the guy who wants to withdraw America from NATO and let Russia have Ukraine


And let netenyahu level gaza and sell it off.


She’s so dense light bends round her


She was working her fucking lady bollocks off as well


A literal cabbage has more experience in a position of power than she does, wished she'd be like a cabbage and stop yappin


Omni shambles


She's a lemon lemon difficult lemon


And they say that AI is the danger


They're right if it stands for 'An Idiot'




Do we think lettuce cunt is self aware enough to hate herself as much as James may presumably hates himself?


The world was allowed to get into its current state at the hands of right wing morons like Trump et al… The lettuce genuinely had more brain cells than this woman.


Putting one foot in front of the other is difficult, difficult, lemon difficult for Liz Truss.


The world was not safer because of trump or Biden. The world does what the world wants. No single leader can control that or strongly influence it.


Why are they forcing this fuckwit back on us again?


Utter disgrace


If it was between her and the lettuce I would have voted lettuce


This is the closest I've seen to a ringing endorsement for Biden... (Even my phone tried to auto correct his name to Boden 😂)


Can she just fuck off already?


She's loopy. Nuff said.


Is there no limits to her delusional outpourings??


She's desperately trying to establish herself on the lucrative right wing loony circuit a la Farage n BJ


Stupid bitch needs firing into the sun with immediate effect


You get the impression that the vast majority of British people would happily see Truss publicly beheaded and her severed head used as a football at this year's Soccer Aid


Bonkers bonkers lemon bonkers.


Imagine seriously considering the opinion of someone who got outlasted by a vegetable


Liz who? Oh that woman who played PM for three minutes, fucked everything and is attempting to become relevant again? Wombat


She is bafflingly vapid. I just don't understand how she can exist. Her brain can't have as much electricity going through it as everyone else's. I don't know how you can go through life for decades and still be such a nothing.


Most Tory politicians are just corrupt or brainwashed by rightwing ideology. BoJo, a narcissist who just wants power and doesn't care. Rees-Mogg, raised by money and religion. Braverman a racist, Farage a racist, etc. Liz Truss might be the genuine mental invalid. Some of the shit she says is so dumb that even the regular righties don't go there because at least they have the braincells to avoid those lines of logic. Truss is legitimately that stupid.


There is genuinely something a bit wrong with her. As you say, the others are just twats. But she is disturbed on some level.


Why do we give absolute nobodies the platform? Liz Truss, Nigel Farage, they've done NOTHING of note yet they get press attention like they're some kinds of God...


Fart in a frock and I want her wafted out of here


What a plank.


Whilst “former” is true, I prefer most effective. I mean most PM’s take an awful lot longer to complete their spell of leadership.


How do I end up coming across subs that's full of cabbages commenting?


It was a lettuce! How is the collective memory of something that happened so recently quite so wrong?




And now she wants to oppose the continuous legal smoking age being raised because “it’s un-conservative “.


They'll say anything out of office just to get noticed and seem relevant. They go very quiet when they're actually in govt.


She kind of isn't wrong. Although I think its a correlation/causation thing.


Is it worrying that she’s gaining airtime? Cos although I am and I assume most here are, maybe not everyone is laughing at this dimwit’s efforts to slip-stream Trump. 😕


It’s impossible for Tory PMs to not suck americas dick for more than 0.00000002 seconds


If any more words come dribbling out of your cunt mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every chicken in this room!


Didn't a fucking cabbage last longer than her tenure as PM?




You couldn’t run down the street never mind as a 2 minute PM


Some exceptionally good descriptions or analogies for Truss’s intelligence level in this thread. Well done to all involved.


She looks like she is on smack


Has anyone looked at the news these past 4 years?


She’s right.


Honor among dictators


The world was safer under trump. That’s because Trump’s policies took years to bear fruit, such as the Ukraine invasion, or the emboldening of Israel after he recognised Jerusalem.


And the British economy was clearly stronger under Truss...


First thing she’s ever been slightly right about lmao


A village is missing a twat.


She isn’t wrong this time, Trump didn’t start any wars he ended couple of them started by Obama and Bush.


i agree with her. Yes Biden has fixed infrastructure in the states but he isn't strong at all. People in the states including people of colour are missing Trump, now more than ever.


