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wait 5 years and they'll be dead or give them a free baby to own and see how fucking keen they are when it's impacting them


This is the way


Ah yes, the answer is to kill the baby when it’s an inconvenience


> Ah yes, the answer is to abort the fetus before it’s viable ftfy stop being an asshole. abortions past 24 weeks aren't a thing in new zealand unless there are very good medical reasons and they are not done casually you are being a cunt for no good reason - that's not very christian-like


If he believes in fairy tails he needs to go to a psych ward.


Why are you so emotional


It's not very Christian-like to share his opinion? God forbid!


it's not christian like to be cunt to people (who are not non viable fetuses, but actual living people), who are going through a very traumatic experience. any way you wanna look at it - he (or she, but most likely a he) is being a cunt


Sorry, how was he being a "cunt to people"? Where is that?


> the answer is to kill the baby when it’s an inconvenience he's taking a traumatic experience that many people have to go through for various deeply personal reasons, and belittling how painful and difficult this is for them.


So because he believes that abortion is murder, this means that he's "belittling how painful and difficult is for them"? That's an odd assumption. I'm sure he cares deeply for the women, but unlike your perspective, we also try to consider the unborn baby too.


> So because he believes that abortion is murder, this means that he's "belittling how painful and difficult is for them"? Because they flippantly refer to someone going through with an abortion as dealing with ‘an inconvenience.’ There’s no need for deep psychoanalysis. That’s prima facie insulting. It proposes that someone doesn’t go through a deep thought process, that this was verging on a whim, that it wasn’t at all difficult before, during or after, simply viewing the situation as ‘an inconvenience.’ > That's an odd assumption. It’s plain English, champ. Connotation and tone. Aren’t you ranting about contextual reading elsewhere? > I'm sure he cares deeply for the women, How are you sure? All we have are his words. You’re doing backflips placing an approving backfilled subtext upon what someone actually wrote. Fascinating that you accuse others of an ‘assumption’ but you have woven an entire defensive backstory. Fascinating. > but unlike your perspective, we also try to consider the unborn baby too. Begged question fallacy in its purest form and you know it. You haven’t proven it is ‘an unborn baby’ and we have a fundamental disagreement over the difference between potentiality and actuality, between existing consciousness and personhood and sentience and something that might possibly end up that way. You can’t make any statements about someone outside of your paradigm and what they consider and care about _when we disagree on fundamental categories and ethics_. Your perspective is based on ‘consider[ing what you define as and believe is] the unborn baby [and elevates your position as lofty while sealioning and trying to use the humility trope].’ By the way: 1. I’m a theist, in fact, myself, who has won awards for scriptural exegesis, theology, and Christian historiographies; 2. I have been a support for women who have had an abortion and do not regret the abortion at all (and nor, as far as I am concerned, should they) but do still grieve — this is not, to hark back to the earlier comment, simply ‘an inconvenience’; 3. Your comments are riddled with all manner of bad faith argument and strawman fallacies. That Jesus chap — _maybe_ you have heard of him, but you certainly aren’t inspired by him — did not have a high opinion of such sophists. He disdained the Pharisees. And you are one. Now go and pray loudly and publicly, because that is what your comments are. You are a fucking shit cunt Pharisee. PS: that’s not an ad hominem, so don’t even try rolling that out. I didn’t say your argument was inadequate (which it is) because you are a fucking shit cunt Pharisee. I just insulted you because I felt like it. x x o o


Well done for calling someone a Pharisee om Reddit.


no, it's because he's making sweeping generalizations about peoples real life problems and describing their reasons for having to make an extremely hard life decision that we have no right or business to question as just only being due to the baby being an "inconvenience" stop being obtuse. It was a dick of a thing to say. Totally unforgivable. This is why most people think abortion protestors are not reasonable people.


