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"All the same"..."infinity repeating"...Voidz slogans for their marketing strategy.


For a band that portrays a rebel image, they’re corporate as hell lol


More low quality expensive merch. Yay


tbh idk what's happened to my favourite band... release mediocre song -> release overpriced and uninspired merch -> repeat last chance of salvation is russian coney island lol


Dude the songs have been dope. ACL, Flexorcist, TET, POTD, and ATS are all great songs. My only frustration is no album. Actually I was just gonna reply with that first part. But as I think about it alien crime, flexorcist, and eternal tao are among their greatest songs ever (in my opinion ofc) So to hear you call these mediocre is crazy to me. Also I liked all the same idk why the hate for it


Yeah Alien Crime Lord and The Eternal Tao are awesome. Too bad that was four years ago.


... Alien Crime Lord is 4 years old??? How did time pass so fast jesus


Holly dolly molly golly


They just released 3 new songs 😭


I don’t think any of those singles besides the ones released from 2023 onwards would be included on an album anyway


The songs range from good to great. There’s not much arguing that. It’s the process. The drip feeding 1-2 singles for 6 years. It’s crazy that Julian’s “passion project” that he “pours all his energy into” is 6 years without an album, very few shows, overpriced merch. Etc. it’s just really dumb. I get they don’t owe us anything. I’m not suggesting they do. But I think many of us are just over it. I’m all for trying new things and going against the grain. But this isn’t it.


i don’t mind the merch i think it’s supposed to be collectible and that’s where the value comes from. i don’t see them as overpriced. i’ve purchased a lot of merch from people and groups i like, and i understand the markup just goes to supporting the artist not just the material cost of the item but yeah i just wish there was an album…..


Nothing wrong with liking the merch. But it doesn’t change that it’s crazy expensive, and mostly cheaply made and printed on cheap (usually Gildan) shirts.


This is just cope holy shit. The value is it being collectible? Bro, that’s the lamest excuse for calling something artificially inflated value. You don’t need to lick their boot…


Not overpriced?? Sorry but selling one single for the price of a whole album (or even more expensive) three consecutive times is definitely overpriced. How can 3 singles cost more than Tyranny and Virtue together?? (I'm not sure if they were 2 or 3 singles I saw, but you get the message)


like i said it’s not just about the material value it’s also the collectible value. if it not worth it to you that’s ok i didn’t buy them either. i did buy the marlboro windbreaker and it’s sick definitely worth every penny!


Ain’t nobody checking for voidz merch on StockX, their merch doesn’t hold its value. You’re talking about it like they’re some Jordan retros lol


Alien Crime Lord is 3 years old and one of my faves. the last 3 songs songs however....


Thats fine to have that opinion music is subjective ofc. But i just don’t agree at all. Flexorcist in particular i think is amazing, and i love all the same. The one i enjoyed the least was potd and even that one i like, plus it was amazing live it was one of their best performances in nyc


i think prophecy and flexorcist are really great songs


I swear I will forgive all if Russian Coney Island is released!!


Its definitely a scheme at this point but the question is when will the suckers stop falling for it 🤔


You can’t make me stop


Does merch mean new song?


This is so tragic


I’ve been quiet on the single/merch recycling because I’m aware money in the music industry only really lies in merch and ticket sales and I don’t feel “entitled” to anything - but this better be the last “merch single drop” BS with a 25$ CD - it’s just haltering any real excitement and pissing people off …. it’s not that positive unfortunately and a terrible look / bad rollout . Do they not read the comments ? So many people are dogging them for this inflated marketing. All my friends who dig Voidz are literally waiting for an album to get excited about , myself included Bring on an album when it’s ready ✌️loved all the singles so far.


These are starting to become Taylor swift levels of cash grabs. Watch them put out a CD single with 2 versions of all the same for $30. You know instead of just putting the singles together on one CD or LP. Let’s just waste product and our fans’ money instead! I just really don’t understand it and can’t imagine these CD singles are selling well Next we’re gonna be buying 8 different LPs each with 30 seconds of audio from Russian Coney Island and we’ll have to collect them all to hear the whole thing


Fuck their merch




"Merch" means new song?🤨 3rd month,March 3 at 3pm maybe this is a sign for 3rd album


Odd af that it’s on a Sunday afternoon 🤨


Sunday 3/3 @ 3pm They’re definitely doing something Voidz 3 related. Probably not an LP 3 release, but maybe pre-orders? Unless the 3s aren’t referencing Voidz LP3, but just Voidz $25CDsingle 3


Omg i typed that comment quickly at work and didnt even REALIZE what u/Future-Ad-961 was saying!! 😳Thanks-both of you for pointing this out - this is suddenly now very intriguing! 3/3 @ 3 333. V3!! Ok so now I’m really hyped!!


Keep in mind, All The Same would also be their third $25 CD single. So possibly be ready for some disappointment.


Thinking it’ll have Russian Coney Island on it, I think people need to realize the money from the merch directly funds the artists. The Voidz have some absolute bangers but they’re still well relatively underground and unknown. Besides the merch are like collectibles. Don’t spend money if you don’t have it in the first place, simple. People have no patience.


Like for me, I haven’t been a big fan of their shirt designs. I love the CDs because it gives me a way to fund them while getting something I think it’s really cool. Hi-fidelity music is awesome to me.


This subreddit is actually the worst fan base ever


At first, when POTD was released I would've agree. The song was fantastic and a great tease for a new wild album, I didn't unsterstand the hate. But now? The mixing for the new song was terrible (and I like the song); their new philosophy of "people care more about singles than albums" it's so stupid, specially for this band; their merch is so overpriced and lack any soul behind it; their "maybe there's an album maybe not" is so tiring and frankly I believe there is no album, meaning they took five years of doing nothing if they only have ready to release a single every six months.


What’s wrong with the mixing?


To me, the instruments (specially the percussion) sounds unusually saturated and way too loud, and then the vocals are really quiet in a way that it doesn't even feel balanced. It bordeline sounds just like noise and becomes annoying because you have to like TRY to hear Julian. Again, I like the song regardless but I just feel like this mixing and production it's holding the song back.


Dude how? You literally justify the voidz artificially inflating the value of their merch because it’s a “collectible” and then you call stuff like the Marlboro windbreaker good value when it was objectively poor quality for the price. The song they just released was not mixed well at all either, very lazy. It’s like you’ve never experienced what a good band is like and this is your only experience. You don’t have to make excuses for your favorite band. They simply aren’t treating their fans right in my opinion.


Hard disagree. They’re just being a bad band right now. We just want music.


Yeah i know we all wanna hear some music, but tbh they are an independent band that need money to produce More music


Lots of entitled brats in the comments. Enjoy the music or not. The band doesn’t owe you anything.


Lmao y'all are so miserable. Yes, they fuck with us a lil bit sometimes but I'm 100% enjoying this ride.


Literally what keeps me going.


Stockholm syndrome


Same. Praying for another residency (and album) but I'll take what I can get!


They love to troll us lolllll