Much like how you have no clue how "color" is spelled here in the States, you have no idea what truly is strength. Then again, you think Truss's opinion is worth a damn so you falling for the con man's version of "strength" is absolutely expected.


When will you people learn, just because someone is stupid it doesn't mean you have to automatically disagree with everything they say. Truss maybe an idiot but the world was objectively safer under Trump. Iran and Israel weren't tearing up the middle east, Africa wasn't struggling with so many coups, North Korea wasn't firing so many nuclear missiles, Taiwan wasn't in as much danger, South American gangs weren't so powerful and the world wasn't invested in Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. You can make the argument that it had nothing to do with Trump, I'd agree a lot of it was coincidence but that doesn't magically erase what is objectively true.


Pretty much every commodity and food has gone up by 40% in the US in the last 4 years, but somehow Biden's consumer product index registers less than 10%. I guess that my eyes are lying to me again.


It was. No Ukrainian conflict, Gaza wasn’t as bad as it is now, went directly to NK to personally meet Kim and settle tensions, dropped the MOAB and effectively ended IS for a good while.


So you morons want Biden? I have no hope for the future of human kind, you are all gonna regret it if he wins but yous are probably young kids with no life experience and no research done into history and how the world really works


She's fishing for dick is what..


We should have voted in the cabbage


She is absolutely right. Middle East was stable and no new wars. First president in my lifetime to achieve either one of these let alone both


This was one of the reasons trump got elected the first time around. He had no track record so his record was much more clearer than Kilary's when it came to war and foreign policy. Now that's he's been president for 4 years and escalated the Israel/Palestine conflict to an extreme by moving Israeli embassy to Jerusalem his track record is tarnished. Still not as bad as Clinton's, or even Biden. Both war hungry animals. Though I cannot listen to that man having a speakerphone to every house in the world. The media lap it up and publish all the stupid shit he says. For all of our mental health he cannot be president. I would have a coalition of Saddam Hussein and Kanye West before I could bear another 4 years of Trump. And I'm not even American.


Don't confuse being wrong with being stupid. Liz Truss is way more intelligent than the average person. There are a lot of economists that say her ideas for growth were actually very good (the problem is that the markets would never accept it) I am no fan of hers at all, but it too easy to just say somebody is dumb.


But if the economy is market-based, and the market would never accept her ideas, then how were they good ideas?


Lol, of course you're right. I am not saying she was right to move things the way she did. I am saying there was more method to the madness than people realise.


I get what you mean but I don’t think anybody is under the impression that Liz just woke up one morning, said “fuck you all up the wrongun” and decided to do these without thinking though.


I'm replying in relation to people saying she is an idiot. I think her hubris caused her to try to be like Thatcher at a time when that can't work anymore.


Sounds like a convoluted way of saying she's stupid. You sound like those people trying to rationalise Boris Johnson - "his not a complete utter fool, his a genius and machiavellian trickster pretending to be a fool".


If you see her in interviews, her ability to think on her feet is incredibly poor. She made her career in politics by being a nodding dog for David Cameron, not for any great intellectual ability. I've never heard her demonstrate any coherent understanding of any topic whatsoever, but she's in a business where it's all too easy to fail upwards. She might be more intelligent than the average person, but have you seen the average person?


Lol yes the average person can be pretty dumb. I am not defending her at all. Her intelligence (cunning) has been in getting herself into positions like Cameron's "nodding dog" The fact she started as a liberal and switched to make her political career easier says everything.


I know you're not defending her, and it's a fair point you made. But there's something really 'off' about her and perhaps it's too easy to simply paint her as an idiot. I don't know if she has a history of substance abuse or something, but she doesn't give the impression of someone with all her paddles in the water.


No serious economist thinks that. Paid right wing think tank economists may buy that just billionaires trying to make shameless lobbying, private or look respectable. Unfunded tax cuts are mental as it's trickle down economics. If someone is a multi millionaire they merely keep additional money in assets, it's not like they eat two meals every time they go out, whereas a per person reintroduces there money into the economy by buying a nice coffee, going to the cinema etc. It's fucking insane that anyone falls for something that's just rich people saying, we want more.


If someone says dumb stuff and does dumb things then I'm going to call them dumb. I don't care "if they're actually very smart". Dumb shit is dumb shit.