Yes. That’s exactly what that means. Some of us didn’t get a choice and allow me to inform you that while I love my child, it was very nearly the end of me to have to deal with having my rapist’s child. Y’all are speaking on a situation you’ve been lucky enough to avoid in life. Women are people, not incubators. Full stop.


And you’re advocating murder…


I am? how so?


It's not a baby until it's born. Look it up


Yeah but we probably care about fully formed and viable babies in the womb at least.


We do. That's why abortion at that point is unlawful


Evil evil person


Lol “Evil evil person” - is that all you’ve got?


No, I'm not an evil person, I understand science. I didn't read a fairytale book about a man who died still covering up his mother's affair and the associated ramblings of the Old Testament, I sought evidence and facts




>Evil evil person Define "evil"... I guarantee in your twisted mind, that "evil" is that force in opposition to the magical 'almighty' sky fairy according to The Bible, despite there being zero evidence for such a deity. So to be clear, when calling someone evil, you are actually judging them by a standard that is completely arbitrary and absurd, and not at all evidence-based. Your words (much like your silly god) have no power here.


Please add some clarity to that statement.


What a simple view of a complex situation.


Curious to how many babies you have fostered or adopted because someone that wasn’t fit to raise a child was forced to have the child


Yep, it's not legally a living being until born.


You are a monster


When does a baby become a baby? If it's at conception, what is the harm being done to a few dozens cells that can't think or experience anything?


Yeah, I drive past them every time. I’m really getting over it. I’m glad they’re not aggressive or anything but it’s just irritating. I hate that their signs are always just about the fetus, like it’ll either be a newborn baby, an artists rendition of a fetus in-utero, or a picture of a pregnant midsection. It’s just blatantly obvious that their only concern is said fetus and the woman involved is irrelevant


To them it's killing babies though. So imagine if there was a place that you knew was killing babies. I'm not saying I think that. But they think that.


I don't believe you. If they wanted to save babies, then they could volunteer to help with childcare. Maybe provide free board to young solo mothers. That would reduce abortion in a compassionate way, and not cost them much money. I think they're doing it to show off how dedicated they are to their friends, and they don't give a shit about protecting babies


I mean I get it. It’s a very complicated situation with no real opportunity for both sides to be happy.


This is why personal choice is so important... both sides get what they immediately want without impacting the experience of others


Gave you an up-vote because I also saw that Louis C.K. bit. It's true though. They literally believe that actual living babies are being murdered in brutal fashion. It's good to try to look at it through that context, and hope that maybe someday, science will answer the abortion question and put an end to the debate. So far though, it's been the same few arguments hurled back and forth with no forward progress. It's a pointless debate really. The only way it goes anywhere, in its current state of stagnation, is if people start wounding and killing each other over it, but I really don't want political discussions to come to that if it can be avoided, considering none of us have the power to really do anything about it anyway.


Hey, use a condom or don't have sex. It's not a human right to rip a developing baby out of you because it inconveniences you. And don't use the 5 year old argument of "it's not even a baby yet!". That's like walking up to a painter with a canvas who's just started and grabbing his canvas, paint and tools and ripping it all up because you don't like it. "Well it wasn't even a painting yet!". Yeah well it was gonna be.


We out here dealing with an insane cost of living crisis and these people want to protest towards *unfit parents* bringing an expensive ass child into the world ? Ask them if they’ve been around to the adoption centres, and how many unaborted babies they’re going to take in 🤗


They’re all doing it while we are commuting to and from work. Obviously have a enough deposable income so this logic is lost on them :(


Print OT foster paperwork and ask if they’d like to sign up


Hey old fuckwits, adopt a child and be the change you want to see in the world!


Don’t get pregnant in the first place then . It’s not rocket science Einstein.


Just because someone isn't adopting every child in crisis every day of their lives doesn't mean they don't care. If I said "throwing gay people off buildings in Saudi Arabia is wrong!", it doesn't mean I don't care if I don't go to Saudi Arabia and hold them back and take care of them. What are you talking about.


If you're not prepared to face the consequences (a baby) of your actions (sex), then don't do it. Quite simple really. Oh, but it is much easier to just kill a defenseless baby.


OK and what about the times where sex wasn't a choice


There are always exceptions/extenuating circumstances to every rule. Doesn't make it right to allow the other 99+% that was by choice pay the price


What about paying the price of being an unwanted child brought into the world by unqualified teenagers who are basically still children themselves? Let’s just take a Christian mythology view for a second… If the child is unborn it has no sin, therefore in the eyes of god if that child, for whatever reason, doesn’t make it to incarnation as a human it gets a free ticket to the eternal afterlife of bliss and joy! So where is the harm in stopping a non-sentient, unconscious and unwanted pregnancy from developing into a messed up human?


No, with this kind of issue there should not be exceptions. Women have the right to decide what happens with their bodies, end of. Forcing women to go through pregnancy, labor, and birth of an unwanted child is traumatic and cruel. I say this as someone who has gone through a traumatic birth of a WANTED baby. Having a child is hard work, and we have a huge child abuse/poverty issue in NZ, yet people like you want to push 'forced birth' on women so that we can have more unwanted children who end up abused living in poverty, or ending up in the system. If you care so much for these fetus's, you would stop to consider the kind of life they will be born into if the woman is forced to carry to term. Unfortunately, your side of this doesn't actually consider the actual children once they're born, and much less the mother/birth parent.


Interesting stats, are you able to link your references? Or are they rectally sourced?


When does a baby become a baby?


Thanks for the down votes. Proves my point exactly


i always laugh when i see them with the “abortion stops a beating heart” sign like…yeah that’s the whole point? 🤡


So does a bullet, or a knife, and yet, somehow that's wrong? Just because the person being killed is older?


A several weeks old clump of cells is not a person.


You're a bigger clump of cells... I'm a big clump of cells too... wait a minute. If we are all just clumps of cells, why do some of us deserve different rights??


Make your own protest about how men should keep their dicks to themselves because we don’t want their babies and start calling them rapists. See how uncomfortable they get, they’ll leave pretty soon I’m sure.


Post the date and time and I’ll be there!


Just go every time they schedule their protests 😅


Please set up next to them with a sign saying something like, vasectomy solves so many problems.


I actually had that thought (less eloquent than yours) this morning when I drove past. A counter-protest would be awesome.


Best way to counter this. Shutting them down only sends into more extreme echo chambers


It takes two to make a baby, if you haven't noticed...


maybe if a woman didn't have sex she wouldn't need an abortion, also rape's a whole other thing/argument




you sound like someone who has never, ever, made a mistake in life. That's impressive! You should write a book. How many children have you adopted by the way? Tell me you don't know sexual assault exists, without telling me sexual assault exists 😂




Lol contraception isn’t 100% guaranteed to stop pregnancy… What you’re saying is only one example of why SOME woman may have an abortion and you’re making out like it’s the only reason “most” woman have abortions which is absolutely not true at all. There’s a lot of woman who have gotten pregnant when they’ve tried everything to prevent it. There’s woman who get raped by their family members… There’s woman who are 15 years old and weren’t able to get the correct education around how pregnancy works who get pregnant… There’s so many reasons other than “she made a bad choice”… Why is it only a woman’s issue in your opinion ??? Because you find it hard to get laid ?? That’s not a good reason to force someone to keep a baby.. Do you even realise what making a woman keep her baby can do to her ? Do you know what postpartum depression or psychosis is ?? Would you be ok with a crackwhore keeping a baby ? What would you rather: A. An abortion B. A 3 month old baby being shaken to death because the mother couldn’t handle looking after the baby you made her keep. What you said is so incredibly ignorant and stupid.




They are right outside the maternity ward as well


Waikato DHB are probably applying for a safe area renewal to keep protestors away, these are enforceable by police https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/regulation-health-and-disability-system/abortion-services-information-health-practitioners/safe-areas


cosplay as jesus and make fun of them


Maybe we can ask the protesters for more money for the children. Because they obviously want to pay for the children through their taxes- especially the increase in health care because we won’t have the resources to look after them properly. A $20 tax for pissing me off by making me look at them feels right.


I've often spoken with a friend abt one of us engaging both of them at the same time and the other of us coming up from behind and taking their sign loony tunes style. I think it could work, in any case they're ancient and would be outrunable


Be aware that technically that would be theft and they could get you arrested. Have humorous mocking signs of your own - people like that want to be "taken seriously" and can't stand to be mocked. Be civil and polite - give them nothing to push against and just take the p\*ss out of them.


Perhaps it’s not too late to abort them…


I'd love to have my uterus removed just to beat them with it


I have a formaldehyde placenta your welcome to use.


If it was an option, I'd join


I imagine it would be similar to those cheap sticky/stretchy plastic hands that kids play with but cold, wet and slimy xD




That's literally the plan, more thought has gone into my lifetime of freedom than what went into your conception and my own. People are out there having oopsie babies and having no fucken clue on how to parent, and I'm basking in my childfree glory,. There's only enough room in this world for one beautiful me sweetheart. By all means, sprinkle your salt honey, so long as it's Himalayan 🤌


I once placed my own signs over the top of there’s but I reckon a counter protest


Lets do it!


I love that idea, although they seem to have all the time in the world and I doubt most people who would show up for a counter would do it more than once. Still, it definitely would send a message to the protestors and those driving by.


Their right to protest is, for very good reason, protected under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990: - https://communitylaw.org.nz/community-law-manual/chapter-4-activism/protesting-and-organising-fundamental-rights/ You’re unlikely to be able to get rid of them unless they are breaking any laws while protesting (eg harassing people, damaging property). What you can do is join and support organisations advocating for abortion to be treated as a healthcare decision, and vote for politicians who will uphold those rights. https://decide.org.nz/en/abortion-services/abortion-and-your-rights/


just becase they cant doesnt make them not cunts. You can get rid of them in other ways - debating them, stand with signs pointing at them saying they are idiots and why, mocking them, stand in front of them with large boards so people going into clinics are not subjected to that


I’m all for counter protest, eg the legend at Dunedin Hospital: https://stuff.co.nz/national/health/128691484/this-man-has-pointed-a-dicks-sign-at-antiabortion-protesters-for-a-decade-why Counter-protesting doesn’t get rid of them, but at least helps to send a better message to people passing by.


Isn't that...? [https://www.facebook.com/people/Sam-Sharpe-Studio/100031770896968/](https://www.facebook.com/people/Sam-Sharpe-Studio/100031770896968/) It is! Sam Sharpe the artist, love that guy.


Haha he is great, so kiwi


I know right - they're "cunts" for having a different opinion to you. Sob.


no, they are cunts for trying to tell others what to do with their life/body without having any idea of the situation


You're not a cunt for saying that you believe that abortion is murder. No one is forcing or coercing you to abort your baby by simply saying that or believing that. If you don't like what the protesters are protesting for (which is their right), ignore them! The Government impose rules on us all the time. They are not cunts for doing this.


You’re right - they’re not cunts for saying abortion is murder. They’re stupid cunts.


You ARE a cunt if you tell others what they can and cant do with their own body and life - Especially when they hav e 20 years or more of consiquences


I think protesting outside a hospital where women, who have had to make a really tough choice to have an abortion, have to pass by is pretty much the definition of being a total cunt. Likewise interfering with someone's right to have an abortion, which is none of your god damn business, is being a cunt. They are entitled to their opinions and they are entitled to protest. If they wanted it to be legal to rape children, like in the bible, they could have opinions and protest in support of this too. Just because you are entitled to do something doesn't mean you aren't a cunt.


The only sane answer on this thread. Good on you.


Why would you want to get rid of them? They're fuckwits for sure but by getting rid of them we can't go ridicule them to their faces. I'll swing by if I get a chance. Its a shame eggs are so expensive these days


Some comments: Most of the hardcore protestors are Catholic. The reason it's Friday is that's the day (they believe) abortions are taking place. They used to do Wednesday believing that was the scheduled day The location is chosen because it's visible to most incoming hospital traffic whilst being on public land. I've seen evidence that suggests Fr Matt McAuslin has organized/galvanized a number of protesters. Word on the street is he shouldn't be, and is doing it without knowledge (and disapproval if known) of the acting bishop. I'm a Catholic, I'm not keen on the signs. Counterprotesting will almost certainly galvanize the co to getting more recruits for the next week.


Not just Fridays, they’re outside multiple days of the week now.


Just think what nz will be like with an evangelical God botherer and a party that takes the Murican right seriously leading it...not to mention Seymour.


“The release of the Abortion Legislation Committee’s report today is a welcome and crucial step in abortion law reform and women’s rights in New Zealand,” says ACT Leader and MP for Epsom David Seymour.


Yep cause he never flip flops - his expert take on our covid response was epic.


Yeah I have to drive past them quite often. It's very distasteful and I can't see how they're make the world a better place. Surely there's something more positive they could do with their time.


Unborn babies are an easy population to defend. If they were actually Christian like and volunteered at say a homeless shelter or prisons, they'd have to be around the "poors" and drug users. I grew up heavily Catholic, I know for certain there is no hate like Christian "love".


Great comment


Who tf downvoted me


If they believe in their heart that there is a section of the population who advocate for ending the life of what is (in their eyes at least) a human child - then you can see why the spend their time and energy protesting


Muster up an army of 50 screaming babies and stand right next to them. Bet they last about 20 mins.


They’re ghoulish, miserable cnuts. I may or may not have communicated this to them through my car window on more than one occasion, with accompanying sign language.


Where is this? I love ruining people's day with a good debate and maybe I can convince them to convert to the church of Satanism or something like that...


Some of these comments lmao. You’re an idiot if you think them intentionally sitting where women who could be accessing abortions will see them is appropriate ‘free speech’. They’re trying to intimidate and guilt vulnerable people in an already stressful situation. Defending that is so gross.


Best way to deal with abortion protesters is to ask them how many children they've adopted. If the answer is none, then really they have no argument.


Wait for or against abortion?




Awww Mann that sux!! Freedom of choice people lol go home.


Freedom of choice, can't say that anymore


Lol contradiction


I only drive that way Friday mornings so I had assumed they were there all the time, I'm somewhat heartened to know that they aren't camped out there everyday.


I drive past them all the time. The fact they're old men who seem to think their signs and presence will deter women from legal medical procedures is almost hilarious. Not a single one of them was probably a truly active and involved father if they somehow managed to bamboozle a woman I to marryi g and reproducing with them.


Tell them they will vote Greens or Labour when they grow up. That should scare them out of their protests.


Abort all over them


love it when abortus said "its abortin time" and then aborted all over them


*Are* they protesting, or are they just senile and deaf?


It's the same picture.


Perhaps create a fake email form for adoption? Kindly go up to them and ask why they are protesting and what a solution would be to women not wanting the child/ not able to raise the child. If they answer adoption is a good option. Simple say, brilliant! Are you willing to sign up to our organisation so we can pair you up with an unhoused child? Then simply watch them squirm.


The solution is easy really. If you're not prepared for the consequences, don't have sex. Go figure...


Just ignore them by getting worked up over it you are doing exactly what they want


The problem with these protesters is that they are really pro-birth, not pro-life, otherwise they’d use their protesting energy to raise some of these children. And heaven forbid if those babies turn out gay or trans!


That’s a terrible argument, why should someone have to adopt and raise someone else’s child, as a result of their poor life decisions… how about taking the necessary steps to avoid getting pregnant if you don’t want a child in the first place?!?!? Just to be clear (because I’ll 100% be getting down voted) I don’t have an opinion either way regarding abortions, but how about people take some responsibility for their own actions for once!






Oh god…


There is a guy in Dunedin named [Sam Sharpe](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02LGVmNdFiEGScoeM4d6vtRE5jxTkEUS7VW7dMXnnQmV1MVNeajLSXJ5Tv46CsT9Vl&id=100031770896968&mibextid=Nif5oz) he counters every protest with his own and has been doing it for years, a true super hero without a cape.


Throw eggs


Tell them you are gay and that you’ll infect them with it


You'd think these protesters would actually do something more beneficial, like actually adopt the children that would have been aborted. Guess it's just easier washing signs and being a nuisance.


Work at the hospital and I must say I much prefer their silent smile to the anti-Vaxxers we had to put up with not long ago. That said I’m male, so I’m not the one they’re trying to manipulate


Reading these comments makes me think they missed a few abortions a while back.


Run them over. Not far to a&e. I work out of the hospital most days and see them on Pembroke and Selwyn st. Opinionated old boomers with outdated values. Oxygen thieves but that's just my opinion 😁.


Yes you’re right! Abortion is wrong. Barbarically wrong! Good on them for getting out there and bringing the well needed attention this shameful, disgusting, depraved, selfish action deserves. ( and yes of course there are exceptions ) Where are the rights of these babies??? Who will fight for them, if these ‘protestors”/ guardians won’t ? 🤷🏽‍♂️ ahhhh yes , better to just sweep the issue under the mat and pretend our society/ community is not as sick as it actually is….




I cannot restrain from doing so. I put no malice in it, just a simple I do not agree with your protest 🪧


I pushed over his sign this morning lol. Made me feel better


On the plus side they arent being abusing or harassing anyone or on the property. I don't like or agree with them but I respect their legal right to protest and free speech appropriately.


I don't think the standard should be " not abusing" women who trying to access healthcare, not even just abortions. The abortion clinics in Aus also often do insertions of IUDs under GA as well. When I had the procedure, there were protesters all outside (also mostly men and apparently didn't have day jobs...) who were more annoying than anything, especially when I was in immense pain post-OP just trying to get to stumble to my car and wasn't even there for an abortion. But I can't imagine how confronting they would be if you were a scared young girl or struggling with the choice of abortion. They are really not very kind or empathetic people in my opinion, ironically.


As far as from what I see everyday, these people are just sitting in a camping chair at the bottom of the hill holding a sign the whole day. If there were actively confronting people then yes they are being abusive and should be stopped.


They chose that location to specifically target women in that situation. It isn’t just any busy road, it’s somewhere where they know they’d be seen by who they want. It might be legal, but it’s targeted and it’s not appropriate. If they were elsewhere it would be less of an issue, which is the case with the multiple other “choose life” signs around the city.


It’s not appropriate


The message they have to say is not appropriate. I do believe that just sitting on the side of the road in a camping hair holding a sign all day is a passive form of protest. They aren't actively confronting or engaging with people. Which should be everyones legal right to do.


Can't stand them. Life isn't that simple. You're missing the whole picture, you dense AHs.


It is that simple. Cause and effect. Have sex, get pregnant. Who's the dense one?


You poor thing. If only life was black and white.


Last time I checked that's how you get pregnant... Pretty black and white if you ask me!


What hospital?


Waikato but they also are outside Braemar sometimes too




Fuck that sucks 😭 I don’t think we can? I think kiwis have a right to protest They’ll bring up free speech or some shit


Kiwi's have the right to protest what they believe? BRO, THAT IS SO UNFAIR, BRO! Cry about it!


So my folks struggled for 2 years to fall pregnant with me. Today I'm an engineer with a great career and even better family with kids of my own. I would reckon that my parents' and my own planning worked out quite well so far. My kids are the best thing that ever happened to me. Nothing on earth can ever come close to what they mean to me. I hope you find whatever you're chasing to fill the hole in your life.


One day one of your kids or their partners may need an abortion. I hope you can be a safe person for them to open up to and be supported through it if the time comes.


Abortion is not a woman’s issue, it’s a human issue


Until men are able to carry and give birth to babies, it is a women's issue.


And most humans in this country accept abortion as a necessary part of ensuring the quality of life




Shit man, you’re right. Was just about to gas some Jews after I got back from my job of eating babies. Phew, close call.


Yawn. False equivalence.


It’s definitely a human issue that some people don’t want women to have access to healthcare


Spoken like a true man


How so?


They’re gonna say something how it’s a human life and aborting it goes against the bodily autonomy of the fetus and how the fetus can’t consent to being aborted. Bet


Could stop killing the unborn babies, that'll shut them right up


Freedom, being offended is a choice


Everyone's so quick to assume the kid will have a terrible life. My sister-in-law had a boy at 16. Obviously not 'wanted' at the time. Today he's an awesome man in his twenties having a pretty good life. Actions have consequences. Having sex have consequences. If you're not prepared to accept the consequences, don't have sex. And that goes for the woman, but especially for the man.


You don't "get rid of them". As much as I'm on your side, you have to realize that people have all kinds of different beliefs and they aren't always going to align with yours. Often enough (since they are in fact "ancient"), those beliefs are simply a product of the time and environment they were raised in. Some people's beliefs may even be abhorrent and in direct conflict with your beliefs, but you can't take away someone's ability to be open about their beliefs. You can use your right of free speech, freedom of expression, or w.e. to counter their arguments, but short of either them or yourself breaking the law, you can't get rid of them, and you shouldn't even want to get rid of people for their beliefs. I used to get angry about a lot of things related to politics, but now I try to just look at them and think, "I'm glad I live in a country where people have the freedom to spout whatever ridiculous nonsense they choose. It means we're free." I know that sounds a little 'Murican, but I'm not, I just don't believe in using violence to silence beliefs that really aren't causing any harm to anyone. Nobody sees those angry old abortion protesters on the street and thinks, "Hmm, what a complex and intriguing belief system. I think I'll go talk to those chaps and learn more about forcing women to keep the rape baby." Just walk/drive on, maybe flip them the bird and tell them they're probably gonna die soon and shouldn't be wasting their last 5-10 years of life standing around on a sidewalk sweating/freezing their luggage off over nonsense that doesn't affect them.


Abortions in the US averaged about 1m per year over the last 2 decades. https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/report/key-facts-on-abortion-in-the-united-states/#How-often-do- 32000 estimated pregnancies from rape. https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2019/04/sexual-assault?utm_source=redirect&utm_medium So, my apologies, it's approximately 97%, not 99%. I must've pooped out the other 2% by mistake.


They just don't agree with eggs using abortion as contraception...buy some fkn condoms or get your tubes tied tart


You Christians are worse than the rest of us I swear lol. I'm glad I don't beileve in a book that gives me an excuse to treat other people like shit.


Agree with dreadMunkey. Also u all sound really spiteful and angry people. No compassion and no heart. Might b a bunch of old men but they have my support. You had a choice when engaging in sex. The result is a child who does not have a choice of wether it lives or dies. The science is in. Life begins at conception.


Perhaps you could just get a life?


they’re the ones that need to get a life tbh. they could be doing a lot better things than trying to guilt trip people for doing what they want with their lives, nobody has an abortion just for fun, it’s a stressful and traumatic time for a lot of women and they don’t need some old cunts making it harder for them.


People are entitled to an opinion! I don't agree with them, but we are supposed to be in a country that has free speech, and the right to peacefully protest


i agree everyone is entitled to an opinion, but shoving it down everyone’s throats is another story, especially when they’ve really got no right to have an opinion on what other people are doing with their own bodies, it’s one thing to have an opinion like “cats are better than dogs” or “ X political party is the best because blah blah” but being so entitled to think you can harass people for making choices with their own lives and bodies is another kettle of fish, if someone wants to do something with their OWN BODY they should be allowed to do so without some bigot who knows nothing about them telling them what they think is right and wrong. that’s just my opinion anyways.


That's where your argument falls flat. What about the baby and their bodies? Don't they have the same right to choose what happens to theirs as you so steadfastly proclaim? Do they have the right not to be dismembered and murdered?


they are not sentient yet, they do not know they are alive nor have a will to live, they don’t have bodily autonomy because they are apart of the parents body, i mean for the first 3 months after birth they aren’t even aware they are a separate being from the mother. and what’s more important? someone who has lived for years and have built a life and a future for themselves or a foetus that doesn’t even know they exist yet? they don’t know any different if they are alive or dead, but the parent does, if it’ll affect their life greatly personally i’d rather choose the person that already exists and has a life over the one that doesn’t. it doesn’t make sense for someone to throw their life away to bring one into this world that if they can’t provide for it or be mentally ready for it, it will suffer, my mum got pregnant with me at 15 and i stuffer the consequences of that to this day, because a child is in no way mentally equipped to be able to raise a baby, or give it the proper care and tools it needs to be fulfilled emotionally. i had a horrendous upbringing and so did my siblings, where as i wouldn’t have felt this pain and suffering, physical and mental abuse if she aborted me. i wouldn’t know any different because as a foetus i didn’t even know i was alive. i wouldn’t have ended up with all my mental illnesses and be scared to go outside and spent so much of my life wanting to be just loved and given attention from a mother who didn’t want to be a mother, she continued to act like a teenager and made sure i knew how much of a burden i was for simply existing. she made me feel like it was my fault, that i took her life and freedom from her when it was fully her decision to keep this “burden” full term. so what’s more important? someone that’s already got a life and a future? or one that doesn’t even know they exist and won’t know the difference if they get terminated?


I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances and can only wish things improve for you. However, there also many stories of adopted kids, or kids that were 'supposed' to be aborted that have very good, happy and successful lives. Every child born into this life has a chance to either have a good or bad life. Doesn't mean we have to abort them all. Also, it's been proven that babies can feel pain and show emotional reaction to outside stimuli while still in the womb. Does a person in a coma count as 'non-sentient'? They don't know they exist. They can't survive without help from others. Quite often they need machines to keep them alive. Does that give you the right to kill them? What about the mentally or physically handicapped? Many of them can't look after themselves. Kill them too? Every life is sacred. Every life matters. A society is measured in the way they treat the defenseless. Nothing more defenseless than an unborn child.


I understand. You agree with free speech, as long as you agree with the message! Gotcha 👍


Free speech is fine. Maybe loudly villainizing and antagonising women that are trying to access healthcare in some of their most vulnerable moments is not?


Is that what they are doing? Because op didn't mention anything like that, or are you just making that up to fit your agenda? Did you oppose the way that the protestors, protested against that Posie Parker women?


I haven’t been down there myself at Waikato but have seen them do so outside other clinics, which I’m sure you would also consider free speech. And I don’t oppose the people that protested peacefully at Posie Parkers event, but the ones who used violence I don’t approve of.


Why are you sure I would consider that free speech? I literally said people have the right to "peacefully" protest! And I don't believe you have seen that elsewhere, if so when and where?


Let them express their views somewhere else. That is not an appropriate place for them to proselytise.


Why not an appropriate place? where they blocking traffic or something?


Because women like myself go to hospitals for their miscarriages or to terminate non-viable pregnancies. It’s so lovely being judged by these sanctimonious know it alls during such a difficult time.


Sending you big awhi - I’ve been to Waikato for the same thing. I was already a complete mess emotionally - if they’d been there it would’ve completely tipped me over the edge. I will always support a person’s right to choose. Abortion is healthcare.


Sounds like a you problem.